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<br /> .. � 97-a,10'764
<br /> ' 17.7'runsPer of thc Pruperty or u Bcncf'iciul lntcrest In Iiorr��wcr. If uU nr any pnrt nf thc Pruperty��r iiny intcrest in it
<br /> " ''' is sold or trunsfcrrcd(or if u bcncficial intcrest in Borruwcr is sold c�r transfcrrcd und Borrowcr is nut u nutural per�un)without
<br /> . � l.endcr's prior writtcn a�nscnt. I.endcr may, nt its optii�n, rcyuirc immcdiutc paymcnt in full of'all sums ,ccurcd hy this
<br /> �'�� Security Instrumene. Howcver,thiti option shull not bc exerciscd by lA:ndcr if�xcrcise i�pruliibit�J by fc�cral la�v as of thc datc
<br />�� of this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> 1� • if Lcnder exercises this optian. I.cnder shull givc Borrower notice of ucccicration. The notice shull pravidc a period of not
<br /> s,�,, , • ... less thnn 30 duys from the dute the noticc is dclivcred or muiled within which Borrowcr nmst puy aU sums sccurcd by this
<br /> � Securiry Instrument. If Borrowcr fails to pay thcsc sum�prior to thc cxpirution af this period, Lendcr muy invoke any remcdies
<br /> . �� permitted by this Securiry Instrument without funhcr natice or demand on Borrowcr.
<br />� " :�a 18. Horrawer's Rl�ht to Relnstttte. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrc�wer shull have thc right ta have
<br /> � • enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to �he carlicr of: (u)5 duys(or such other period us
<br />�, ' applicable law may specify for reinstutement) before rule of the Propr.rty pursuant to any power of sale contained in this
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Security Instrument.T'hore conditions are that Borrower:(u)puys
<br /> � � Lender aU sums which then would be due under thiti Security Instrument und thc Note us if no accclerution had occurred; (b)
<br />_� cures any default of an}� ather covennnts or agrcements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> . including, but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' frxs; and (d) takes such uction as Lendcr may reasonably requ�re to ussure
<br /> • . thnt the lien of this Security instrument, Lender's rights in the Propeny and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> � this Securiry instn�ment �hall continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by I3orrower, this Security Instrument and the
<br /> , obligatians secured hereby shall remain fully effective as �f no accelerution h�d occurreci. However, this right[o reinstate shall
<br /> a ' 'i.�r'7 not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> � . 19. Sale of Note; Chan�e of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in thc Note (rogether with this Sccurity
<br />�� ;,,,L� Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Burrower. A sule may r:sult in a chan�;e in the entiry(known
<br /> as the "Loan Servicer")that coll�cts manthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There ulso mny be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrcl;�ted to�tiule of the Note. [f there is a change of the l.oan Servicer, Borrower will be
<br />�: ' .. �iven written natice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 abovc and applicable law.The notice will st�te the nume and
<br /> y. ..� � �� address of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any othcr
<br /> information required by upplicable law.
<br /> �' ` 20. Hta.ardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit thc prescnce, use, dispo�al, storage, or release of any
<br />_. ; ;; Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br />-���.'��� _ � Praperey that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presr,nce, use, or
<br />�'- ° - storso�o.^. cn� pr��,��y�f cmnll �uantities of Haaardous Substances thut urc ficnerally recognized ta bc appropriute to normal
<br />�,�, .
<br /> ` residcntiul uses and to muintenancc of the Property.
<br />' , ��, Borrower shull prompdy givc Lcnder wriuen notice of any investigation, clnim, demund, lawsuit or other action by any
<br />- ' ,,., governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Ha•rardous Substance or Environmentel Laa�
<br /> � of wl�ich Brnrower has actual knowled�e. If Borrower Icarns, or is notiCed by any governmental or regulatory uuthority, that
<br /> ' any removal or other remedintion of nny Ha7ardous Subctance affecting the Property is necessary. Borrower shall pmmptly tuke
<br />'_ ��;�. all necessary remedial actions in uccordance with Envirunmental Lnw.
<br /> '`���`° �� As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" arc those substances defined a.s toxic or hara��ious substunces by
<br /> eh���''^"'� Environmental Law and the following substanccs: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> '�''��" •'� pesticides and herbicides, volntilc solvents, materiuls containing asbestos or formuldehyde, und radioactive materials. As used in
<br /> ---°-"�' '���t this purngraph 20, "Environntcntul Law" means tedcral laws and laws of the jurisdiction whcre thc Property is located that
<br />-_�'�:,",`�.. relate to health, safery or environmental protection.
<br />-.-,u�,'�^�;'w�t NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawcr and Lendcr furthcr covenant and agree as follows:
<br />-"'�=�'==-�� 21. Accelerati�n;Re�»edie.s. TRnder Shull�Ive not[ce to Borro�ver nrtor to accelerntion following Borrower's breuch
<br />�--s-�.-�-
<br />;-�'�'^� of uny covennnt or u�reement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleratton un�er paragruph 17 unless
<br />%'"�'''"��" applicable law provides othenvise).The notice shall specffy: (A) the default; (b) the action requlred to cure the defuult;
<br /> .'�`�' ' '`� (c)n date, not less thun 30 days from the date the notice is given tn Barrower, by which the deFault must be cured; und
<br /> • (d) that fallure to cure the defnult on or before thc dute specified in the nat[ce may result in accelersction of the sums
<br />�.�.,,, � secured by this Security Instrument und sale of the Property. The notice shall Further li�form Borrower of the right to
<br /> - , reinstate after uccelcrutton and the riRht to Nrin� u court ucdon to us.sert the nomextstence of a default or any other
<br /> • defense of Borrower to accelerutian s�nd sulr. If tBe dePault is not cured an or before tl�e date specified in the notice,
<br />�.�. _„i,.,;,�, Lender, ut its option, muv rcyuirc immedtate �iayment tn full of ull sums secursd by this Security Instrument without
<br />_,��.:.:-.s�•�-�. further demund and mav invoke tl�e pc►wer of sale and any other remcdics permitted by applicable Inw. Lender shall be
<br />= � ": entitled to coUect ull expenses incurred in pursuln�!the remedics provided in this puru�raph 21,including,but not Iimited
<br /> to,ccusmmble attorneys'fees and costy of Ntle evidence.
<br /> -- If the poa•er of sale is inv��ked, Trustee shull recard sz nutice of def'uult in each county In which uny purt of the
<br /> _ Prn�xrty is lucuted und shull mail copies of such notice h� the manner prescribed by upplicuble lu�v to Borro�r�er und to
<br /> the other persons prescribed by.�ppliruble law.After the time required by i�pRlicuble law,Trustee shall give public noticc
<br />- of sale to the �xrsons and in the munncr prescribed bv uppllcablc luw.'Crustec, �vithout demund on Borro«•er, shall sell
<br /> the Pro�x:rty ut public uuctlon to tlu hi�!h��st bidder�t tl�e time und pliue und under ihe terms desi�nated in the not[ce of
<br /> stde in onc o► morc purccls and in nny ordcr Trustce dctermineti. Tru�tc� mi►y postpuuc sale oP all or Any pnrcel of thc
<br /> Propert�� b�� publir unnouncement nt the time und pluce of'um• previousl}• scheduled snle. I.ender ur its designee may
<br /> purcl�asc thc Property.�t s�m�salc.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> " Pnllo'i ol�
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