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<br /> _�.:_ —r,.:+�. • tiuUstantially cyuivalent mort�ugc intiuranrc ruvcri�gc iti nut availublc. f3orr��wrr�h,�ll pay t�� I_rnJrr rarh munth:� sum equal t��
<br /> :��x,:,;���--� e�not�velft6 of thc yeurly mnrtgage i►nuranrr premium heinp paid hy Bnrr��wer ��•hen ihc in��n•unrc rnvrruEe lapscd ur cea�rd�n _
<br /> ,""""�`"� hc in effect. l.ender will nccept, use and retuin ther.c p.+ymentti�s a loss rc�erv��in licu nl' murt�;agc in+ur��nre. Los, rescr�,c
<br />'` .f;�'�:'•;.` ' payntents may q�r lunger he rcyuir�d.at thr u�;ti�m u(l.endcr,if rnurt�ngc in+uranrc covcra�*c(in th��.�nwunt and ti�r thc peri��l
<br />�"`�"`��d�,� , that l.�ndcr rcyuims)providcd hy an in,urcr appro�r.d hy l,endcr a�uin bcecitncr av,�ilahlr unil is ohlatincd. H�ttr��wcr �h�dl pay y
<br /> , :�,. � ,�' thc prc�nlum,rrquired tu m,iintain murtgagc in�w•anrc in cffrci,i�r tu prnvidc a lu,ti rc�rn•c. iinlil lhc rryuirrmcnt liir mnrtgugc �
<br /> '��" intiunnuc cndti in accordanrc with any�vrittcn�igrcemcnt bctwccn Bnrruwcr and l.cnclrr�rr applicahlr law.
<br />-,'::;:,�;.•. ; ,� 9. Inspectlun. Lender or i�ti a�:ent muy mukc rca.ri�nablc entrirti upun�utd in,pcctianti uf thr Pr��perty. IAnder �hall give �
<br /> ,_.:,•,.. k3arruwcr nuticc at thc tinu csf or prior to aui inspcctiun tipecifying rcusunaBlc cau,r 1'ur thr inspertiun. M"�
<br />"�,�:; .. 10. Condcmn��tfnu. Thc pr��cccds uf any aw�ud or claim li�r dama�cs. dircct ��r comcyurntial. in runncrtiun with any a
<br /> �t��•:'�:�. cimdcnmatiun or uthcr tukin�; nf uny pan ��f'thc Proprrty, iir for cnnvcyuncr in lir.0 nf ron�lc�nnuliun. ar� n�r�n�� a++igncd :md � —
<br /> .;.....,....•��-
<br /> shall hr paid tu Lcndcr.
<br />-.�e�'f In thc c�•cnt c�f a tc�tal Giking af thc Pr��pert}•. thc prncccdti shall hr applicd ln thr tiunu titcured h�• thiti Srcurity Instrument, � �
<br /> - whcthcr or nnt then duc. �vi[h any cxrr„ paid to Rorrowcr. In the cvcnt uC u partial tukin� al'thr Pre�perty in whirh ih� fair
<br />-,, markrt valuc of thc Property imnuJiaicly brfi�rc thc tahing is cNual tu ur grcatcr thun thc.tmuunl uf thc tiums.ccurcd hy this
<br />==,��. Scrurity Instrument irntnecliatrly hclinc thc t:iking. unlctiti Bi�rruwcr and l.cndrr nthcr���i,r a�:rcr in w•riting. the+unn,ecurcd by
<br /> - � this Sccurily Insn•umcnt s.hidl bc rcdurcd by thc amount uf ihc prc�cced� multiplicd hy thc liilluwing fruction: (a) thc ti�tul
<br /> ", umount of thc ,ums tircurcd immrdiutcly hcti�rc thc taking. Jividcd hy (b) thc Fuir markct valuc ul'thc Property intnmdiulcly
<br /> .._. hefnrc thc tuking. Any I�alanre shall br paid ro Burruwrr. In thc rvcnt of a partial tukin�. nf thr Pr��perty in u�hich thu fair -
<br /> . ' marl:ct ��uluc uf thc Prnprrty inuncdi�rtclp hrfnre thc tnking i<Ic�.thzn�thr anu,unt �,f thc,nmc+ecun•d immcdi�n��ly hcG�rc thc
<br /> " taking, unlc�s Borrcnvcr und Lendcr othcrwisc agrcc in writing��r unless applicable law cnhcrwi,r prcrvides, the prarccds tihull
<br /> �:�:;�. ' bc upplicd n,thc sums secumd by this Sccurity Intitrumcnt whc�her ur nut the,um,u�e thcn Jue.
