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✓� <br /> y'r 1F_ . • ., . •�r�:{,+�n � - , , -. <br /> •.,�.y . v^�IA�tr.`I, ,_ - <br /> � .� � � � . � �L�,�,'w� ' <br /> F - ..��; . . . .. . , .-��.: <br /> : . } - ' -'-'..� � .;��' .. ..,�t,,... . •- . ... ; .. . ' ,1 • ... . . .... �., .��,.�''-- <br /> , t � ,. . , ..:ti'i�� <br /> � . .•'�.`w� <br /> ��•�..:, �lil'79� . .,:�:��� <br /> . .,;�'�'�'- <br /> _.•;;,_:.- <br /> `' conJeuutindo�i or other Inking of m►y pml uf U�o P�upe�ly,ur fur conveynnce in Ilcu c�(conilemm�iion,nte he�cby nssiqned and "' ---- <br /> .+�'� sl�allbe pnlJ toLender. �' <br /> �:,�...� � <br /> In llia evenl of n lolnl Inking u� Il�c I'�opriiy, Iha nocccd� ehull be upplled lo IItO RUI11A 6CCUICIJ I7y Ihfy Secu�lly g�,-- <br /> ' Inslruiueni,wheUier a�•nut tlicu duc, wlth nny cxcese pnli�In I�ar�uwcr. h� Iho r.venl uf u pntlinl Inking uf Ihu Ihopc�ly In � - <br /> which Ihe foir mnrket value of�lic I'roper�y fmmedinlely befnro�he�nking Is eyunl�o or greater Ihei�the an►oun�of i6e sums <br /> �secureJ by lhia Sccurity Inslrutnenl innue�lfn�cly bcfore Ihe�nking,unless Horrowcr and Lender o�herwlse agree in writing, - <br /> llie smns secureJ by ti�is Secu�ity Instrumenl shaU bc reJuced by Uu nmounl of�he praceeds mulliplled by �he tollowing � <br /> �� frncllon: (n) Ihe tolnl amoun!o(Ihe sinns sccured lu�medintcly bcfore Il�e Inking,JlviJeel by(b)llie falr murkct value of tlic — <br /> f� 1'roperry imnudintcly before lhe laking. Any b�dnnce shnll bo pniJ to 13oirnwer. In �he event of a pnrl(nl tnking uf�hc <br /> Property In which ll�e [nir mnrket vnlue of�hc Properly Immedintely before the laking fa lesa Il�an the amount of Ihc gums <br />_ aU►erwise�p�u Idzsl U�e p�oceeds sl kll bc op�Ilc Ju�thc a uns�sec ued by d►is Sccuri yr IICISII'U UG'llil1Wl ClI C�O�IIAI IIGCSIbiI11SIi�1►C _ <br /> � I�IC11�UE. <br /> If Ihe Property Is abmiJuneJ by Dorrower,nr i(,af�er notice by Lender�o Iio�rower tlmt Ihe canclemnor o(fere�o mnke <br /> nn nwnrd or se�de o clnim Car damngea,Uon�ower�ulls to respund to Lendcr wl�hin 3U dnys nfler Iha dnte Ibe nolice ie given, <br /> LenJer is nulhoriteJ to collect nnd npply Ihe proceeds,at f�s op�lan,eitl►er�o restornUon or repnlr of�he Property or Io Ilie — <br /> •� sums secureJ by thla Security liislnm�cnl,wh!:�her or no�then clue. _ <br /> Unless La�der nt::!L'�rtoxcs oiturwise�gree in writ6ig, any np��licnllvn of proceede to principal eliull nu! exlend ur <br /> ,� poslpoi�e ihc Jue dn�e of U�e mmuhly paymen�v rcfe�red lo in pnrngrnplis I und 2 or chnnge the amounl ol'sucli pnyinenia. p <br /> ll. Uurro«•cr Nul RclenseJi ['orbenrnnce Uy l.ender Nut o Wc►iver. Bxlenslon of the tlme for pnymcnt or = <br /> �noJificntion of nmoilizmlou uf U�e sums secured by this Securlly Instrumeul grnnled by LenJer to nny Successor b�6Uerest �,� <br /> • of Borrower slmll nut operale lo relensc tl►e Ifnbility of lhc originnl Rorrower or porrowerh successore in inlerest.Lender <br /> shnll not 6n �a uireJ to couunence proceecliuge ngnhis� nny successor in inleresl or refuse lo extend time for pnymenl ar -- <br /> ! othcnyfsemodl�y amor�lzntion of the sums sccured by Ilifs Securl�y Ins�rununt by rcoqnn of nny demand mnde by the uriginnl <br /> [3orrower or Ourrower's successors in inlerest. Any furbearnnce by Lender fn exercising miy right or renudy sl►nll nol be a <br />- wniver o(ur�tteclutle tl�e exe�cise c�f nny riglil or renieely. <br />� ' l2. Successare nnJ Asslgns Ilow�d;.I��Int nnd 5evernl l.inbllllyi C:t►•signere. The covenante nnd agraments of Ihis _ <br /> - — -- - -= Sccudty l:stsuln�s:l sl�nl!I�ind nnd benefit the succesaors nnJ nssigns of Lender nnd Ronawe�,aubject to U►e provisiunt of __ <br /> ' FlA(OBIA[lIl I7.Rorrower�s covennn�s nnd ngrecnuuls sBnll be Jaint mid severnl. Any l�ottowe�wi�o eo-eigna ii�is SccUi{iy <br />- • I�:siruntem bul does not execute lhe Note: (o)is cu-signing�his Secu�ity Instruntent only lo morlgage,graut nnJ convey Ihnt <br /> ' Borrower5 in�erest in the Properiy under tl�e�erms of�hfs Security LisuUmcn�; (b)Is nol personally obligaled to p�y Uie sums u <br /> ' secureJ by this Securi�y li�st�umenr,nnd(c)ngrees�hnt LenJer nnd nny other I3orrower mny ngree to extend,moJify,forbear <br /> ' or ntake ony nccommodntions wllh regnrd �o �he terms of�hfs Security ins�rument o� Qu Note wlUiout Ilmt Roirower?s <br /> consent. <br />' 13. LoAn C6arges. If the lonn sccurcd by ihis Security Inslrumari is subject lo a luw whicl� sets nmximum lonn <br /> ' charges.