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<br /> � 18. Borrower's Right to Retnatete. i� sorrowsr mae�s certa�n conditlons, Borrpwer ahall heve the r+on� to nave � ����...
<br /> ' entorcement of thla SecurKy Instrument dlscontinued at eny tkne prlor to the earller of: (a) 6 days (or suCh other perbd ae eppNCabM `;�;�,,iw.,�=T,-
<br /> ' iaw mey'specity for relnstatement) before sale of the PropeRy pursuant to any power of sale Contalned h thls Securky InsWrnsnt; or i . ��.
<br /> (b) entry of a Judgment enforolnp this Securky Inatrument. Thos� oondklone aro Ihnt Borrower. (a) pays Lendet all Bums whbh then ; _
<br /> would be due under this SecurRy Instrument and the Noto ae ff no ecceleraUon had occurred; (b) cures any delauR of any otha l . •� �,�%�:v�
<br /> covenant or agraements; (a) pays all expenses �ncuned tn enlorcinq thls Securfty Instrument, haludhg, but not Iknked to, reasonpbk � r�_',n
<br /> attorneys' fees; and (d)takes auch actlan as Lender may reasonably requke to assure that the Iien of thls Securky Instrument,Lender's ` r �•_�:"_�__
<br /> ' rfphte h the Property and Borrower'6 oblfgatlon to pay the euma s�CUred by thls Securfty Inatrument 6hell conthue unChenp�d. Upon • ,�.y ,,..:�.==--
<br /> relnstatement by Bonower, this SecurRy Instrument and the obl{patl�ne secured hweby shall remain fully ettective as if no eccelentlon� ��;+;`��':-
<br /> ►t8d occurred. However,this right to reristate shell not epply in tha case al aCCOtemdon under peraflraph 17. ., .r�.__-____ _
<br /> 19. Sate of Note; Chan�e af Loan Servlcer. The Note ar a paAltl Intorest h ths Note (tOpether wNh this SeCUrfty� ,;�;'�;�
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times wRhout prlor not�e to Borcowx.A neb mBy resuR h a ohanfle In tha entfty(known es the•� .:'=��• __
<br /> ;l�i
<br /> "Loan ServlCer") that colleats monthly payments due under the Nots and this SecurRy Inst►ument. There also may be on� qr more �,.► ��.,�.
<br /> changes of the Loan Servber unrelated to a sele of the Note. If thxe Is a chanp�of the Loen Serv�er,9artower wlll be yNM wrktsn � ��,�*=_
<br /> notfce of the chanpe fn acaordance wkh pareyreph 14 above �nd �ppl{cable law. The not�e wlll atate the ntma end addr�ss of the � ''' _
<br /> .i�
<br /> new Loan Serv�er end the address to whbh payments shouid be made. The not�e wlll also Contaln any other Infortnatbn requked by Fi =-
<br /> applbab►9 law. � .;r_i'
<br /> 20. Hezardous Subatances. Bortower shall not cause or permk the presenoe, uee, disposal, storaqe, or rele�se of any --
<br /> Hezardous 5ubstances on or In the Property. Borcower shall not do,nor elbw anyone olse to do,enythhp afleatinp the Property thYt �"""
<br /> ' is in vblatbn of any Envkonmentai Lew. The precadhg two sentences shall not appiy to the presence, use, or storaqe on the
<br /> ; t,_,
<br /> Property of small quantY,les of Hazardous Substances thet are penerally recopnlzed to be appropriate to normal resldantial uses end to �'���
<br /> mantenance of the Props�iy. « --- —
<br /> Borrower shall promptly pive Lender written notfCe of any Investipatlon,clBkn.demand, Iawsuit or other actbn by any povernmsntal � iV�.:
<br /> or reyulatory ayenay or prNata party involviny the Property and any Hazardous Substnnco or EnvUonmental Law of whbh Qonower has � :}��
<br /> �� actual knowledpe. If sorrower learns, or is notMled by any qovemmental or reyulatory authorRy, that any removat or other remedlation
<br /> of any Ha�rdous Substance aHectlnp the Property Is necessary, BoROwer shali promptly take all necessary remedial aotbns In �
<br /> accordance with Environmental Law. �
<br /> As used In this paragreph 20, 'H�ardous Substances" are those eubstflnCes dethed as toxb or haurdous substnnces by �'�
<br /> � Envlronmental Law and the following substances: pasoline, kerosone,other(lammabl� or toxb petroleum produots, toxb peatbides snd �.
<br /> horbbldes, volatlk� soMents, materiais contalnhp asbestoa or formeldehyde, and radioaotNe materlais. As ueed in thls paraprnph 20,
<br /> "Envkonmental Law" means federal Iaws and laws of the JurlsdiCtbn where the Property Is loceted that relate to heakh, safety or =
<br /> �• envkonmental protection.