<br />-"�' ' If the Property is abandoned hy Borrowcr,nr if,uf'tcr notice by Lcndcr[o Borrowcr thu[the condemnor uffers to muke an
<br /> - ' uwurd or sctde a claim fi�r damages, Borrower fails to respond to I.endcr within 30 days aftcr thc datc the noticc is given,
<br />:�',;. , �• L,endcr is authorized to collect and apply[hc procceds,at its��piion,either to restorution or repuir of thc Property or to the sums
<br /> •r •'��•�� sccured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due.
<br />- .�_��;;��,,�-• Utilcss [..ender and Bnrruwer uthcrwise agrec in writing, any applicutiun of proceeds to principal sl�a�i not extend or
<br /> ' ' •`.r�" u,� une the due date of thc mc�nthl a mcnts rcf'cn�cd to in ara r,� hs I and 2 or chan�c thc amount of such a mcnts.
<br />_ ,�°,,;,; p • P Y P Y P � P b P'Y _
<br /> _;;.,,�,��„ 11.�3orrower Not Released; Forhearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Fxtension of the time fur paymcnt or modificution
<br />- ' '•�'•.,• ul'amortir,ition of the tiumti+ecureci hq this Security Instrument granted by Lender tci any successor in interest of Borrower shull
<br />. ' - nut aperate to rcicatic thc liabiliry of the original Barrowcr or Borrowcr'ti succcsrors in inlcrest. Lcrndcr xhall not bc required tu
<br /> ,;g� rommenee pruceedings aguinst any surccssor in interest c�r refuse to extend time for payment c�r otherwise modify amortizatian
<br /> ' nf the sums secured by this Securiq• Instrument by reuson of any demund made by the original Bc�rrower or Bc�rrower's
<br /> succes.urs in irterest. Any forbeurancc by Lender in exercising an�- right or remcdy shall nnc he a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> . exercise of any right or rcmedy.
<br /> 12. Succ�wsors and Assi�ns Buund; Julnt und Several Lfability; Co-st�ners. Thc covenuntti and agrccmcntti of this
<br /> Sccurity Distrumcnt tihall bind und hcn�fit thc succcssurs and ussigns of' [.cndcr und Bc�rrowcr, +ubject to thc provisions of
<br /> paragraph l7. Borrowcr's covcnants and agrccments shall be,joint and several. Any Bc�rrnwcr who co-signs this Securiry
<br />_ , . [nstrument but docs not cxecutc thc Note: (a) is co-si�ning this Securiry Instrumcnt only to mortgabe, grant and convcy that
<br /> Burrowcr's interest in thc Praperty undcr the tcrms of this Scarity Instrument: (b) is not personally obligatcd to pay thc sums
<br />' � .: ,— — �ccurc�by i��i�Sccu�iiy 1�'„iiu�lYc;iii. uiiS i�j ugicic�iiiai Laiiia�cfaiial,iii��itiici Bufi�,wci tiiu'y u�:iu:iO di�tciii�. iii�iliFy, S�uibu�P ui
<br /> •• muke any accommodutions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borcower's consent.
<br /> 13. Loan ChurAes. �f thc loun secured by this Security Instrument is subject to x law which,ets maximum loan charges,
<br /> ,:t�fi, anJ that law is finally interpreted so that the intcrest or other loan rhargeti collected or to be collected in eonnection with tl�e
<br />;�.I;.� . loan exceed the permined limitz, then: (al any such loun charge shall be reduced hy the amount necessury to r�cluce the charge
<br />-:.. „, . to the permitteci limit; und (b) sny sums already collcctcd f'ram Borrowcr which excceded permitted limits�vill be rcfunded to
<br /> .•.'1�_,:'. Borrower. Lender muy choose to make thiti rc(und by reducin� the principal oweJ undcr the Note or by making a direct
<br /> ;, � � paymcnt to Borr�wcr. If a refund reduc�s principal, the rcduction will be trcated u+ a panial prepaymcnt without uny
<br />�.`' " ``�"`�� prcpayment churgc undcr thc Notc.
