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<br /> -: s=�1M�'.�i
<br /> � - --- Thc f�unds shall bc held in un institution whose depnsits urc intiurcd hy zi Icdcr,d agcncy, instrumentnlity, or entity
<br />-=`-M�'"-�.�' (including L.ender.i f Lender is such nn inxtitution)or in any Feder�il Humc Luan B:�nk. l.cnder tihull apply the Fund. �n p.ry�he �
<br /> � � E,rrow Itcros. I.endcnnuy n��t churbc Burmwcr ti�r hulJin�,md upplying d�c F�und�, annu.dly unalyiing[hc cscr�iw.�rcuunt.or �"'�
<br />'''�: " •� � vcrifyin�;thc Eticmw henis,unlc.s Lrnder puyti Horrowcr irtcretit nn �hc Fundti�uid applir,ihlc I��w permits l.cndcr to makc+uch �
<br /> � �,t a�churgc. Hu�vcvcr. lAn�:cr may rryuirr Bnrrowrr tu piiy u unc-timc rharEr li�r�in in�lcprnd�m rcal rtituic taix rrpu�tinE scrvicc �
<br /> . . .x. u,cd hy lAndrr in cnnnuii��n with thiti luan, unlcsti applici►hlc law pruviilc� ulhrnvi,c. Unlcs, nn ;i�rcrmcnt i� maJ� ur My
<br /> , 'ipplic�iblc law rcyui rc5 intc�c,t tu h��pai�l. l.�ndcr+ht�l I iat hc rryuired tu p:ry Hnrruwcr.uiy intcrest ur carnin��un thc t�unda. �
<br /> . ��� B��rrowcr und [.�:ndcr muy ugrcc in writinp, h��wc•rcr. tliat inlcrc�t shidl hc pnid on lhc l�und�. l.cndcr tihcdl Eivc to Hrn•ruwcr.
<br /> � without chargc, an unnu�tl arcaunting ut' thc Funds, ,howing crcdits und dchit, t�� thc I'undti ,ind thc purpu.c fur whirh rarh �
<br /> , � dcbit tu the FunJs w:u mudc. Tlu f�unds.u•c plcdgcd nti nJditionul sccurity tiir ull,uniti securcd hy thiti Sccurity I�i.uvnxnt.
<br /> If thc Funds helJhy Ixndcr cxcccd thc amuunt�pennitled to he hcld by applicahlc luw, l.cndcr,hull urri�unt tu Hurruwer '�
<br /> .v. for the exces,s f undti in uccordamcr with thc requircme�iic nf aprlirihlc luw. II'the amount ul�hr Fund, hrld hy I.ender at iuiy
<br /> ,.,,o„a-- - tinte iti nut,ulficient �n puy thc E:ticrow Items whcn duc.I.�ndcr tn�iy �u nutify Hurrawcr in writin�;.and. in tiuch ruse &irri�wcr
<br />'-r!�'"N"' shull puy to I..ender the umowit ncces,nry tu muke up the cleficicncy. Borruwer shall makc up thc dctiricncy in no more thun
<br />_:"� twclvc manthly payrncnts,nt l.endcr's solc discreticm.
<br /> ,-#^°�- Upon puymcnt in t�ull of all sums sccured by this Security Instrumcnt. L�:ndrr rhull promptly rcfund to Hurrowcr uny
<br /> - . Funds hclJ by [.cndcr.If, un�ler purugruph 21, l.cndcr shall iicquirc c�r scll thc Pruperty, Lcndcr, prior to dic arquisition i�r sulc
<br />_' uf thc Property, chall apply any Funds hcld hy IAndcr ui thc tinu of acquitirtian c�r�alc u�a crcdit ugainst thc tiums�ecurcd by
<br /> ';. . this Securiry lnstrumcnt.
<br /> ;-�Y � 3. Appliet�don atPayments. Unless applicuble luwpruvides atherwitie,ull paymrnts received hy I_enJrr under�ar;i�raph�
<br /> - -� � I and? shall 6e upplied: first. [a uny prepayment ch.irges due under the Note: srcon�l, n,amuuni, pa�ahlc unJ��r paragraph ?:
<br />=ti='�!���;�• � third,tc+ intcrc�t Juc;fourth, to principul duc;and lutit, tnany lutc ch.agcs duc undcr thc Nutc.
