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.,;�'}.';!lif5 . <br /> ..i.r..�:hi'Y� � . . <br /> . :,,.,:,�, ' ;".��'�:''.' <br /> . :..._ ...��n±��Ml�91�BKi�:-�,:�f:.-..... .. . _ � . . `_ <br /> Q�:._. <br />- ,,...j . . �� <br /> s. - <br /> 72. S CURITY INTHRE9T UNDER THE UI�IFON�A CONIMERGIAL Ct1DE. Thlo O�al of Trust ShBN ba considered nnd be ettaclNe a�� fln�ncinp �r_ <br /> state�pt and a Axture flling pureuant to th�provl�lom of th�UMtam Cortrrkrclal Cod�(8�edoP��In th��tate whx�lhe reai prop�ny Is loca��d) <br /> covering flxturea,chadaln,end erticles of penonal propuny now own�d or t�K�aRer annchad to w to be uas<i In canrxction with Ihe Propsny�o�thar wlth ___ <br /> ' any and ail replacements ihsreaf and addttlon�iher�to(4M'GhenNs"),end�rantor h�rebygrente Lender a escudry Int�rost In euch Chenele. Tho cNblor I� _ <br /> the Rrantor ciescribed above. This Deed ot Truat wiil bd efisclive as a flnandng�tatsment Bled a�a flxlurs filinp with rss�ct to ell f Ixturss Includ�d wilhln <br /> sald promises snd Is to be fllad for record In the reel estata rscords of each county where any parl of aald prsny�e�(Includmp snld fixture�)Is�In�etod 'flile <br /> Desd of Trust ehan aiso be eHecllve es a Manclnp etatem�nt covedrp any other premiae�an�may be Illed N nny otho�r�pprnpric�o Iliing or rowrding ��'' <br /> omce. A carbon,photogrephic or other raproductlon of thit Desd ot Tmtt or of any tinenelnp stai�ment relating io thl�Da�d oT Trust ehall be eufficlonl�e n • <br /> •, j iinancing statemem for any of ihe purpoee�rof�rnd to in thl� Petagraph. Th�ucund ParIY�s Iho Lond�r deurlbodnlaovo Upon dernand,Qrentor shnu � := <br /> �i make, exewte and dellver such securily egeamnts (�u wch t�rtn Is defln�d In �ald UMfortn Cormisrclal Codo wa Lendsr at nny Ilrrn mny d.Hm � � <br /> �'� necessary or proper ar requlred to grant to Lender e peAected eeauilY Intere�t In ihs Chafl�l�,EfIf)UPOII O►BfItOr6 Iallure fo do so,Lender lo eulhorized lo ! <br /> � �, i �Ign any such agreement as the egent of Orantor.flranta henby aulhorit�f Lender to Nle Ilnendnp atet�msm�(a�wch ierm le delinsd In neld Untlorni �-- <br /> ! Cormierdel Code)with respect to the ChattN�,at any tirrr, wlNout th�slpnatur�of Qrantor. Aranta wlll,how�v�r,nl any tlms upon req��o�t ol L�ndsr, — <br /> I slgn such flnancing statomants. Qrantor wlll pay all illlr9g fees(or the fillng of euch IfnanGng ttatement�end far the relilln9 therwt at ihs tln�e�roqulred.In � <br /> the opinlon ot l.ender,by sald Unlform Commerciel Code. II the Ilen ol thl�Dood of Truct bo subJoct to any cecudty n�re�meni covoring the Chntteld,thon _ <br /> �, :,:r.•.! In the event of eny default under ihis Daed of TNSL e11 ih� �Iphl,tltN and InUrest ol Orenlor In and to eny end all ol th�Chausls le henby esslpned�o <br /> Lendar,topether wBh the baneflt of eny depoalts a payrn�►nU now a herenfter mad�th�rsol by Qrema a the pnWa�sore or eucrw�eors In�ItN ol p <br /> ���' ' (3rentor In the PrapeAy. <br /> �:.:1 � _ <br /> � I 23. RHIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNT8 EXPENDED BY LENDER. l.ender,at Lsndsr'�optlon,mey sxpsnd lund�(Induding attan�ye'lees end I�pel <br /> � i expenses)to pertorm eny ect requlred to ba teken by drantor or lo sxwcis�eny rlpM or rerr�dy of Lend�r und�r Ihia De�d ol Trutt. Upon d�mend,(iranta <br /> ahall Inmedietely relmburaa Londer for nll such