� . .i
<br /> _�_ �. .
<br /> � -�'�,-.. . , . - .. .� .. - ..a�.a„WwA� ,. _
<br /> 1 _... ..��.nNr���' " - . r i
<br /> 1 � . . ,-i !..?�:
<br /> • . -��.
<br /> ?2. BECURITY INTEREST UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. Thla Deed at Trust shall be considered and be elbctive ea a flnancing ��'
<br /> atatsRlsnl end a fixture filinp punuent to th�provitlonti of the Uniform Corrrnordal Code (a�edopled In the etete where Ihe roal property le loCated) �
<br /> wvering tixluree,chettel6,end eAlcl�s afpe rsonal propeny now ownad or hereaflor ritteched to or to be used In cunnectlon wilh tF�e PropeAy toqether wlth ^.�T�
<br /> any and all repecemenis thereof and add(tion�thereta(the'Chattele'�,and OrRntor hereby grante Lendor a security Interest In aucf�Chattels. The debtor Is
<br /> tha Qren�or doctrlbed above. Thlo Deed of Trust wlll bo afioctive as a tingnGng etatement tll�d as n Iixturo Iiling with resQeGt to atl�zlures InGuded wlthln
<br /> isald preniaea end Is to be flted tor rocord in Ihe nal ostate rscordf of each county where eny part ot aald premisea(Includ+ng eald f iruroa Is slluatRd. Thla
<br /> • Deed ol Trust:hall nlso be effective a�a finendnp statement covering eny otherpreMses end may be Illad In any other appropria�o��Iing or rocording
<br /> � oi(ice. A earbon,photographlc or other reproduetlon of thls Dsed of Trutl or of eny(InenGng etaiemenl rolaling to ihls Deed ol Trual�hall be auificlent aa a(j� =:
<br /> (inan�ing statement for any of the purpooe�refsrred to In ihic Peregraph. Ths secured party le Ihe Lender deacYbed ebove. Upc+n darnend,Orentor shall�
<br /> n�eks, execute end delivar euch ascurfty apreemtnt� (as wch Ierm Is deMed In seld Unllorm Comrnarclal Codo)as Londer ai qny Iirno may deom' ,k�t`
<br /> nscestary or prop�r or required to prant ta Lendsr a psrtscted�scurity Intsrost tn the Chanels,and upon Orantor's fallure to do no,lencior Is euthori:ed lo �?��-
<br /> sign any aueh egreement ae the egent o1 arentor. �rentor hereby euthodzee Lender to file finendng stetementa(ne such term la dolinad In sald UNform `�;_
<br /> Cortmarclal Codo�wNh rospoct to tho Chanola,nt any timo,wlthoin iha efpnature ot arantor Oranta wlll,however,et nny timo upon requosi of Londor,� - -- _
<br /> Ngn auch Ilnendng etatomente. Qrantor Will pay all flllny fee�for ths flllng of such Ilnaneing atet9men�s and for the refiling theraol el Ihe lunea raquired,In� _ -
<br /> the opinlon of Lender,by eald Unitortn Comnerdal Cods. If the Ilen of ihla Qeed of Truet be subJect lo any security egrasmenl cov�dng Ihe Chatlels,thonO � ,;''
<br /> � In the ev�nt of eny dulault under thla Deed of Trunt,all the rlght,tltle and Interest of C�rentar In and to any end ell ol the Chnitel�Is hareby aselgned to :�--
<br /> . Lender,together wAh ihe bene0t ot any deposfls or paymaNe now or hereafler made therooi by aramor or ihe predecessors a suaessors In tluo ot1� ""',v� .
<br /> Orentor In iho Property. � `. �`-
<br /> 23. REIMBURBEMENT OF AIYIOUNTS EXPENDED BY LENDER. Lender,a�Lender's optlon, may expend funds(Includng ananeye'fees and legal� �'` �-�
<br /> expensea)to pedorm any act requlred to be taken by drentor or to exercise any rlght or remedjr of Lender under thls Deed of Truct. Upon domand,arentor r��F=
<br /> shall Immediatety relmburse Lender for all such amounts expended by Lender together wlth Interest thereon al ihe lower of lhe hlgl-�ecl rate descdbed In any ___ --
<br /> Obll{�ation or the hlghest rate ellowed by law Irom ihe date of payment untll the date of relmFwrsement. Th9se sums shall be InGudad In the definitlon of ;R—
<br /> Obllgatlom hereln end shell be secured by ihe benefldal Intereat ted hereln. If ihe Obilgatlons arepaId afler ihe begInNng ofp blication of notice of �j=y�y..
