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XE/COATT I <br /> • ��� �Q{��� <br /> - 1 4J91 HOMAAD AVE N 7»3 HOMI�RA AV6 N ! <br /> OR71HD I6T,IWD NE 68801195� OA71ND ItI.11HD NE 68803195� <br /> .� ��� IDidRFIOATpN N0. <br /> ' �n�xeN°• °����' 507845639 ,� <br /> "� 507845639 <br /> TRU8TEE7 lIR6R EANR,N.r�rtc.wav►�sbp� `t �µra�' U.S.BANK hA i�..,...�h55CCIATION �� <br /> 69� M 1RD/t 6R11ND I�LAND Ni 6it01 <br /> �- fi C0�16 �81 �10 1 e a ot C� 6 1I0I1 NB�8 E�6 8(ly U1Uf0 8 8f1f:63 Ot�{U(B fJ31 006,fl8 e nea nerem,Wnim <br /> rrey hereinafter be advanad or Incurted end the truet herelnafter mentloned and other good end valueble wnslderatbn,the recelpt end suffldency of whldi <br /> are hereby adatowMdged,Grantor hereby Irtevxsdy wartanta,bargains, sellf,trens(ers,grants,convaya end assi�ne to Trustee,hls auccessora and <br /> � esalgns,IN TRUST WITH POWEA OF SALE tor lhe befletit and�eauhy of �Zp�T g�Wx HATIOH7IL 11�/OC211TION I��� _ <br />-- - —. ���' �AlI�� �-LSnderl. �e <br /> '` U.S.BANK NA i iu�+������ �• <br /> 4: <br /> �� ne ary u r t o rust,u an Ki to t tarms ons n sat ort ,w t t o entry en po�se�s o rentor e ptasen <br /> (�,, end futuro eatate.dpht.Utle and Intereat In end to the rosl prop�rty deacdbed�n Schedule A whl�h Is anached to thle Deed of Tmat end incorporated hereh <br /> �` `V by thls reterenca,tapatha with ell pressnt end future Improvem�me and flxturoc:all tenglde psrsonei proPerty Indudinp without Ilmitatlon ell mechlnery, <br /> rs A equlpmam,hullding mete�ala,end poode af evary nature(axdudiny oonsum�r gouds)now or hereafter laated on or used In connectlon wlth the red <br /> '' praperty,wheihe►a not efflxed to ihs land;privileges,hereditementn,end appurtenances Indudinp ell dovelopment riphis eesodated wHh ihe Properly, <br /> �` whather prevlouciy a subHquxitly trenslsrrsd to th�PropKly hom oth�r roal proporty or now or heroafter succeptlbla of irensfer hom thls Propertyto otMr _ <br /> real property:base�,iiceroea end other eg►eement�;rente,Issuei end proflts;water,wsii,ditch,ressrvolr end minerei rtghts and�tocks parlalning to iha nel <br /> pr�perty(cumulatN�ly "P );to hav�end to hold the Propsrty end the dphis hereby grented(or the use end benefit of Lender,hls suaaaaors end <br /> asslgna,untll payment in of tll Obligetlons secured hereby. <br /> Moreover,In funher canaidxation,C3rantor does,tor c3renta end Cirentor's fwln,repreaentatives end asslyns,hereby eupready warrant,covenenL and <br /> agree w(ih Leneler end Tmstee end their suxessore end easlgne as tollowe: - <br /> �� 1. OBUGAT10N9. Thte De�d af Trust sheli eocure the paymsnt end perfomiance of eli present and hnure Indebtednese,IlaWlitles,obilgationa euKl - <br /> covenants of Bonavsr a0ranlor(wmulatNNy'Ohligatlom')to Lander pursuant to: <br /> �'t" (a)thle Deed ot Truet end the fdlowing�xomisaory notea and olher agreernenis: <br /> � � ti0T81 . Ad1TUqt1'Y �e� F <br /> ; pRN1ClMAG AMCiUNri • <br /> ; CREDITt1Nlf AQREEaAENTDA7� �A7lE - <br /> � 25,300.00 11/08/97 I 11/15/07 48500a0157 <br /> , I I . <br /> . � ; <br /> 4 � <br /> " (b)alI other presen uT�tue,w en agreemen s wi n r a re er s y o a o rus wn�m�r�x.�vc.a�.