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': <br /> s. <br /> (�r���v.A.'r.�.`Y.i:_.L:+�S�i '' ...:� v� i........�..��..�..�- . _- . .- . <br /> _ 1 4 tn-'4+e <br />� ti�:l�]ILYi www�e^ ►^.:•+�`R"�!n'n�s•ne'u�`..._� e� .-n '�. ... � . ' '_'_' -..._.-'__.__. <br /> n�'�W � 9?— x18'764 <br /> ._ t�. 1,v,,: <br />`:;�_.f':. S. F�AZard ar I'roperty Insurunce. Borro�ver shall kcep the imprnvemr.nts now cxisting or herei�fter crcctcd un the <br />__,, ,, ..y.h : <br />'�-*r�i`���: Froperty insured againtit loc� hy firc, har.urJs includcd within thc tcrm "extendcd wvcrugc" and any othcr hiu.urds, includins <br />"T�K3' 7 � <br /> :���5�.,'.�� � floods nr flcwding, for which Lender rcquires insurunce. This insuruncc shidl bc muintuincd in thc nmounts luid for the peri�xis <br /> � that Lendcr reyuires. The insurance curricr providing the insurance ,hall hc rhotien by I�orru�ver suhject tu I.�nder's appruvul <br />--- which shull not bc unrcasonnbly withhcld. if Borrower fuils to mnintuin cuvcrugc Jcscribcd nb��vc, L,cndcr muy, ut I.cndcr's <br />,L:.^�_,,;r;,,� aption,obtuin coveragc ta pratcct[.cndcr's rights in thc Praperty in accorduncc with paragraph 7. ; <br /> =�"����� All insurancc policics und renewals shall bc acceptable to Lendcr and shall includc u stand�rd mortgagc clne►sa I..cndcr <br /> j ". shall have the right to hold the policies nnd renewuls. If Lender requires, Horrower shull prompfly give ta Lender uU receipts of <br /> �i.. <br /> paid prcmiums and renewal notices. In the cvent of loss, Borrower shall givc prampt notice ta thc insurunce carricr and I..ender. <br /> - ""'` Lender may make pro�f of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. ' <br /> _;.�,:;;��t:{• Unless Lender and 8orrowcr othernise agree in writing, insurunce proceeds shull bo applied to restoration or repair af the <br />_::`,;�r,��,fi," Property dumubed, if the rectoration or repair is economically feusible and Lcnder's security is not lessened. If the restorntion or , <br /> ;_f�.";;; �;'� repair is noteconomically fcusihle or Len�cr's security would bc Iessened,thc insuruncc procecds shaU bc applicd to the sums ` <br /> �; +<' secured by this Sccurity Instrument, whether or not then due, with any cxcess paid to Borrower. if Borrower abandons the � <br /> ,:., i <br />_y:�,�rait��� Propeny, O�L�OCS QO[at15WC1'WlII11I1 3O(I1y5 B I1ptICC fi0IC1 I.C(IdCI'IIIUt IIIC t(1SUI'af1CC Cs3RIC� }1A5 OffCrell f0 SCItIB 3 CI81111, then <br /> '"'""���` Lender mby collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Propeny or to pay sums � <br /> �;1ii�f��'h <br /> -'��- -•�'� secured by this Securiry Instrument,+�hether or nor then due.The 3U-day period will bebin when the notice is given. <br />-�z T:,�r <br /> -_ .�JO� Unless L.ender and Bnrrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceecis to principal shall noz extend or <br /> --- , �,� postpone the due datc of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> "� under puragraph 21 the Property is ucquired by L.ender, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from <br />,_°;���,•v�, damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument � <br /> immeciiately prior ro the acquisition. <br /> -'; ;";,;,; 6.Occupancy, Preservation,Mafntenance and Protectlon of the Property;Borrower's I.oan Appltcatton;L.eascholds. <br /> r_,•.°:.i�. Borrower shnll occupy, establish,und use the Propeny as Borro�ver's principal residence within sixty days afte�the execution of , <br />':`_;:.��.�,�f this Security Instrument and shnll continue to occupy the Proparry as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after <br /> " .'" a u the dute of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unrepsonably withheld, or unless <br /> `bt',.^;�"ti " extenuating circumstances exist which are bcyond Horrower's contml. