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'��� -. <br /> -- <br /> � ,,� � <br /> _'�' -_ _ . _. --�---- ._ ...... .. . - -- - - _- _ <br /> fw.rti- .. , .. . ..�,�, . _ _ _ <br /> .. .. � .,.. �r'' ,;� <br /> , � <br /> .�.�W7��� �� " . <br /> � .. . . .. r. . . _ . . . .. .. ...--,��. <br /> . ,,.. .'�`w <br /> 13. LENDER'8 RIOHT TO COMNIENCE OR DEFENO LEDAL ACTIONS. Orantor shall Immedletely provide Lender with wAtten notice of any e�tual or <br /> ihrsatQned actlon,avit,or other proc�edinp aBecting th�ProWny. Orantor hereby eppolnts Lender as ita enomey-In•fect to cortmence,Intervone In,and . - <br /> deiond such actlons,sulie,ar other legal proceeding6 and to compromise or settle any clalm a conirov�rsypertnining thereto. Lender ehall not be IIaMe to <br /> �rantor to►any actlon,orrar,Mstake,oMaalon or delay pertelnlnp to the actlone�feecrlbed In ihls peragreryfi or eny damepes reaulting tharehom. Nothing -' 4.�,. <br /> contefned,hereln wlll prevent Lender f►om taldnp tho acibns dauibed In ihis peregreph In Itn own nen�. <br /> � 14. INDEIWtJIFICA110N. Lender�hall not aaaume or be re�paislble for the performence of any of Orantor'e oblipations with re t to the Property under .': <br /> any Grcurmtance�. arantar shali Irmxdlate{y proNde lencferwYh written notice ot an�Indnrmlfy end hald Lender end Ite share oldere,dlrectors,omcere, (� ' �;,,= <br /> I emplayeea and ngents harmless Irom ell ctelms,damepea,Ilabilltlee(Indudinp attomeya' feee and lepal expenses),causes ot action,actlona,sulis and h� __,_ <br /> other lepal proceedinpa(cumuiatively'Clalrrw')punalni n p ta the Property(InGuding,but not Ilmited to,ihoae Involving Hazardous Materlals). Orantor,upon ' � <br /> � t h e r e q u s a t o f L e n d e r,a h a l l h l r o l e g e l w u n s�l t o d e l e n d L e n d�r f r o m s u c h C l a l m s,and p a y ihe aflome ye'feea,le g al ex p ensea end o t h e r c o a t e I n c u r r e d I n - <br /> connectlon iherewhh. In the altemative, Lender ehall be eml�led to employ ita own lagal cnunsel to defend such C lalms nt Qramor's cost. Cirantur's =_ <br /> oWigation to Indermfty Lencler under lhie paraprapli shall nurvfve the terminatfon,release or foreclosure of Ihis Cleod ot Tru61. � , - -._, <br /> d,-�... .:� <br /> . 16. TAXES ANO ASSESSMENTS. Qrantor ehell pay ell tax�a end aswstmenis rolating to Property when due and Irm�ediately provide Lender evldence� � ��a°'_—. <br /> �' � of payment oi same. Upon the requoat of Lender,C�rontor ahall depoalt with Lender each month one•iwelflh(1/12)of the estlitiated annual Insurance _t ;�;;_;•'�` <br /> premlum,taxes end asaeaamenis penalning to ihs Prope►ty. Sa bng es ihere la no detauA,ihese amounta shail pe applled to ihn payment of texes, ''� . -_ <br /> a�sessmentf and Insurance as required on the Properry. In the event of delault,L.ender shall have ihe dght,at ite sole option,to apply the funds so held to � +�'�`• <br /> , pay eny taxea or epelnat the Oblipatlone. Any lunds applled may,at Lender'e optlon,be applled In reverse order of the duo date thereof. ��'a�- <br /> y',v� <br /> ' ('� <br /> 16. INSPECTION OF PROPERTY,BOOi(S,RECOFiDS AND R6POpTS. Orantor shall albw Lender or its a�ents to examine and Inspect ihe Property ,;,��. ---- <br /> ; and exemine,Inspect and meke coplea of Cirentors books end recorda pertalning to the Property hom tima to time. (3rantor shall provide any asalatanee ��- <br /> required by Lender for these{xuposes. All of the slpnaluras end Informatbn contained In Orantor's books and records shall be genuina,true,accurate and �•�,�7;T <br /> t + complete In ell rospects. Qrentor ahall note tha e�stence of Lender's benefldal Intereat ln Ile bnoke and records pertaining ta the f�roperty. Additlonally, ���-� <br /> 't � Orentor shell report,In a brm satlsfactory ta Lender, such intonrxitlon as Lender may raquest regarding Cirantor's 8nandal condition a the Property. The -� <br /> Informatlon shall ba for such periods,ahall reflect ararnors recards at such time,and shall be rendered with such hequency as Lender may deslgnate. All <br /> � Intormetlon lumished by drentor to Lender shell be irue,accurate end complete In ell respecta,and slgned by Orentor It Lender reque�sis. _ <br /> i <br /> t � 17. ESTOPPEL CERTIPICATE9. Withln ten(10)day�efter eny request by Lender,Orentor ahail dellver to lsnder,or any intended iransferee of Len�ar's <br /> rights wlth respoct to the Obllpatbns,a siAned and acknoW�edgod statement speclfyin�(a)the outstanding balence on tho Obllgatlonc;and(b)whether <br /> � arantor poasesses any clalms,defenses,set•oHs or caumerdaims with reapect to the Ob 3a�� �a end,II o,ihe c°auch clr�ms,defenses,set-offs or ��_";__ <br /> ceunterclalms. arentor wlll be eonGualvely bound by any representetion ihat Lsnder may meke to the Iniended irar�alere..:with re_,•�ct to these matters In t•.;:� <br /> ihe event that Grentor falls to provlde the requested stalemunt In a tlmely mannor. <br /> .i"'-. <br /> � � 18. DEFAULY. Orantor shall be In�tafauit under thls Oeed oi Trust and ihe Trustee's power shall become operative In lhe event ihat arentor,Borrower or <br /> any guarantor ot the Ubligatlons: � . <br /> � (a) taila to pay eny Obligatlon to Lender when due; <br /> (b) fells to partorrn any Obllgatlon or breachea any wertanty or covenent to Lender contalned In ihla Deed of Trust w any other preeent or future �_ <br /> ��•, agreertient; - <br /> (c) dastroys,loses or damages the Property In any rt�atedel respect or subjects the Property to selzure,conflacatlon,or condertnatlon; <br /> (d) seeks to revoke,terminato or otherwise Ilmit ita Ilabilfry under any guaranty to Lender; <br /> � (e) dies,becomas legally inwmpetem,Is dissotved or terrNnated,becomas Insolvent,rrekea an assignment for the boneflt of aeditora,talle te pay _ <br /> debts as they become due,flles a petitlon under the federel benlwptcy laws,has an involuntary petition In banlwptcy flled in which t3rantor,Ebrrower <br /> _.. -- = nr an�yg�iarantor is nnmed,or has nroperly taken utMer any wril or ptOCess ot court; <br /> (f) allowa goods to be used,Irensported or stored on the Property,the posseaalon,transportatlon,or usa ot which,ie Illepei; <br /> (g) allowa any parry other than Grantor or Bortoweno aswme or undertake any Obllgatbn without tha wdtten wnsent of Lender;or <br /> . (h) causes Lender to daem itselt Insecure due to e stgnl��cant dedlno In the value of the Propeny;or if Lender,in good falth,for any reaaon,belleves ,_�,_ <br /> - • that ihe prospect of paymoM or pedonrenoe Ia Impalred. ��'= - <br /> �Ii4�'._ <br /> 19. RIGHTS OF LENOER ON DEFAULT. If there is a defauft under this Deed of Trust,Lender ahall be entitied to exerGne one or more of the following � <br /> • remedies wflhout notice or demand(except as required by law): __ <br /> (a) to dedare the Obligatlona Irtmedlately due snd payade In(ull; '- <br /> i (b) to collect the outstanding Obligatlons with or wflhout reaorting to judiclal pracess; ��' <br /> (c) to requlre Grantor to dellver end make avallade to Lender any personai property or Chattels eonstituting the Property at e place reaeonabiy � ' <br /> convenlent to Grantor and Lender; <br />- � (d) to enter upon and take poasesslon of ihe Properry wlthout applying for or obtatning the appolntment of a receiver and, at Lender's opibn,to � <br /> • - appoint a recelver without bond,wlthout first ksringing suit on the Obligations end without othenvlse meeting eny statutory condttlons reperding _ <br /> ;. reCelvers,It being Imended that Lender shall have�Is conlraCtual►ight to eppolnt a receNer; — <br /> (e) to employ a menaging agent of the Property and let Ihe sertie,elther in Truetee'e own name,In ihe narne of Lender or In the name of Orentor,and A�_._ <br /> ' recelve the rents,Incomes,Isaues en�proftts ot tne Nropeny antl eppiy the sartie,atter payment ot au nocesscuy cnarges end expenses,on eocourrt ot - <br />� - the Obllgetlons; G.: <br /> (f� to pay any sums In any(ortn or manner deomed expa9ent by Lender to protect ihe secudry of thls Deed of Trust or to cure any default other than F- <br /> 1 payment of Intereat or princlpal on the