<br /> �T�• 4. Chur�es; l.iens. Rorrowcr tihall pav all taxcs, a�,rahmrnts, churgc,, tines and impu�itionx attrihutahlc to thc Pruperry
<br />:,N�'r, which nuiy attain prioriry over thi� Sccuriry Instrumcnt.and Ica,ehold paymcnts or ground rents, if any. Borroa�cr +hall puy
<br />-.�- the,e obligatiuns in themanner prc�vided in parugruph 2,ar if not p�iid in that manner, Fiorr��wer shull puy them un timeJirectly
<br />`:�;,;�'•_� `. tn thc penon uwrd puymcnt. Borra�vcr shall promptly furnish to l.cndcr ull notires c�f umounts tu hc paid undcr this parugraph.
<br /> `'-''�':" If Bcirrower ntakes theti r�ryment�direcNy, B��rrower sliull promptly furnitih tn Lendcr reccipts eviJencing the pa��ments.
<br /> �'��"' �'!� Borrower shall promptly discharge any licn which has priarity over this Secur�ty [nstrument unlcsr Borrower. (a)ngrees in
<br /> �'�'t�,���; wri[ing tu thc paymeni of the obligutini�serured by the lien in a manner acceptuble to Lcndr,r. (b)contests in good fuith the lien
<br /> , by, or dcfcnds xgainU enforccmcnt nf thc lien in, Icbal �rnccedings which in thc Lcnder'ti opinion oprratc to prevent the
<br /> entbrcement of the lien;cir(c) secure+from ihe holJer ofthc lien an agreement s:�usCuctory[ci Lender�ubordinating the IiGn to
<br /> � � this Security G�strument. If L,ender Jetem�ineti that nny part nf the Property is subject to a lien which muy uttuin prioriry over
<br /> this Sccurity Instrumcm, Lendcr may give Hurrowcr a nuiice identif'ying thc licn. Bc�rrowcr shall sutis'ry the lien or take onc or
<br /> ' , more of the actions set forth above within 10 day�of th�giving of nutice.
<br /> .' • 5. Haxurd or Property Insuriuice. Borrowcr shall keep the impruvements nuw existii�g or hereatler r.rected on the
<br /> • •�° Property insurcd againct loss by f'irc, huzards induded within thc tcrm "cxtendcd cuvcragc" and any othcr huzurds, incluJing
<br />- ' floocis or flooding, forwhich Lendcr rcyuires insurancc.This inxuruncc shall bc maintaincd in thc umounts und for thc perioJs
<br /> . � "�• that 1_ender reyuires. The insurance carricr pruviJing the insurunce shull be chosen hy Borrower tiuNjcct to Lender's approval
<br /> ',�:;":.'".f:.; . which tihall not he unrcutiimably withhcld. ff'Borrowcr lails to nwintain covcragc dcxribcd abov�, Leendcr muy, ut L.cndcr's
<br /> :. •-.;' .`= cinti�in. �hr�in rnvr�•;�oa tr�rm���rt [�m�nr'�riol,�c jr�rl,� Pr;t�,v`N� !!l».�C:t�3l:��::�Sth�aCJNT.:r:7.
<br /> � � "'r� All insurancc policies and renewals shall bc ucccplablc�o Lr.ndcr and xhall include a standard mortgagc clausc. Lendcr
<br /> �' �''� A��� shAll have thc ri ht to hnld the licie�and renewals. If Lender re uires, Borro�ver shull rom tl
<br />.�•�;�:°'Y�•:�:� � �' 9 P P Y�'ivc to Lender ull reccipts nf
<br />:.,��"`-�� puid premiums and renewal noticcs. In thr cvcnt of loss,Borrowcr tihall givc prompt noticc ta thc insurancc carricr and Lc:nder.
<br /> :,.,.,:�µ'�:: Lcndcr may makc proo(of loss if nut madr promptly by Borruwer.
