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<br /> � perluda Ihnl I.ender requhes. '1'he Ineurnnce ennler ptnvicling ihe iusurunce shidl be chosen by Darsawer sub}eN tu Lender'v
<br /> ."^' upp�oval which slmll n��t be unieasonnbly wiil�helJ. If llunuwer fnlls tu ntnhdnln cavertige deacribeJ nb��ve,l.c�ider nwy.nl
<br /> � Lenderk t�pUon.oWnln c�vernge tn prolecl Lcuiler'a ilgl�l�ln Ihe Pru xily in nccuidm�ce wllh pntagrnph"l. -
<br /> All Inautnnce polfeles und reuewnls sbnll bo ncce(ilnble lu Leni�cr��nd sl�all Includc n slnnJnrel rourignge rluusc. I.endci _
<br /> aludl hnve lhc rlghi tu hold U�e p�llcles nnd�cnewnls. If Lender reyulieR,Ili���aver slmll pm�nptly glve to Leudcr nll iccciplti
<br /> of paid premiuma miJ renawnl �ioticet. In Il�e eveni of loas, I�unUwer shnll glve O�rompl notico lo tl�e Insurnnce cnrrier nnd
<br /> I.eiulcr. I.ender may nmke prau(uf loss if no�n►nde promptly by llorrower.
<br /> Unleas Lender nnd Dorrowcr othc�wlsc abrce fo wrlHng, insuumcc Imicceds shnll be nrplled to resimulinn ur rcpnir o(
<br /> ' �Itc Pro�cny dn�nngecl, If Ihe rasloro�lon ur �epnir is economicnlly fensllile nnel l.cnder�s secu�Ity (� no1 IessencJ. If �be –
<br /> �eslorm�on or repnir fs nol economicnlly fcnsiblc or Leiidcr's securily would be iesse�icd, llie insurnnce prncecds slmll he
<br /> nppliecl to Il�a swns secureJ by Ihis Secwity Instrumen6 whethe� ar nol Ihcn due,wilh ony excess pnid lo f�cmnwer. If �
<br /> Bniruwcr abnndans Ihc I'rnperly,or docg nol nnswcr wllhfn 30 duys n nuticc frum I..clidcr Ihnl �hc insurnucc curricr hus _
<br /> affered lu aellle a c1aGn,Ihen Lender o�ny cullecl llie Inaurnnce proceecls. l.ende�• mny use Ihe pn�ceeds Io�eIwir ett ieslaic -
<br /> Ihe P�ope�ly or to pc�y sums secureJ by INis Secwily Inslrumenl,whelher or no�ihc��due. 'I'I�e 3U-dny periucl w111 begin a•hen .
<br /> . Q�e notice is given. –
<br /> Unlesa Lender nnd Fion�ower ollurwisc ugree In writing, nny npE�licnlion of pmcecds to princlpnl shnll nol cxlend or
<br /> poslpone the due Jnte of the nwulhiy pnymenle referrecl Iu In pm�n�!rnphs I ��nd 2 or change Ihe nmount of 16e pi�ymenls. il' -_
<br /> under pamgrnph 21 the Proper�y fs ucquired by Lender, I�mruwe��iighl to nny insurnnce (x�l(cies nntl procezJs resulling
<br /> fre�nt dntnnge to tlie Prope�ty prlar lo�he ucquisGicro shnll pnss!o LenJer lo Ihe extent of tl�a sunts securecl by lhis Securily
<br /> � Insumnenl ItnmeJlalely prior to Ihe na ufsUlon.
<br /> fi. pccu�mncy, PreaervMlan� �lalnletrouce nnd Ih•utecliun uf lhe Ih•��pert��i Ilurrun•er'a I.onn AppHcaliuni
<br /> Le�sel�ulda. Dorrawer nlinll occupy,estnblish,nnd use�he I'roperty ns Ourrower!a principnl residence witldn slx�y days nfier
<br /> tlie execullan af Iliis Securily Inslruntent nnd shnll coi�linue lo occupy lhe Pruperly nc Hnrrower's prtncipnl re9idei�ce fnr nl -_
<br /> Ieust one year nfter Ihe dnte of occupnncy, UIlIC59 Leuder alberwise ngiees in wilUng, whtch consent sh�dl irot be
<br /> „ unreasonably withi�elcl,or unlesq extenunling chcumsluncea exist wl�ich�ue beyond Do�rowerb coulrol. �orrower shnll nat
<br /> dcsiroy,clamage or Impnir We P�ope�ty,allow lhc Pu>>crly lo delcrior,�te,or cummh wnsle on the Properly. Dorruwcr sludl
<br /> ---�-- - -- - IYC Iii il�TiiU=1 IS�Ali) S�QiSLI!!!!8 AiSJt!!! 4(y}!tlrn��t�����,w��r�l�er clvil or crimiunl,is bc�un Umt in Lender�s good fni�li judgntcnl --
<br /> coulJ resuU fn I'aifciwre af llic Pru�xrly or udicrwisc nmieilully Impnir lhe Iicn cicnled by Ihis 5ecurUy InKaun►enl or --
<br /> Lender's securily inlereal. Dorrower nmy cu�e such u defnuU�uul relnsinie,ng provided I�i pnrngraph l8,by cnustng�he aclinn
<br /> or procceding lu be dfamisscJ wNh n nding Ihnl,in Lender�gaod fnfih delerndnntinn,��rcchulcs fnrfeilure of�hc I�urrawer:
<br /> intcresl in Ihe Properly ur u�l�er mulc�i+�l Impaiintenl c�f tl�c licn cicmcd by ihis Securliy Ins�rumenl or Lcndcr!s sccurlly
<br /> intcrest. Oorrower shall nlso bc in defnuU i( [3ono�ver, during 16e Innn nppltcmion procese, gQVE tllQICtIIIIIY R1ISC or
<br /> innccurote infonnotion or stnlemenis io Lender(ar fniled io providc Lendcr wUh any mnlerial infonnation)in conneclian wiih -
<br /> Ilte loan eviJeuad by Ihe Note, including, but not limited lo, �epresenlalions cancenting Dorrowerh occiipnncy uP Q�e ,
<br /> , Property as n p�incipnl residence. If this Secu�ity luslrument is on n IenseholJ,Dorrorver tlinll comply wUh aU�he provivions
<br /> of�he Icnse. l(Dorrowcr ncquires fcc lUlc lo U�c('�operty,lhe lenxel�old nnJ lhe fce li�le ahnll not nterge unless Lender ngrces
<br /> ro the mcrger in wriling.
