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:;� .... <br /> •�ss�+, - <br /> _ .....�iai�A-.�._,� . . . . . ._ _ .. ..._ .�.T., <br /> 1 P . .. .y„�,. <br /> DEED OF TRUST Page 3 � . __ <br /> ,� - �,�� <br /> 12-1�2-1997 (Continued) �� �����06 <br /> Loen Nfl 610733 '���' . <br /> amount eufflCient to dlscharQe ihe Iien plus any costs�nd attansys'fers w other charp�s lhat could acc��xent beforeientorcemen/agal ste h�e � <br /> under the Ilen. In any cantest,Trustor shcll defend Itself�nd Lender and shail ettisry any advarse Judy <br /> prpperty. Trusta shell name Lendet as an addiflonai obilpei under any surety bond furnlshed In the contest proceedings. �_�. <br /> Evidtnc�of P�yment. Trustor shall upon dem8nd furnish to Lender satisfectory evidence of peymeni of the texes or essessments and she11 <br /> 8ulhorizs lhe Rppropriate povernmental offlclal to deliver to Lender at any Ilme a writlen statement ot ihe taxes and assessmwnls apalnst Ihe .t=3' <br /> Property. . - <br /> . �,�p�a g���pn uq�ucl{pnt ;�ue tPr�a�nof any mechen�t llen�materla�men ee I en,8a other Ilbn c u d be�assarted on�account�ol the work. - <br /> � semces,w malarials. Trustor wlll upon raquest ot lender furnish to Lender advance�ssurences satisfactory to Lender Ihat Truator can end wlll _ <br /> pay the cost of such Improvements. ,.�" <br /> ^''' ppppERTV OAMAQE INSURANCE. The tollowinq proNslons reiallnp to insurinp the PropertY aro n paA of this Depd of Trust. , _ <br /> .. � Mdnt�+���w(iF�iectuli Insu able'vniupe ouverinq airl Improvamenls on the Reti Property Intan a ount sudMcient toravold ppllcat on of t y - <br /> I reptece ` v <br /> rn�eygreasonablyu equlre.WPoi�les shalldbs w�en�ln�form,'am unts}cov 9es�nnd baslis reasonably ac eP�bte tobLenderuand Iss�ued by a <br /> orm��floafes omtnsuranCe In torm sat�sactory to Lender,ncludinq st pulaQ ns��hal coverapes welivnot be Cance�d or deminlshed withoul at <br /> letst ten(10)days'Prlor written not�e to Lender. Each Insurance polky�ISO shall Indude an endorsement providiny that coverape in tavor ot <br /> b��wil�l�In lanpar�ia desipryia ed by the Di�rcector of the Fede al EmergencY Mantpement ApencY as a speciat tlood ha ard eis,Trustor <br /> � �����Naflonai Flo d Insurenc�aoy amtlor asrotherws t qulred by ender,landlol mnlntaln,suoh�nsuranCe tor the term ofphe/oan.��g�1 �- <br /> ` unaer he " <br /> /µ�plicldbn ot Procceds. Trustor shell promptly nofify Lender of sny Ioss or dama�e to the Property. Lender may make prool of loss If Trustor <br /> t fa�s to do so withln 8tteen(i6)days of thetcasualo. J h�o�he educt on of the�lcndebt dnessirpaymsnt of any Ilen'aNe�ctltnq t p oppaty,o tlha ``— <br /> the prceeeds of any Insurance and apply p � tha proceeds to restoratlon and repair,Trustor ahRlt repair or replace th0 <br /> � restoratlon and repa�r of the Property. If Lender eleots to app Y <br /> �� d�mayed or dastroyed Improvementa In a mannsr satistectory to Lender. Lendor shail,upon aatisfactory A�oof oP such expenditurs,pay or <br /> reimburso Trustor from the proceeds tor the reasonable cost of repnir or restontlon It Trustor Is not In defaull under thls Daed ot Trust. Any <br /> 3 , roceeds which have not been disbursed wilhln 18Q days after lheir recelpt and whlch Lender has not commltted to the ropalr or restoraiion of <br /> � the Property shall be used flrst to pay any amount owinp to Lender