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.::y.` � <br /> � .�, <br /> .. ..�.._�r.t�!!?;�. .. .. .. .. ., . <br /> � . ., r.�::,.a � <br /> DEED OF TRUST P"�°b "� �"'•�:"` <br /> - 1z_�2-1997 Contlnued) Cy?... 11'�'7a6_ <br /> Loen No 610733 � '. ` ��: <br /> of such rents,Issues and profits,�nd ihe opsucBildolault or pursuanl to such nloece of defaulaandCnotwithstelndinpethelcon�uance In ^ � � ,. <br /> or Invaildtte any act done In response � <br /> � possesslon of Ihe Property or Ihe C011ecllon, reCelpt and epp��callon of �onts, Issues a profils, Trustoe or Lender Shell be entitlad to <br /> exarclse every�ht provided for in Ihe Note or Ihe Related Dxumenlo or by law upon Ihe occurrence ol eny event�f defaull,Irtcludinq the ��. <br /> i rlpM lo�xerclso the power of saN; '}t� <br /> w�_�.� <br /> � (b) Commence an ectlon to fo�ec�ose this Doed of Trusl as fl mortp8ge,nppalnt a recelver or speclhcally enforce flny ot lhe Covenants —_- <br /> � hereof;tnd <br /> (c) Denvsr lo Trusiee a wrilten declaratlon o1 dolault ond demand for saia�nd�wdtten notk�o}dafaull�nd eNatlon!o caut�Trustor't _ <br /> 1 Intorest In tlw Prppsrty to be sdd,whbh nollce Truafao shall cau:o to bQ duly Illad for recad In tho epproprlab offticces of tlw Caunty In _ <br /> � whkh ttN Prop�rty h lOCabd;and ,�` <br /> (d) Wlth respect to all or any put ol lhe Personal Propsrty,l.�nd�r ahall havs�II Ihe rfphts�nd romsdNs of�secured party und�r t1N r�'� <br /> I Nebrask�UNform Commerclal Code. •- <br /> � Foncbwr�by Pow�r of S#M. If Lender etecb to faeclosa by exsrclse of the Power of SaN hsrNn conl�lnad,Lander shail notify Trusbe�nd j, <br /> shall deposlt with Trustee thls Deed ol Trust and the Note and such recelpta end evidence of expendltures rtuds and aecured by lhis Deed of r•:- <br /> i Trust as Trustoe may requlre, - <br /> (4) Upon recslpt of such notice hom Lender,Trustee shall cause to be recorded,publi�hcut dernandeontT ustor�altet such Ume semay <br /> and Nolice of Sala as then requlred by Iaw and by thls Dsed of Trust. Trustae shon, <br /> then be requlred by Iaw and aMer recordallon of such NoHce of Dafault and after Nollce of Sale havinp been piven as requlred by law,sell <br /> ihe Proparty at the tlme and place of sale fixed by It in such Notice of Sale,eNher as �whole,or In separate Iots or percals or il�ms�� <br /> Trustee shatl deem expedlent,end In such order es It may de!ermine,at publla euctlon to the hfphest bidder!or cash In lawful money of <br /> ; i the United Siates payabie el the time of sele. Trustee shalt deliver to such purchasOr or purcha5ers Ihereol its 9ood end Sutticlent deed or - <br /> , deeds Convaylnp lhe property so sdd,but�vithout any covenanf or warranty,express or Implled. The recltals In such deed of any maBers N� <br /> � or facts shall be conciusive proof of the trulhfuiness thereol. Any person,Including withoul Iimitallon Trustor,Trustee,or Lender, mey �'§I: <br /> I <br /> •� , purCh858 flt SuCh Sele. �- -- <br /> � • � (b) As may be permftted by law,afler deductiny all costs,fees and ezpenses of Trustee and of thls Trust,Includinq costs of evidenCe of <br /> 1 titie In connecllon wlth sale,Trustee shali apply the proceeds af sale to payment of (i)�II sums expended under the lerms of lhis D6ed ot <br /> I Trust or under lhe terms of the Note not then repald,including but not Ilmited to eCCruAd Inte�est end late aharpes, (II)dA othar sums then <br /> secured hereby,and (Iii)the remalnder,If any,to ihe person or peraons Iepally entitled therAto. <br /> �r�-.. <br /> I (c) Trustee may In ihe manner proNded by iaw postpone sale of all or any portlon of the PropBrty. � <br /> 1 Remadies Not Exclusivs. Trustee end Lender,and each ol them,shall be entitled to enforce paYment and performance ot any Indebtednoss <br /> � ' a obliqations secured by this Deed of Trust and to exercise all dghts and powers under this Deed of Trust,under the Note,under�ny ot ihe <br /> •'• Related Documents,or under any olher ayreemeni or any Iaws now or