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<br /> � ' .
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<br /> 13. L�NDEA'6 RI01lT TO COAAMENCH OR DEFEND LEfiAL AC710N8. Qtentor shall Immediatelyprovide Lender wlih written notice of any ectual or � --
<br /> � thromMed eabn,�ult,a oth�r procwdinp s(fecting ths Propsrty. Oranta hsreby epEwlnte Lender aa Its attomey-In•fact to wmmenco,Intervene In,and ��
<br /> ,deisnd luch ectlon�,tuitl,or oth�r Ipel prorssdna�and to compromiss or tettk nny clalm or conirovereypertelning thereto. Lender shall not bo Ilable to �;.
<br /> Orentor lor eny�ctlon,Mor,mlataka,omiaslon a delay pertalnlrq to the acllona deacrlbed In ihle paragraph or eny damages resulling iherefrom. Nothing
<br /> comelnod hx�ln wlll pnv�m L�nd�r hom teWnp the ectlone described In thlr perapreph In Its own narre. f='
<br /> 14. INOEI�M�IFICATION. L�ndv�hall not e�sums a be reaponpble for ihe performenoe of eny of�rantor'c obligatlans with respact to the Properry under
<br /> eny Grcuma�nc�1. Qrantor�hall Imr»dlat�ly provlde Lendor wflh written notice of end Indemr�fly and hdd Lender and Its shareholders,directors,offlcers,
<br /> em�{oyNS Nd +�r►1�harrin�from elf delrtr,demegea,Ilabllitlea(Indudlnp attomeye'fees end legal expensos),cawes of ection,actions,sults and
<br /> ' oth�r Ipd proe«dinp�(eurrul�tivNy'Cldnx')p�rtdning to the Property(Indudinp,bul not Ilmited to,ihoce Involving Hazardous Mate�lals). Qrentor,upon�
<br /> Ih�nqwst ol Lwndn,thdl hln I�pd oounsN to dd�nd Lsndsr(rom tuch Cielme,nnd pay the attomeye'feea,Iegel expenses end other coats Incurred In �
<br /> connactlon Ih�r�with. In Ih�elt�►netlw, Lander theil be entltled to e oy ita own le counsel to defend such ClalrrM at Qrantor's cost. (irantors
<br /> oblipetlon to uKMrmify Lexf�r und�r Ihl�parapreph�hall survive�he lerrr�natlon,release orl(orocloeure ot Ihis Dead of TiusL � P -
<br /> .,�»-�'� 16. TAXEa AN D A68E6SMENYS. aranta�hall pay all taxes end essesamanta relating to Proporry when due and Irm�ediately provide Lender evidence �
<br /> ' ..��sM ot psyrt�nt ol sun. Upon 1h�r��t ol L�nder,Cirantor shell deposlt with Lender each month one•twelRh(1/12)ot the estlmated annual Insurence r
<br /> prarium, tazn �nd�tN��rtNnU pM�lnlnp to th�Propsrty. So long es tharo le no detauR,theas amounte shail be applled to the payment of taxea,
<br /> etHtunent�end Inwnnc�a�r�qulnd on ttu Prop�rty. In the event of default,Lender shall have the right,et fts aole option,to epply the funds so hold to �
<br /> , pay sny tax��or pdmt ih�Oblip�tiom. Any Nnd�epplled mey,at Lander's opibn,be appliod In reverse order of the due date therAO(.
<br /> 10, t!lSAECTiON OF PROPERTY,BOOKB,FiECOR08 AND REPGRTS. �rentor shell allow Lender or fts aponts to oxnmino and Inspect the Property �
<br /> �� end�xaMM,In�ct uid rr�copb�of Orontor'�b�wln and ncords penaining to ihe Proparty from tima to time. �rantor shell provide any assietenco
<br /> rpulnd by UneMr fa Ih�N purpoq�. All ol tltr tl4natur�s end Infomietlon contelned In Qrantor's bookn and records shall be ganulna,true,aecurate and
<br /> • oorrpi�u In�N r��p�cu. Or�nta�htll rwu�h��xfit�na of L�ndsr'�b�neflclal Interest in Rs booke and racwds pertelning to the P►operty. Additlonally,
<br /> Qrantor�heN nport,In�lorm�atid�ctory to L�nda,�uch Intom�ation as lsnder rrmrey requust regarding Orentor'e flnandal condiilon or ihe Propeny. rne
<br /> Iniomietbn ehall b�for wd�p�riod�,�hall nINclOrentor�noad�at such tirt�e,and ahall 6e randered wilh such hequency es Lender may deslgnate. Ap
<br /> � ;. Infortrollon Nmish�d by Orenta to L�ncMr shall b�tru�,accurAU and compiste In ell respects,and algned by Cirantor If Lender requests.