under thls Deed d Trust,then to paY accrued lnteresi,end the remalnder,If <br /> any,shall be epplled to the princlpal balance of the Indebtedness. if Lender hoids any proceeds aHer paYment in lull of the Indebtedness,such <br /> proCeeds shaA be pald to 7rustot as Trustor's Interests may eppear• <br /> � Doed ofeT�rust at any lrustee's�sa enor othsr�sale held under theiprovlslonseof thisfiDeed ofTrusi,o��at eny(orec osure sale of such thls <br /> 1 �ompllYlcs with Faclstinp Indebfsdness. �uring lhe period in whiCh any Exisling Indebtodness�escribed beiow Is In efteci,complianCe wlth <br /> �` ihe Insurance proNsions contalned In the Instrument evidencinp such Existlnp Indebtedness sheil constitute compllance with the Insurtnce <br /> provislons under thls Deed of 7rust,to the extent compllance wflh the terms of this Deed ot Trust wouid constilute a duplbatlon of Insurana <br /> - re�es4sament. �►e�Y P���ds irom the insurance become payable on loss, the prodsions In thls Deed of Trust for dlvislon oi proceeds shaN <br /> ' ' epply only ta that portion af the prxeeds not payab�e to ihe hoidnr ui ir�v G��tlrq!n".�btCdn�ss- <br /> !�' EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. It Trustor falis to comply with any provis!on oi this Deed of Trust,InCludlnp any obilpation to malntaln E�dsNny — <br /> Indebledness�n qood standlnp as required below,or If any acllon or prxeediny is commenced Ihal would materitlly�eectAn�amrount hat Lender <br /> � Prope�ly� Lender on Trustors behaif may,but shall not be required to,take any aclion Ihat Lender deems app oP <br /> expends in so ddnp wlll bear Intorest at the rate provided tor In tha Note hom the date incurted or pald by Lender to the date of repayment by <br /> . Trust�a. a Iab vv�eih anyinsaallLment p Y�ents o'Ibecoma due durinp thar (p tha term of any aPP�bls�l surancs Pa�Y a'b�����^�^O��rm __ <br /> and p Y �_ <br /> �, of th�Nots,or (c)b�treated as a balloon payment which wlll be due and payabla nl the Note's maturity. Thls Deed of Trust alao wlll saaur� <br /> E' entit ed on�ccou 1 of the detault�Any sruch aatton bytLenderas al�l not be conshu dl"as curinp he default�soras torbaL der from any reemedy tfut � <br /> �.' It othe�wis�would havs had. � <br /> yy/�pRAFITY;DEFENSE OF TITLE. The tollowlnp provlslons relatfnp to ownershlp of the PropeAy are a part of thls Deed of Trust. — <br /> Ttlle. Trusta warcants that: (a)Trustor hdds pood and marketable tltle of record to the Property In 1es slmple,tres and clsar of all Itans and � <br /> � oncumbrances other than thosa set forth In Ihe Real Property descrlptlon or In Ihe Exlstlnp Indebtedness seCtlon below or In any tltta Insuranco <br /> � ; po!lcy,title►e�o�1�or Nnel tltle apinlon 155usd In tava of,and eccepted by,Lender In connectlon wlth thls Deed of Trust,and (b)Trusta hts lM <br /> �, lull rlyht,power,end Authprity to exeCUte end detiver ihis ueeci ut Tr�si!o Land�:. <br /> ��, Defenee of Tltle. SubJect to the exceptlon In the paragraph above,7rustor werranb and wlll torever detend the tllle to the Property a9alnst lhe � <br /> � �nwful clnlms of all pe�aons. In the event any sctlon w procendlnp Is commenced that quastlons Trusta's tNle a thv In;srest of Trust�s a - --- <br /> lender sha�ll beI enle qdto pert f C lpBt uln ihell p roceedlnp and totbe represe^►edSln the P�dlrp by counsel o1�Lindars own,c�hola,�and <br /> � Trustar wI11 dallver,or cause to be dellvered,to Lender such Instruments as Lender may roquest hom tlme to Ums to psrmlt such parttclpadon. =__-- <br /> Compll�nc�Wlth Trustor warrants thnt the Properly and TruStor's uso uf the Property compllss w11h ell axlstlnq appllCabk lawo� _ <br /> � � adlnancss,end reyulatfons of qovermmentel nuthodtfes. �--_ <br /> � • pfISTIN�IND�TEDNESS. The following provlslons concernlnp exlstlnp Indebledness (the"Exlstlnp Indebtedness")ere R pert of lhls D�sd ol .