<br /> sele,as herein provided,or In the event Lendar shali,at Its sole opt on,permit�remor to pay any part of tha 0611getlons efter ihe beginn(ng of puWicatlan of --
<br /> notice of sale,as hereln provlded,then,Cirantor shall pay on demand all expensea Incurr e d by the Tmstee and L.ender In connectlon with sa i d pu b l icat lon, ., - „„-
<br /> Includinp reasonable attomeys'fees to the attomeys(or the Trustee end for tho Lender,and a raesonable fee to tho Trustee,and thla Daed of Trust shall be ;_
<br /> security for ail such expenses and fees. •"''"°
<br /> I ���
<br /> Z4. APPUCATION OF PAYMEMT3. The Trustee shall aody the proceeds of the trustea's sale flrsL to ihe costs and expenses of exerdaing the power of �
<br /> salo and of lhe sale.Including ihepayment ol the Trustea's fees actually Incurred not to exceed if�e amount whlch may be provided br In the Doed of Trust. '_
<br /> second,to paymont of the oblipat(on secured by the Deed of Trust,third,to the payment of junlor cheds of trust,morlgages or other IleMolders,end tho -?
<br /> balance,If any,to the person or persons legally entitled thoroto. •'"'�,
<br /> 26. POWHR OF ATTOHNEY. �rantor hereby appoInts Lender as its attomeyIn•fad ta endorse Grentor's name on all Instrumenis and other documents =
<br /> perteining to ihe Obligations or Deed of Tmst. In additlon,Lender shall be entllled,but not requUed,tope rfortn eny aetlon or execule any documern ,_
<br /> required to be teken or executed by Grantor under ihla Deed of Trust. Lendarape rfomiance of such action or execution of such dacuments Ehall not
<br /> " r e l l e v e O r e n tor hom an y Obll g atlon or cure an y default under thls�oed of Trust. Alf powers of anorney descrlbed In this Deed ot Tmst are wupled wlth en
<br /> Interest end are Urevxable. _-
<br /> � 28. SUBROdATItNI OF LENDER. Lendar sheli be subropated to the rlghts of tho holder of any prevlous ilen,securiry liuerest or encumbrance ,',:;�:-:
<br /> `', discharged with funds advnneed by Lender regardless of whether theae ilena,aecurfty Interests w other encumbrencea have been rdeased af record. ';•;,;�-
<br /> � 27. COLLEC110N COSTS. To the extentpermitted by law,Grentor agrees to pay Lender's reasoneble fees end easte,induding,but not Ilmitod to,feea };i�"_�'�`'
<br /> +i ; and costs of enomeys end other agents(InGuding without tlmltatlon parelegals,clerks and consuAante), whether or not sucti enomey or egent Is an �
<br /> e oy�e of Lender,which are Incurred by Lender In coliecting any amount duo or enfordng eny rlpht or remedy under ihis Deed d Trunt,whether or nm '�:
<br /> cul Is txought,Including,bul not Ilmlted to,all tees and costs Incurred on appeal,In banlwptcy,and�or paat•Judgment collectlon aclbns. � r`� �'-'_
<br /> ,;,�•,�-
<br /> _ ���
<br /> ' � 2Q. PARIIAL RELEASE Lender may reloase its Interest In apo Alon of ihe Property by executinp end recording or�e or more Panlai Deeds af �?,.�,_==�`=
<br /> � Reoonveyance without attecting Itn Interest In the remaininp portlon of the Proparty. Nothing hereln shell be doemed to obllgete Lender to release any of Its ---=-
<br /> Imarest In the Properry(except as requlred under Paragraph 38 or as may be othervvise raqulred by law),nor shall Lender be obltgaled to release ony pert "; �_--__
<br /> of iho Property If C3rantor Is In dafeuit under this Doed of 7rust. The Ilen and security Interest aeated by the Deed of Trust rer�(n N eHect wflh respect to ��=—•u-
<br /> that poAion of thB property,as defined In the Deed of Trust,that Is not the subject of this or any Partisl Oeed of RecanveyanCe '�•
<br /> .,�.-
<br /> 29. IIAODIFICATION ANO WAIVER. The moditication or walver of any of�rantor's Obtigatlons a Lenders rights under this Deed of Trust must be `��r
<br /> contNned In a writing signed by Lender. Lender may pertortn any ot Bortower's or Grantors Oblipatbns,delay or fall to exerdse onY of Ile�ighis or accept ;:�w
<br /> paymanis trom�rantor or anyone other than Grantor without causing a waiver of thase Obllgatlons or rlgMs. A v�alver on one oorasion eha(I not eonst8ule "` '=� '..,
<br /> a waiver on any other eccaelon. Orentor's Obligations under ihls Deed of Trust shall not be attected if Lender amends,co orrlses.exchangea,falls ta '� �. .
