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<br /> - c Eonower's eacrow �ccounl under the led�ral R�I Eetat�Sottkrtwnt Proceduns Aot ot 1974 as amendod trom thie to txne, 12 U.S.C. �_.-___.�•
<br /> 2601 el eeq.("F1�SPA"),unbss enother kw th�t tppibs to Ihe Funds 6etB e baeer amount. If so.Lender mny,et eny tkne, aolbct end '-`•' �
<br /> ' h�ld Funds h �n �mount not to sxcsed the bseer�mount. Lsnder m�y estlmate ths �mount of h�nde due on the besls ol current deta f ����r
<br /> anC reasonable estimetes ot axpendRures af future cscrow Itsma or otherwis�ki accordnnce wRh applbable lew. ,
<br /> The Funda ehell bs heid in an fnstRutbn whoae depoaRa are Inaured by e fsderel �flsnoy, Instrumentsnty, or emity (�ncN,d�ny _�
<br /> ' Londer, M Londer lo euoh an hetkutbn) or In any Fsderd Hortw Loan B�nk. Lender ehall eppty the Funds to pay the EsCrow Itema. � �-:
<br /> Jf�:
<br /> � L M d M m a y n o t a h a r p� B O rt o w N f o r h o l dh y and �p p l yin p th�Funda, �nnu�ly pnayzinp the eacrow nccount, or ve:Hyfnq th� Escrow ' �,•-
<br /> I It�ns,unMSa L�nd�r p�ys Bortowsr Intereat on th� Funds�nd�pplbabN kw permRs Lender to malce euoh e aherqs. Howsvsr,Lmdu� _
<br /> ��;I mey nquk� BortowN to pay s one�tkne oharps tor �n Indrp�nd�nt rMl�st�t� t�x reporthp ssnfce us�d by Lendar h Connectbn wkh � ;��
<br /> �� this laan, unb�e �pp��Cebin Iflw provldes otherwl6e. Unbet an agnsrrwnt is made or tppliCeble Iaw requkes Int�nst to br pald,I.andar� "';i
<br /> �' � sh�A not b�rsqulrsd to p�y Borrowsr any IntKSSt or samhpe on ths Funda. BorrowK nnd Lendar m�y eprao h wrkfny, howwrr,that-j =
<br /> �,,�r htKOat ehaN b� pald on ths Funds. Lsnder shall phre to 8orrow�r, wkhout oharfle, an annusl accountlnp o} the Funda, showinq�V
<br /> . *,,,,�,�,.�r�M► cr�dKs�nd d�bRS to th� Funds and tha purpoae for whbh woh debR to the Funds wes made. The Funds ars piedfled ns addRbnal N _ __
<br /> ' � securRy for all suma a�cur�d by thls SacurRy Instrument. _
<br /> H th� Funds hnld by Lender exceod the amaunts permftted to be held by appl�able law, Lender shall acc:ount to Borrower for tha
<br /> excsss Funds In accordance wfth tha requkements oi app�babb I�w. If the emount of the Funds held by Lender at �ny tfms Is not �
<br /> i� suflblsnt to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender msy so notMy Borrower h wrkinq,and, h suah c�se BoROwer shall pay to Lender
<br /> � � , the amount nsc�ssary to meke up the defbbnay. Bortower shall make up the deffcfency In no more then tweN� monthly p�ymsnts, at
<br /> Lentlers aok discretbn.
<br /> � Upon payment In full ot ail sums secured by thls SecurRy Instrument, Lender shrll prqmptN refund to Borraw�r�ny Fund� held by
<br /> � Londer. If, undx pRnyraph 21, Lender shall acquke or sell th� Proparty, Undsr, prbr to tliq aaquiakbn or saN of tha Prop�rty, �hall
<br /> �, apply any Funds held by Lender at the ttne ot acqulsitbn or aab as a aredR ayah6t ths sums esaurod by this Sacurity Inatrumant.
<br /> 3. Applicatton of Paymenta. Unbss appl�Cabb law provldes otherwlse, all payments receNed by Lendor under para0r�phs _
<br /> � t ond 2 shali be a�plkd: tYSt, t0 any propayment oharpea due under tha Note; secand, to amounts payable under paraqraph 2;thkd
<br /> ta Intxest due;fourth,to prinalpal dur, and lant,to any lale ohRryes due undw tha Note.
<br /> 4. Cha�QEB; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessmenls, Charqes, tlnes and Impoeltbns ettributabie fo the Property
<br /> �� whlCh may attaln prbrky over this Securily Inatrument, and Ieasehoid payments or qround rents, M any. Borrower shrll pay these �_
<br /> �� oblpatbns In the manner provlded h paragraph 2, or H not pald In that manner,Oorrower shali pay them on tkne dkectly to the person
<br /> ' owed p�yment. Borrower ahall prompty fumish to Lender all notices ot amounts to be pald under this perapraph. If Bortower mekes �
<br />_ these paymonts dkecty, Bonower shall promptly tumish to Lender receipts evidenohy the payments.
<br /> Bortower shail promptiy disoharpe any Ilen whbh has prbrky over this Seourky Instrument unless Bortower:(a)sprses h wrkinp �o
<br /> the payment of the oblpatbn seoured by the Iien In a menner acceptsbie to Lender; (b)oontests In pood faRh the Ilan by, or defsnds
<br /> apainst en}oraement of the Iien In, lepal proceedhps whbh k� the Lendars ophbn operate to prevent the enforcement of the Ilen;ar(c)
<br />-_-_—___.--- s�ures hem thn hn�l�r ot the nen an agreement satisfactorv to Lender subordhetinfl the Ilen to thls Security Inatrument. It Lender
<br /> ' detarmhes that any pert of the Property is SubJect to e Ilere whfch mey attah prbrky over thls Security Instrument, Lender may 4fve
<br />_, �� Borrower a not�e IdentHyinp the Ifen. Bonower shall satlsty the Ifen or take one or more of the actbn& set forth above wkhln 10 days
<br />,. � of the gNlnp of notbe.