�nd that law(s tinAlly interpreteJ so thnt�lu fnierest or oUier lonn chnrges collec�ed or to be collecteJ In cannectfon <br />- •• � witl�the lonn eaceed the peruiilted Iimi�e,11�en: (n)nny such loim ch�rge slmll be reJuced by Il�e amounl necesanry ln reduce <br /> , . the d�argeto the pemiitled IDnll;and(b)noy sums nlrencly collecled from l�urrower wiiicl�eaceedeJ pennUleJ Iimil�will be <br /> • refundeJ lo�oirower. LenJer may cl�oose to mnke Iht9 retw�J by reJucing Il�e�rincipnl oweJ unJer llu Nute or by mnking n <br />-� . . direcl pay�nent lo Dorrower. !f n rc(und reJucee princtpnl,the reJuclian wlll be IrenteJ ns a partlal prcpnyment wtlhaul miy <br /> • � prepc�yntent chnrge under tlie Nute. <br /> , a' lA. Nolicee. Any notice Io Dorro�ver providcJ for in Uds Securl�y Ltstrumeut shall be given by delivering II�r by <br /> innU(ng i�by firet cinsa mail unless n�plicnble lnw rcquires use af nnoU�er meUwd.71ie uotice ahnli be dlrecled lo Ihe Propetty <br /> ". " Addreas or auy olher�ddress Borrower designnles by notice to Lender. Any nuUce to LenJe�shall be given by first cluss `., <br /> ° mnil lo Lenderh adJres�alaled he�ein or�ny othcr ndd�ess Lcudcr Jesignnles by nollce to Dorrower. Any nolice provlded for �� <br /> ht Ilds Securiiy l�wnument ahnll be deemcd lo hnve bcen givcn lu Dorrower or Lcnder wl�en glven ns pmvlcled in Ihix r <br />-� pnregraph. = <br /> 15. Coverning Law; Severabllity. 'I'lils SecurUy liistrument sbnll be govcnteJ by�ederal Inw nnJ Uic inw of ihe `., <br />:_ jurisJictton in whtch Uie Property Is locnted. In U�e even�tlint any provision ur clause of�his Security instrument or�he Nute � <br /> � -• conllicts+vith applicuble law,such confllc�shall no�nffec1 olher p�ovislons n!this SecutUy Inslrumenl or Uie Note whlch cmi <br />' be given effect whhout ihr.conflicting provisivn. 9L tiiis enJ tlie provisfons of this SecurUy lnstrumenl nnd ihe Note nre E. <br /> declareJ�o be severable. -" <br /> 16. Onrrower's Cupy. Dorrower shnll be given une confoimeJ copy of Uie No�e mid of lhis 5ecuriry Inslrumem. �",`� <br /> ' 17.7Y�ansfer uf Uie Property ur n Ilenellclid Interesl In Uurrower. If nfl or miy pnrt of tl�e Pmper�y or nny itncresi In <br /> it fs solcl or Irnnsferred(or if a beneficinl inleresl In Bonower Is solcl or Irnnsferred nnd Dorrower is nol n nnwrnl pertion) .____ <br /> wiihout Lender's prior written consent,LenJer mny,nt i�s op�lon,rcquiic iinmeJin�e pnyrnau iu full o(all sums secured by __ _ <br /> this Secud�y Instruniant. l lowever,this option shall nol be exercisecl hy Lender if exercise Is prohibiteJ by kJeinl inw c�s of __ <br /> tlie data of tl�i�Sccurily Inslrumem. '�``���:: <br /> IC LenJer exercises thts option,Lender slinll give Bor�ower notice of nccelerntlon. 'I'he noQce shnll provide n peric�d of <br /> not less 16an 30 days from tlie dnte tlie notice Is delivereJ or mnileJ w4hBi which Dorrower must pny all sums secured by llds <br /> Sccurity Instrument. If DoROwer tnils lo pay thcsc sums prior to thc expirnlfon nf�his period, Lender mny invokc nny <br /> reniedies�ermiueJ by Q�Is Secwiiy Insliu�uent without furlher nntice or demnncl vn(3oriower. <br /> i I8. Ilurrnwer's Iilgld lo Itcinslnlc. If Dmrower meels ccrinin candlllons, Uuirvwer slmll hnvc Ihe if�hl lo luwc <br /> � � enfurcenuut of Ihis Securfty instrumenl dlscoulinued nt nny Iime prior to ihe enrlfer of: (n)5 clnys(or sucii nlher perioJ ns <br /> Slugle 1'nnd1Y-•Pnnnle�1ndl�rcdJle 111nc UNIFUR�1 INS'I Itll�ff?N'1'..Unlfornt Coveunnu 9/90 (/mge��JA/r��ur�l <br /> � __. . � <br /> � i �-�- <br /> . � <br />