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� ,�. a` <br /> �,,,..r ": <br /> -------- ---�---� <br /> . .'__......... . .. . _ � �ZrfY.r� ,Y�.. <br /> � ' . ��'41��M,= . <br /> In.:j[jG•:- <br /> .� . .r,_ � <br /> (c) All applicnble lawa And regulations,Including,without Ilmitelbn, Ihe Americrins with Dlaedlltiea Aci, 92 U.S C. Section t2101 et seq. (and all �� <br /> I regiilations�xomulpated ihereu�der)end nll zoning and building lews and repuletlona relating to 1he Property by vinue of eny fetferal,steto or munlclpel I t�� <br /> slithorlly wlth Juricdictlon over iho Propeny,presently are end ahall be obssrved end complled with In all meterlal respects,and nll righte,Ilcan6es, I <br /> permNs,and cehl(icates of nccupanr,y(Including but not IlMted lo zoNng varlances,epaclal excepilonc(or noncanlorming usos,and flnal Incpoctlon <br /> . epprovals),wltothar temporary or pomianent,whiCh ere matedal to Iho uae and occupanCy oi iho Propeny, prosenlly nro end shall bo obinlned. � <br /> presorved and,whore necebsary,ranewed; i <br /> (d) �rentor has the right end Is duly authodzed to oxecute end peAorm Its Obllgatlans under�hle Doed ol Trust nnd ihoso oGlons da not end shall not .♦ " <br /> canlllct wlth ihe provislons ol any statute,regulall�n,ordinence, rule of law,contract or othor egreoment whlch may bo binding an arentor at eny timo: � � � <br /> (e) No nctlon or proceeding Is or shatl be pending or ihreaiened whlch mlght materlally effect tha Propeny:and � ; ..•;�-.V <br /> � (f) C3raMOr has not vtolatod and shall nol vlolate any statute,rngulallon,ordinanee,rulo of lew,contract or other agroomon�;InGuding,but not Ilmitod to, � I ' <br /> I those goveming Hezardaus Ma�orisls)whlch�rigin materielly afleu the Property or Lernier's righla�r Inlorosl In iho Property pursunnt to ihls Dood of ' . .. ' - <br /> 7n�st. Q " �"'""r�:". <br /> 3. PRIOR DEEOS OF 7RUST. Arantor repreaenta and werrams lh�t ihore ara no prior deeds of trust aftect!ng eny pan of the Property except as set farlh „ .�`== <br /> � on Schedule 8 attached to ihle Deed o(Tru6t,whlch C3rantor agree�to pay and pertarm In a timely manner It there aro eny prlor deeds af truet then� :;r�>>��•_ <br /> C3rantor egrees to pay all artaunts owed,and pe►form all obilgatlons requlred,under nuch deeds of irust end the Indebtednoss sewred ihereby and further , _ <br /> agrees that a default under any prior deod of trust shall be a defaull under this Daed of Trust and shall ernitle Lender to ell rights end remedias comalned - <br /> hereln or In the Oblipations to whlch Lender would be entltlad In the event of any other de(ault. � <br /> 4. TRANSFERS OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFiC1AL INTBRE9T3 IN(iRA�ll'ORS OR BORROWERS. In the event ol a sale,canveyanco,loaso, 9;;.;,.�y�__-�- --- <br /> cornract for deed or irensfer to any person of all or eny part of iha real property described In 3chedule A,a any Interest ihereln,or nf ali or eny benefiGal ��_ <br /> Interest In Borrawer or Grantor pf Borrower or Cirantor Is not e natur�pe raon or persona but Is a corporatlon,Ilmited Ilability compsny,partnorshlp,trust,or *,�'�;s,_ <br /> other leflal entity),Lender may,at its optlon declara lhe outstanding pinGpaI balance of the Obllgatlona plus accrued Interest ihereon Irtmedlately due and _ --� <br /> payabie. At Lender's request,Grantor or Borrower,as the ea;s may be,shall fumish e cortplete statement seriing forth all of Its stackhnldera,members,or _ <br /> pariners,as approprlato,and Ihe ex�ont of thelr respective ownershlpNtoresis. • ,:^ <br /> '�--- <br /> 6. ASSI�NMENT OF RENTB. In consideration of ihe 0611gationa,whkh ere secured by thle Deed of Trust,�rantor absolutely asslgna to Lender elI =` <br /> Grantor's estate,rlght, title,Intereat, Galm end demand now ownad or hereafter acquirod In all existing and futuro leases of the Praperty(Including .'