<br /> ��131�1��
<br /> .
<br /> In the e��nt of a to�al taking, destruction, or�oss in�a1ue of the Property,the M�sc�llaneous Proceeds shail be
<br /> app�ied to the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument, vvhether ar not�hen due, with the exces�, if any, paid ta
<br /> Barrower.
<br /> �n the��ent af a partial talc�ng, destruction, or 1�ss in value af the Property in which the fair market�a�ue of
<br /> th�Prapert�imm�diatei�befare�he par�ial taking,destructian, ar loss in value is equa�to or greater than the amnunt
<br /> of the sums secured b�this Security Instrument immedia�el�befvre the partia�taking, destructivn, or loss in value,
<br /> unless Barrv�er and Lender❑therv�ise agre�in writ�ng,the sums secured by this S�curit��nstrumenf shall be reduced
<br /> by the amount❑f the Misce�Ian�ous Proceeds multiplied b�the faiivvv�ng fraction: �a} the tatai amount of the sums
<br /> secured immedia�ely before the par�ial�aking, destruct��n, �r loss in�a�ue d��ided by(b}�he fair market�value vf the
<br /> Pr�pert�immediate�y befnrQ the par�ial taking, destruction, ar loss xn value. Any�a�ance sha�l be paid tn Borro�rer.
<br /> In the e�ent of a partial taking, destructian, or�oss�n�aiue of the Property in which the fair market vaiue of
<br /> th�Property immedxately before the partial taking, destructian, ar lnss in va�u��s�ess than the amvunt of the�ums
<br /> secured irnmediately�efare the partial taking, destruc�xon, ar Ioss in�alue, unless Borrv�er and LendQr vtherv�ise
<br /> agree in�rri�ing, th�M�sce��aneous Praceeds shaX�be appi�ed ta th�sums secur�d by th�s Security�nstrument vvhether
<br /> ar not the sums ar�then due.
<br /> Zf the Property�s abandvned by Borrovver,or if,after notice by Lender tn Borro�rver that the�ppasing Party�as
<br /> def�ned in th� next sentence} offers�o make an av�ard to sett�e a ciaim for damages, Borra�er fails to respand to
<br /> Lender vvithin 30 days after the date the nn�ice is g�ven, Lender is au�horized to col�ect and apply the M�scellaneous
<br /> Prvice�ds eith�r�o restoration ar repair af the Propert�r❑r to the sums secured b��hxs Security Ynstrument, vvhether
<br /> or nat�hen due. "�pposing Party" means the third par�that a�ves Sarr�vver Miscelianeous Proceeds❑r the par�
<br /> aga�nst vWhvm B�rrower has a right�f act�vn�n regard to Miscellaneous Prnceeds.
<br /> Borro�er shali be in default if an�activn�r proceeding, whether c�vi1 or cr�minal, is b�gun tha�, in Lender's
<br /> judgmen�, could resuit in forfeiture of the Propert�ar other ma�eria�impairment of Lender's interes�in the Praper�y
<br /> or rxgh�s under�his Security Ynstrument. Barrovv�r can cure such a default and,if acceleratian has occurred,rernstate
<br /> as prn�ided in Section �9, by causing the actian vr proceeding to be dismissed vvith a rulxng that, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, precludes forfex�ure ❑f�he Property or n�her material impairmen�af Lender's in�er�st in the Prvperty or
<br /> rights under th�s Security�nstrumen�. The proceeds nf any av�rard or c�a�m fvr damages that are attributable�v th�
<br /> impairment of Lender'��nterest in the Praperty are hereb�r assigned and shall be paid t❑ Lender.
<br /> All Miscellaneous Proceeds that are nvt applied t❑r�storativn or repair❑f�he Prvpert�sha1l be applied in th�
<br /> order pravided fvr in Sectivn 2.
<br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Farbearance By Lender Not a'ULlai�er, Ex�ens�on vf the t�me fvr pa�rment or
<br /> modificatian of amortizat�on af the sums secured by thxs 5ecuri�Ynstrument granted by Lender to Bvrro�er ar any
<br /> 5uccessor in�nt�rest vf Bvrrovver shali not operate to release the Iiabilit�r of Borro�er or any 5uccessnrs in Interes�
<br /> of Barrav�er. Lender sha1l not be required to cvmmenc�praceedings against any Successor in Inferest vf Borro�er
<br /> or to refuse ta extend t�m� fvr pa�ment or otherv�ise mvdify amartization of the sums secured by thxs 5ecuri�y
<br /> Znstrumen�by reason af any demand made b�the arigina�Borro�ver or an�Successors Xn In��r�st of Borro►�er. Any
<br /> forbearance b� Lender in exercising any right ar remed� including, vvrthout limxtatrvn, Lend�r's acceptance vf
<br /> paymen�s from third persons,enti�ies vr Successors in�nt�rest of Bnrrvvver or in amounts l�ss than the amount then
<br /> du�, shall not be a v�ai�er of or precXude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 13. Joint and Se�era�L�abili�; Ca-signers;Successors and Assigns Baund. Bvrra�er co�enants and agr�es
<br /> that Barravver's obligativns and iiabilit�sha�l be jn�n�and se�veral. However,an�Bvrrn�ver who co-signs this Security
<br /> �nstrument but does not�xecute the Note�a"co-signer"}: (a}is co-s�gning�his 5ecuri�y�nstrument❑n1y to martgage,
<br /> grant and conv�y the co-signer's interest in the Property under the �erms of this 5ecurity �ns�rument; �b} is not
<br /> pers�nai�y ob�xgated to pay the sums secured b�this 5ecurity Ins�rument; and �c} agr��s�hat Lender and any a�her
<br /> Bvrrovver can agree to ex�end,modif�,forb�ar or make an�accommadations vvith regard�o the terms of this Securxty
<br /> Instrument or the Note wxthout the ca-signer's consent.
<br /> Subject fa the provisians af 5�ctivn 18, any Successor in In�erQst of Borro�er vvho assumes Borro�er's
<br /> obligat�ans under this Security Instrument in v�r�t�ng,and is appro�ed by Lender,shalX obtain a11 of Borrovver's rights
<br /> and benefits under this Securit�Instrument. Borrower shall not be re�eased fr�m B�rra�er's obligations and liabiii��
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Fami[y--FannEe MaelFreddie Mac UNiFDRM INSTRUMENT-MERS aa��g�� o
<br /> Form 3��8 �1�� Page 9 0�'[5 www_dacmagic.com
<br /> Nc3028.mzd.xmi
<br />