<br /> NON•UNI�QRM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender further covenant and ayre¢as foibws:
<br /> � 21. Acceteration; Remediea. Lender ahell qive not0ae to Borrower prior to acceteratton fotlowinq �
<br /> � Borrower's breech of any covenent or egreement in thls Secur(ty Inetrument (but not prior to
<br /> � _� ac�2i�r&i3on und�r �Sar:.$r«ph 1T unls�� ap�llan�l� !�w nrnytdea otherwiae). The notice shell speetty:
<br />_ � (a) the detault; (b) the ection required to cura the default; (c)a date, not leas than 30 deys lrom the
<br /> � dete the notice fa gtven to Borrower, by which the default muat be cured; and (d) that failure to cure
<br /> !!�e deteult on or betore the date apeciiled in the r�otice mey result in acceleration of the wm�
<br /> j secured by thia Security Inatrument end eale of the Property. The notice ahall further iniorm
<br /> - � Borrower of the rtght to retnatate atter ecceleretion end the right to brinq e court actlon to aesert the
<br /> non-existence of e defeult or eny other defenae of Borrower to ecceleratlon and sale. If the detault is
<br /> not cured on or betore the dete apectfled in the notice, Lender et its optfon may require tmmedinte —
<br /> Ipeyment in fuil of all auma secured by this Security InaVument without further demand end may - �_._
<br /> � �; invoke the power of aate and any other remedlea permitted by eppllcable lew. Lender ahall be � _-
<br /> entitled to colleot all expenaes Incurred in purauing the �emPdiea providod in thla persyraph 21, �
<br />� � InCluding, but not Ilmited to, reeaonabte sttorneya' fees and coata of tltle dvidence. _ _
<br /> If the power of aale la invoked, Trustee ahsll record a nottce of defeult in each county In which .;,
<br /> eny pert of the Property iu fvcnia� nnd shall mell copiea ot auch r.�:lss in the manner �rescribed by �- ___ - -_—_
<br /> - ' appltcabte lew to Borrower end to the other peraona preacr(bed by epplicable lew. Aite� the time �-`�
<br /> required by �ppticeble lew, Truetee shetl give public notice of sele to the peraona end in the menner �-:`.
<br /> p�escribed by applicable lew. T�uatee, without demend on Borrower� ahall sell the Property et publle _-�.-
<br /> auctton to the htyheat bidder et the t(me and plece end under the terms destynated in the notice of =�---_
<br /> aele U one or more percels and In eny ordcr Trustee determinea. Truetee mAy postpone sale of elt ��_
<br /> �:_--
<br /> � or eny parcet ot the Property by pubiic announcement et the time and plece of eny previooely =__--- _ .�---z-
<br /> scheduled aale. Lender or ite deaignee mey purchese the property at any aale. ��
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Truatee sheil dellver to the urcheaer Truatee's deed �
<br /> P �°=�;_--�----
<br /> conveying the Property. The recitele in the Trustee'e deed ehelt be prime Mcie evidence ot the truth
<br /> oi the atetementa mede thereir. TrustES shall apply i:�� �:ac��ds o* thp �!!e in the foltowing order: ,����"''^
<br /> (a) to ell coats and expenses of exerciaing the power of sale, and the aale, including the peyment of .;�,;�w�;�""`��
<br /> the Truatee'a teea ectuelly Inaurred, not to exceed 3 96 of the principel amount of the note
<br /> at the time of the declar�tlon of defeult, end reasoneble ettorney'a tees as permitted by law; (b) to ell ,
<br /> , sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the peraon or peraona legally . :�
<br /> + entftled to it.
<br /> 22. Reconveyence. Upon paymHnt of ell sums seCUred by this Security Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee to reCOnvey
<br /> � the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evldencing debt secured by this SeCUrity Instrument to Trustee.
<br /> 1 Trustea shnll reconvey the Property without werranty and without charpe to the person or persons leflally ent�t�ed to it. Such person or
<br /> 1 persons shall pay any rdcordation costs.
<br /> i 23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee end appoht a successor trustee to
<br /> eny Trustee eppo�nted hereunder by en instrument recorded in the county fn whfch this SeCUrity Instrument Is reCOrdAd. Without
<br /> �o .,i �no vr�r,orr� aucr.wssnr m�aeae shall succeed to all the tille. Dowor and duties conferred upon Trustee herein 9nd by _
<br /> — applicable law. ' - -r- ., ` .
<br /> — 24. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that coples of ihe notkes �f defaull and sale be sent to Borrowers address �
<br /> = wh�ch iS the PrOperty Address. I
<br /> 25. Riders to this Security Instrument. It one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together wfth f
<br /> this Security Instrument, the cove��ents flnd ngreements of each such rider shall bo incorporated Into and shull amend and supplement •
<br /> the Covenents and agreements of this Secunty Insirument fls il tho ridef(s)were e paR o}this Security Instrument. �
<br /> — I
<br /> Form JOYO 8/PP
<br /> i
<br /> �' f�G�0.Ltdp IIOiBI) pap�A ol 5 ,
<br /> �
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<br />