�;� <br /> extenslons,renewals and subloasos),all agrcomonts for uso end caupancy of the PropeAy(all such leases and agreameMs whether written or oral,aro �, __ <br /> horeafter reterted to as the'Leases''),end all guarentles of lesseea'pedormance under the Leasas,topether with the Irtmediate and continuing dght to - <br /> callect and recelve ell ot ihe rents,Income,recelpis,revenues,Issues,profits and other income of any neture now or hereafter due(Inciuding any Incorrp of �f' -- <br /> any nature coming due during any redemptlon pedod)under ihe Leases or hom or adsing out of the Proporty Including minlmum ronts,additional rents, -, <br /> porcontage renis, parking or common area malnionance conlribWons,lax and Insurancu contributlons,detideney renis, Ilquldated damages tollowing <br /> default In any Lease,all praceeda payable under any pollcy of inwrance covering loss of renis resuhing from untenantabllity caused by desiructlon or =�: <br /> damage to the Property,all proceeds payable as a resuft o(a lessee's exerdse of an option to purchase the Property,all proceeds derived from the �°- <br /> terminatlon or reJectlon of any Lease in a banlwpicy or othor insolvency proce�eding,and all procoeds from eny dghts and clalms of any klnd whlch Oramor '+._ <br /> may have apaInst any lessee under the Leaaes or any occupanis of ihe Property(all of the ebove are hereaflcr collecthrely referred to as ihe'Hems'). Thls �-°- <br /> �y asclgnment le subJect to the dghL power and aulhority given to tho lsnder to collect and eppiy the Rents. Thls essignment Is rewrded In accordance with _ <br /> appllcaWe stato law;the Ilen craated by this assignmant Is Intended to he speclfic,perfected,and choate upon Ihe recording of thls Oeed of Truat,all as <br /> provided by applicable stato law as amended from tlme to tlme. Aa long as there Is no detauH under tha Obligallons or ihis Deed af Trust,Lender grants <br /> Grantor e revocaWe Ilcense to collect all Rents from the Leases when due and to use such proceeds In Qrentor's buslnessoperatlona. Howaver,Lender _ <br /> � may at any tlme requlre arantor to deposH ell Rents Into an accountmalntained by(3rentor or Lender at Lender's Institutlon. Upon default In the payment <br /> of,or in ihe pertorm�nce of,eny ot ihe OWigatlons,Lender may at Itsoption take possession of the Property and have,hold,manage,lease and operate the <br /> � Property on terms and for a perfod of tlme that Lender deems proper. Lander may proceed to collect and rec�ive eli Rents hom the proparty,end Lender <br /> - ' 6t1811�18V8 fUil pOWB(to filelca nilvrnli�iw,iniwVniiui�S,in�iniib ui Pby''�'a'w-'�tiio�a i7�8�(C�T:'i IIL�Z�!l:S�L�..°:.T.�?�!°f. �.?n�r{na an�ly All RentS Itl = . <br /> Lender's cole discreAon to payment of the Obligatlons or to ihe pa�mient of ihe cost of such alteratlons,renovatione,repelra and re�aeemems and any _ <br /> expenses Incident to taWng and retalnlng possesslon of the Properly perlodlcally and ihe management and operation of the Property. Lender rrray kaep the <br /> Property propedy Insured and may dlscharpe any taxes,cherges,deims,essessments an�other ilens whlch may eccrue. The exponse and cost of ihese <br /> actbna may be paid hom tha Ronts recelved,and any unpald amounts shall be added to the princlpal of the Obligatlons. These amounts,together with - <br /> other costs,shell become part of iho Obllgatlons secured by ihls Deed of Trust. <br /> 6. LEASES AND OTHER AQREEMENTS. Orantor shall not take or(ail to take any ectlon whlch may cause or permit the terminatlon or the wHhholdinp of -- <br /> any payment In connectlon w8h any l.ease or other agreement("Ageemant")partelning to ihe Properly. In addilbn.