<br />,�,�:�_'""' . 14.Nodces. Any notice to Borrower prnvided for in this Securiry Instrument ;hall be�;iven by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> ", it by firsi clas� muil unlcsti upplicnblc luw rcyuires usc of anathcr mcthod. The noticc xhall bc dircctcd to thc Property Address -
<br /> - °,;;ti. . or any other address Harrawcr dcsignutes by notice to Lcnder. Any notice to [.�:ndcr sl�ull be given by first cluss muil to
<br /> _:,- '� l.cndcr's xddress statul hcrcin or:�ny othcr uJJres�Lendcr dcsi�,nates by noticc tu Borrowcr. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> -v�"""�,.";��"�' Sccurity Instrument shall bc dccmed to havc bcen givcn to Borrnwcr or Lcnder when givcn us provided in this parugraph.
<br /> �s°�='`'+`-^ 15.Governing Lua; Severubilfty. This Security Instrumcnt shall bc gcrvcrncJ by federal It�w und thc luwof thc
<br /> -"'—�`�:� jurisdiction in which the Propeny is locatuf. Di the cvent tha�any provisian ar clausc of this Security Instrumcnt or the Note
<br /> -- �� ' conflict�with applicrble Inw, such cunflict shull not afCect ather provisions nf this Securiry Intitrument or the Note which ran be
<br />�'-. '. ' ,".'. given effect without the contlictin� provisiun, To this end the provisions of this Secw�ity[nstrument and the rlote ure declare�l
<br />-- :,.:�.,::., to bc sevcrablc.
<br /> - 1G.Rorrower's Copy. Burrowcr shall be given one conforrr►ed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> ---� • l7.'Ci�unsfer uf thc Property ur u Beneficiul Intcr�.ct Bi Borroa•er. If ull or uny part of thc Prnperty or nny intcrest in it
<br /> -- , �� � is sold or transfcrred(or if a bcncficial intcrctit in Burrowcr is sold cir transfcrrcd and Horrowcr is not a natural pertion)without
<br /> ^�. .L .�'_�_.
<br /> _�w���,µ« • Lender'� prior writtcn consent. Lender may, at its option, reyuire imnudiate puymm�t in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> . ..� �, ;y Security Instrwnent. Howcvcr, this optiun tihnll nut bc excrcisal by L.cnder if excrrise is prohibited by fcJcral I,nv as of the�late
<br /> , • of this Sccurily Instrumcnt.
<br /> � It'[.cndcr excrciscs this option. Lcndcr�hall givc I3cirrc�wcr noticc of acccicraticm. 'Phc nuticc shall providc a period ot'not s-
<br /> �, Icsti than 30 duyti from thc datr thc nutirc is dclivrrcJ or maileJ within which Borruwcr mu�t p.p• all sums scrurcd by this �',
<br /> , � Scrurity Instrutnent. [f Borrowcr I'ails tu p:�y thcsc swns prii�r tu thc expiratiim of this periud, l,�ndcr mxy imokc any rcmedics !
