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� . <br /> � . � ':,.:,` .:. <br /> . .. <br /> --.._�.---�_.�-----------_._._.______---__.__---_�-`- r�..., <br /> ,, _... - <br /> _ ,.._..___..--- --- �-- °,-- - _ ... � - -- • Y�� -- <br /> -,�---�--�,� .. . ''�n�u���•:..wo.e'ca,i.�.a...e.... . .. . .. t�vI'�'. �_ <br /> ,. ,�q.�rac.te: .. ...y.r �,,. •y�.� • �t Ye,s. +�.�, <br /> ..�-...sw���NM .. lt;�S lu <br /> ' �'��'_. ..:rY:'-. <br /> t <br /> f ��"'1�===_- <br /> � 7. Proteotlon of Lander's Rlqtlts In the Properry. �r aorrower fe�h co p•rtorm the covenancs ana 49re�msnts - _ Y� �� <br /> •'`,_.-....__ <br /> contafrnd In tnis SocurRy Inatrumant, or th�►re Is a le0al proceedhp that may sWnNbantly aHeat Lender'e rights fn the Propxty (such�ts �n� <br /> � ,•;`:'�':-. <br /> a proceedhg 1n bankruptay,probab,for cundemnatbn or IoA�Run ar to snlorce lawa or repulatlone), then Lender mey do and pay lor V �;T.^ <br /> whatever is necessary tol���bhhha�aprb Ny`ovw lhls�S�ourky�ins�trumenphappearinp Inr�court, pAylnO ►eYSOneb{e �Itor�y'rs INSemd �, <br /> ' any cum� s�aund by l .,t-.m.;.: <br /> onterinq on th�PropsRy to mak�reptke. .4khouph LMdK rtuiY take action under thle puapnph 7,L�nder dose not h�v�to so. <br /> My amounts disbursed 'oy L�nd�r u�der thls parApr�ph 7 �hall bscome addkbnel debt o1 8orrowsr oecured by Ihia Securlty <br /> Instrument. UnMas Borroats anddehaN,�pay blstwRh htsr st,upon notlmcs hom Ldndemto Bonower equesthp peymen��h� d�b of(�Q <br /> ' e d�sbureertMnt at th� Note <br /> moR hsutsnc� as �oondkbn of inekhp th� b�n t�ound by this 6�aurRy~ <br /> ' e. MortqA�s Insuranae. it �•n��K r�quk�d ca�• <br /> ��.,_� InstrurrNnt, Borroww ehali pay tho promlvme requked to mahtaln the moAp�p� �surance M snect, If, for any reeson, Ihe morty�9� '�,-'� <br /> .:• .j � Insunnc� cownp� r�4uked by LMdsr kpaes or ce�sss to b� h �ffs�%t� Borrowsr ahall p�y ths promiums required Io obintn covornge� r � <br /> „�.�,..� [ subatantl�lty equNabnt to the mortq�Qe fneurance prevlousty fn eflsct, 8t a coet subatentklly equHalent to the coat to BonowK o1 the� r <br /> hsurer spproved by Lender. It subetantlally equlvalent mort4�pY� ��,��• <br /> ,,,,,� ,,,,..�(r�t monp`pq Inautance prevbusly in eBect, hom an aRernaie mortp�pa � <br /> �.�4��=-- <br /> °. Insur�nce cov�rnfle Is not avallnble, Bortnwer sha� pay to Lander sach month a eum equal to one-tweNth of tho ysuly mortq�ve m r�^ <br /> f fnsurance prsmlum beln9 peld by Borrower when the insurancs covsrepe IsPaed or ceesed to be �n eHect. Lender will accept,use end N ;��:'y <br /> t retah thess paYments re a bss resenb In Ileu ot monqays Insur[nce. Loas reserve payments may no bnper be roquked, al the ��� <br /> ' optbn of Lsnder, If morty�po �sur�ncs aovern�e (In lhe amount and for the parbd that Lender requlres) provlded by en lnaurer ��� ; <br /> approved by Lsnder a0a„ beaorr�s 4valbbk and Is obtahed. Borrowsr ehall pay the premlums requked to malnuln monyapa ��-_ <br /> � ' ' Insurance in sffect, or to provlde a baa reserv6, until the requkement tor mortyage Insurance ends ►n accordance wMh 8�Y W��e^ _ r <br /> eyresrnent between Borcower and Lender or epplbable aw• Lender shail plve ���_' <br /> 9. Inspeat1011. Lender or Rs aflent may make reasonAbb entries upon and inspeotbns of the Property. <br /> � Bonower notke at the tkne of or prior to an inspeolbn specNylnp reasonable cause for the fnspei:tion. ';���." <br /> r•.`. <br /> • 10. CO�dQt111fat1011. The procesds of any eward or cleMn for damayes, dkaot or aonsequentiei, tn connecllon with any .r '��*'� <br /> .