ertpunts�xpsnd�d by L�nd�r top�ih�r with Int�nst ih�rwn at th�IowN ol Ih�hlgh�st rets dncrlbed In any � <br /> Oblig�at ona hereinhend shall b�Ieecursd by the b�nelidal�lnter p�p► tad hanin.d Ii iha G'�IpatloM aropeId�efler iM�sha I��nQf de�loaila�el�noilce�! - <br /> ,.',� aele,ae hereln provlded,or in tha avem L�nder 6haN,at fl�eok optl�n,pem�l Orantor to Yeny pert cf 1h�ObYpsikn�ahw tt»t»pinning ol pubikatlai ol <br /> notice ot nele,as hereln provided,itwn,drantor�hell pay on cNrtend dl•xp�nN�I11W1R e!C b�l ifH T�1161M and f.�nd�r In conn�ctbn wlih�eld pudicatlon, <br /> ' •( Induding reasonable attomeya'fees to the attomeye tor t h e TruuN e n d fa the Lsnder,and a rea�anabN IN to Ih�TmstM,end thls DNd ol Trust�hall b� <br /> � securlty for sll such expenses and teea. • <br /> 24. APPUCATION OF PAYMENTS. The Trustee shall epdy Ne praoaeds of the irustae'��al� Iirst,to the cosis end expmeae o1 ezerciaing the pow�r ol <br /> �• sale and of ihe sala,induding thepayment ot the Truste�'s feel actually I�cuaed not to exooed tl�s amount whkh mey b�provid�d tor In the Daed of Tru�L <br /> ,'�; eecond,to payment of the odlgatlon�eaired by ihs Deod of Tmst,th(rd,to the paymient ot junla deeda of irust, rrortgep�s a other Ibnhddsrs,and tM <br /> . ``"" belance,If any,to ihe person or porsons legelly anmled ihereto. <br /> ' �� ?b. POWER OF ATTORNBY. (3rantor herebv eAPotnte Lender as IN attomey-Imfact to endorse C3rantor's narn�on all Inatnin�enls end othsr docum�nt� <br /> � pertalning to ihe Obligatlons or Deed of Truat. In addlbn, Lender ehell bs entflled, but nut rsquirsd,to a�rlorm any ection a axacute any dxu�twnt <br /> ` required to be teken or exeeuted by Orantor undor thle Daod of Trust. Lander'spetiormana of such actlon or ezeunlon ot eueh documeme ehail rat <br /> �• _�' rellave drantor from any Obligatlon or cure any de(auR unde►th�De�d of Trust. All pwers of ettomey d�suibKf In Ihia Desd of Trust are noupled wlth en <br /> Interest and are Ircevocable. <br /> ��.' d�IsehBr�gBedRwiih t nds ad�vflncEeNd by Lender regardea of wheth�erthose iis a�eecurtly Interoats ar othsr enc�umbrena Fia e bMn rol�e bied ol esnoor�ena <br /> ! � 27. COLL�CTION COSTS. To the extentpemi�ted by law,arenta agre��to� y Lendx's natonebl�ta��ond cost�,Induding,but nm Ymit�d lo,f�� <br /> � � en�d costa af anomeya end other apenta (�ndudnp wBhout Ilmltatlon perdepela�dsrk�end cons�uhttent�), wheth�r or rat such attomsy or epent le en <br /> auH Ie brought induili g�but not IlmWited to�all�nte�t end�co:l ta Inaured on�app�t�al�in be Iwpt y,end Twtpoit�Jud�prrnnl colN�ctsio�n acdtloni NsL wh�Sh�r or rat <br /> _ � 38, Pniii'iAL AELEASE. tsrdsr r�ay rs��aw Ns =�:cr�s!h s�srtlan e!!he p►�neny by executing end recardina one or rtaro Partlal Oseds of <br /> � Reconveyence wtthout attecting its Intereat In the romelning ponbn of th�PropeRy. Nothinp hsreln shdl bs dNrrwdtoo�a te Und�r to reNas�eny ot n� <br /> Imereat In the Property(except as required under Parepreah 38 or es may be otherwl�s rpulnd bv law),nor�hall Undxb�obligeud to r�Nas�eny perl <br /> of the Property If arantor Is In detault under thla Desd of 7ru�t.The Ibn end Mcuritv Intw�st a�efed by the D�ed of TNSt rsrreln In aHect with nipsct to <br /> ' that ponlon ot the properry,as deflned In the Deed of 7rust,thei It nol the wbJact of tf�ls a eny Pertlal Dsed of Reearvsyence <br /> y <br /> � 29. MOOIFICATION AND WAIVER. The modihcstton or waluer of any of Qranta's Obllgatlons a LendK� rlphtc und�r thia Desd oi Trust must b� <br /> contalned in a wriling signed by Lender. Lender may perform eny at Bortowsr's a�rentor's Obllpationa,deley or rdl to�xerd�e any ol lte rights a ec�p1 <br /> payments from�rantar or anyone other than Qrantor wflhout caucinp a welwr ot thos�Obllgatlona or is. A wahm on orn occaalon 6hall not conatitute <br /> � a walver on eny other occaslon. Cirantofs Obll�ibns und�r INs Oead ot Trust ahell not b�atl�ctsd if d�r ammds,corrQromlas exchang�s,faih to <br /> exerdse,Impalra or reieauirs any of the Ohlipatfans b�lorpinp to anY 4rantor.Bortow�r a third perty a eny ot ite Aoht�epaln�t any C�ranta Borrow�r a <br /> � havePhe righ atyenytUme the�reaftertonalstf u�pon 6t�lct pertort�ren�ee�„���of any of ih�Obllgetions ehall ndbe dNmed e welver ent��isr shdl <br /> „ „ �: <br /> `• 90. 8UBSTITUTE TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE UABILITY;COMPEN3ATION. in cass of th�dsaih,Inadlity,refusal to ect a ab�anes of the Trustes(rom the — <br /> '� stete where the real property Ia located or in case the hokfer of the Ohllgatlona sh�ll deslre for eny reaeon to remov�ths Tmstes or any subslitute tn�stse es <br /> irusteo hereunder end to eppoint e new truatee In hi�plece end atead,ths holder ot th�Obllyatlona Is hereby pruited luil power to eppolnt in wrNlnq a <br /> i cUbstllute tructee f0�eald Tru6leo,end the subatitute trustee el�ell,when eppointsd,beconw suoosasor to ail rlphts W Tnitl�s fwraundsr end the eartie ehell <br /> � become vested In hlm for the purposes end objecls of lhia Deed ot Trust wah all thepowx,dutws end obllpeibns h�rsin rontMed on the TrustM. TNf�N <br /> shall not be Ilable for eny ertor of iudcxr�em or eci dorn by Trustee, or bs otherwl�e r��ponNble or acoountatrle under any clrcu�te�u Ts whetaoever. <br /> �� T►ustee shall not be personally Ilable fn cate oi antry by It aenyone ectinp by Nnuo ot the powera hereln�ranted It upon the Dead of .runt for debls =. <br /> wniracted or Iladlily or dartieges incurred In the menagament or operatlon ot seld premisea. Truhee she� havs the ripht to rely on eny Instrument, _ <br /> � document a signeturo authodzing or supporting eny e lon teken aproposed to be taken by It hereundsr a beYev�d by 11 I aaod failh to be penulne. _ <br /> � Trustee ehall be entitled to relmbursemem for expensa�Ineurt�l by k in the periorm�nas of Itf dutlef hereunder end to raasonabTe compen�atlon for such - <br /> . save end hold It hamileas trom a�n�d agelnst�ar�y d ell loaa��coii Ilebllfty��tifart�a0e�end exp�anse w atsoe er�inar��by i�the peKor�marnsceTof Ita dutlea� <br /> ,. All monaye received by Truatee eheil,untii used or appllad as Mreinprovlded,be held in trust for thepurpoaee lor whlch ihey were received,but nead not <br /> be sepregeted In any manner from any other moneya(excepl to Iho extont requlred by law)end Truatee shall be undsr no Ilabl�ty for Imare:t on eny <br /> monoys recelved by fl heraunder. <br /> 31. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNB. Thls Deed of Trust�hall bo binding upon and Inure to tho benefit of Orentor and Lender and ihelr respeclhre �r <br /> suxessors,asslgns,iruatees,recelvera,adminlstretora,pereaial repreaentativea,I8�81086 011d fI9VI6E88. <br /> 92. NOTICEB. Except as otherwlee requlred by law,eny notke or other communlcatlon to be provided underthla Deed o(Truat shall be In writinp and serrt t <br /> to the partles at the nddresses describod In thle Deed of Trusl or such other addreas ae the partlea may deelpnate In writing trom tlrt�a to tirrw. Any such — <br /> notice so given and sont by firet class mall,postege prapald,ahall ba deemed glven the earller of three�3)days afler such notice Is sent or when recelved <br /> by the peraon to whom euch notloe Is baing glven. � <br /> 33. SEVERABIUTY. Whenever poeslble,each provislon ot Ihls Deed ot Trust shall be Interpreted so es to be elfectNe and velid under epplicabto steto � <br /> law. It any provlslon of thls Doed of Trust vlolatea tha law or Ia unentorceable,ihe rest of ihe Deed of Trust shall contlnue to bo valid and entorcaaWo. � <br /> 34.�AP BLI�C g8'E�W n'Thl�s'De j uisd ci on end ve ua of a�ny wYixt sotowctodf by LendarWneits sole dls e a�i,rtloca ed In Ihat snl�eQS epplicable law provides <br /> i 3S. MI5CELLANEOUS. Grantor and Lender agree ihet tlme Is of the assence. Cire��tor welvos prosenirr�nt,demand tor paymont,notico of dishonar and <br /> protest oxcept es roqulred by Iaw. All referencee to Grantor N ihis Deed ot Trust shall Indudo�IIpe rsons signing belaw. If there Is more+hen one Grenlor, <br /> � tholr Obllgatlona shall be jolm and several. Thle Deed of Trus�ropresenis ihe cortplete InteArated underetan6ng bolween�rentor and Lender perialning to <br /> the torms and conditlons nereof. <br /> l 36. NO THIRD PARTY RIOHTS. No person Is or ahall be a thlyd parry 6eneficlary�noy any provislon of thle Doud of Tru�st.c Ahe�Lon6iler wl I nhol welvo or <br /> { Trust In favor of Londor are Intenduc:colely lor ihe beneftt of Lender,and no third shall be entitled to necumo or e <br /> i consont to the moditicatlon of any provislon of tMs Deed of TNSt,in Londer's soie discrc�tlon. <br /> • 37. PRE8ERVATION OF LIABILITY AND PRIORITY. Without atlocting ihe Ilabllity of Borrowor,Cirantor,or any guarAnier oi ihe Obll�atlons,or any olher <br /> parcon(exwpi a porcon oxprottsly roleasad In writing)for ihe pa9menl and pOriormance ot iho Obligatlons,and withoul aftocting Iho rlphlc oi Lornier wlih <br /> respoct to any PropeAy not oxprossly rQloased in wrillng, and without Impalrinfl In any wey iho priority ol ihls Deed of Trust ovor thu intorost of nny purson <br /> acqulrod or first ovidoncc3d by recording subsoquont to Ifie rewrc�irp of ihls Doed ut Trus1,Landor may,olthor boforo ar aRor tho maturity ol iho Obllgatlons, <br /> and wilhout notiw or consont:reloaso eny pc�tson Ileblo fo_r paymont or perlortnanco of al!or any pan of tho Obligntfons,n�ako any ngroomont altoring Iho <br /> lorms of paymont orparformanco of all or any part of tho oitigations;exordse or reFraln Irom oxerclsing or walva any ripht ar romody Ihat Londcr ir�y havo � <br /> undor iho Duod of Trust:acoopt additlonal searity ol any Mnd tor any of the Obligatlons;or roloase or othorwiso doal with nny roal or pursonol propeny � <br /> �ucuring Iho OSligations. Any porson ncqufring or rocording evldance ot any Intorast of any naturo In tho Property shall bo ncqulrinq sur,ti � <br /> Intorost or rocording eny ovidonca ihoroof,to havo consentod in all or any such actions by Londar. I, <br /> � NFOOTD RW.2`J7 Pap0�o1G I <br /> I <br /> _- _ _ _ _ <br /> _ __ <br /> —1__..__ _._ <br />