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. , ., <br /> ..:;:;� : <br /> �� <br /> , , . <br /> ..r .. . .. y�,�y�.... .. .�. ,r. ••�x�l�f�, � :._�:� <br /> , ..�..,�,.,��...e. . . .., . �. ..n• , �.ti._.�h�.�. . F� ``� 'S� �1 <br /> . .-•f.... �. � � � f�..�'a-.''°- <br /> o '=��� <br /> . 7. Protection of Lend�e�'s Rt�«ts�`�a�P►o p.ed�,thatmay tlpnAbantty afbct L ndertselphts h the Propwty(su�ah,as �,�- <br /> cont�hsd In thfs.i�curRy Inttru , .�': <br /> � a proceedinp In btnkruptoy, prob�t�, (or aondsmmlbn or foAeRure or to enforce lawc or reyuktlens), then Lenda mey do�nd pay tor <br /> whatsvsr Is nec�ae�ry to proteot the value of the Property nnd Lender�riqhts �n the Property. Lender's ectiane m�y Include payfnp <br /> any 8ums secured by e Ilen whlch has prbrky over thls SecurRy Instnim�nt,oppe�rinG h court,p�Y�O r�sonabb ►�ttorney's te�i and <br /> enterhp on the Property to mako repaks. ARhouyh Lender maY tak�aclbn under this paraqreph 7,Lender does not hnvo to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender unds► this parayraph 7 ehall bec M' �hsse flmounta shal/rbeA��terest dhom 1t le dn e r 01� ��_ <br /> In6trument. Unbsa BortowK and Lendsr aprse to othsr l�rme of p�y ,^ <br /> dlsbureament at the Not� rate and ehnll be payabM, with fntK��t,upon notb�kom Lendsr to 8orcower requestlnp paymsnt. <br /> 8. Mortgayo liis�u�ar:.e. ti L�nd�f f���'•'�� mort�nge Insurenee es a condRlon of makhp the ban eecured by thls Securtty� _ <br /> ' : � • Bortower ahall pty the premlums requked to mahtain the morty4{Ze Insurnnce In effect. ��� �0re uked to abtnh oovenpe.� ' <br /> Instrumen., •,' <br /> hsurance coverepe ruquked by lender lepaes or ceasea to be In effecl,Borcower ahall pay the premluma q _ <br /> -"'"�� substantislry equNalent to the mortpaqe hsurance prevbusly In efleot. �I a cost sub6tantialry aquNabnt to the cost to Bortower of thep• ,,.: <br /> ' �� � ` mortyape Ineurence previoush� In el(ect, hom an akemete mortqepe In�urer approved by Lender. If eubstantlaly equNalent mortyaya� ��i•_ <br /> Insurance coverage Is not avallable, Bonower shall p�y to Lender e�ch month a 8um equal to one�tweNth of the ysarly martpape <br /> Insurance premlum beinp pald by BoROwer whsn thA Inaurance coverape IaPeed or ceased to be h eiteat. Lender wlll accept, ues�nd� �i�ji <br /> ' retaln thesa payments as a bss reserve in Ifw of morty&fle Insurance. Loss reserve paYmente may no longer be requked, et the `[� <br /> �k <br /> C%"r <br /> Inaurance ooverapo (h tha �mount and for the perbd that Lender raqufres) provided by an 6nsurar �_ <br /> optian ot Lender, H mortqape R� <br /> � approved by Lender apain beaomes availabM md ia obt�„�d. Bartowor sh�Y pay ths premlums rsquked to maint�b mortp�0� <br /> •f Insurance h ef(ect, or to provlde a bss ressrve, untll the roquYemeol for mortyage hsurance ends h accordnnce wkh any wrkt� ��_ <br /> i agreement between Bortower and Lender or applicable law. __ <br /> ; � 9. Inapectlon. I.ender or Rs ayent may mnke reasonable enlrfes upon and fnspeatbns of the Property. Lender shali pive - - <br /> � Bortower not�e st the tkne of or prlor to an inspeotion speoHy�np rerisonable csuse for the inspectwn. � <br /> � j 10. Condemnetion. Tho proceeds ol eny award or clai�n�or damayes, dkeat or consequential, In oonnectb� wkt� any - - <br /> :: � I condemnatbn or other taklnp of flny part ot the Property, or for conve��nce h Ileu of condemnatbn, are hereby asslpned nnd shall be <br /> pald to Lender. <br /> In