<br />' "��"*�;,". Unless [,enJer and Borrowcr otherwise agrce in wriiing,insurance proceeds shall be applied tc�restarntion ur repair cif the
<br /> _.,a�" •� � Property dmnaged,if'th� restoration or rcpair iti�runumi�ally frusible und Lendcr'x sccurity is not IcssencJ. If thc restaration or
<br /> �r�%:�` rcpuir is not cconomically Fcasiblc or Lcndcr's scruriry u•oulJ bc Icsscncd, thc insurancc pr�uccds shull bc applicd co thc sums
<br /> -=� � d" � secumd by this Securily Instrument, whether or not then due, with any exeess paid tc� Borrowcr. If Borrou�er ahandc�ns the
<br /> `�.:x: : • Property, ar Joeti not answcr within 30 d�rys a notice from L,cndcr that the in�uruncc carrier has off'cred to scttic a claim, then
<br /> =_:�••: >�' Lender may collect thc insuruncc prucccds. Lendcr may usc thc proc�cds to rcpair or restorc thc Property or to pay sunts
<br /> :�-r�,��?r.�� securcd hy this Security Instrununt, whether or not then duc. Thc 30-day�:riod will begin when the notice is�iven.
<br /> :s�._.-•_�� Unless Lender anJ &�rrower utherwise agree in tsriting, any applic:ttion of rrncceds eo prinripal shull not extend or
<br /> --�s_x�' postpane the duc datc of thc monthly paymcnt� refcrreJ u� in paragruphs I and 2 c�r chunge thc amount i�f thc paymcnts. If
<br /> '�'�='��`� undrr ara�re h 21 the Pro en iti ic uired h l.ender, Ikirrower's ri*ht ro xn insurancr olicic�and roceeds re�ultin� frcmt
<br /> '}c`,�;._-_`_�. P' b 'P P Y�•� � Q Y !� Y p P b
<br />�Mr--.-.=�R•,-, dumuge co the Property prior to the acyuisition shull pass m i.cndcr ro thc rxtent of the sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument
<br />"-'-;:;'�;•i» immediatclypriorto tlkQCquisition.
<br /> = • .. 6.Occupuncy, Pr�sern�tion, 141aintemince und Pratect(nn of the Property;Borrower's Laan Applicution; l.easeholds.
<br /> Borrowcr shuU arrupy,cstablish,and usr thc Properry us B��rn�wcr's prinripal retiidcncc within tiixty dayti aftcr thc executian of
<br /> .` °''�" thi� Serurity Instrumem unu tihcdl continue tu urcupy the Pro�rty as Rorrowcr's prinripal residence tiir at Ieatit ane ycar .�ftcr
<br /> �- :- _ thr datc uf occupanry,unless Lendrr uthcrwisc agrees in wriiing, which run�cnt sh:�ll not hc unrcasonably witl�hcld, ur unless
<br />__ � extenuating circumstance� exist which .ire beyond Be�rrower'� control. Borri�wer xhall not Jrstroy. Janmge or inipair the
<br /> _ •�>��-•- Property, ullow thc Prnp�ny tu drtcriorate, or rommit uatitc on thc Property. Eiorrc�wcr tihall hc in dcfault if any fnrCeiturc
<br /> ....r R�y��-�
<br /> ' •�^•~ •+ction��r pr��cceding, nh�thcr rivil ur criminal, i, hcguaihat in I.cndcr',�,uud taith juJgmcnt c��ulJ rcwlt in fi�rfciturc��f thc
<br /> ''�'�� . Pmperty ar othcrwisc mat�rially impair tlic licn crcatcd by thi�Sccurity In,trumcnt or Lcndcr'ti,crurity intcrest. Burruwcr may
<br /> rw•c surh a dcfault anJ rcintit.uc.a�providrd in paragrnph I?i,hy rausing thc acti�m nr prurccding t�,h�di�missul with a ruling
<br /> that. in Lcnd_�r', �«c�laith clrlcrminution, prccludcs ti�rlciturr ul thc B�uro��•cr's intcrc+t in thc f'ruperty or other mutcrial
<br /> impainncnt ��(th� li�n crratccf hy lhis 5ccurity Instruntcnt ur Lcndc�'ti xccuriry intrtrst. liurr����•cr sh,ill also bc in dcfault if
<br /> Bnrruwrr.durin�:thc Inan ;ipplicati�in�ir��rr�..�avr m:�tcrial l�-I:ihc ur inarruratc inli�rmati��n��r�latcmcntti ta I.cnJcr (ur fhilc� —
<br /> ., tu pruviJc Lcndcr withany m:ucriul infi,rtn;iuunl in rnnncrtion w•ith th�luan rvidrnrrcl b�• Ihr Nutr. inrluilinE. but ncx liinitccl �
<br /> �j tu, rcprc�cnlalium a�ikcrninE Hurr�i��•rr'� i,rcupanry ot' th� f�r��pcny a+a prinripal ir�iilcnrr. If thiti tirrurily Intitruiurnt iti un a �`
<br /> � Ira,rhul�, l3urrnu•cr �h;dl romply ��uh all ihr pru�•i,iun� ul thc Ira.r. If f3urru«�rr aryuirr, t��r iitlr tu dir Pru�mrly, lhc
<br /> Icaschold and thr fre Gdc tihall not mcr�!r unl�,+ I.cndcr a�:rccs iu Ihc ntrr�cr in�ti•rilinp.