<br /> ��
<br /> { 17. EBTOPPEL CER7IFICATEB. Withln im(10)d�ys ahsr eny requ�a by Lender,Qrantor shall deliver to Lender,or any Intendad transferee of Lender's
<br /> riphts wilh ro�pect to th�dbllpatiom,s slqi»d e�xl ack�x�wleclpxi eiaterrom apecltying(ey the autetantAng balence on tho Obllgatlons;and(b)vrhothor ----
<br /> Qrenta poswss��any delrrr,d�}enws,s�t•ofla or counterdairrr with retpect to the Obligetlons and,if ao,tho nature of such c ilm defense: set-oHs o �
<br /> �, oourrterdalrn. Gnnta wlll b�oondu�hnly bound by eny npnHntatlon that Lender rrey make to the irnended trensferee with respoct to these�natters In �
<br /> • ths evsnt thet Grantor Iails to provld�the nqwat�d itatrrrrnt In a tirtrly menner.
<br /> +� 1!. DEFAULT. Qrenta thdl b�In d�}�ull und�r thl�QMd of Trust and the Truetae's powsr shell becorre operative In the event that Orarnor,Borrower or
<br /> eny guarenta of ths Obllgatlonc
<br /> (a) fe{I�b pey any Oblipstlon lo L�nd�r wh�n ckw;
<br /> �. (b) fall�to peform eny Obllystlon or br�ed��eny wertenty u covsnent to Lender oontelned in this Deed of Truat or any other preserrt or future
<br /> agrwm�nt;
<br /> (o) doauoys,low�or darroy��ih�Propany in any meurlal n�p�ct w.subjects the Properry to selzure,conflacatlon,or condermatlon;
<br /> (d) sselu to rwok�,Uminat�a othNwlw Ilmll R�IlabNity uid�r any yuaratlty to Lender;
<br /> (s) die�,b�carws I�pelly Incortqtont,I�diswlwd or t�rrMnat�d,b�cortbs inaolvent,mekea en aaalgnrr�nt tor the beneflt of creditors,falls to pay
<br /> dsbts as they b�carns due,HN�s p�tfllon und�r th�bdsrel benfwptcy law�,haa en Irnduntary petitlon in benlwptcy flled In whlch Qramor,Barrower
<br /> a en�guerantor la narnd,or her prop�rty t�k�n undn eny wrk a proosss of coun;
<br /> (ry a(ax�good�to b�uNd,tnn�{wA�d a sta�d on th�prop�rty,ths posss�nlon,transportatlon,or ues of which,I�Illegal;
<br /> (g) allaw�any parry oth�r ihan Qranta a Borrow�►to sssurtn or undKtaks any Obligetlon withoul the written conssnt of Lender,or
<br /> (h) cauNS LNtd�r to dNm fl�Nf Ins�cun du�to�dpnlAcant d�dln�In tha value ot the Propeny;or It Lender,In pood(aith,for eny reason,belleves
<br /> that th�prosp�t ol payrtrnt a p�Aomw�Is Inqlr�d.
<br /> 1Y. RIIiHT�0�LENDER QN DEFAULT. if th�n b e d�hult und�r thl�DNd of Trua,Lender ahall bo entftied to exerdse one or more of the loliowing =._
<br /> remsdief wNhout ratla a donbnd(�xapl u r�Gulnd by law):
<br /> . � (a)to deJan 1h�Obliyatlons IrtrrwdlalNy du��nd p�ya61�In lull; --
<br /> G:.
<br /> (b)to coBsct ths oul�tandlnp Odlpttlom wNh a wNhwl n�ortinp to Judicl�i prorwas;
<br /> (o) to rpuin Cironta to d�llv�r u�d meke av�labb to Lend�r any p�rsonul property or Chattels conatituting the Property at a pla�e reaeonaWy
<br /> oonvsnNnt to(irenta end Lsnda; �
<br /> (d) to ane►upon end teke poussslon ol th�PropNty wiihout epplylnp fa or obtelning the e�ppolntment of a recetver and,at Lender's oplion,to �' -
<br /> appotrn n recelvsr without baW,wlihout Ilnt ixinglny wp on Ih�ObIlpeAbns end without otherwise meeting any etatutory condNlons rogerdinp '�
<br /> realvan,it bdnp Int�nckd that L�nd�r�hall hev�1hU coniractua�dpht to�ppolnt a recslver, �.`•
<br /> - (�) to�mploy s menapinp eq�nt of th�Prop�rty and Nt 11►�wrM,Nlher In Tiustw's own nams,in the name of LernJer or in ihe nama of drantor,end
<br /> rsalve Ihs nnu,Incortr�,Issw��nd profin ol ih�Prop�rty�nd�pply Ih�wrtr,afler payrrient of ep necescery charpes and expenses,on account ot _.