�. � condemnatbn or other taking ot any part cf the Property, or for Convey8nae h Ileu of condemnatlon,are hereby assqned a��d shall be �,.; �,- <br /> :� paid to Lender. �.�+-� <br /> � In the event �� a total takfnp of tho Property, the proceeds ehall be epplfed ta the suma secured by ��W��;����Mf marlcet <br /> whether or not then due, with any excess pald to Borrower. In the event of a partlal tAkfnq of the Property <br /> ��� value ot the PropeRy fmmedlately before the takhq is equel to or qreater than the amount of the sums aecured by thls Securky - <br /> Instrumont knmedWtely before the takiny, unless Borrower end Lender oth�xwise a0ree h writfn0� the sums 9eoured by thb SeCUrfty <br /> Instrument shall bs reduced by the amount oi the proceeds multlplied by the toliowhg lraatlon, (a) the total amount ot the 6ums <br /> �, secured immedlately before the takinq, dNided by (b) the faM marlcet vak�e o}the Property Ynmadlateiy before th�t�kiny. Anf balanc� <br /> shall be paid to Bortowar. In the event af a partlai tekiny of the Property In whlch the falr market value of tfie Properly immedktely . <br /> �� befOre the takfnp IS �ess thYn the amount of the 6um6 seCUred knmediately before the takinp, unlese Borcower and Lender oth�rwiss <br /> � agree h wrRhq or unless appifcable law other�vise provides, the proceeds shall be applled to the sums 6ecured by thR Securfty <br /> � Instrument wheth0r or noS the sums are then due. <br /> -= r ii iha t'rapaRy !s e�en�!oned by Bona�+er, or A,arier not�Ce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oflers to make an award or <br /> . • �y$� ot pllect a d}apply�the proceeds,ent ftsgoptbn, eRher`ro�estoretlon o�pek of the P operty or to the 6u sr secu ed by 4this'3eCUtKY <br /> t, Instrurtient.whether or not then due. <br /> � Unless Londer and Borrower otherwise egree h wrRinp, any eppl�atlon of proceeds to prfncipai shmentst extend ar postpone the <br /> �', due date of the monthly payments fn paragraphs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount of such pay <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbearence By Lender Nat a Wefver. Extensbn ot cne crne for p�yment or <br /> modMbatbn of amortlration of the sums secured by this Securky Instrument yranted by Lender to any succesaor In Interost of Bortowsr <br /> shall not operate to release the Ilabilfty o1 the orqinal Bortower or Borrowers successors h fnterest. Lendsr ahaA not be requk�d to <br /> ' commencs prxeedhgs agalnst any succesaor In hterest or refuse to extend tkne for payment or otherwkse modMy amortlsslbn ot the <br /> { sums secured by thls Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orighal Borrower or Bortower'e sucCOSEOrs fn <br />� Inte�est. Any forbearence by Lender In exerClsing flny right or remedy shall not be a wafver of or preclude the exerCf�e ot iny rfpht or <br /> remedy. <br /> � ' 12. Succeasora end Aaaigna Sound; Jofnt and S�ve!�! !,��b���tY� Co-aignera. rne cove�arns nn <br /> agrpements of thls Seourky �nstrument shan bind and benAfit the suCCessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,sub�iat to the <br /> provisbns ot paragreph 17. Borrowers covenants and agreements shall be Joint and severai. Any Borrower whoent�send conveyc th t <br /> Instrumant but does not exocute the Note: (a) Is co-sfpnfnq thls Securky Instrument only to mortyaye, q <br /> Bortowers Interest h the Property under the terms of thls Security Instrument; (b)Is not personalty oblpated to pay the sums secured <br /> by thls Securky Instrument; and (cj aprees that Lender and any other Bortower may ayrae to extend, modHy, lorbeu