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�. . _ .. ....-::-- — --------� -----�--�-------�--� =_— - <br /> ._y . . _ .:...• - . . . - �_; p . <br /> d 'pIM,�:. . .' : : ��' �- da.v,.�. . <br /> ,.� , . ..�: r- ��!'t j�:t^y�1F".`''4P";�'^'"' .� ... m.�srr—., <br /> -�if• .•� ��: �.5` • /� . . . . . , . _'��• . . �R . . �� ; . .� � _ �.x... <br /> -.iwq��yr� [{� . . .: r:��ys 1 ,�..�l.:�cy f.�.x.,.aat�-r+ --_+cro .. - �^ . ., . . - � ' '"' K'JSCV�T, _ — <br /> .a,"a" r.'' . • -" -' .'a-.h�_r:ti7:�Yk'f�'[t��'{�ti^.:R�34'5�+1�31PC:�:�'.r_ ..- �h... "- . ... ' .._ .. ,. .. :°.::'::�.T,.r::.uw v...r.!. P�. <br />�r. � ,�11 r��'{'�1�� 1��R�� .. - . �5 ..��• • , t i�. r L..� ��.'.+.. . ' ' . ' . , .��� µ� _ <br /> y� �. t`:Y� � . (� . . - .. -- . <br /> �-,:��;1���' ,.i . �'�`v'.�}i-�/.iu..�\rt�.1�'�: n - . . �.r•' <br /> i�..h` . _ ..� . � ' .. -' � � _' � . .�.ht <br /> '"• ' , A1 • n.a '�+4..�,Whi/4�. 4M?��aq(/,-.!tl`�9•!.��R�;�r.Y:�.n,�bM.'v_.w�ar.,._.. .-_ <br />. rl .�+F..,,. ..r„-urna•m�':tiW�,�A}D�LP9t17eNlhn'P��9'!+t.w�nv7YrR.. ��}9�r�M�Ij.�1►r.,,y..•- •: , , . .. ._._ . <br /> �� <br /> _.... ._ . . .. .. . ----� . .. -' � <br /> . . . . ... - ��- <br /> � <br />�, `' � j peryntentti may no Inngcr bc rcquircd, at thc option of Lendcr, if mcirtgagc insuruncc covcrugc (in thc2frtfoum an��rZh�p�iAtl � <br /> �"''�'-�'• '"� that l.cnder requires)providcd by an insurer upprovcd by I.endcr aguin bccomes available und is c�btuined.Borro�vcr�hull pay <br /> � thc premiums rcyuireci to muintaim m�rt�;oge insuruncc in cffcct,or to provide ii loss reservc,until the rcquirentent for mortguge = <br />_� insurance ends in uccordunce wieh any written agreement between Barrower and Lender or upplicable luw. c <br /> t�"`�`�� 9. Intipectlon. I.cndcr or its ugcnt muy make rcusonable entrics upon and inspections of the Properry. L.cndcr shall�ive <br /> Borrowcr noticc at thc timc of or prior ta un inspcction spccifying rcasonab(c cuusc for thc inspcction. <br /> -- , �� 10. CondemnuNnn. The pmceecls of uny uward or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connecc�on with nny - <br /> t � condemnation or other tuking nf any part of the Prc�perty,or for conveyartce in lieu of condemnution, ure hereby ussigned and <br /> ' �� ' ' .� shull bc paid to Lcndcr. _ <br /> ,--;,;•,� . ,�{�. � In thc cvent of a totul taking af thc Property,thc proceeds shull be applicd to thc sums sccured by this Securiry Instrument, <br />�s:�,-t�e' i. whether ur not thcn due, with,iny exccss puid to Borrower. In thc cvcnt of u partial tuking of the Property in which the fu;r <br />=�'-' - ' murket vAluc of thc Property immediAtcly bcforc thc taking is cqual to or grcatcr than thc umount of thc sums secured by this <br />� ;,•,•;• <br />=�t�'" •+'r` Security Instrument immediutcly before thc tnking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by <br /> ,,,_.. <br />�.� ,. .�• <br />_�,,:�,�;,,;�, this Securiry Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the followin� fraction: (a) die tota <br />°°'��'°'"' amount of the sums sc�:ureci immediatel before the takin divided b (b)the fair market valuc of the Property immcdiately <br />_r.;'�.�.�ic�;h:�' Y 8, Y <br /> ``:,.; !,�,,{. before thc takin�. Any balanm shal! be paid tn Borro+ver. In the event of e partial taking of thc Propeny in which thc fair _ <br />=;���s,}��'.{;�, market vuluc of the Property immcdiatcly bcforcn thc taking is less thran the amaunt of the sums securcd immediately before the <br /> �._... <br />-'�•�'•dt', taking, unless Borro�ver and Lcndcr othcrwise ugree in w�iting or unlcss applicable law otherwise provides, the procccds s a <br />-? � � be applicd to the swns secured by this Sccurity instrumcnt whethcr or not ttie sums are then due. <br />}'�`'rRr�'�-'•� If the Property is abundoned by Borrower, or if,after notice by Lender ta Borrower thut the condemnor offers to make an <br /> award or sctNe a claim for damagcs, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftcr the date the noticc is given, <br />;:;».`<'� ' l.ender is uuthorized ro collect and upply the proceecis,at its option, either to restoration or repair nf the Praperty or to the sums <br />�>�=%� � secured b this Sccurit Instrumcnt,whether or not then duc. <br />_.�a...,_..