+���•�►e or dNl�wnt <br /> ;' : <br /> putpo�than th�to�ydnpl; <br /> � (c) any guaremy of odlgeibns oi other partles given to L.ender now or hereafter executed ihat rofers to thls Deed of Truat; _ <br /> i (d) future ndvenoes,whather o611patory or optionel,ta the aeme extent as If rrede contertporeneously wflh the exewtlon of Ihis Deed ot Trust,rrecie a <br /> , extended on behalf d Grentor a Bortower. arentor apreea that If one of the Oblipatlons la a Ilne ot credit,the Ilen of thts Daed of Trust ahall continue <br /> untll payment In tull ol all debt due under ihe Ilne nolwithstendinp ihe fact that trom time to time(iwt beforo terminatlon of the Ilne)no balence maY be <br /> outstendinp. A1 na Yme duHnp the te►m of 9hla Ueed of Trust or eny extenslon theroof sha11 the unpald end outstanding sscured pri�n npal futue <br /> � advances,no1 Includnp sums edvanoed by Lendor to protect the security of this Deed ot TrusL oxceed the following amount: yY25, <br /> � This provlsion shall rat constitute an obllgatlon upon or commitment of Lender to make edditlonal edvartwa or loans to arantor;and <br /> i (a)all emendments,oxtansions,renewais,moditicatlons,replacements or substltullons to any of thu forepoing. <br /> I As usod In thla Paragreph�,the terms Qrantor and Bortower shall Inciudo and also mean any Cirantor or Borcower If more than one. <br /> 2. REPREBENTATIONS, WARRANTIES ANO COVENANTS. Cirantor ropresenis,warranis end covenants to Lender ihat: <br /> I (a) Grernor has fea sYnplo m�arlcetable title to thu Property and ehall malnteln the Proporty free of all Ilens,security Interesta.enwmbrancas and clalms <br /> except for thls Deed of Truat end thoso described In Schcdulo B,whlch Is adachad to thls Deed of Trust and Incorporated heroln by roforonco,wMdi <br /> i drnntoragreesto parandper(orminatimelymenner, <br /> I SHazarcJous IMeteNe�,I ea dA�tinedreerelneand other�environmental maneee(theEnvaronment��L.a�wa')S nd neilther the�federal tgi�o emment�nofr ae�y <br /> other govemmontal a quesi govemmentel entity has filed a Ilen an iho Proporly,nor are there any govemmentel,judidal or adrtdnlstrative actions whh <br /> �_�.Y.._..�..y.._ ,,...,���..�.,�,�ra k��wiu� �hraa�anod.whieh Involve the Propetly. Nelther Grentor na,TO Ifl@ <br />� i reapnvii��n�.�.�a..o�.���..���y..............�..._._.__._..-- --- - . <br /> • bost of Qrantor's knowiedAe,eny other party has used, genorated,released,dlscFiarged stored,or dlsposed of any Hazeraous Materieis ae deimed <br /> � heruln,In connectfonwith Ihe Praperty or irensported any Hazardous Materials to or trom iho Proporty. Grantor shall not cormilt or permit sueh actlons <br /> to bo teken in iF�o pnuro The term'Hezardnuc Materials" shall rraan any substance,matoriai, or wasto which Is or becomos rogulated by eny <br /> � governmentel euthairy Irduding,but not Ilmitod to,(I)petroleum;(II)friablo or nonfrtablo esbeatos;(III)polychlorinatnd bfphenyls;(Iv)thoso substances. <br /> mateflals or wastes dosignatod as e'hazerdous substance'pursuent to Socllon 371 of ihe Cloan Water Act or Ilsted pursuant to Sectlon 307 of Ihe <br /> Clean Wat�r Act or uny emendrrx►nts or roplacoment6 to Ihose statutos;(v)those substancas,malorials or westes doMed as a"hazardous waste' <br /> pursuant to Sectlan 1004 of Iho Rosourco Consorvntlon and Reoovery Act or any ertwndrrwnts or replacomoms to ihat statulo; nnd (vl) thase <br /> substances, irotcad�s or wasles detlnnd as a "hatardoua subgtnnco' p�rsuant to Soctlon t01 of ihe Comprohenslvo Envlronrrantal Response. <br /> � Camponsation R�d llabNly Act,or any arnendrrwnts or roplectimenta lo thot statulo or uny othor elmllar stato or lodc�ral statuto, rule,regutatlon or <br /> � ordinnnco now or haoaNer In oHoct. drantor shall not loaso or pom�ft iho subloase of the Propony to a tonant ar subtunant whoso operations may <br /> �i <br /> rosult In contaminauon of the Property wlth Hazerdous Malerlals or toxlc substances; <br /> NEDOi Hev.291 PnpoldG I <br /> . I <br /> i <br /> . � . <br />