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�'�.��.'r�U I _ � ;%p:: � '' <br /> ..,� <br /> '"rtlf�, - , � ' - .....,i�. '�_�. <br /> • � . <br /> , . .:. <br /> .., ---�--'...--------_- _.._.�_.�-t�. <br /> ..uC.._ . . . . . - <br /> .A� .. . .. , .� �,r7N1�L � �, "� -=e. <br /> ,. I . .. __ic�•!:.;,'- <br /> .•.-�-�•,-'��e <br /> J ��_�Z_�gg� DEEQ OF TRUS7 Pa�e 4 "' „'":^•"�-•�-� _ <br /> �:-- <br /> � Loen No 610733 (Contlnued) 91- 11�'�'Q6 `�`�`=� <br /> � - -- =. <br /> T�x�s. The followinQ ohtll aonslltute taxes lo whloh Ihis saetlon epplies: (�)a speciflc tax upan thi9lype of Deed of Trusf or upon�II or any °;=s1 <br /> parl of Ihe Indeblodness secured by this Deed ot Trust; (b)Y speciAc tax on Trustor whlch Trustor b euthorixed or raqulred to deducl kom - <br /> paymmta on tha IndqbUdnsss securod by ihls typs of Deod of Trust; (o)a I�x on Ihis type of OMd M Trust chupsabla ayalnst the Lender or • -- <br /> I Ihe hdder of the Notr,�nd (d)�sp�clflc lax on all or any portion of tF►�Indebt�dn�ss a on payments of princlpal and Intor�st made by .y.;;f <br /> 1 Truator, - <br /> 8ubspu�nt Tax�s. If�ny tax to whlch thls section eppliss h enacted subs�c�uant to ths dab of!hh De�d of Trust,thls event ahaN hava the � <br /> � same�t(ecl u tn Event o}Dehult(as dMn�d below),and Unda m�y wc�clsa cny a all of Ib�vaable nmsdNs fa an Hvent of D�fwit as -� <br /> I pravid�d below unlsss Trusta Mfher (a)pays the tax betore i!b�com�s dNlnquent,or (b)cont�sts tlw tax a proNded xbove In Ihe T�uces and • ��"°"- <br /> uens sx.tlon end depos�ls wllh Lender cash or a suiflclont corpa4fe suroty bond a othx secudty satlslnctay to Lender. __ <br /> SECURITY AOREEI�IENT;FIMANCINQ 8YATEMENTS. Th�foMOwinp provblona iWalinp to thb DNd of Trust a��s�curlly aprMm�nt v�a parl of ° --- <br /> . ,_,,,, : lhls Derd Of TruSt. • ,. <br /> •�r : SeCUAIy AprNm�nt. This Instrurrwnt 8hall consNtute a Becurlty apream�nt to IFw�xtent any of ths Property Constitutes Nxturaf ar other , <br /> psraontl propsrty, �nd Lertder shall have all of trn� rlphts ot�secured party und�r the Unlform CommerclU Cods aa amand�d hom flma to . ;. <br /> tlme. - <br /> 8�curlty Int�nu. Upon request by Lender,Trustor shali sxecute fintncinp atstemonts and tgko wh�bver other actlon Is requesfed by Lender ':`1 °-- <br /> to pwf�ct and conN�ua Lenders secudty Interost In the Renb and Penonal Property. In nddlllon to recadinp thls Deed of Trust In the reai � - :'3i ____ <br /> 1 property records,L�ndu may,at any time ond wlthout turthsr wthortzaflon kom Trustor,ffM�x�cuted countarparta,cop►es a reproductlons of --�'�A=Y��-=` <br /> 1 thls Deed of Trusi as a Anancinp statement. Trustor shall ydmburs�Lendw fu all a�ns�s incurred In peteoArp or conflnulnp thls security s;j�y„..�_ <br /> InteresL Upon default,Trustor shnll assemble the Persnnal Property In a manner end�t a piace rsasonabty conventent to 7rustor and Lender ��;;�'-- <br /> and mtke it avalleble to Lender wlthln three(3)deys elter nceipt oi wrlflm demand from Lenda. • `-�'F:` <br /> Addreases. The malunp addresses of Trustor(debtor) and Lender(seoured perty),from whlCh inlamallon aonceminp the seauriry Interest �,'t�,'�•• <br /> pranted by thls Deed ot Trust may be obtained(eech es required by ihe Unl(am Commerclal Code),are as atated on Ihe flrst pape of thls Deed ____ -.�-- <br /> of Trusf. �,:�S�!-c- <br /> FURTFiER ASSURANCES;ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The tdlowing provislons rslaQnp lo furthor assurancas and attcxney--In-fact are a pa�!of thls '��' �-- <br /> Deed of Trust. �`��-- <br /> ' FuRh�r AswrMiC��. At any Ume,and from tlme to tlme,upon request of Lender,Trustor witl maka,execute and deliver,or wlll cause to be <br /> mede,executed or delivered, to Lender or to Lender's desipnee, and when requested by Londer,cause to be filed, recorded,reBled, or • -_ <br /> rerecwded,as fhe case mey be,at such times and In such of6ces and places as Le��der moy deem appropriate,any and ail such