or make any <br /> �' accommodatbns wRh regard to terms of this Security Insirument or the Note wfthout that Borrower'S consont. <br /> ,- � . � 13. LoAn Chetge6. �t the Ioen secured by this Securky Instrument is subJect to e law whbh sets mexknum lotn charqes, <br /> and that law Is finaly Intorpreted so that the interest or other loan aherpes collected or to be coliected h connectbn wKh the bm <br /> ` � axcesd the perm�tted IknRs. then; (al any such loan Charges shell be reduCed by the amount neCeSSary to reduce the aherge to the `V_ <br />- � permRted Iimk; and(b) any sums akeady colleCted from Bottower wh�Ch exCeeded permitted IAii�ts witl ba retunded to Borrower. Lender _`�' <br />_ . � may choose to make this refund by reducing the pnc�ipal owed under the Noto or by making a dkect payment to Bortower, If a �y <br /> re f un d re d u c e s prinC�pal,the reduction wlll be treated as a part�a�prepayment without any prepaymunt Charge under the Note. � `Mrc._.;. <br /> 'a.WtY�iH:�' <br /> • 14. NOtICeS. Any notfCe to Borcower providetl tor in this SeCUrfly Instrument shall be gNen by de l N e r i n g I t or b y mailin g it by .�;.f,�s <br /> .^,�a';�-,:,_ . <br /> fkst class mall unless applicable law requlres use ot another method. The notice shall be dfrected ro the Property Address or any �-� <br /> �t y� <br /> other address Borrower desfgnatas by notice to londer. Any natice to Lender shell be gHen by first class meu to Lender's address _ <br /> stated hereh Or any other address Lender deslgnates by notiCe to BortOwer. Any nolice provlded for in this SeCUrfty Instrument sh811 �,,;1 <br /> be deemed to have been gNen to Borrower or Lender when given as provlded in this paragraph. <br /> 1�. Governing Law; Severabillty. ThiS SeCUrity Instrument Sh811 be governed by federel law And lhe 18w Of the <br /> Jurisdlctlon in whlCh the Property Is loCated. in ihe event that any provislon or Clause of thls Security Instrument or the Note confllCts <br /> � wRh eppibable �aw, suCh confl�t shnli not affect other provis�ons of thls Security Instrument or the Note whlch can ioe ylvon eftect <br /> � without the coniliCtinp provislon. To this ond the provis�on, of this Security Instrument and the Note are deC�ered to be severabl9. <br /> ` 16. Borrower's Copy. Bortower shaU be gNen one conformed copy oi the Nole and of this Security �nstrumonl. � <br /> _ : _.. .r____._. ..� �he D.nna�tv nr a eeneficial Interest in Borrower. If all or 8ny pert of the Praperty or nny <br /> - ' ' I/. I�atto�c� v. .... . .-r-"+ - ' ' "'--'-_"....� - - __._... <br /> � intorest fn it �s soid or transferred (or if a beneliclal hterest I� Borrower Is sold or transferred antl Borrower is not n •�an��a�vo���•" - <br /> � � without Lenders prior written consent, Lender may, at its optlon, requke knmedktte peyment in lull of all aums secured by Ihis SeCUrity <br /> � Instrume�t. However, thfs option shflll not be exercised by Lender if exercise Is prohib�ted by tede�al law as o1 the dale of Ihis Securily <br /> i Instrument. � <br /> If Londor exerr,ises this opt�on, I_ender shall give Bortower notfce of Bccelerat�on. The not�ce glesumrs seCUredebydlhis Seculy I <br /> than 30 days Irom the d8le the notfce is dalive�ed or mailed within whfch the Bortower must pay i <br /> Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prfor to the expiratlon of this period,Lender may invoke any reiiedf85 permoted�ze onuo I <br /> SeCUrity Instrumenl wilhout furiher notiCe or demflnd on Borrawe�. <br /> Paqe 9 0l 5 <br /> - F�029 LM(3(t0/fl7) <br /> . i <br /> � 41J , <br /> __ i <br /> _ _' _ <br />