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<br />_�::•,::�}�: ��:L0�'�. llEED OF TRUST 33y71�3a '�c�o I 9�
<br />'.��::�,,.:� Norwtsi I�anlc t�al� do �p
<br /> ----�� PO Rox 2440 �
<br /> ==_-= Omaha,NE 68103 _
<br />.������ �
<br /> -"`�� THIS DEED OF TRUST("Security Instrument")is made on Becember 8, 1997 .The trustor is
<br /> -���-
<br /> a`:�.�ij�.
<br /> •�- • Lawrence D. Palacz and ,Tacqueline R. Palacz, hueband and wife
<br /> ..�.
<br />��w�k-ik
<br /> r:�'� ("Bonower"�.The trustee is Norwest Bank Nebraska, National Association
<br /> �:>,.
<br />>�'.
<br /> r- .
<br /> =';4i'� ("Trustec'7.The beneficiary ipo�egt Bank Nebxaska� National Aesociation
<br /> _�1•
<br /> .A:, '
<br /> �'�'d�� which is organized and existing under the laws of United SCatea of Amercia ,and whose
<br />"'-_. :
<br /> _ 'j;`"�.
<br />;,���,�•,.;_ address is 202 W 3rd. St.. Grand Island. NE 68801
<br /> ("Lender"). Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of
<br />..__�`;YSK'a.:.��
<br />.__r,.;.�� 'l�en.ty-aeven thaueand two hundred seventy-nine and 42/100
<br /> _-�,��*. Dollars(U.S. $ 27.279.42 )•
<br />-;;;��-.�,1 This debt is evidenced by Borrower's nate dnted the same date as this Security Instrument("Note"),which provides for
<br /> -,,_,,���i monthly pa�ants,with the full debt,if not paid curlier, due and payablc on December 20, 2007
<br /> �'��;,•'~ This Securit lnstrument secures to Lender: (a)the repayment uf tlie debt avideuced by the Note,with interest, and all rene�vals,
<br />;=;;,��j extensions and maiifiwtions of thc Note: (b) thc puyment of all o!her sums, with interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to
<br /> =-�—� protect the security of this Security Instrument; and (c) the performance of Borrower's cavenantti and s�greements. For this
<br /> _._ -;�:;�; purpose, Borrower irrevocably grents and conveys to Trustee, in trust,with power of sale, the following described property
<br /> `���'n�� located in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br />:�.. ��;��
<br /> =..��
<br /> -----��<.,�.�
<br />-_.����i
<br />;;_,��,�,�j Lot Sixty-ei�ht (66). Belmont Addition. City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> ���,
<br /> -':�f
<br />_ , I
<br />.-0�"."�c Y I�-�;
<br /> :iC�„�;¢.i�.
<br /> v�
<br /> -i?";_
<br />--xI?�Yry+"" �SIfCCI.Ci[y�.
<br /> _ -,._:.-.. �vhich has thc uddress of 424 N. Carey Ave., Grand Island
<br />.=':�'�r,�^- . Nebraska68803 ("Property Address"):
<br /> .��'r'� ; �"lip GxIcJ
<br /> �
<br /> � TOGF.THER WITH all thc improvcmcnts now on c�reaftcr crectcd on the property, and all eascments,appurtenances,and
<br /> fixtures now or hercaflcr a part of the properey. All replacemcnts and udditions shall also be covcred by this Sceurity =
<br /> Instrument. All of the forc};oing is referrul to in this Sccurity(nstrument as thc "Property." _
<br /> BORROWER CO\'ENANTS that Horrower is lawfully seiscd of the estate hereby conveycd anJ has the right to grant and _
<br /> convey thc Propeny and that thc Property is uncncumbered, cxcept for encumbranccs of record. Borrowcr warrants and will
<br /> defend gcnerally the title ro the Property u�ainst all daims and demands,subject w uny encumbrances of rccord. _
<br /> � � THIS SECURI'I'Y INSTRUMGNT rombincs uniform covcnants far national utic and ncm-unitiirm ccwenant� with limitcd =
<br /> vari�nions by jurisdiction to constitutc a uniform scrurity in�trument cnvcring rcal property.
<br /> UNIFORtiI COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lcndcr covenant 3nJ agrcc us follows: _
<br /> � •1. Fayment uf' Principal und Interest: Prrpayment und I.ute Chs�r�c�s. Borrow�r tihall pr��mptly pay when Juc thr -
<br /> principal cif und intcrest on Ihc Jcbt eviden�ed by the Nute and anv prcpaynunt and latc rhargeti Juc undcr thr Note. �
<br /> � 2. Hunds for Tuxcs nnd Insurunce. 5ub�cct to applicablc�luw �ir ti� a writtcn waivcr by LcnJcr. Borrc�wcr shall pay to [
<br /> . . . � - � c..trl t•lxcti
<br /> ,.
<br /> ...............�...,�.....,.,,.,��,�.,.,•...,,,,.�,�. :�r,•�lur iendrr thr Nn�r,until thc N��tc i�n:�id rn full.a sum('Fimd� 1 to1':('t)Y" Y
<br />.. . __. . - .. wuu�.� vu•ue....
<br /> �...........> r..,........_...'__'_' " _
<br /> tmd asscssments u�hirh niuy attain pricirit�� o��cr thix Sccurity Instrumcnt as a lirn un thc Property; (h)ycurly Icaschcild paymcnts
<br /> or ground rents on thr Pr<�perty,if any;(r)�•carly huzard or property in�uranrc prcmiums;(d1 yrarly Iluud insurancc prcmiums,
<br /> if uny: (c) ycarly mc�rtga�!c insurancc prctttiunts, if any; and (f) any sunn payaMc hy Borruwcr tu Lcndcr, in acrurduncc with
<br /> thc provision�uf'paragraph 8. in licu ��f thc pa.yment of murtgagc insurancc prcmiums, Thc+r itcnn arc caUcd "Escrow Itcros.'
<br /> Lcndcr may. at any timc. collcct .ind huld Funds in an amuunt nut t�i cxc::cd thc maximum amount a Icndcr ti�r a tcdcraily
<br /> related mortga�c lu.ui may reyuire for E3��rroa�er's e+cro�v acrcwnt unJer thc tederal Rral L'stat� 5etU�ment Procedurry A�t eif
<br /> 1974 as amcndcd fruui timc tu timr. 12 U.S.C. 5ertiim 2G01 rr s��q. l"RESPA"). unlr,x anuthcr law that applic� tu thc FunJti
<br /> tictti a Ics>rr ,unount. If tiu. Lcndcr may. al any timc. collcrt and hald Fundti in an umuunt not tu rxcccJ thc Ir�scr anwunt.
<br /> Lcndcr may c�timatr thr .unuunt nf f=undti duc on thc basis uf currrnl duta and rc.i.un:ihlr estinr,tt,+��t'cxpenditurc�uf futurc
<br /> E:�rrow Rcm�ur uthcrwisc in accurdancc wilh upplirablc law.
<br /> ' NEEiRASICA•Singlc family-Fonnlu MoulFrnddlo Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT �o�m 3028 9!90
<br /> � (�j NI 12T97 MTO 46�P MORTGAGF FORMS i31:fV93 R1U0 �H00�977 779� Vaym�o�4
<br /> I Amanded 6191
<br /> m
<br />