<br /> ' exerGse,Impalrn or releases any of the Qbllgatfons belonging to eny Grentor,Borrower or thlydpa ny or eny of its righte a�iist any Grentor Borrower or II ,f
<br /> k•� thlyd paAy o�eny of ihe Property. Lender'e fafiure to Inslat upon sirict pertortnance of eny of ihe Obligatlona shell not be deemed awafverand Lender shall -
<br /> have the dght at any time thereafler to Insist upon stdct perfom�ance. �'��
<br /> •: ',..
<br /> 30. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE 11ABILITY;COMPENSATION. In case of the death,Inadllty,refuaal to ect or absenceof the Trustse from iha
<br /> +�• state where the real praperry Is located or In cace the holder of tho Obligatlons shali deolre for any reaaon to remove Ihe Trustee oseny substitute truatee es ?��';
<br /> trustee hereunder end to eppolnt a new trustee In his plece and stead,ihe holder of the Obligatlone Is hereby granted full power to eppoint in wdting a ,.,���_
<br /> � 6UbS1I1U181R16�BB�Jf 691tl I N6189,8I1C�1F10 iUDS111U18 IN6IB8 6f1311,wnenappoirnaJ�LX7WI I d�IAiWbMJI to dl�Ights of Trustee hereuMbr and tho samo shall --•-�--�-�-- -- �
<br /> become vested In him for tha purposes and ob�ects of thlR Deed of Trust with ail tho power,dutles and obligations hereln con(erred on the Trustee. Truste9 "??�_!�
<br /> _.,.a9,6��.
<br /> shall not be Ilable tor any error of Iudpmem or aet done by Trustee,or be otherwlse responslble or aceountable under eny clrcrxxnstencea whatsaever. ___
<br /> Trustee shall rat be perwnally IIaWe(n case ot eniry by it or anyone acting by vlAue of the powers hereln grented II upon ihe Deed of Trust for debts =f•��--
<br /> • contracted or IIabIINy or dama s Incurred In the management or operetlon of sald premises. Trustee shell have the Nuht to rd on any Instn�ment. �'�""
<br />_ doeument or signature aulhoriz ng or support(ng eny act on teken orproposed to be teken b It hereunder or belloved b lt In fellh to begenulne. �>+_:�_
<br />� ,� Trustee shall be entllled to relmlwrsemont lor expensos Incurred by it In the portormanee of Its dutles hereunder end to reason e compansatlon for such -
<br /> , of its servlcos horoundar as shall be rendorod. aramor will,from time to time,pay compeneallon due Trustee hereunder end reNix�rae Trustee for and '"��"�`
<br /> save and hold fl harmless from and agalnst eny end all loss,cost.Ilablllty,damage and sxpanse whatsoever Incurred by It In the pedortn�nce of Its duties. ,?��x
<br />= ai��
<br />- . All monoys recolved by Trusteo shall,until usod or applled as herelnprovided,be held In irust for thopu rposes for whlch ihey were recelved,lwt noed not -- -`:,�
<br /> be segrepated In any manner trom any othor moneys(except to the oxlent requirad hy law)and Trustee shall be under no IletUity lor Interest on any . ^j'� _.� �r :
<br /> - moneys recelved by II hereundor. �,'`b`. .. .t
<br /> ..�;,�n�%�.