hereaRer In torce: notwithstandinp,some or u��of such Indebledness <br /> end obliyaiions seCUred by thls Deed ol Trust may now or hereatter be othe�w�se seCUred,whether by mortpape,deed ot trust,pledqe,Iien, <br /> assignment a otherwise. Nalher the aCCeptance of this Deed of Trust nor Its enforcement. whether by court aetlon or pureuent to the power of <br /> ' . sale or other powers contalned in Ihis Deed of Trust,shsll preJudice or In eny menner aHect Trustee's or Lenders rlpht lo realize upon ot <br /> f enforce any other security now or hereafter held by Trustea or Lender,It being ayreed that Truslee and Lender,end each of tMm,shall bs <br /> - enf!!!ed te e�f4rce thls Oeed of Trust and any other seCU���y now or hereatter held by Lender or Trustee In such order and mpnne►as they Or �� <br /> elther of them may In Ihelr absolule discretton determine. No remedy coninireu upor, ar ra:,�:�od to Tsust?!�a�p�d����ntended to be _�Y <br /> exciusive of any olher remedy In this Oeed ot Trust or by law provided or permitted,but eech shall be aumulative and ahall be in addidon to �.��__ <br /> every other remedy given In thls Dead of Trust or now or hereafler ex�stlnfl at Inw a In equity or by atatute. Every powsr a remady plven by ths ��-_ <br /> Note or any of the Related �ocumenis to Trustee or Lender or lo whlch elther of them mny be otherwise entitied, may be exerclsed, r�_=��_ <br /> concurrentty or Indepondently,trom time to tlme and es oflen os may be deemed expedNnt by Trustee a Lender, and allher of them may _ <br /> pursue inconststent remedles. Nolhing In thls Deed of Trust shall be Construed as prohibitinp Lender kom seeklnp a deficiency Judpment ���!�,.. <br /> • agalnst the Trustor to the extent such actlan Is permftted by law. ?; 't�" <br /> s, <br /> 1 Request For Notice. Trustor,on behalf of Trustor and Lender,hereby requests that e copy of eny No11ce of Default and a copy of any Not�s 4± �;,; <br /> t of Sale under thls Deed of Trust be mailed to them at the addresses set forth In the firsl parapraph of thls Deed of Trust. <br /> Welvar; Flectlon of Remedlea. A walver by any party of a breach of a provislon of thls Deed of Trust shall not constitute a walver of or ��, <br /> preJud�e the party's riphts otherwlse to demend sMCt compliance with that provlslon a any other proWSlon. Eiectlon by Lendes to purue any --_ <br /> remedy provlded In thls Deed oi Trust,the Note,In any Relatetl Document,or provided by law shall not excluda pursull of any other remedy, � <br /> � and an election to meke expenditures or to lake actlon to peAOrm an obilgatlon of Trustor under this Oc�ed of Trust afler fallure o}Trustor to _ <br /> • perform shall nol eHect Lenders�IQht to declare a defeult and to exerclse eny of Its remedles. _ <br /> _ ;;r�.�.y.�p.e�:Expensea. If Lender Institutes any suft or acllon to enforce any of the terms of Ihis Deed of Trust,Lender shall bo enlltied to —� <br /> reCOVer suCh sum as the CouA maY ad�udge reasonab�e as eflorneys'fees at trfai ctnd on any appeal. Whether or nol any court acilon Is <br /> Invuivod,ell reasonable expenses Incurred by Lender whlch In Lender's opinion are neCessary at any Ilme tor the proteCNon of Hs inierast or Ihe � <br /> enforcement of its riqhts shell became e pnrl of the Indebtedness payabie on demand nndshall bear Inferest at the Note rate hom ttw date o} _ __ <br /> j enpenditure until repaid. Expenses covered by this paraqraph Include,without Ilmltation.howover subJeCt to any Ilmits under opplkAble kw, ^� <br /> Lender's atlorneys'tees whelher a not ihere Is a Iawsuit,Includinp a8orneys'toes for benkruptCy procaedinys pncludinp eHorts to modNy or �� <br /> � : vacate any automatic stay or Inlunctlan), appeais and eny antidpated post-Judyment collectlon services, the cost ot seam,hirty recorde, �-_�� <br /> oblalnlnp tllle reports(Including taeclosure reports),Surveyors'r6po�ts,appraisfll fees,titte I�surance�and fees for the Trustee,to 1h9�xlinf s_�_A�_ ___ <br /> • � permitted by epplicable law. Trustor also will pay any court costs,in addltion to all other sums provlded by lew. �•,..,,,,- ' <br /> �'__•------.. <br /> RIqMt of Trustee. Trustee shall have all of the nghts and dutlos ot L9nder as set forth In thls secnon. •�� ; .,,..