the event ot a total takhq o} the Property, lhe proceeds shal be e.pplied to ths sums secured by thls Securky Instrument, <br /> whethor or not then due, wRh any exCess pald lo Borcower. In the event of a partlal takinq of tho Property h whbh the faY market <br /> 1� value ot the Property Immedlately betore the taking Is equal to o� p�eater than the amount of the sums secured by th{s S�CUrity <br /> Instrument knmedletey before the takhp, unless Borcower end Lendx otherwfse syree in wrfthq, the suma seaured by this Securky <br /> Instrument shali be reduced by the amount ot the proaeeds muRipGed by the folbwinp hectlon: (a) the totsl amount of ths sums <br /> secured Immedletely betore the takfng, dlvided by (b)the f4P morket re►ue of the Property Nnmedlateiy before the taktnp,�ymb�tk� <br /> � shall be paid to Bonower. In the ovent of a paRlal takinp of the PropertY In Wh�h„e tekin munlass Bortower and�Lender othsrwise <br /> � before the takinp Is Iess than the amount of the sums secured Imrned�atey be(ore t 0 <br /> agree in wrfthp or uniess appllCable law otherwise provides, ihe praceede shell be applied to the sums secured by this Securky <br />_° -_� ir�sir�msni::::othss ot not tnw aums are thsn due. <br /> If the Property Is abandon9d by Bortower, or M,nker notbe by L�nder to BOROWbf tnBt the Ou�i�ioiiifl"vf aM^i� !o n+Pk"'!^�Ward or <br /> � settle a alakn for damages,Borrower falls to respond to Lender wRhin 30 deys aker the date the notfce Is 9Hen, Lender IS authori�ed <br /> to collect and apply the proceeds, at ks optbn,efther to restoratbn or repok of the Proparty or to the sums secured by thls Securky <br /> (�, Instniment,whether or not then due. <br /> h Unless Lender and Borrowor otherwlse ayree fn writinp, any aippicatbn of proceeds to principal shnN not extend ar postpone ths <br /> " duo date of the r�onthiy payments referred to in paraqrephs 1 end 2 a change the amount of suCh payments. <br /> ;� 11. Borrower Not Releesed: Forbearanee By Lender Not a Weiver. Extensbn or cn• cime tor paymsni or <br /> �. modHfCatbn of amorli:atbn ot the sums secured by this SeCUrRy InsUument prented by Lender to any successor In hterest ot Borrowrr <br /> ": shall not operate to rebaee the IIabIIRy ot tho origlnel Barcower or Borrower3 successors In htereat. Lender shAll not be requksd to <br /> �' commence proceedhps sgalnst any successor h kitorest or re(use to extend tor payment or otNsrwlse modHy amortiratbn of ths� _ <br /> �, sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any dernind made by the orfpinai BoROwer or Borrower'6 successurs In <br /> �, � fnterest. Any forbearance by Len der f n ex e r c i s h q a n y r l g h t o r r e m e d y s h n n n o t b e a walver of or preclude the exarcise of any rfpht or <br /> ti g remedy <br /> ,� t 12. Succesaors end Assigns Bound; Jofnt end Several Liebllity; Co-signers. rne coventnta and <br /> apreements of thls Seourky Inatrument shall bind and benefiR the succesaors and assfpns of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the <br />_ �� provlslons of parayraph 17. BortowePs Covenants and aqreements shall be Joint and several. My Borrower who co•slpns thls SecurRy — <br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•sfpniny thls SecurRy Instrument ony to mortqafle, prant, and convsy thet <br /> ' �, 8orrowers Interest h the Property uncler the temis of this Securfty Instrument; (b) Is not perconally obliqnted to pay the 5ums Sscured _ <br /> by this Securfty Instrument; and (c) egroes