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,..r_ . <br /> .w.i�. , . - .. ;;e�;:;�",: <br /> � � , <br /> :C?h <br /> ( .,,t,,+tiYYKiNR�f7!'*�` - ' � � . . . , �•i .'_ i=. <br /> I , F ' 'SSiwc'-- <br /> . :.1iL' ____. <br /> (c) .All applicable lawt end regulatlone,Induding,wilhout IlrtVtatlon,ihe Miedcana wlth DIsaWlitles AcL 42 U.8.C. Sectlon 1210� et seq. (and all =.::.�.a.,: <br /> n(Mulatlona promuigated thereunder)end all zoninp and bulldnp lawt end rspulatlona relatlnp to the Propeny by vlrtue of eny federal,state or munlclpal ' <br /> n(u I �.(, <br /> , euthority with Jurisdicibn over the Propety,pres�ntly ere end shall bs obssrved and complled wlth In all materlal respecis,end all righta,Ilcenses, { ��„�g�^ <br /> pe►mits,end certlilcatee of occupancy(Induding but not Ilmiled to zoning varlencee,spedel exuptlons for no:iconforming uses,nnd finel Inspection [ v:,-. <br /> epprovals).whether temporary or permenent,whlch ero matorlal to tho use end occupancy ot iho PropoRy, presently nre and shell bo obtainvd. � � <br /> prosorved end,where necesaery,renewed; �" �� <br /> (d) Orantor hee ihe rlght end la duly authorlied to exet�te and paAcrtn Its Oblipatlone under this Deed of Trust end these actions do not and shall not �: ,,_ <br /> conilict with the provlslon�ot eny etetute,regulatlon,ordlnence,rula ol lew,contrect or other agreemenl whlch may be binding on Grantor at any tirre; ;��;',_;•.: <br /> (e) No action a procNding la or�hall be panding or threat�nsd whlch mlght meterfally aHoct the Propeny;and . `'•• ` <br /> (Q Cirantor has not vidatsd end thall not Wolats eny�tetuts,rsguletlon,ordinance,rule ot lew,contrect or other agreement(Ind�ding,but not Ilmited to, ��*��- <br /> ihose{pveming Hazerdoua Matedals)whlch might rreierially aflect the Property or Lender'e righte ar Intorest In ihe Property pursuant to this Oeed of CQ <br /> Trusl. ! ���,;. <br /> c--_ _: <br /> 3. PRIOR DEEDS OF TRUST.arentor reprstents and warranis that ihere are no prlor daeds of truet eHecting any part of the Property except as set torlh —_ <br /> on Schedule B etteched to thie Deed of Trust,whlch Qrenta agreea to pay end perfortn In a timely menner. It Ihere are any prlor deeda of trust ihen <br /> Orentot egrees to pay all arnounte owed,end per}ortn ell obllgaUona requlrud,undar euch ds�ds of irust and ihe Indebtedness secured thereby and turther �i <br /> agaes thet a default under eny prior deed of lrust shall be a default undsr thla Daed ot Trust and shall entitla Lander to ell rights and remedies cantalned � <br /> herdn or In lhe Oblipatlons to whlch Lendsr would be entltled In the event ot eny othar default. p <br /> 4. TRANSFERB OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFIOUL INTEREBTS IN(iHANTOR8 OR BORROWERS. In ihe event of a sate,conveyance,lease, � ____ <br /> comract tor deed or translar tu eny psrsan af all or any part at thc roal�c,:..rry�seri�d In 9cficdulo A,or any Intereet the�eln,nr of ell or eny beneflclel __ - <br /> Imsrest In sonower or Cirantor pf Borrower a Orantor la not a natural` rson or p�r�ona but la a corporatbn,Ilmited Ilabllity company,pertnership,trust,or <br /> other lepal entity),Lender may,st Ne option declare the oulatandinp prinGoal belance of ihe Oblipatlona plus accrued Interest thereon Irtrnediately due end � <br /> payatfle. At Lenders request,Orentor or Borrower,as tha case may be,chall fumlch a com�lete statement setting tonh all of Its stoeWioiders,members,or <br /> panners,as eppropriato,and the extent of thelr respective ownerahip Intereats. --- <br /> � 6. ASSI(iNMENT OF RENTJ. In eonslderatlon of the Obtlgaqons,which are sewred by Ihls Deed of TrusL�rantor absolutely asslgns to Lender all - -- <br /> Cirentor's