moripapes, _ ___ <br /> � deeds of trust,seaurity deeds,security epreements,Nnanclnq stotements,contlnueAOn statemenq,Inslruments of further assurance,csrtiNcatxs, _. <br /> and other documents as may,In the soie oplNon of Lender,be necessary or deslrable In order to eHecfuate,completd,pertvct,aontinue,a �Y=' <br /> preserve (a)the obllp�tans of Trustor under the Note,this Deed of Trust,and the Relatod Dooumenb,and (b)ths Iiens and security Int�tssts -' <br /> � created by this Oaed of Trust on the Property,whether now owned or hweaMer acquired by Trusfor. Unleu prohibited by law or apreed to the '; f�, <br /> contrary by Lender In wdtiny,Trustor shall relmburs�Lender fa aN costs and expensos Incurced in conneclion with the mattsro referred to In <br /> thls p�rapraph. � <br /> � Attorney-an-F�ct. If Trustor falis to do any of the things relerced to In the preadlnp parepraph, Lender may do so for and In tha name of `= <br /> Trustor and at Trostor'e wcpense. For such purposas,Trustor hereby Irtevac�biy oppdnts Lender as Trustor's aflomey-In-fact ta the purposo `� " �-� <br /> of maklnp,executinfl,dellveriny,filinp,recordinq,and doing a� other thinps as may be necessery a deslrabie,In Lender's uole opinlon,to k � ''` i,�,■ <br /> = t nccortipiiyii Sw iiwitn�o rotorr8d io Ir ih8 pteGBdtnp(3ata�teph. -_ <br /> 1 ��� <br /> FU1 PERFORMANCE. If Trustor pays ail the Indebtedness when due,and othenvise peAprms 811 the oblpattons imposed upon Trustor under thls <br /> � Deed of Trust, Lender sheR execule and dellver to Trustee a request far ful! reconveyance and shaA execute and deliver to Trustor sultable l�:;w <br /> statements of terminedon oi any financing stetement on file evidenclnp Lendar's security Interest In the Rents and the Personal Praperiy. Any y,-, <br /> reconveyance fee required by Iqw shail be peld by Trusfor,if permiHed by aopllcabb law. i�f <br /> � DEFAU.T. Eech of the following,at the optlon of Lender,shali consntute an evdnt of default("Event of Default")under thls Deed of Trust: {p�� <br /> 4• '�'•, <br /> ' „� Defsult on Indebtedneu. Fallure of Trusta to meke any payment when due on the Indebtedness. <br /> � 'r <br /> �'; Def�ult on Other Payments. Fallure of Trustor within the tlme requlred by this Deed of Trust to make any payment fa texes or insunnce,a <br /> any olher payment necessary to prevent filinp of or to eHect dlscharpa of any Ilen. <br /> Compll�nce Datwit. Faliure of Trustor to comply wlih any olher term,oblbation,covenant or conditlon contalned In thls Deed of Trust,fhe � <br /> � Note or In any of the Retated Documenis. �: <br /> FMse Ste�tamenti. Any warranly,representatlon or statement made or turnishod to Lender by or on behait of Trustor under thls Deed of Trust, - <br /> �;� the Note or the Related Dxuments Is false a misleadlny In any material respect,elther now or at Ihe tlme mede or turnished. <br /> � Def�cdv�Coikt:.r:JlLllon. Th!:C:^d of Tr��+.or an;�!!ho P.elat_�!^Mumenis ceflses to bo In fu��orrg Pn�i pMprt(InCludinn fnllure of nny - � _ <br /> coNBtenl dxuments to ueate a valld and perlected security inlerest or Ilen)at any time and lor eny reeson, _ <br /> ' " Del�th 0�IntoivenCy. The death Cf Trustor,the Insolvency of Trustor,ihe appolntment of fl recelver for any part Of TrustOr'S property,any __. <br /> Y" asslgnmenl for Ihp beneflt of creditors, any type of creditor workout,or the commencemont of any proCeed�ng under any bankruptcy or - <br /> insolvency laws 4y or apalnsl Trustor. �_- <br /> � Forectoaure,Forfelture,eta Commencement of foreclosure a fodenure proceedings,whelher by Jud�cial proceeding,seif-hetp,repos3esslon .!-�_ _ . <br />- or eny other method,by any crediior of Trustor or by eny yovernmental agency ayalnst any of the Property. However,lhis subseclion shsll not <br /> apply in the event of e pood falth dlspute by Trustor as to the validlty or reasonebleness of the Clalm wh�ch Is the basls of the foreclosure or -,� <br /> �� t�refeiture proceedinp,provlded that Trustor glves Lander wdtten notke ot suCh Clalm and furnlshos reserves u n surety bond}or the clalm ;�y��,,_ <br />- J satistactory to Lender. -- ---"' <br /> _ �`�.