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'� .. . <br /> .,,�,► , . ,_" =' <br /> . .. - <br /> �,« _,. _ .._.__._.......__...�--------------.`�. �....�. _._—...,_,._s.-- <br /> _.... :�ltlhma+��� ' � , ' . . ._� — <br /> i , _'+::�,�.. <br /> � . 18. Borrowe�'s Rlqht to Relnstete. i� Bonowor meete certah condK�ond, eorrowsr shall hev� th� rfpht to h�w ..;r,r.. _ <br /> I , enforcement of thls S�aurHy Instrument disconthued u aoy tlme prbr to the earller of: (a) 6 days (or suoh othqr perlod ae ny�pi�lbfa ,:�,'�,,:V,'� <br /> Iaw may specify lor rehstat�msnt) bsfore s�le of th�Property pursuont to any power ot sale contaYied In this Secu►iry instrument; or <br /> ..,.:.°:- <br /> (b) entry of a �udpment enlorofnq this Security Instrume�t. Those Contfitlone are thst Borrower: (e) paya Lender all sums whbh then <br /> wou�d be due under this Securfty Instrument cnd the tVOte es �� no accoleratlonlnstrumentf rnaludingc but ot limited„to'reeso eble� • . <br /> covenant or aqreements; (cy pays all expenses hcurted h eNorclnp this SecurRy ' • � ;_ <br /> , aitorneye'foas; and (d) takea euch �Ctbn as Larder may reawnably requfro to esaure thet the Ilen of this Security InstmmenL Lender'8 . `. ,� <br /> rqht6 h the Property and Bonowerb obifpetbn to p�Y the 6ume 6oCUrsd by lhis SeCUrRy Inetrument shali contfnue unehBnyed. Upon <br /> .� <br /> r�hsittsm�nt by Borrowar, ihla SeCUrAy In6t►urtwnt ��d tho obifpatlan6 secured hereby shall remaln fulry eflective as d�o ecceleretlon�� <br /> � had occurted. However,thfs rpht to rohattts ehall not apply fn the case of�ccelerttlon under paraflreph 17. , �w;i�, <br /> i 1g. Sale of Nete; Cht�n�e of Loen Service�. The Note or e peAlal Interest In the Nole (topether wAh this SecurRy � <br /> Instrument)may bs wld one or more t�s wRhout prbr not�ce to Bonow�r.A saie mey resuR h a chanpe In the entiiy(known as the ��� <br /> •• � 'Loan 3ervicsr") that eolbCts monthy p�ymente du�under the Note �nd thls SscurRy Instrument. There aiso may be one or more N ,_ <br /> •• , chanflsa of the Loan Serv�er unrelated to a sab ol the Note, If there la a chanqe of the Loan Serv�c�r. Borcower win be qNen wrnten �f, <br /> I new L 8nt3ervber and the add essetokwhwh peyment6 sh0uld be made�eThenotbe well also Contant8anyhother InloBmellondrequkedtby __ <br /> ti <br /> ��. <br /> � ePPlbable law. —_ <br /> 20. Hazardoue Substances. Borrower ehall not cause or permft the presence, use, dlsposal, storage, a release of any ` <br /> Hesardous Substances an or in the Property. Borrower ehall nOt do, nor elbw anyone else to do, anythlny attecthp tAe Property thet i;�. <br /> Is In violatbn of eny Envfronmentai Law. The preCSdhp two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storape on the .� <br /> •• , Property of small qunntRies ot Hazardous 5ubstancis that nre generally recoynized to be approprlate to nortnal resldential uses and to . <br /> mainronenCe ot tha PropeRy. �i <br /> � BoROwer shall promptry qNe Lender�vrftten notiCa of any hvestigatbn, claim,demand, lawsuft or other actlon by eny governmental <br /> � or repulatory npency or prNete party 1nvoNhp the Property and any Harardous Substance or Envkonmental Law of whkh Borcower hac <br /> � actual knowledQe. If Bortowcr leams, or Is notHied by any yovemmental or repul�tory authorky, thet eny ramovfll or other remediation - <br /> � of any Hazsrdous Substance aftocthp the Propeny is neoessary, Borrower shali promptly take all necossery remedial actlons fn - <br /> accordance wRh HnvYOnmenta� �aw• ;__ <br /> � As used In thls paragraph 20, "Hasardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxb or hazerdous substances by -- <br /> � "�- Envtronmental Law and Ihe followinq substancos: pasotine, kerosene, other tlammabfe or tox� pecroleum products, tox� pest�ides and �,:� <br /> herbfcldes, volatlie soNents, materlais containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radbectNe meteriais. As used � this paragraph 20. <br /> � "Env'ronmental Law' means federa� laws nnd IEtws of the JurisdiCtion where the Property is located that relate to hea4h, sflfety or _ <br /> ���� envkonmental protecllon. __ <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender further covenant end a9ree a6 foliaws: <br /> ` 21. AccNeratfon; Remediea. Lender shell yive notice to Borrower prior to ecceleratton following __ _ <br /> Y• ; Borrower'a bresch ot eny covenent or �greement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to ��. <br /> ±, ecceleration under pe�agreph 17 unleae epp��cable law provides atherwise). The notice ahall speciiy: � �- <br /> _ (Mj th� sl•ta��l�; {p� the �ctton roqufred tv cure the default; (c) a dete, not less than 30 deya from the ,•` �;- � <br /> d; snt! (d) �ha*_ fe!!