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> ��' '`'�`�'- prnrrrty, ;�Ilnw th� Pmrrrty rn�1�t�rjnr�tr, nr�nmmjt wact�nn rh� P���eny R�rrnwPr chnll hc�in defnult if eny forfeimrP <br /> "., .;i�'''•k=' action or proceecling, whether civil or criminul, is begun that in L.ender's good faith judsment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> :��;�y��l�� Property�rotherwise matcrially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. Borrower muy <br /> --''�"-� cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> ��-..��;—,� <br /> -'_��=� ' that, in Lcnder's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's mterest in the Property or other material <br /> =`:���'� ' impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> -���� <br />=�_�ry�yT�. Borrower, during the loan application process,gave muterially false or inaccurate info�mution or statements to L.ender(or failed <br /> _,;�: to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including, but not limited <br /> --m�s;fY„�� ro,representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. ff this Security Instrument is on a <br /> --��� • a <br />°•°--���� leaschold. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to thc Property, the <br /> �-�'���� leaschold :�nd the fcc tidc shall not mcrge unlcss L.endcr ugrees to thc mergcr in writing. <br /> �a�YcLLQH� <br /> � 7.Protect�on of Lender's Rlghts In the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants nnd ugreements contained iu <br /> �,�,;,�,.,�r this Security Instiument, or there is a Ic�ul pmcecding that may significantly nffect I..ender's rights in the Property (such as a <br /> -.,;a;__��' proccedin�in bankruptcy, prohatc, for condemnation or forfciture or to cnforcc laws or rcgulations), then Lender may do and <br /> _ --�°" pay for�vhatever i� necessary to protect thc valuc of thc Propeny and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> �� �K�"'°� include d in an sums secureci b 1 licn which has riorit over this Securit Instrument, a enrin in coun, a in <br /> --,'�`Sa" P'Y S Y Y � P Y Y PP fi P Y s <br /> �'`-'��'�",=� rc;►sonablc attorneys' fces and cntcring on the Property to make repairs,Although Lcnder may take nction under this paragrnph <br /> �::;:`:� 7,L.endcr docs not havc to do xo. <br />�w ' Any amounts disbuned by Lender under this purugraph 7 shall become additionnl debt of Bomower secured by this <br /> X-_5 <br />'�,�:»." Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and Lcnder agree to other tcrms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> ,.,�;,.`"`�`��. dnte of disburscment tu thc Notc rute and shall bc payable, with intcrest, upon notice from Lender to $orrower rcquesting <br />_. .•.4"'_ payment. <br /> � '""•'`" 8.Mort�u�e Insurance. If l.ender reyuired mortgage insurance as a condition uf making ihe loan securecl by this Security <br /> , • [nstrumcnt.Borrowcr shall pay the prcmiwns requircd to maintain d�e mortgage insurance in cffect. If, for any reason, the <br /> � mortgagc insuruncc coverage rcyuired by Lcndcr lapses or ceascs to bc in cffect, Borrowcr shall pay the prcmiums required to <br /> ohtuin covcragc substanti111y cquivalent to thc mortFage insurance previously in cffect, at a cost substantially cyuivalent to the <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance prcviously in effcct, from un altcrnate mortgage insurer approvcd by Lcndcr. If <br /> substantiully cquivalcnt mortgagc insurancc covcragc iti not availablc. Borrowcr shall pay to Lci�der cach month a sum cqual to <br /> one-tweh'th of the yearly mo��tgage insurance premium bein�paid by Borrawer when the in.urance coverage lapsed or ceused to <br /> be in cffect.Lender will xccrpt,use und retain these p:tymcnts a, a loss rrs�rve in lieu of mortgagc insurance. Loss reserve - <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br />� �'Mla 3 ot G —� <br /> .c='=—'...� _ <br />. ' . ,F ' _ ._ .- � .. _....o.:��.s_, :�L'�#4N�N�'.�Q�.2•'i<�� . . :i �. , . ;i;.��::'...�--����, <br />- �.1 . _. _ — . <br />