<br /> 7. I'rotecllun of Lei�der's ItIgIUs in Il�c Properly. If [3orrower fnlls lo perfom� ihe covenanls anJ ngreanenls •
<br /> • . cuntnined in Ibia Securiry lustrumenl, or lhere is n Iegnl prnceeding Umt mny signiflcnnlly afPeel Lenclerh righls in Il�e �:,;
<br /> . ; Property(sucli t►s n pracecding in b�nkruptcy,probnle,for condeinnntion or forfei�ure nr�o eni'orce luwe or regulations),U�en =';
<br /> �:_.
<br /> Lender may do anJ pny for whntever Is necessnry W protecl lhe vnlue of the Properly nnJ Lenderla rlghta in liu Property. ��
<br /> - Lender�s nctions m�y Include pnying nny�sums secureel by n Iten which hm priority over lhis SecurUy Ina�rumenl,appenring �..:.;--
<br /> in courl, pnyiug rensonnble attorneys'fees nnd enterfug on Ihe Properly lo make repufra,AUhough Lender niay tnke actlon �`-�--`'
<br /> .. uncler this pnrngrnph 7,i.endcr does not hnve W do so. �'}
<br />� �'�-
<br /> Any amounls e1lsUursed by Lcnder under lbis pw�ngmpl� 7 sl�nll bccome nddlilonnl debl of Borrower aecured by Ihie �,,,
<br /> Securily lnsuumcnt. Unless Dorrower nnJ i,ender ngrcc to olher tenns of pnymait.Ihese omounls ehnll benr inlereet front Ihe —=•-
<br /> dnie of disbursemc�it nt U�e Note rntc nnJ shnll be puynble, wph intei�esl,upon nollce from LenJer lo Borrower re<�uesling �?':•-
<br /> - pnyment.
<br /> " 8. Mortgnge InsurAnce. If LenJer iequfred morlgnge insurnnce ns a condillo�i oF inaking lhe loan secureJ by lhis _
<br /> Securily Instrwnent. I3orrower shnU pny �he premiums requLed to mntmnb� ilie morlgnge insurance in effecl. If, for nny ��_ _
<br /> rcnson, Ihe morlgage insurnnce coveinge requireJ by LenJer Inpses ur censes lo be in effect, Dorrower shnll pny Il�e "' '�.
<br /> picmiums tei�uiicd lo ubloin cnvernge subslnnlially equivnlent lo Uie mnrlgnge iusurmice prevfously In effecl, nl n caxl
<br /> subslnnlinlly equivnlenl lo Il�e cusl lu lie,nuwer uf ihc mo�ign�e iusinunce�nevluusly iu effect. Gom nn nitemnte maugage
<br /> insurcr approveel by I.endcr. II'sul�qtnnlinlly cqutvnlcnt nwtigngc insurnncc coverage is not avnllable. Darrower shnll pny lo
<br /> Lender ench manih �sum eyuni tu cme-iwclf�h of ihe yeiuly ntoilgnge insurnnce prendtun being pald by Uorrower whcn the
<br /> insuinnce coveri�ge I�psecl or censeJ lo Ue in rffecl. I.ender will necepi,use u�id ic�nin�hese pnymeids as n loss reserve in lieu
<br /> of muilgngc insurmicc. Loss rescivc pnyments inny no langcr bc �ecIuircJ, n��he opiion of Lender, ff ntotlgnge inxarnnce
<br /> covcrngc(in d�c omounl nnd fur Ihe period ih�d Lendcr iequi�es)piovided by nn I��surer ap��roved by LenJer ngnln becomes "
<br /> nvnilnble nnd is obti�ined.I3onower shnll pny�he p�emiums�equired Io nminlnin mo�lgnge insurnnce in ef(ecl,or lo provide n
<br /> loss reservc,unlil Ihe icyui�emeni foi mcxlgn�e insurnnce ends in nceotdnnce wlth nuy wiGten ngrcemcnl betwceu Uorrawer
<br /> 1 mul I.cnder ur+tpplicublc lnw.
<br /> 'I. Inspectlnn. Lcndcr or ils iigcnl nu�)'IIISIICC ICIISOIIIIIIIC Ct111ICR U�1011 IIII(I IIl5�1CNIU1IS 0�UIC PItl�1Cf1}�. I.CII(ICf SIIiIII
<br /> give 130�iowet i�ulice nl�he lime of o� �niu�tn nn inspectiun spcclfyiug iensnnuUle cnuse fur Ihe ius�ieclinn.
<br /> j IU. Condemunlluu. The�noreeds of nny u��•md u�clnini fur dnnmges,dhecl urconsequenunl,in connecli�m�vi�h n�q•
<br /> Siuglel4nuily..l�mmlcDlnc/I�rcd�ticMncUNIPORMINSIIl11Al1�:Nl'..Unlfu�mCnvcunn�t 9/90 fP��R�•��')�P����•�I
<br /> , Gtent Intta Uminrts Fa�nh Int A
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