<br /> � permitted by this Security Instrument�vithuut furthcr notice cir demand on Borrower. �
<br /> IS. Borro«•cr's Ri�;ht tu Rcinstutc. If Borrnwcr mccts ccrtain runditions, Borruwrr .hxll have thc right lo havc
<br /> enforcement of this Scrurity Instrument disc��ntinucd .0 any �imc pric�r tc� thc carlier uf: (a) S days (or such uthcr peric�d as
<br /> ; applirable I.nv may tiprcil'y firr rrintitatemrnU bcti�re salr cif the Property pursuant to any puwcr of sale contuined in this `"
<br /> Scrurit}• In.truntcnt:ur(h)cntry e�f ci judgment enfixcin�: this 5�ruriry Instrument. 7'ho,r r��nditinn,arc lhat Burrower: (a) pays
<br /> . Lcndcr all �umti +vhich lhcn wi�uld hr ilur undcr thi�Scrurih•In�trumcnt und thr Nutc as if nu arrcicraticm haJ orcurreJ: (h) T
<br /> cureti uny dcl:iult uf any uthrr ruvrnantti ur agrccmcnt,: t�l pay,all exprnus inrurrcd in rnliirrin� thi. Scrurity In�trumrnt. _
<br /> including. hut n�,t IimitcJ t�,. rra�uiiahlr au�,rnry,' Irrs: .ind IJ) takrti tiurh artiun ay Lrndrr map rrawn:ibly nquirc to atitiurc
<br /> t tlnit thc licn�,I this Srrurity In�trumrnt. Lrndcr'� rights in thc pruperty anJ Bc�rmwrr'ti uhli�:atiun tu pay thc wms ticcurcd by .
<br /> I thiti Sccurity Imtrutncnt �hall r�mtinuc unrhangeJ. Upun reinstatrmm�t hy Bi�rn����cr. this Srcurit} In,trument and thc ;
<br /> i obligatiuns x�•urcd hrreby tihall rrntain 1'ully cffrrtiec ati if n�,a�ccicrali�m had uccurrcd. Huwc�•cr. thiti right lo r�instatc shall
<br /> � not apply in thc rasc uf acccicratiun undcr para}�raph 17. I
<br /> "---"" - 19. lalc ut Notc: C'lii�n};c oY Loan lcrvfccr, I hc Nutc ur c► parti:�l mtcrc�t in thc Nutr (tagethcr with this Scrur�ty
<br /> InstrumcnU may hi tiul�l�mr or nwrc timrti�+�ithuut priur nutirc tc�Hurruwrr. A �alr may result in a r!smgc in thc cntity Iknown
<br /> � a�thr "Loan Scr�•iccr"I that roUrrtti monthl}� p.rymrms�lur undcr thc No�r and thiti Srrurit�• h�titrumrnt.'i'hcrc also muy hc une
<br /> � or morr rhangr.ol�thc L��an Srrviccr unrrlatcd tu a}.�Ic of thr Nuir. If t6orr i,a changc of thc Luan Scrvircr. Bnrra�arr u-ill hc
<br /> givcn writtcn ncnicc uf Ihc changr in acrurd.incc with paragraph I 4 abo�•c arnl a�pliruhlc Icna. 'flir nutirc will�talr thc natnr anJ
<br /> aJJress uf thc ncw Lu.ui Srrvircr anJ Ihr addrc�� �n whi�h payinent� .huuld b� nt.id�. "l'h� nutir� will altiu cuntain any uthcr
<br /> infuriiiatiun rcyuircd b� applir:ihlr la��•, j
<br /> I 2Q. Htt'/.sli'dt►us 5ubstunccti. Borruwrr ,hall nut rau�¢ ur ��crntil Utc prcti�nrc, u�r. �lispu�al. �turagr. c,r rclrasc�,1� anl' !
<br /> � H,iiardouti Suh�tanrcti on ur in Il�r 1'ruprrly. Hcirzuwer ,hull nui ilu, nur alluw anyonc rlu t�, do. am•lhin� affrcting tlic
<br /> 1 Pruperty that i� in �:i��l:tti�m ul'am• [:nrirunmcntul I.a��•. 'I'hr pr�rcJing t��•o .rmrnrc, shall nul :�pplp t�, tlir ��mx�nrc. utic. or
<br /> � �toragi: un lhr F'ruprny ol +ntall quantitiry �,I HaiarJc�u� Suh�ia�icc� thai arr gcnrrall�• rccn�niicd tu hr appr�:priatc t��ni�rmal
<br /> I rc,iJcntial u1c�and tu maint�:nanrr��I thc{'r��perty. i
<br /> � I
<br /> �'•m�+���� Form 3028 9/90 i
<br /> i
<br /> __...� -- _--
<br />