(3rentor,wfthout Lenders prlor wrinan � --- <br /> consenL shall not:(a)coilect any monlos payable under any Agreerrent rtaro than one month In advsnce;(b)rtadlfy any Agreement;(o)asslpn or ellow a �K�. <br /> Ilen, secudry Interest or other oncurtixance to be placed upon Grantor's rigMe,title and Interest in and to any Agreement a the amouMs payable � ' f� <br /> ' thereunder;ar(d)terminete or cancel eny Agreement except tor the nonpayment of any sum or ather materiat txeach by ih�othor party thoreto. If�rantor - <br /> receives at any tlmo any wrinen comrtunicatlon essening a defauil by C;rantor undar an Agreement or purponing to terminate or cancel any Agreemant, �.��"�?� <br /> .� �rentor shallpromptly forward a copy of such communlcatlon(and eny aubsequem communlcutlons relat(ng 4hereto)to Lender. All such Agreementa and -,� <br /> iha arrqunis due to Orantor ihereunder ere hnreby asslgned to Lender as additlonal aecuriry tor ihe Obllgatlons. �� <br /> ,{ ON OF INDBBTEDNESS FROM THIRD PARTY. Lemler shall be entitled to notNy or requlre Grentor to notl any thlyd party(Induding,but �_�,` <br /> 7. COLLECTI - - <br /> � not Ilmited to,lessees,ifcensees,govemmental euthorities end insurence cvnpanlee)lo pay Lender any Indebted�ieus or o.�igatlon awing to Grantor with � '��� --- <br /> respect to ihe Property (cumulr�tively'Indebtedness')whether ar not a default exlsts under thls Deed ot Trust. drantor shell ddigently cailect the _.�.. <br /> indebtedness owing to C3rantor from ihese ihird panlas umil�he givNg oi such notiflcation. In the event that Qrantor possesses or receivea possesslon of �—.��_ <br /> any Instruments or other remitlances with roapect to ihe Indebtedness tollowlny the giving of such notification or if 1he Inetruments or other remltlanees ?':��;- <br /> - conatltute the prepayment of any Indebtedness or tha peymont of ery Insurance or condermatlon proceeds,Grentor shall hoid such Instrumema and other ���;,��� <br /> romittences In irust fa Lender apart from its other property,endorse Iho Instruments end other remitlances to Lender,end Immediately provlde Lender with :.-,���r,. <br /> � possessbn of the Insirumema and other remittancea. Lender shall be emitled,but not requlred,to collect(by legal proceedings or otherwlse),extend ihe -� <br /> tlme for paymenL compromlee,oxchanpe or release eny obligor or collateral,or otherwiso senie eny of ihe IndeWedness whether or not an event of defeult `:��1ia=a��: <br /> ' exisis undor thls Agreemem. Lender shali not be Ilable to Grsntor tor any ectlon,ertor,mistako,omisslon or delay rtalning to the actions deseribed In thls :;;"•-=- <br /> _ paragraph or any damages resulling iheretrom. Nohvithstending the foregoing, nothing hereln s�cause Londer to be deemed a �.;--�=-_----�__�_ <br /> E��. <br /> mortgagee•in•possesslon. , �pR� <br /> 8. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Grantor shall take all ectlons and rr�ke any repalrs needed to malntaln tho Propeny In good conditlon. • � �.= <br /> Grantor shall not carr�it or parmit any wasto to�corm4ned wnh respect to tho Prcperty. Grantor shail use the Property solely In com�+llene?with . , <br /> applicable law and Insurance policles. Grentor shall not make any alteratlons,additlons or Improvemenis to Iho Property without lsnder s prior wrinen , <br /> consem. Without Ilmitlng the tarepoing,all alteratlons,additlons andlmprovertwnis made to the Property shall be subJect to the beneficlal Interost belonging <br /> to Londer,shall not be romoved withoul Lendar's prior written consem,and shall be made at Grantor's sole oxpense. .. <br /> 9. LOSS OR DAMAGE. Grentor shall bear ihe entlre ri6k ot any