estate,rlght,title, interest,daim end demend now owned or hereaftar acqulred In all existing end tuture leasea of the Property (Inciuding <br /> , exlena(ons,renewals and subteases�,oll agreements for use and occupency af the Property(al) such leeses and agreements whether wripen or orel,are <br /> hereafler rAferted to ae the"Leasea),and ell guarantles of lesaeea'perfo►mance under the Leases,together with ihe Irmiediate and cornlnuing rlght to ----_ _ <br /> eollect end recelve ail of the renis,Inwme,recelpis,revenues,laauea,profits end oihar inCame of any nature now or hereafter due(InGuding any Incorne ot — <br /> any nature coming due during eny redemp�bn perlod)under ihe Leases ar hom or arlslnp out of the Property Including minlmum rems,addltional rerne, <br /> pereentage rents,perking or eommon area rrelntenance conuibutbns,tax and Insurenoe eontritwllans, deilcloncy rents, Ilquidated damegea tallowinp <br /> de(auft In any Lsase,all proceeds payable under eny pollcy of Insurance covoring loss of rents resulling from untenantabllity caused by destructlon or <br /> damage to the Propeny,all proceed�payede es a reeult ot a leseea's exsrclao of an opibn to purchase the Propeny,all proceeds derived from the �_ <br /> `• teminatbn or�wJeeUon of eny Leaae In a ben{wptcy or othsr Inalveneyp�oceKling,and allproceeds from any righte and dalms of any klnd which Cirantor =- <br /> maY havo apeInst any lessee under ihe Leaees or eny occupanis of ihe Property(ell of the above are hereaRer collectively referred to as the'Rente'). Thls <br /> � a s s i g nment ls subJect to the right,power and suthor(ty piven to the Lender to collect and eppy the Rems. Thls asslgnment Is recorded In accordance whh �;��•_ <br /> a p p lcaNe atate law;the Ilen created by thla asalgnment le intended to ba s p e c lflc,par(ected,and choate upon the recording of ihis Deed of'frust,all ae v,�_ <br /> w' provlded by eppilcabie stete law as amanded from time to tlme. Aa Iong as there Is no default under the Obllgatlons or this Daed of Trust,Lendor grams dr-� --- <br /> Girentor a revocablo Ilcenae to coliect eil Renta (rorn the Leaees when due and to use sueh proeeeds In Grentor a bualness operationa. However,Lender ._.�. <br /> . may at an time r Ire(3rarrior to doposlt ell Rents into an aocount melntelned by Qrantor or Lender at Lendar's Instltution. pan detault In the payrt�ent <br /> Y � U �.:-�� --,: <br /> • �i of,or In the perfortrence of,any of the Obligatlone,Lender may et fts optlon take possessbn of the Properry and have,hold,menape,lease and operete the - <br /> Proporry on tertns end for a perlod of time ihat Lender deems proper. Lender may proceed to collect end recelve all Rents trom the properry,and Lender <br /> shall have fuil powar to malce alterAtlons,renovatlona,repairo or replacemente to ihe Properry as Lender may deem proper. Lender rrey apply ell Rents In r`-=. <br /> _ �;;�t�gQiQ�.�sgti�r���n��pn1 nf thn()Nlaationa a to tha payment of the cost of such alteratlons.renovaUons.repaire and repfacements and eny �•�--�- <br /> expenses Inddent lo teking and rotelnlng posseaalon oi the Property parlodieally end the manapement and operation of the Property. Landor rrey keep the �� <br /> : Properry properly Inaured und rrey diacherpe any texea,charpea,clelms,aesesnmants end olher Ilena whleh rtny ecuue. The expenae and coat of these e- <br /> � acibns may be aeld hom the Renis recelved,end any unpeld emowits shell ba edded to the princlpel of the Obllgatlons. These emounts,together with <br /> � other eosts,6h81I Y9COR18 F1fl►T 0}iFiB Ol7Il4]6110f16 6BCU�BfI I1Y tFll6 D6Bd Of TNSI. <br /> � • <br /> � -- <br /> ' d.LEASES AND OTHER AOREEMENTS. arentor shall not take or fall to teke any actlon whlch may cause or