� <br /> BreaCh of Other Apreement. Any breach by Trustor undar Ihe terms of any other ayreement behveen Truslor and Lender that Is not remedled .����,�rawf.c, <br /> withln nny qrace period provided thereln,Includinq wllhout Ilmilallon any aqreemenl concernlnp any Indebtedness or other obllyatipn of Trustcr •-='�, ,�,>�^,,,,.,p-� <br /> to Lender,whetMtr existinp now or later. ��`��+x-�;>: <br />_ xi�.r.._. . <br /> Evento Af(eCtinp Gulinntor. Any ot the preceding events occurs with respect to any(ivarentor of any of the Indebtadness or any�u�rnnlor , �Y- - <br /> dles or becomes Incompetent,or revokes or disputes Ihe vaildlty o�,or Ilablllty under,any Oueranty dlhe Indebledness. Londer,at Its optlon, �__ ��� �r�:? • <br /> � may, but shnll not be requlred lo,permit the �uaranlor'S estete to essume uncondilloneliy the obigBtlons ar151ng under the gueranty In e • • ., <br /> _ manner setisfaCtory to Lender,and,In doing so,cure lhe Event of Default. <br /> _ � InaeCUrily. Lender fn good fa8h deems Itself insecure. <br /> Ezlatlnp Indebtednese. A default shall occur under any Existing Indobtedness or under any Instrurnent on the Property securinp any Existing <br />- � Indebtedness,or commencement of any sult or other actlon to loreclose any exisUny Ilon on Ihe Propedy. <br /> Ripht to Cure. If such e fellure Is curable and if Truslor has not been given a nolice of a breach ol Ihe same provislon of thls Deed of Trust <br /> within the preceding twelve(12)months.It may be cured(and no Event of Dofeult wlll have occurred) If Trustor,afler Lender send&wrilten <br /> noHCe demendlnp cure of such failure: (a)cures the failure wfthin ten(10)days;or (b)if the cure requ6es more than ten(10)days,Immedlately <br /> _ Inlliates steps suHiclenl lo cure the fallure and thereafter conlinues and compleles all reasonable end necessary steps suf(iclent to produce ' <br /> � Compliance as soon fls reasonably practlCal. <br /> , <br /> • -•-•-- --•---._�.__.............� ...--- �..__. _..._._..,.__ <br /> ...- ---••----- -•--•. ._.._...,-- �•----°-- �-••-•-- �--�-- ..�--°-- �- <br /> .. . MW11I'/1NV NCMCY/C�Vn ucrMa��. VNV�����o wotnienw�n a��r�vo�n v�vtl�nV��anu a�unr wno���mom�m. nuaioo v7�.onum.d��w vy�iviq ..'`�'�-'—"-'----"�. <br /> _ ...... _._..___ <br /> � may exerclse any one or mae of lhe following rlghts and remedies,In addiUOn to any olher rl4hts or remedres provided by law: <br /> � Acceleratlon upon Deteult;Addltlonel Remedlea. II any evenl ot delault occurs as per Ihe terms oi tho Note secured heroby,Lander mey � <br /> ' declare all Indebtednoss secured by this Deed of Trusl to be due end peyeble and tho sume shall lhereupon become duo nnd payable withoul i <br /> � any presentment,domand,protest or nolice ol any kind. Thoreafter,Lender may: <br /> (u) Elther In person or by agent,with or without bringing any action or proCeeding,or by 8 receiver appolnted b/n court flnd wlihoul � � <br /> regerd to Ihe Rdequacy of ils securily,enter upon and lake possassion of the Property,or any ped thereof,In Its own name or In the nflme <br /> of 7ruslee,end do eny acts which il deems necessary or desirable to preserve lha value,mnrkelabllity or renlablllly of iho Property,or pert <br /> " of the Property nr mlerest in iho Property;increase the income trom the Property or prolect Ihe security of the Property;and,with or wilhout <br /> taking possession o�lhe Property,sue lor or otherw�se CdleCl the rents,issues and proflts of the�roperty,InCluding those past due end <br /> _ ��nPaid and qpply Iha enmu,less cosls end 8xpenSBS ol Operglion Elnd CoflpCtlon,InCluding�ttaneys fees,to any Indebtedness secured i <br />-_ � by Ihis Deed ot 7rusi,ell�n such ordor es Lendor may delermine. Tho pntedng upon nnd tnking possesslon of the Property,tho Collection f <br /> ' 4 I <br /> L � � <br /> T <br />