<br /> ttt�Obilp�tion4;
<br /> (� to pey any aums In any form a rtwruxr dMrtwd�xp�dhnl by Lend�r to protect the aecuriry of ihle Deed of Trust or to cure any default other than -
<br /> � paymem of Imerent or prinGpal on th�Oblipeilunt;
<br /> (g) to IaecJo�s thl�Ds�d of Tru�t�udldNly a ranjudklelly und to diract the tels of the property through exerGae of the power of sale es referenced In
<br /> � poraqreph 20 hereol In aoc�ordma wllh epplicabN law; �
<br /> , (h)Ic e�l•�il Qrantor's Oblipatbns epdnst any emounts owsd Cirenta by Lendor Including,but not Ilmiteci to,monles,Instrumonis,and deposit
<br /> = eaoumt melntalnsd with Lend�r a any nurtsntly exbting a lutuu attillets of Lender,and ,.
<br /> � (I)to exKCla�all oth�r rlghte avellebN to L�nd�r und�r eny ott»r w►itl�n egrwrtwnt or epplicabla law. •.r.
<br /> Lender'e r1�hts are cumulr�tivs end mey b�sxerdad top�th�r,saperatsly,and In eny order, In ihe event ihat Lender Institutes an ectlon seeking the
<br /> ; recovery of uiy of the Property by way of e pnJudqmmt remedy In en ectlon egaln�t arentor,(irentor waives the poating of eny bond whlch might
<br /> I otharwice L»raqulrod. Lenckr or LHid�Ys d�clpn�maypurchas�the Prop�rty at any sela. Rrocaeds of any Trustee s sale horeunder shall be applled
<br /> • i flrst,to tho casta end ex nsea of ex�rdalnp ths�wwer ol seN end o!ihe�eN,lndudin ihe paym�ent of the Trustee's fees eauelly Incurred end not to
<br /> { exceed tha emount whlch may be provlded for In thls psed of 7rust,�wcond,to payrr»nt ot ths Obllyations seeured horeby,third,to the payment of nlor
<br /> � truat deeda,moMpagea,a othsr Ilanholti�n,and th�beiana,It my,to th�p�non orperwns I�pelly sntllled thereto. Theproperty or any perl thereo�may
<br /> be sold In on�peroel,or In such perals,menner a ad�r as LaxMr In It�wN dl�a�tlon mey ol�ct,end onu or more exerclses ot thu power herein graMOd
<br /> I shali not ex�kgulah or axhauct the powar unlesn t�a entln prop�rry Is wki or the obilyatlona ara pald In full.
<br /> 20. TRUSTEE'3 EXERCISE OF POWER OF BALE ON DEFAULT: If L�rdsr Nwt�to ee�l Qrentors Interest In ihe Property by exorclse ot the power ot
<br /> eale hereln contalned.Lender nhall notlty Truntee In Ih�mann�r then requlred by law.
<br /> Upon roceipl of such natlee of Lenti�r end at tho dlnctlon of L�nckr,Tru�te�shell cauca to ba recarded,publlshed and delivered such notloes of default
<br /> and noticos ai calo as may then bc+roqulred by law end by ihla Dood ot Truat. Truatoe ehall,only nt ihe dirxtlon of Londer and without demand on Qrantor.
<br /> I after such time as may Ihen be required by law end nfter recordbtlon ol such notics o1 dofault and afler nofioe of salo having been given as ruqulrod by law.
<br /> i soll tho Propotly ot iho timo and place of snle Ilxod by N In aucti notleo of 4alo,elthor an wholo or In sep�rato lots or parcels or Itoms as Lander shall dciom
<br /> expedlont,and In such ordor ns II may dntormino,et publlc nuctlar to Iho hl�hnst dddar lor cash In lawful money of ihe United States payaWo et iho timo of
<br /> sale,or as otho►wiso rnay thon bo requlrod by law. Trustoo shnll delivor to cuch purcl�user or purchctsers theroof Its good and sutflclent daed or detids
<br /> conveylr�g iM property so sold,but wlihout any covennnt or werrenty,szp���or Implled. The recltele In such desd of any mattors or facts shall bo
<br /> I condualve praot ol Iho Iruthlulneas Ihoreof. Anyp6non,InGudinp,without Ilmltetlon,ornntor,Truetae or Lender,may purchase at such salo. Truatee may
<br /> 1 In tha mann�r orevidad by Inw nostmno saia nt afl cr nnv mnion nf t!u Prnn�ny __
<br /> 1
<br /> I
<br /> i 21. REDUEBT FOR NOTICEB: �rentor requeats ihnt a copy ol arsy notice nl cielautt nnd n copy ol any notica of sale horeunder be malled to each person
<br /> who Is e parry hereto at tho address ol such person sot fonh horoln ut Ihe neme tinb and In tho enmo manner raqulred as though a soparate request thereof
<br /> had boon ttlodby oach such porson.
<br /> I
<br /> ' I
<br /> , �
<br /> � NEDOTC Ree297 aago3d6
<br /> I _
<br />