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<br /> 3onower's escrow account under the feder�l Real Eetate Settlement Proceduros Act of t9T4 as emAnded hom tlme to tkne, 12 U.3.C. � --
<br /> 260i et seq. ("RESPA'), unless anothsr law thet�pplks to Ihe Funds aete e bssAr amount. It so,Lend9r may, at any tkne, ooNuot�nd `�'�'�_'
<br /> hold FuAds In en amount not to exCeed the 198Se� amount. Lender mty estlm�te the emount of funds due on the basls of Current d�ta ,
<br /> en0 reasonable estknetes of expenditures ol futurs Eccrow Ilems or otherwlse In eccordanCe wlth opplbable lew. •� ,
<br /> 'fhe Funds shall be held h an hstHutbn whose deposRs are hsured by e federal eqency, Instrumentality, or entlty (hcludhp
<br /> Lender, d Lenqer Is sur,h an Instflution) ur in �ny Fsder4l Home Loan Benk. Lender sholi �pply tho Funds ta pay the Escrow Itert�s, - _
<br /> Lender m�y not aharpe Bortower lor hol4hq and apprylny Ihe Fu�de, ennualry snelyzhp the escrow ecaowit, or verlfylnq th�EscrowtrAA � ",
<br /> Items, unlesa Lendar pays Borrower intorest on ths Funds tnd applbtble law permNs Lender lo nuk� euch�cherp�. HowovK, L�nd�� . .';,�.
<br /> m�y requ�v Bonnwnr rn pay a one-tfine chva�lor an Ind�p�ntNnt real estats tax reporthp eavke us�d by Lendor h oonn�atbn wRh� „
<br /> ? this ban,unless epplbabb lew provldea athMwft�. Unbas an aprsement is mads or appl�ebb kw requlrss htereat to be pald, L.ond�r' •,.�'�=
<br /> • ';�
<br /> y'�,;,, , sh�l nol bs requked ta pay Borrower tny intt+rut or e�mfnqe on th�Funda. Bortower ond Lender may apre� h wrkhp, howwer,Ih�� ;;:-
<br /> , „_.,�. t intrest shali be pald on the Funds. Lender shall pMe to Bortower, wRhout charpe, am m�ual accounthp of th� Funda,showin�"+ '""'-"-
<br /> � credNS end debRs to the Funds and the purpoco for whbh eaoh dabR to the Funds was made. The Funds are qledpetl as 1ddRbna� � ,+`'�,_
<br /> security for nll sums 6ecured by thls SecurAy In6trument. �''�--
<br /> .w_�.
<br /> ` If the FundS held by Lender exceed the amounta permitted to be heid by epplbable law,Lender shall account to BorrowK for lh � !;•;�_
<br /> � excess Funds h accordance wkh the requPements of appUCable law. It the amount of the Funda held by Lender at any tYns Is not F�:-�
<br /> �:-_-
<br /> ; suN��ent to pay tlie Escrow Items when due, Lender may ao notMy Borrower in�vrkinp, end. In such case Borcower shall pay to Lender - _
<br /> •� the emount necessary ro make up the def�lenay. Borcower shall make up the defblenay in no more then tweNe monthy paymente,Qt "'__
<br /> ' Lender'S sole dlscretbn. '_�—
<br /> Upon payment In fuli of aIi sums secured by thls Seourky Instrument,Lender ehell promptly relund to Borrower any Funds hefd by .'F'n'
<br /> �� Lender. If, under parayraph 21, Lender shall ecquke or seu the Property, Lender, prbr to the acquisl:bn or sab of ths PropKty, shall r,��_
<br /> ' ��f appy any Funds held by Lender at tho tkne of ecqulsitlon or snk ws a credit agahst the sums secured by this Seaurfty Instrumsnt. •�"��-'_
<br /> ,i{ 3. Applicatlon ot Paymente. Unless applbabie law provides otherwlse,all peyments reoeHed by Lander under puaprephs -
<br /> ± t end 2 shall 6e applled: fkst, to any prep�yment ohnrges dus under the Note; ssoond,to amounts payabb under penpraph 2; thlyd -
<br /> to interest due:fourth,to prinalpal due;and last,to any lete charqes due under the Note. -:
<br /> ?; � 4. Charges; �lena. Bortower shUl pay all taxes, assessments, aharpes, fhes and knposkbns attributab{e to the Properly
<br /> . � � whbh may attain prlority over thls SeCUrily Instrument, and leesehold payments cr ground rents, tf any. Borrowar 6heli ply these —
<br /> abfpations !n the manner provided fn pareqraph 2, or M not paid h that monner,Borrower shnN pay them on tkne direotiy to the peraon =
<br /> �, owed payment. Borrower shall prompty (umtsh to Lender all notiCes of amounts to be paid under this parayraph. If Botrowir makes
<br /> these peyments dkecdy, Borrower shaN promptty fumish to Lender recelpts evidenchg the paymente, _
<br /> Borrower shell promptly disCharpe any If9n whloh has prlorhy over thls Securky instrument unless BoROwer. (a)agrees fn wrklnp to -
<br /> � the payment Of the obilgation secured by the Ilen In e manner flCCeptabfe to Lender;(b)Conleste h good fekh the Ilen by, or detends -
<br />- . .. - s�rhst enlor�!ment o�thw iwn h,k�al proceadlnps wh{ch h the Lenders opinion operete to prevent the entorcement of the Ibn; or(c) �`
<br /> � secures Irom the holder of the Ibn an aflreement setlsfactory to Lender aubordinating the Iien to this Security Instrument. If Lender �,.