<br /> � b. Hezerd or Property Inaurence. Borcower shall keep �re tmprovements now exis�ho or hereafter eruo�ad on cne
<br /> � Proporty Insursd apahst loss by ffre, haurds included wNhin tne term "extmded coveraqe"and any other hazards, tncludiny fbods or
<br />_t. " fbodhp, (or which Lend�r requkes insura.ice. This hsurance shail be maintalned In the amou�ts and for the parbds that L�nder
<br /> , . � requkes. 7he fnsurance carrier provldinp the hsurance ehatl be chosen by Bortower aubJect to Lenders approval whlah shall not be
<br /> •� � unreasonabty wkhhold. If Borrower fails tn mahtafn Coveraye describsd ebove. Lender may, flt Lender's optbn, obtafn coverafle to
<br /> ''.° protect Lenders riqhts h the Property tn accordance wkh parapnph 7.
<br /> ' All hsurance polbles and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall holude a stendnrd mortqeyo aleuse. Lender shaA have
<br /> ..� � � ,, the ripht to hold the polbies and renewal;. If Lender requkes, Borrower she11 promptiy yhre to Lender all recelpts of pald pranlums
<br />'.� i. • »�i and renewal notlCes. In the event of bss, Borcower shall qNe prampt not�e to tha hsurance carrler and Lender. Londer niey make =
<br /> - , proof of loas R not m�de promptly by Borrower.
<br /> • Unless Lendor and 8orrower othorwise ayree �n wrklnp, InsuranCe proCeeds shall be appiied to restoration or repak of the Property
<br /> d�meped, H the restoretfon or repeP IS eCOnomiCally feasble end Lendxr's axurRy is not �essened. It the restoretion or repak Is not
<br />� economfcally tensibfe or Lenders securky would be lessened, the InsuranCe proceeds shell be flpplled ta the sums secured by this
<br /> � S�curity Inetrument, whether or not then due, with any exces6 paW to Borrower. If BorrOwer abandons the Property, or does not �-__
<br /> c
<br /> enbwer wRhin 30 day6 a not�Ce from Lender that the heurenCe carrler has oBered to settle a clelm, then Lender may ColleCt the _
<br /> •t In6urance proCeeds, Lender may use the proCeeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay Sums seCUred by thts SeCUrfty �.,-
<br /> �':
<br /> ` Instrument,whelher or not then due. The::0-day perlod wul bepin when the notice Is given. �:--
<br /> " Unless Lender antl Bonower othenvrse agree in writinp, any application o1 proC6ed5 to princlpal shall not extend or postpone the
<br /> due date of the monthly payments reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount of the payments. If under parngraph 21 .r_
<br /> the Property Is acqufred by Lender, Borrowers rlpht to any fnsursnCe polfcles and proceeds resuRlnp from damape to the Proparty prbr ';;�:_
<br /> to the ecqulsRlon shell pass ro Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thls Security Instrumont knmediatety prbr to the a;°-
<br /> acqulsitbn.
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preeervetion, Meintenance an�i Protectlon of the Property; Borrower'a Loen
<br /> Applieation; �eeseholds. Borrower shali occupy,establish, and use the Property as Borrowers principal residence within sbcty
<br /> ' deys after the executlon ol this Security Instrument and shall Contfnue to oCCUpy the Property as Bortower's principal rosidence tor at
<br /> lenst ono year after the date of occupancy, unless Lendor othorwise agrees �n writing, whlch Consent shall not be unreasonably
<br /> wilhheld, or unless exlenuating circumstances exlst whlch are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shail not destroy,damage or Impak
<br /> the Property, allow the Property to deterlorate, or commit weste on the Property. Borrower shell be In delault ff any forieRure actlon or
<br /> proceed'ng,whether cHfl or crkninal, is begun that in Lender's goud faith Judgment could resuit in fortelture of the Property or othorwise
<br /> materially impaM the Iien created by thls Security Instrument or Le�der's SeCUrity Interest. Borrower may Cure such a defauft and
<br /> _� ....--- -i . . ._ . . .. ....'' -- -"--'�.__ ._ �_ ��.�.����a ...�� .. ...r..��.s� �n 1 unAa'c nnnd faith ----
<br /> . -' r8NSt9t8� as pfOViOea x� paragrepn �o� oy causmg ine ncu��� v� N�www��y av w ...o....ow.. ...... ......_.,, ..._.. ... __..__._ o--- -. . __.
<br /> i delorminatlon, preCludas forf�iture Of the Bortower's IntereSt h the Property or other materlal Impalrmant of the Ibn created by this �
<br /> . Security Instrument or Lender's security IntereSt. Borrower shall also be in deieult H Borrower, durinfl the loan applfcfltlon process,
<br /> i pave materially talse or Inaccurate inform6tfon or statbments to Lender (or fafled to provido Lender with eny materiel inlormation) in
<br /> connectlon wfth the loan evfdonced hy thc� Noto, including, but not limlted to, representatlons conCOrning Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> Property as a prhCipal re5idenCe. If this Security Instrument IS on e �easehold, Borrower shell comply with 311 thp provisions uf the �
<br /> lease. If Borrower acquires fee tit�9 to the Property, the �ea5efiold and the (ee title shall not merge unless tha Lender agreos to the f
<br /> merger In writing. �o�M 9078 0/BO �
<br /> i
<br /> F!�2eI.MC3(�O/P�I Nage 1 0l 5 �
<br /> I
<br /> i
<br /> i
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<br /> 47J
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