loss, thart,destructlon or damage(cumulativoy"Loss or Damage)to the Property or eny <br /> portlon thereoi from any cause whatsoevor. In the event of any Loss or Damage,Cirantor shall,at the option ol Lsnder,ropafr the aHected Property to ita <br /> prevlous Conditlon or pay or ceuso to bo pald to Londor the docroase In tho fair market value of iho aHoctQd Properly. <br /> 10. INSURANCE. Tho Proporty will be kapt Insurod for its lull inswablo vaiuo(roplacemont cost)agalnst all hezards Including lass or damago causod by <br /> ilood,earihquake, tornado end tiro, ihofl or other casualty to the extenl requlrod by Londor. Grantor may oblaln InsuranCe on ihe Property from such <br /> companles as aro aac�pteblo to Londer in i1s solo discration. TFie Inwrancu pollcles shall requlr�Ihe Insurance company to provide Londor wlih at loast � <br /> 30 days'wrilton notico bo(ora such policlos are allerod or cancallttd In any mannor. Tho Insurance polldes shall name Londer as a loss � <br /> payev anfiprovido that no acl or omisslon of Gramor or any mher person shall eHect ihu rlgM ol londor to be paid tho insurnnco proceeds pertaining to iho I <br /> loss or dam2go of tho Proporty. In tho avent Grantor fails to acqulro or malntaln Insuranco,Londer(efler providng noticu as may bo requlrod by law)may <br /> in its discretion procuro appropriate Insurence coverage upon iho Proporly and the Insuranw cost shall be an advance payablo and bearing Interest as � <br /> doscribod in Paregreph 23 and secured hereby. orantor shall furdsh Londer with evidonce of insurance Indicating the requlrod coverage. Lender may act <br /> as attomoy-in fact for Grantor In maWng end sotllinp clalms under nsuranco pnlicles,cancelling any policy or endorsing Grentor's narrb on any drafl or � <br /> r,�,r,�taN�,Instn�rrnnt drawn bv anv Insuror. All such Insurance[wl�tJes shall be Irrrrx�dlatoly asslpned,dedped and dallvered to Lender as further sewrity i � <br /> for iho Obligatlons. In iho oJorn of loss.Grantor shall Irtrr�dialely give Londor wdnen notico and Londer is authorized to mako proot ot loss. tacn <br /> insuranco cortpany is dirc�clod to mako paymenis diroctly to Londa ins�ead of to Lender and Grantor. Lender shall have iho right,et Its sola oplion,to <br /> apply sur,�monios toward Iho OWlgatloris or toward iho cost of rohuilding and rostoring tho Nroparty Any amounts may at Lendor's optlon bo appliud In <br /> _ th�Invorso ordor of Iho due datos ihoreof. � <br /> - � 11. ZQNINO AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantor shall not inhia�e or consent to any change in the zoning provislons or privalo covenants affacting the <br /> - • use of iho Proporty wlihoul Lender's prior wrinen consont. If Grenlor's uso of tho Propeny bocorras a nonoonforming use under eny znning provislon, <br /> - GraMor shall not ca�so or permit such uso Io be discominuud or ebandoned without iho prior wrinon consern ot Lendar. C3rantor will irrmediatoly provido <br /> Londor with wrinon notico ol eny proposod changos to Iha zoning qovisions or privato covonanis atlecifng tho Properly. ' <br /> - 12 CONDEMNATION. Grantor shall Immodlatoly provide Lendor wiih writlen notico oi any nctual or threatenad condermation or onynent domaln <br /> a proceoding portaining to ttie Proporty. All monlos�ayablo to Granlw from such condartnalion or lalting aro horeby assfgnod to Londer and shall bo applied <br /> - tirct 1�ihn nayrr�rn nf 1 nndor's�nomoys'leos.loaal oxoonsos andother cos�s(Indudina aoprelsal foesl In connectlon wfih tho condamnatlon or Qminarn <br /> -"� domaln proceodings nnd Ihon,at Iho op�ion ot Lvndor,to 1ho paymont ol�ho Oblfgations or iho rosioration or repafr of tho Proporty- <br /> :1 • <br /> r <br /> aFf�ni(t n�v 291 p�;e2d6 - <br />