<br /> �;,• determhes that any part of the Property b subJect to a Nen whfch may attah prbrky over this Security Instrument, Londer may qNe �-
<br /> f' Barower a not�e IdentMyhp the Ilen. Borrower shan satlsy the Ilen or take one or more of the ectbns set forth above withh 10 dnys
<br /> �t
<br /> of Ihe pNhq of notfce.
<br /> � 6. Huerd or Property Insur�I1CC. Botrower 6hall keep the knprovemonts now existinp or hereaftM eteCtYd on thY
<br /> Property Insured ayalnst bss by fire, hazards included wRhin the term "extended coverage^and any other hezarde, InCludinp tbods or
<br /> floodinp, for whbh Lender requkes I�surence. Thls Insurence shall be malntelned In the amounts and for the perbds thtt Lender
<br /> � iN' requkes. The Insurance carrier providhg Ihe Insurance shflll be chosen by Borrower subjeCt to Lender's approval whbh sh�A not bx :- '
<br /> - unreasonably wlthheid. If Borrower feus to malntafn coverage described above, Lender nay. at Lenders optbn, obuh ao��xoyo to
<br /> prolect Lenders riphte In the Property h accordance wkh peraflrnph 7. -
<br /> All hsurance poliabs and renewals shaA be acceptable to Lender end shall Inaiude o st�ndard mortpaye olrusa. Lendsr ehall h�ve
<br /> � the rfeht ro hold the polbles and renewals. II Lenaer requres, Bortower shan promptly give t�Lender aIl recelpts of pald premlums - -
<br /> � and renewal notices. In the event ol loss, Borrower shau ylve prompt notfce to the insurence canier and Lendar. Lender may make
<br /> � .� proof of loss H not made promptly by Borrower. � --
<br /> Untess Lender and Bonower othe�wfse agree In wrftinq,Insurance proCeeds shen be applled to restoratbn or repak of the Property
<br />- ' damaged, If the resroratlon or repair Is econom�aly feasible and Lenders security 13 not iessened. If the restoratbn or reptlr Is not F:
<br /> � oconomfcaliy leasfble or Lender's securRy would be lessened, the InsurenCe proCeeds ShaN be epplled to the Sums SeCUred by thls `° ----
<br /> ' Security Instrument, whether or not then due, wRh any excess pald to Bortower. If Borrower tbandon5 the Property, or does not
<br /> enswer wkhin 30 days a notbe from Lendar Ihat Ihe inSUrance cenfer has offered to settle e clalm, then Lender mey colleat the
<br /> (nsurance proCesds. Lender may use the prOCeeds to repalr ot restore the Property or to pay Sums secured by this Securky ,
<br /> ' erlod will b In when the notlCe IS pHen. �� `�~—_�_
<br /> Inslrument, whether or not than due. The 30�day p e9
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrowor otherwlse agres (n writinq, any applbatlon ot proceeds to princbal shall not extend or postpone the _
<br /> due date of the monthly payments reterred to In paragraphs 1 end 2 or change the amount of ihe payments. 11 under parpgraph 21 �i'''�=',�,_
<br /> ,�i::
<br /> .:�r.�'_::
<br /> the PropeAy �s acqu"rod by Lender, 8orrower's rpht to any Insurance pol�les and proceeds resuAing hom damage to the Property prior . ,,.>f
<br /> to Ihe acqulsltion shall pass to Londer to the extent of the sums secured by thl6 SeCUrity Instrument knmedfatety prlor to the
<br /> acqulsitlon. �
<br /> 6. Occupency, Preservatfon, Maintenance end Protection of the Property; Borrowe�'s Loen •
<br /> Applicetton; Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy, esteblish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence wRhin sbcty
<br /> deys after tho execution of thls SeCUrily Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as BOrcower's princfpal resfdence for at
<br /> _� least one year aRer the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agraes In wrlting, whfch consent shall not be unreasonably
<br /> • wnhheld,or unless extonueting circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's oontrol. Borrower sholl not destroy, damage o►• knpek
<br /> the P�operty,allow tho Property to deterforete, or commit waste on the Property. Bortower shail be in defauft M any forfeRure actlon or
<br /> procaeding,whether Civll or criminal, Is begun that In Lender's good faith Judgment couid reSUR in fo�feNure of the Property or othervvlse
<br /> � �...���. i..�.....e• A.v. vn cunh n rinlnuN nnd
<br /> _ ' rnmenauy impav tne i�en created 'oy ini� "obi.��ny ���s.�.:�-��: a� �o,�,.o.o o"':;::'; ...�,._.. _._..�.ya. ..,e% =_•- ---.. _ ----.. _..- --=--=_,
<br /> - roostate, as provlded In psraflraph 18, by caus�g the actlon or proCeedhg W be dismissed with a ruling thet, In Lenders good Iaith
<br /> determNatlon, precludes forlelture of the Bon'ower's Interest �n the Property or other material impairment of the lian created by thls
<br /> - . Security Inst�ument or Lender's securily Imerest. Borrower shau also be In default if Bortower,during the Ioan applicutlon procoss,
<br /> _ � gpr� matorlalry false or inaccurete inlormetlon or stetements to Lender (or Iailed to provido Lander with eny material InformatlOn) In
<br /> , connecUon with the loan evidenced by the Note, inchiding, but not Iimfted t0, representations conCerning Borrower'S oCCUpenCy of the
<br /> P�opeAy as e prfncipal residonce. If ihis Securfty Instrument �s on a feasehold, Borrower shall Comply with &II thg provlslons of the i
<br /> lease. If Borrower acquires foe title lo the Property, the leasehold and ihe leo title shull not merge unless tho Lender agrees to the '
<br /> i
<br /> ! rnerger m writing. r•o�m aoze eieo
<br /> IF�07D.LM0 (�0/P7J Pigo 2 0l 5 ,
<br /> _ . I
<br />.- 070
<br />