Obllpatlons; - <br /> (g) to foreclose this Qeed of Trust Judlelatly or nonpdicialiy and to direct the sale of the property through exerclse oi the power of eala as referenced In <br /> - � peragreph 20 hereof In acceordance with applisable law: - <br /> (h) to set�ott dramor's Obllgations egalnst eny amounls owed Qrantor by Lender InGuding,but not Ilmted to, monles, Instruments,and deposR - - <br /> _ , accoums malntained with Lender or any curremly existing or future a(filiate of Lender;and • <br /> (q to exerclse all other dghts avellable to Lender under eny other wrltten agreement or appllcaWe law. <br />- Lender's dphts are cumulativo and may be exerdsed together, separately,and In any order. In the evem that Lender Instltutes an aetlon seeMng the F, , �``� <br /> rowvery of any of the Property by way of a prejudgrnent remedy in en actlon agalnst Orantor,Grantor welvos ihe Posting of eny bond whlch mi t <br /> _ othenvise be requlred. Lender or Londer'a deslgnen rrey purchase the Property at any sale. Prooeeds of any Trustoe s sale hereunder shall be appl�id 'v. � •..� <br /> ° first,to the costs and expenses of exerds6ig thepower of aale and of the sala, Induding the paymont of ihe Trustae's fees actually Incurred and not to '�,'-.` .:• ,` ,..• r <br /> exceed the amount whlch may be provlded for in thls Dend ol T►ust,second,to paymem of the Ob1lpaUons secured hereby,ihlyd,to the payment of�unlor '�'~•'J�� <br /> truRt doeds,mortgages,or o:her Ilenholders,and ihe balance,If any,to the perFan or persons legally antitied theroto. Theproperty or any part thoreo�may •• ;�, ' <br /> be sold In one parcel,or In such parcels,manner or order ae Lender In its sole dlscre;lon may elect,end one or more exerclses ot the power herein greniktd � ' �s t , � <br /> shall not exlingulsh or exhaust tho power unless tho ernke property le sald or the obligatlons are pald In full. ! ''. <br />- 20. TRUSTEE'S EXERCISE OF POWER OF SALE ON DEFAULT: If Lendor Qlocis to sell Grantor's Imorest In iho Property by exorclse of Iho power of ~ <br /> salo horein contalnod,Londor shall notlty Trustoo In iho manner thon requirad by law. <br /> Upan roeelpt of such nolice of Lander and nt thu direcibn of L6ndar, Tru�teo shall eause to bo recordad,publlshed and dc311vered suCh notices ot default <br /> and notices of sale es may then bo raquirod by law nnd by this Deed of Trust. Trusteo sliall,only al iho diroctlon of Lander and withaut demand on Qrantar, I <br /> eRor such time as may thQn he requlred by lew and afler reeordation of such notice of cbtault end efler notico of sale having been glvon as requlrod by law. <br /> sall the Proporty al tho tirtra and place ot sale tixod by n in suth notica of selo,eliher as whWe or In soparato bts or parcels or itoms as Lendar shail deem I <br /> exp�dlant,and In such ordor as It may dotormino,al pubGc aucibn to tho hlghost bidder for cash In Iawful monoy of tho United Statos payablo at the tlrtx�of <br /> salo,or as otharwiso may then be requlred by law. 7rustee ahall doltver to such purchaser or purchasers thereof Its good and suHident dead or deeds � <br /> conveying iho proporty so sold,but without eny covenent a werrenty,express or Impllod. Tho recllals In such deed of any manara or facta shall bo ' <br /> conGusivo prooi of the truthtulness ihoroof. Any person,Ineiudng,without IlMtetlon,Grantor,Trusteo or Londar,may purchasa at such salo. Trusteo may ; <br /> to thm m�nna nrnvirbrl hv law rv�xtmna rale of all or anv ba►llon o11ho PfoDDf�V. . .. _..__...---.. <br /> . , ......_.._...' �"'_'_... .� . .. . _ . . ......'-_.-.- . <br />— i I <br /> 21. RE�UEST FOfl NOTiCES: Orantor ruquostc tha�e copyof any notice of defauB and a copy of sny notice of sale hereunder bo malled to oach porson <br />_ � who is a party heroto at Iho address of such porson sot lonh horeln at tho same t�me and In the sams manner required as though a separ2te roquest thoreof i <br />= had boon tiled by oach such porson. � <br /> . ! <br />� , � <br />_ � <br />_R ' . <br /> � <br /> �` NEDOTC Rw.297 Pa�o3d8 . <br /> �; <br />