<br />- 31. SUCCESSORS AND ASSItiNS. Thls Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and Inure to the beneflt of Cirantor and Lender and thelr respective "' " '-
<br /> sucoessors,assiflns,trustoes,recolvers,adMnlsirators,personal reprosentatives,loyatoes and devlaeeo. •
<br /> , 32 NOTiCEB, Excopt as othenvlse roqulrod by law,any notice or other wrtvrxmicatlon to be provided undor thls Deed of Trust shall he In writing end sent �-
<br /> - i to Ihe panles at tho eddressos duscrlbed In ihls Doed of Trust or such other address es the parties ma deslgnate In wr(ting fromlime lo llme. Any such
<br /> � notice so given and sont by first class rr�fl,postage prepald,shall be doemed given the earller of three�3)days efter euch raliee Is sent or when recolved
<br />_ by tho porson to whom sucr notice Is baing givon.
<br /> �
<br /> ; 39. SEVERABILITY. Whenever possiblo,oach provislon of this Deod oi Trust shall be intorpretod so es to be offective and valid undor applica�le stete
<br /> _, law. If any provislon of thls Deed of Trust vblates tho lew or is unenforceablo,ihe rest o(Ihe Deed ol Trust shall continue to be valklend enforcEtable.
<br /> I
<br /> � 34. APPLICABLE LAW. Thls Qeed of 7rust shall Iw govomod by Iho laws of ihe state wherethe real property Is located. Unlesseppikablo law provfdes ,
<br /> otharwiso,Grentor consunls to tho jurisdiclion and vonua of any court solected by Londor,in its solo discrotlon,located In that stato. �
<br /> 35. MISCELLANEOUS. Grantor and Lender agreo that timo Is of tho essenco. Orentor waives presentmant,demand for paymem,nolico o(dishonor end I
<br /> ` thotest oxcepI as requfrod b law. All roforenoos to Grantor in ihis Deed of Trust shall Include ell persons signing below. I f ihere le more ihan one Qrantor, '
<br /> efr Obllgatfons shall be�OI i and sevoral.Thls Deed of Trust ropresenls ihe Complele Integretod understanding beriveon orantorand Lendor portaining to I
<br /> • iiioi�runar��wi�u'u�u��aue�w�. � .. . . .
<br /> 36. NO THIRD PART'Y RIGHTS. No porson Is or shall be a third paAy bonofidary of anyprovlslon oi thls Deod of Trust All povisions of ihls Doed of �
<br /> Trust In favor of Londer ero Intonded soloiy tor tho bonotit o!Lendor,and no thitd pany shall bo entilled lo assume or expact ihal Lendor wlll not waive or
<br /> consont to the modillcation of any provislon of thls Dood of Trust,In Londer's sola discrotion.
<br /> - 37. PRESERVATION OF LIABILITY AND PRIORITY. Without aflucting tho Ilability of Borrower,Grantor,or any guarantor of it-�e0blfgatlons,or any othor �
<br /> porson(oxcc3pt a porson oxprossly roleasa!in writing)for the payrrbnt endpo rformanec�ot tho Obltgations,end without aflecling�he rights of Londor wfih :
<br /> rospc3ct to any PropOrty nol expressly rolaesed In writing,und without Impairing In any way tho prlorily ol ihis Dead oi Trust over�he intaesi ol any p3rson �
<br /> acqulred or first ovidonced by recording subsequont to ihe rocording of ihls DQad of Trust,Londor may,eilhor beforo or after Iho rnalurily ef iho Obllgatlons, �
<br /> And without noticct or consent:roloasa any person Iiablo for�ayrnont or pprformanco ot nll or eny part ol 1he Obllgations;make ariy agreomont altering tho
<br />- torms o1 paXment orpc�itormance of all or any pari uf iha Obligntlons;oxerGsQ or roirnin from ozorGsing or walve any right or rernedy thal Lander may have
<br /> ����ar tha Laad of T'rusi,ac:.api additlana ccc::�ty ol ary l�.nd for ar,y o!Iha QE!!gatlens;or releacc cr c;hen:iso dcal�vith an•��ea! er persenal prc�n��
<br />� socuring ihe Obligations Any parson acquiring or rowrdmg ovidonco ol any INorost ef any natuw in iho Proporty shall bo cfeen�d,by acquiring sucS ;
<br /> intorest or recording any ovidvncct thoreot,to havo consontad to nll or any sueh actlons by Lender.
<br /> i
<br /> i'
<br /> �EDOTD Rcv.237 p°5oa�6 I
<br />