thflt Lender end any olhe� Bonower may aqree to extend, modMy, torbear or make any <br /> � accommodatbns wRh reflerd to terms of thls Security Instrument or lhe Nole wkhout that Borcowers consent. <br /> '�• 13. Loan Cherges. If the loen seCUred by thls SacurRy �atrument Is subJeot to a law whbh seta maxfmum loan charpes, _ <br /> • and that law is thally Inte�preted so that the hterest or other Ioan charges ColieCted or to be colleoted In conneotlon wkh ths ban �__ <br />� exceed the pdrmkted IknRS, then; (a) eny such loan charyes sha17 6e retluced by the amount neeas�arr t:, rcduco the cherge to the —ii:�-�_ <br /> . permkted Iknit; and (b) any sums a�ready collected Irom 6ortower whlch exceeded permkted IknRs wlll be retunded to Borrower. Lender v, <br /> may choose to make this relund by reducing the prinClpai owed under the Note or by making a dkeot payment to Borrower. If s ��� <br /> . refund reduces prinolpa6 the reductlon wlll be treated as a partial prepayment wRhout any prepayment Charge under the Note. . - <br /> � 14. NOtiCCB. Any not�e to Borcower provided for In thl; Security InsWment shall be BNen by deliver{ng k or by mallhg it by ., <br /> r first class mall unless epptfcable law requkes use of another mathod. The nottce shall be dkected to the Property Address or any <br /> olher address Borcower dosfgnates by notfce to Lender. Any notke to Lender shall be gtien by fkst class mall to Lenders eddress <br /> • steted herein or any other address Lender deslpnates by notbe to Borrowor. Any notfce provlded lor In thls Security Instrument shaii <br /> � be deemed to heve been given to BoROwer or Lender when given es provided In thls paragreph. <br /> 16. Governing Law;Severability. This SeCUrity InsiNment Shflll be govemed by federal law and tho law ol the <br /> � Jurisdlction In wh�h tho Property IS loCated. In the event thel any aovlslon Or clause of thls Security Instrument or the Note confllcts <br /> � with appl�eble Iaw, such conll�t shall not aflect other provls�ons of thfs SeCUrity In,trument or the Note wh�h can be gNen eHeCt <br /> —' w�lhout the confl�ting provision. To this end the provislons of this SecurNy Instrument and the Note are dc+C�a�ed to be severable. <br /> .e�a (�nnv anrrnwar ahnll be nHen one Confamed copy of the Note and of thls SeCUrity Instrume�t. <br /> . . �v. vv..v..... .. ����. _ - . __. <br /> - 17. Transter of the Property ur a Beneffciel Intereat In Borrower. if an or eny part or ���tl ���Vo'V �� ��� <br /> interest in it is sold or lrans�erced (or H a beneflC�el fnterest In Bortower Is sald or trans(erc9d and Borrower IS not a naturei person) <br /> ' without Lendor's prior written consent, Lendor mny,at �ts option, require Mmediate payment in lull of all sums secured by this SeCUrity <br />— , Instniment. However, this optfon shall not bo exercised by �ender i exercise IS prohiblted by (ederel law as of the date of this SeCUrfty I <br /> - Instrument. k <br /> If Lendor oxercises this opt�on, Lender shall gNe Borrower nalae ol aCCe�eration. The notice shall provido a perlod of not less <br /> than 30 days trom the date the notke is delNered or malied withh wh�ch the BorrowAr must pay all ,ums secured by thls Security ; <br /> Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the oxpiralbn of this porfod, Lender may invoke any remedies perm'��tted�b e ohoo � <br /> Security Instrument without further not�e or demand on Borrower. i <br /> F i020 LM�3(�0/91) Pipo �ol F I <br /> i <br /> � 070 I <br />