<br /> 7. Prot�rtion c►f I.ender'�Ri�;hts in th��Prnperty. II E3ittrc�wcr t'ails io prrfurm thr r�n•rnant�and agrecments rontained in
<br /> this Sccuriiv Intiuunicnl. c�r Ihrre i.a Ic�:.il pr�ircc�in� Ih;i� may signilicantly altcrt l_rnilrr'. rightti in tl�r f'ro�irny (�uch as a _
<br /> prurrcdin�:�in hankr�picy. prubatc. liir r�,nJrnination ur Inrfciturc nr tu rnl„rrr laa•. ur rrEulatiomL ihcn I.rn�irr ma�dci and �
<br /> p:n Il,r �ti�hatcvcr it nccc.�ary tu pr�,icrl thr�•aluc c,f thc I'r<iprt7y:utd Lrndrr'y ri�.htti in di� Pr�q�rrty. I.cnJrr'. :irtiun� may
<br /> in.lu�lr ��aying any sum� +crured h�• a li�n ��•hirh hci,prinrity ovrr th[, S�ruril�� ln,U�um�nt, a����raring in rourt, p.rying
<br /> rr.itiunahlr att��rnry,' lec� and cnlrnnE un thr f'r�q�cm� tu m�kc rcpair.. AlthnuLh I.rn�lrr m:i�• Cihr action undrr tliiti para�.raph
<br /> 7. I.rnJrr d��c�nul hct�'c tt�Ju �n.
<br /> — . _ ,... ........... .,:.�.._._.� �.. � .. � . , .� . _ . .. . ... . . . .
<br /> .—._ ..... .........��... „„�..,..,... �.. ._�����.� uu���, �nn ��.u,�gi:�pn � ,nan nccumc :iuu�nimai ucn� nt ISiu'rm�•ii' ticcw'�`cl h�' Ilns
<br /> tirrwil� In.u•umrnl. l°nlrti,13urru��-rr anci I rndrr :igrr�in .,ih�r irnm ul'raymrni. thrx anwunt, .hall hrar in�crc�t linm Ihc
<br /> il:ur uf di,hunrmrnt :n thc N�qc raic anil .hall hr payahl��. �tith intrrc,l. up�,n n��iirc frum I.�rn.lrr i�, linrm��rr rryur,�ing
<br /> ��a�mrnt.
<br /> R. �1urt�;u�!c lnsm•ance. fl I.rnJ�r rryunr�l iiinnp:i�c imuranrc as a��mJiu��n nf makin� �hr I�,an tii�u�'rJ h)'Ihi�5r�'U�ily
<br /> IntilrUmrnt. liurrrn�rr�h:,ll pa� ihr prcninnuti r�i�uim�f io rnaintain lhr nwrt�:a�.c in�w•anir in rl7rrt. II. I�,r ana rc.uun. ihc
<br /> ninrl�a�c in.ui;incr �•u�cragr r�i�uirrJ h�• I.cn�lcr I.iptic� ��rrra�r, lu hr in rllrrl. Rnir.��cri •hall p��� Ihr prrmiunu r�yuircJ tu
<br /> ��Mafn�nvrri�:r tiuhtit;nni:ill� ri�wv:ilrnl ii, ihr nuiri�a�c m.tuanrr prc�iuu.l� in rllr.•t. .�t a r�,.i �uh�tami,ill� r��uivalrm t�,ihr
<br /> �:rnl tu }i�q�'��\tCl'ul IIK Il1uilL:i�r in.uranir prrri��u,l� m �Ilcrt. Irum an aUrrn:ur nu�rtc;iEr in,urrr appn��r�l hy I.rnJcr. If
<br /> � , '''�'%�•'� Form 3028 9i90
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<br /> �
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<br />