•�re to c�re �!, <br /> �j dete the notice ia yiven to Borrower, by which the defeuii musi uo �u�e , � � <br /> the deteult on or before the date specified In the notice m�y result in ecceleretfon of the sums ;�,. <br /> , y aecured by this Security Instrument end aAle of the Property. The nqtice ahall turther inform t; r+�: <br /> Borrower ot the right to reinstbte efter ecceleration end the right to bring a court ection to assert the • <br /> non-exlatence of a default or any other defense ot Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the defeult (s <br /> i not cured on or before the dete speciifed in the notice, Lender at ita option mey requlre immediste ��:,�. <br /> • peyment In full ot atl auma secured by this Security InaVument without further demend end mey ;�,,,; <br /> fi Invoke the power of sele end any other remediea permitted by applicable law. Lender shali be <br /> • entitled to collect etl expenaes incurred in pursuin� the remediea prov(ded in this pnraqraph 21, <br /> ' Y� inctuding, but not Ifmited to, reesonabte ettorneya' feea end coats of title evidence. �. <br /> If the power of eale is invoked, Truatee shell �ecord e notice of defeult in eech county in which <br /> .i;, eny pert of the Property ta loceted end shell meil copiea of auch notice in the menner prescribed by �R <br /> � appliceble lavr to Borrower enci to the other peraone preacribed by sppUceble lew. Arier the time c <br /> � requtred by eppliceble law, Truatee shall give public notice of ealo to the peraona and In the mnnner <br /> ', ,� prescribed by epplicable lew. Trustee, without demend on Borrower, ahaU sett the Property et public - <br /> � i� auction to the highest bidder et the time and pl�ce end under the terms destgneted in the notice of <br /> �� ' aale in one or more percels and �� �ublic en ouncementEet�the �time etnd place of e y previously <br />- x }' or any parcel of the Property by p - <br /> - scheduted sate. Lender or ita deaignee may purchese the Property at any sale. �=°�.. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Truatee ahali deliver to the purcheser Truatee's deed �.___-6 <br /> conveying the Property. The recftela In the Truatee'a deed ahell be prime fACie evidence of the truth �. <br /> � � of the stetements mede therein. Trustee sholl epply the proceeds of the sale in the foilowiny order: -_-- <br /> l �"f <br /> to all costs and expensea ot exerclsing the power of sale, a nd the sale, inciuding��h�e P�=�e�ote ��r'�,.5�=_-__ . ,e�. <br /> the Truatee's teea actue l ly incurre d� n o t t o e x c e e d 3 ,6 o f t h e p r i i c i p a i a .�. ,. ;�.;.-' <br /> at the time of the declaration of default, and reasonable attorney's fees as permiried by law; (b) to all ,•n;��4��`...;_ <br /> suma secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) eny excess to the person or peraons legally �'�,,:�;�v <br />_ � ! .'.�;::.°: <br />_ � enUtled to it. • -- • <br /> I 22. Recon�eyance. Upon paymant of en sums secured by thfs Security Instrument,Lender shctll request Trustoe to reconvey <br /> I 7rustee Shflll�re on ey herPropertyfwi h0utr�warrenty and withoult cherge to he persontor persons legally ee thled to itN SuCht persone0r , <br /> � persons shall pay nny reCOrdatfon Costs. <br />_ � <br /> i <br /> � 23. Substitute Trustee. Lende�, at its option, may irom time to time remove Trustee and eppofnt a successor trustee to <br /> _ I 8�y Trustee ap0o�nted hereunder by en �nstrument reCOrded M the COUnty in whiCh this SeCUrily Instrument is reCOrded. Wilhout � <br /> = conveyance of the Property, successor tn.stee shail sucCeed to all the title, power flnd dutles Conferred upon Tmstee herefn and by <br /> annliCablB 18w. . ... . �_._..0....a eee ho �o�e rn eortowers address �._ <br /> .. 24. Request for Notices. eorrower requests tnac cop�es o<«,a����tia� �� ���a��•�..�_-•- -- -- � --__-- <br /> whiCh is tho Property Address. <br /> 25. Riders to this Security Instrument. If ono or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with <br /> this SeCUrity Instrument, the covenants ancl egreements of eUCh such rider Shell be incorporated fnto flnd shall amend and Supplement ' <br /> the covenants and agreements of this Security In,lrument as If the rider(s)were a part o(this Security Instrument. <br /> Foiin J078 9iB0 <br /> I <br /> — f'ago d o�5 � <br /> F�029 LMO l�Uitl7) I <br /> I <br /> . I <br /> / � <br /> J 4�� I <br />. Y <br /> . <br /> _J - . ... _.___._ .. ._.__ - <br />