permit ihe terminatlon a the wilhholding of � ��� <br /> •� any payment In connectlon with eny Lesee or othor egreement('Agreement')pertalnlnp ta the Proparty. In eddition,arantor,wfihout Lender'e prior written ---- <br /> �• concent,ahall not:(a)collect any monlaa payable under any Apreernant rtpre than one month In advance;(b)modify any Agreemsnt;(c)assign or ellow a `��' <br /> Ilen, eecurity intereat or other encumbrencs to bs placed upon Orentor'e rights,title end Interost in end to eny Agreemait or the artiwnts payade __ <br /> thereundar;w(d)terMnate or cancel eny Agreemant except ta tha nonpayment of eny aum or other materlal breach by the other parry ihereto. If Cirentor <br /> rewivea at eny tlme any written communkatl�n assertinp a default by Grentor under an Agreernent or pur�orting to terminate or canoel any Agreemem, — <br /> Qrentor shallpr�mptly forvuard ecopy of such communlcation(and any subsequent communMations relating ihereto)to Lendec Ail such Agreements and • <br /> the amounts due to Orentor thereunder ere hereby aeaigned to lsnder es eddfllonal secudty fa the Obllgations. <br /> 7.COLL�CTION OF INDEBTHDNESS FROM THIRD PARTY. Lender shall be entitled to notify or requlre C�rantor to notify eny third party(Including,but <br /> not Ilmited to,lesaeea,Ilcenseei,go vemmantal author(tles and Insurance co lea)to pay Lender any Indebtedneas or o611gatlon owing to c3rentor wllh -- <br /> � respect to the Property(wmulaliveiy "Indebtednoss')whether or not a da�t exlsts under thla Deed of T►ust. Grantor shall dligentiy wllect the ° <br /> Indebtadnesa owing to Cirantor from these third partlea untll lhe giWnp of such notiflcatlon. In tha event that Cirentor posseases or recelves possesslon of <br /> any Instruments or other rAmittences with respect to the Indebtedness following ihe givinp of sueh notlflcatlon or ii ihe Instrumenta or other reminances <br /> � eonstitute the prepayment of any Indebtedness or the payrnem of any Insurence or condermatlan proceeds,arantor shell hold such Instrumams and other _;-'_ <br /> remittences In truat for Lender epart from Its other property,endorso the Instrumerns end mher remittancea ta Lender,and irmiediately provide Lender whh •,W,_;._ <br /> � possesslon of tha Instruments end other reMitances. Lender shall be enqtled,but not requlrad,to coilxt(by legal proceedings or othorwlsa),oxtend the • _ - <br /> time for payment,comF►omise,exchenge or release any oW�gor nr collateral,or othenvise seflle any of ihe Indebtedness whether or not an event of defauA <br /> , exlata under thls Agreement. Lender ehall nM be Ileble to Orantor for eny action,error,misteke,omiaslon or delayperialning to Ihe acllons descrlbod In thls ;_-__ <br /> � paragraph or any damagea msulting therofrom. Notwhhatending the tuegofnp, nothing herein shall cauae Lender to he deemed a '�- .- <br /> mortgagee-In•possosslon. <br /> i 8. U8E AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Qrantor shall take all actlons and make any repalrs needed to rrulntaln the Propeny In goo�condHion. �`� <br /> Grontor shall not commit or permit eny waste to be committed with respect to the Properry. C�rantor shall uso the Propeny solely In compllance wllh y„. <br /> I apqicable law and insurence pollGes. Orantor shall not make an y alterationa,additlons or Improvementa to the Property w(ihout Lender's prlor written , <br /> eonsent. Without Ilmlting ihe foregoing,all elteratlons,additions an d Improvementa mede to the Property shall be subiect to the banofldal interest belonging <br /> to Lender,shell not be removed without Lendor's prlor written consent,and shall be made at Grantor'c sole expense. <br /> I 9.LOSS OR DAMARE, arentor shell boar the entlre risk of eny losa,theft,destructlon