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<br /> ,_`.� appliclblc law muy spccify for rcinstatement) before sulc of the PropeRy pursuant io any powcr of sulc containcd in this
<br /> .���y;��,; Security ln:�uununt:or(b)cntry of n judgmcnt cnforcing this Securiry lnstrumcnt. Those conditions are thut Borrmvec (a) r
<br />,Q:•� pays Lcnder ull sums which thcn would be due undcr this Security ln�.s�truall ex A n es n uned in enforcing thislSecurity
<br /> occurred;(b)cures any dcfault of uny other cuvenan�s or ogrecmen�5;(c)p•y. P�� _
<br />_ , Instrument, includins,but not limited to, ren:�onable attorneys'fees; nnd(d) takes�s�uch�a�ct�'�O�oWC s obligatian to pay hc
<br /> -' . •_� require to assure that�he Iicn of this Security lnstrument,Lender's righ�ti in the Pmp� y
<br /> sums secured by �this 5ecurity Instnyment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Barrowcr, this Sccudty
<br /> '" ��.'; lnsuument und the obligations secured horeby shall remain fully eff�ctive as if na acceleration had occurred. However,this
<br /> right to reinstate shall'not apply in the cnse of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> � � 19. SAIe o[l�ote; Change ot I.oen Servicer. The Note or a partlul interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> �;!..' Instrument)may�bs sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale mny result in a chnnge in the entity
<br /> ; (known as thc'Loan Servicer")diat collects monthly puyments due under the Note and this Sccurity Instrument. There�Iso
<br />:,,. � mny be ane or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of�he Note. If there is a change of ths Lotm Servicer,
<br /> Borrower will be Siven written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> wiU state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> ulso contain any other information required by applicablc law.
<br /> ' i 20. HazardaueSubstances. Horrower shull not cause o�permit thc presence,use,disposal,stornge,or release of nny
<br /> ':�•�''s Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shaU not do, nor allow anyone else to do, nn,ything affecting the
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmcntal Law. The preceding two sentences shnll not npply to the presence,use, or
<br /> c�• storage on the Propeny of smull yunntitics c�f Haznrdous Substances thut are generally recognized to be appropriate to normai
<br /> • residcntial uses nnd�o maintenunce of the Properry.
<br /> ,'� � Bonower shall promptly give Lender written notice of uny investigation,claim,demand,luwsuit or other action by any
<br /> ��: govemmental or regulatory agency or privut�e psuty involving the Propeny and any Ha�zArdous Substance cr Bnvironmentul
<br /> Law of which Bonower hus actual knowledge. If Bonower lcarns, or is notificd by any govemmental or rcgulatory
<br /> ' uuthority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> �ry". shall promptly take all necessary remedinl actions in accordunce with Environmental Law.
<br /> �•••�'�•-� As used in thisparagraph 20,"Hazardnus Substanccs"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> • Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerocene,other flamm�ble or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> , _ ���S;�i�Q��� ��rhicides. volatilc solvenis, materials containing asbestos or formald�hyde, and radioactivc materials. As
<br />," `'��'', �� '� uscd in this ptuagraph 2U,"Environmental Law"means federal Iaws and iaws oi ihCjuii,diciion whcrs ihc ProFen�i`1"!'nte.�
<br /> that relate to hcalth,safcty or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonowcr and Lendcr turther covenant and ogrce as follows:
<br /> , 21.'Accekratlon;Reme�iies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prtor to accelerntIon[ollowing �forruwer's
<br />����•• .�. ,.,�t , breach of any covenant or agreement in this 3ecurity[nstrument(but not prior to acceleration nnder parugraph 17
<br /> � �� , . unless applicitble low provides otherwi.se). The nottce shall specifys (a) the dcfpult=(b)the action requfred to cure the
<br /> �� ..�,;,� " detault;(c)a date,not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by which the default must be
<br /> �•� cured;and(d)thet[utlure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration ot
<br /> " � ' the sums secured by thls Security Instrument and sale of the Property. TGe notice shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> " .'" the right to retnstate aRer acceleration and the right to bring a couct actlon to essert the non-exlstence of a defeult or
<br /> uny other defense of Borrower to accelerat[on and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specftied in
<br /> : .:,.- the notice,Lenderat ite option may require immediate payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> ' '� >�"` � wtthout further demand and may invoke the �►ower of sale and sny other remedtes permitted by applicable law
<br /> •��y�\. ' �.i t
<br /> .,..,,:,,.,�,i �. I.ender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursufng the �emedtes provided In thls paragraph 21,
<br /> ;,,,..•_ '. includtng,but not Ilmlted to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> � If the power of sale is invoked,'ll�ustee shall record a notice of defsult in each c�tcable I w t Borrower and to
<br /> '� Property is located and shall mail copies of suct�uotice in the manner prescrib�t by spp ,�y,ustee shall give public
<br />__ ,.� the other persons prescribed by applicable luw A,fter the time required by applicablc lavr,
<br /> • noHce of sale to the persons and in the mnnner prescribed by applicable law 1lrustee,without demand on Borrower,
<br /> � shall sell the Property et public Auctton to the higl�est b[dder at the time und pince and under the terms designated in
<br /> the nottce of sale In one or mom parce(s nnd In nny order'IYustee determtnes.'IYustee may postpone sule of all or any
<br /> ' " • parcel of the Property by public announcement nt the timc and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or Its
<br /> ; designce mny purchase the Praperty et any sale.
<br /> $: Upon reccipt of payment o f t he pr tce b t d,'l l'us t e e s h a l l d e l i v e r t o t h e p u r c h o s e r Trustee's deed conve y ing the
<br /> � 'Irut ee shsill u r�l I t 1��e i r h d s o f hc u l ei n t h e'f o l l o i n g o r d e reV(u) to all coststand ex p ense of exercis pg the power _
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