�i <br /> `•�':,'h.. <br /> POWERS AND OBLICiAT10NS OF TRUSTEE. The(ollowing provislons relating to the powers and obligailo�s of Trustee are pett of thls Deed ot . <br /> ��• . '��:. <br /> i Trusl. ' .'. . . <br /> Powers ot Truetee. In edditlon to ali powers of Trustee arising as a matter of Iaw,7rustee sheu havv llie power to take tha follo:vinp actions ,��- <br /> , with respect to the Property upon Ihe written request of Lender and Trustor: (a)Joln In preparinp and filtng e mep or plat of the Real Property, <br /> i Includlny Ihe dedlcAtlon of streets or other riqhis to the publlc; (b)Joln In grantlnp any easomeni or creflliny any resirlCtlan on the Real Property; Y <br /> and (c)Join In any subordinatlon or other agreement affectinp thls Deed of Trust or the Interest ot Lender under this Deed of Trust. <br /> � ITrustee. Trustee shall meet all quallflcatlons required for Truslee under appllcable law. In the rlyhts and remedles set torlh above, <br /> I wifh respect to all or any part ot the Proporty,the Trustee shall have the ripht to foreclose by notics and sale,and Lender shall have Ihe rlght to <br /> forocloso by Judlclal foreclosure, In elther case In aCCOrdance wilh and lo the full extent proNded by appllCable Iaw. <br /> i Successor Truatee. Lender,at Lender's option,may from time to Ilme appolnt a successa Truslee to any Trustee appolnted hereunder by nn <br /> instrumenl executed and ecknowledged by Lender and recorded In tha offlce of the rOCOrder of HALL County,Nebraska. The Insirument shall <br /> + contain,in additlon to all olhor rneHers r9qulred by state law,Ihe names of ihe originat Lender,7rustee,and Truslor,the book end pepe(w <br /> computer system relerence)where this Deed of Trusl is recorded,flnd the name and nddress ot Ihe suCCessor trustee,and the Instrument shell I <br /> be executed and acknowledged by all the beneficieries under Ihe Deed of Trust or tholr successors In Interest. The suCCessor trustee,wlthout <br /> conveyanco of the Property,shan succeed to all the tille,power,and dulles conferred upon lhe Trustee In this Deed of Trust and by appilCable � <br /> law. Thls proCedure for subStiiution of Irustee shall govern to Ihe excluslon of all other proNSlOns lor substftutlpn. <br /> .,�r���e Tn Ta��crna eNn o7HER PARTIES. Any notice under Ihis Deed of Trust shall be in wriUng, may be sent by teiefacslmlle(unless <br /> �u... ..�s�..l nvurnlnhl cn�tl6t.Of.II � <br /> UlherW150 teqUlred by 18w),and Shall be eHeCtive when aCtually dollveretl,or wnen depuaiivo w�:�n�.a:�:��v•w=e••---- - r - <br /> rnened,shali be deemed eNeclive when deposited In ihe Uniled Slales mall firsl c�ass,corfiHed or repisterod mell,postage prepa�d,direcied to the � <br /> addressos shown near the beginrnng ol this Deed ot Trusl. Any party may change its address for nouces under thls Deed of Trust by givinp fOrmal I <br /> wrillen notice lo the other parties,spec�ying Ihnt the purpose o�the notiCe�s to chenge the pe�ly's&ddress. All Cop�os of nollC65 of foreClosure hom � <br /> For noUCe pu posles,�Truslor ugreos t keeprLender�and Trustoe Intobmed ut u�l times�f T ustofs curtent add Ass!he bag�nning of thls Oeed of Tn151. I <br /> I <br /> � <br /> MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Tha following rniscellaneous provisfons ere a part ol Ihis Deod o�Trust: � <br /> A�nendment8. Thls Dood of Tr usi,togelhe�with any Related DoCUmonls.Corstitulos tne onttre understnnding and egreemenl of tho pnrt�es as <br /> to the matters set tortn in tnis Dev�ot T�us;. ":o altc:�!?^" ����Amendmenl lo Ihis Deed of Trusl shali be o�foctive unless g�ven In writing and <br />- sfgned by�he pflrty or parlies soughi to be charged or bound by the allorntlon or amen�f mgnt. � <br /> . I <br /> � <br /> . ,_ _ _ _ - _ <br />