or damage(cumulatively'Loss or Damege")to ihe Property or eny <br /> ponlon Ihereof from any cause whataoever. In the ovent of any Losa or Darrepe,Grantor shail,at Ihe option of Lender,repalr ihe aBected Property to Its <br /> iprevious conditlon or pay or cause to be pald to Lendor the deaease In ihu falr markot value of the aHected Property. <br /> � 10. INSURANCE. The Properly wlll be kept Insured for its full Insurable value(roplacement cost)agalnsl all hazerds Including loss ar damage caused by <br /> � fiood,earthquake,tomado and 8re,theft or other caaualty to ihe extent requlred by Lender. Cirantor may ubtaln Insurance on the Property from such <br /> cortpanlos as are ac�roptable to Lender In its sole dlacretlon. The Insurance polldes shall requlre ihe In6uranCe company lo provlde Lender with at least <br /> � 3 0 days'writton notlee betoro sueh polleles ero eltored or caneollod In any manner. The insuranoe polic�es sheli nenxe Londer as a Ioss <br /> payee end"provide�that no act or omiselon of Qrantor or any otherperson shall aHect the rlgM of Lendor to be pald ihe Insurance proceeds pertalning to the <br /> loss or damage al tho Proporty. In the ovent Orantor falls to ecqulro or malntaln Insurance,Lunder(efler provlding notice as may be requlred by law)may <br /> ' In Itc discrotlon procuro approprleto Insurance covorago upon tho Proporty and tho Insuranco cost shall bo an advance payaWe and bearing Interest as <br /> descri6od In Paregraph 23 and socured hereby. Grantor shall furnlsh Lander with evldence ol Insurence Indicatlnp ihe requlrad covarege. Lender may act <br /> as attomeyIn•fact for Grantor in making and setlling clalms undnr Insurnnce policles,cancelling any policy or endorsing Grantor's narra on any draft or <br /> ' negotlaWe Instrument drewn by any Insurer. All such InsurancepoIIGes shall be Imnediately esslgned,pledged and dellvered to Lendor as funher ser,urity <br /> � for ihe 4blipatlona. In tho event ol loss.Cirantor shall Irtmediately give Lendar written notice and Lender Is euthorized to maka proof of loss. Eech <br /> ' Insurance cortpany is auecten to meice paymems directry to�ender msioad or to�ender end c3remor. Lendor snaii neve ine rigin,ei rts so�a option,to <br /> c�pply such monles towerd the Obllpatlons or toward the cost of relwllding a�id restoring ihe Properry. Any amounts may at Lender's optlon be applled In <br /> � tha Invorsa order of tho duo detos thoroof. <br /> 11. 20NIN(i AND PRIVATE COVENANT8. Orantor shall not Initlate or consent to any change In ihe zoning provislons or private covenants affecting the <br /> uso of ihp Proporty wlthout Lender's prlor wrinon consont. II Grantor's uso of ihu Proporty bocomes e noncentorming use undor any zoning provision, <br /> Grentor shall not cause or pormit such use to ba d�ccontlnuod or abandonod wlthout tho prior vvriflon consent of Landor. Cirantor wlll Irrxnodlatoiy provido � <br /> Londer with writton notico or any proposed changos to Ihe zoning provislons or prlvatu covonents aflecting the Propeny. � <br /> 12 CONDEMNATION. Granlor shall Irmwdietely providq Lender with writlen notico of any actual or threatenod condemnation or QMnont domaln f <br /> procoeding ponalning to ihe Property. All monles payablo to Orantor frorn such condortnatlon or taking are heruby asslgned to Londer and shall bo appllod <br /> first to iho payrrx�nt of Lendor's anornuys'loes,logal oxponses and othor Cosis(Including appralsal(oes)In connectlon with Iho condemnatlon or ominont <br /> domaln procoodings and thon,ot ths optlon of Londer,to iho payrrant of ihe Obllgations or iho rostoration or repair of ihe PropoAy. <br /> I <br /> r <br /> NEDOTB Fev.7A7 Pa�e2d6 � <br /> I <br /> i._..____ ._. <br />