�• Y Y <br />�r�,,y::-,� ` Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br />�...';��,,;,: postpone the due dute of the monthly payments referruf to in parugraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br />_ `� '�°' 11. Aorrower Not Released;Forbcarance By I.ender Not u Waiver.Extension of thc time for payment or modification <br />_'-* r.'.''q <br />- ., -<< : af ar:arti:�:ior.of:l:�sum� �::ured b;tL�s Srr���j(�(�ctn�m�nt vr�n�ed hy Lender to any successor in interest of aorrower shall <br />-�•`':��'`�'"� not operate to release the liability of thc original Bonower or Borrowcr's succcssors in interest. Lcnder shall not be required to <br /> s, <<,_ .. <br />�"'-• ".'.,,•�': commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend tinne for payment or otlierwise modify amomzat�on <br />=�:..:�.,• . <br /> -��;,,,-"?f�+?�ti of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the originul Borrower or Barrower's <br />��`;�:i�r';'!.°�` successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shaD not be a waiver of or preclude die <br />�°��'� :a;r:. exercise of any right or rcmcdy. <br /> ���''�T�'�t'�� 12. Successors and A�slgns Bound; Jotnt and Several Ltabillty; Co-slgners. The covenants t►nd agrcements of this <br />�._ :�:, r.. <br />�;r�. ....:s., <br />_�.f�:,�'� Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br />- W.f.-�:%• <br />`��;,;,,�T `� � paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be ,joint and severul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br />�'P�,.fT � Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey thut <br />��-�.'!'•'`����_�� Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Securiry Instrument(b)is not personally obligated to puy the sums <br />==-;.t�=:;.'� <br />=:,,;.: secured by this Security Instrument; and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borcower muy agree to extend, modify,forbear or <br />_�a make any accommodations wiih regard to the ternis of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bortower's consent. <br />� `"��"��� � 13. Loun Charges. If the loan secured by this Sccurity Instrument is subjcct to a law which sets mnximum Inan chaeges, <br /> � �--�..,�;: <br /> ?'" `;��,�. ;,,� and that law is finally interprcted so that thc intcrest or othcr loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br />'.>�,j��yri �, loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (al any such loan charge shall be reduccd by the amount nGCessary to reduce the charge <br />.,r�-�-�;,� ,• '' to the permitted limit: and (b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> -.� ���• Borrowec L.ender may choosc to make this refund by reducing thc principal oweci undcr the Note or by muking a direct _ <br /> R"��;�' ,�.,, paymcnt to Barrowcr. If a refund reduces principal, the rcduction will be trrated as a partial prepaytncnt without any <br />-_,:;;n.�". .�� <br /> .�,,.,_.. .. prepayment churge under the Note. <br /> '•� 14. Noticcs. Any notice to Borrowcr providecl for in this Security instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> � � it by tirst class mail unless applicable luw requires usc of anothcr mcthod.The notice shull bc directed to the Property Address <br /> . or any other address Borro�ver designates by noticc to I.ender. Any nouce to L.ender shall be given by first class mail to <br /> Lcndcr's address stated hGrcin or any othcr address C.endcr dcsignates by notice to Borrowcr. Any ncnicc provideci tor in this <br /> Security Instrument shall bc dccmcd to huvc bcen given to Borrowcr or Lender when givcn as providcd in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Govcrnfn� I,nw; Sevcrability. This Sccuriry Instrumcnt shall bc govcrned hy fulcral law und thc law uf thc <br /> jurisdictiun in which the Yr��perty i� Ic�cated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> contlicts with applicable luw,surh ronFlict shall not affect other provisionti of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> • givcn cffcct without the ronllicting prc�visicm. Tu this cnd thc p�vvisions of this Sccurity Instrumcnt and thc Note are dcclared <br /> to hc sevcr�blc. <br /> � IG, Borrower's Copy.Nc�rr�iwer shall be given one runtittmeci copy of the Notc and af'this Serurity Instrument. <br /> � Form 3028 9!90 = <br /> V�qn 4 0l G <br /> _� _. <br /> .--.—..__..� ' <br /> . �' <br /> 1 .._. . _ .. ._.. .. . ... - .. . ... ..._.. _ <br /> ... _ ... . <br /> , .. ._ . .. . - . .. . ..(.��. <br /> . .. .. . . .. . ... . T,.�_ _- <br /> � <br />