` <br /> �. Tr usL ��`�---- <br /> ����v�_" , <br /> � ' I 6tlstlny 1.len. The Ilen of thls De<rd of 7rust aecuring the Indcbtedn�ss mey be secondary and Inlertor to an exlstlnp Ilen. Trustor o�r <br /> :...� i'=_--- <br /> ; covennnts end aprees to pay,or see to the payment of,the Exlstlny Indebtedness and to prevent any default on such indebfednnss,s��r un�+wt .,,,,�:_ <br /> � under Ihe Instruments evldencing such Indebtedness,or any defaull under any seCUdty documents for suah Indebledness. _��'`"�-: <br /> petaufl, It the payment of any Instnllment of princlpal or eny Interest on the Existlnp Indebtednoss Is not made wllhln the ttme requlred by Ihe y, -�r�:_ <br /> note evldencing such indebtedness,or should e default occur under lhe Instrument securinp 3uch Indebtedneu Bnd not be Cured durinp ony <br /> . � eppllcable grace perlod thereln,then,at the optlon of Lender,the Indebtedness secured by 1hls Oeed of Trust shflll beCOme Immedlately due • <br /> � flnd payable,and thfs Deed of Trust snnll be In default. . • <br /> � No Modlfic�tton. Trustor shall not enter Into any aqreement with Ihe holder ot any mortgafle,deed of trust,or other security ayreament wh,ch <br /> i has priorlty over thls Deed of Trust by whkh that agreement�s modlfled,amended,extended,or renewed wlthout Ihe prlor wrllten consvnt of <br /> Lender. Trustor shall nelther request nor eCCept eny tuture advancos under any such securtty aqreemenl withoul the prlor wrltton consenl of <br /> � Londer. <br /> � CONDEMNATION. The following provlslons relaung to co�demnatlon proceedings ere e part ot thls Deed of Trust. <br /> 1 Appllcatlon of Net Proceeda. II all or any pari of Ihe Praperiy Is condemned by eminent domaln proceedfngs or by any proceeding or <br /> purChase In Ileu of Condemnatlon.Lender may at Ils e�ec�The net Iproceeds o�th ewa�d shalltmeantl e a a�rd after paymentbol aPPeason ble I <br /> . . �..,a.ti�e.l.we�fv 1hw tBOHIf Of tBS10f8ti0f1 0��h8 PfOpOfty• ,,,i��,�tie„���{omnntlon. L <br /> ,� COSIS,expenses,¢nd attomeys'(ees InCUrred by T�ustee or Lende�in vva���"�:..•••••••---••--- - � - ---- <br /> ! Pta:eedlnqa. If eny proceeding In condemnation is tilod.Trustor shall promptly notify Lender In wrlting,snd Trustor shall promptly take suCh <br /> steps es may be nocessary to defend the actfon end obtaln Ihe&ward. Truslor mey be lhe nominal party In such proceeding,bu1 Ler�er shall I <br /> bo ontltled to porl�ctpate In Ihe prceseding and to be represented In the prxeeding by counsel ot Its own Cho�ce,and Trustor wlll deliver or <br /> cause to he dellvored to Lendar such Instruments as may be requested by 1t Irom ame to tlme to permlt such participatlon. <br /> IMPOSITION OF TAXES,FEES ANO CHARGES BY GOYERNMENTAL AUTHQRITIES. The following proWSlons relattng to povernrt�sntal taxes, I <br /> tees and charges are e part of thls Deed of Trust: i <br /> Current 7exe8,Fees and Cherpes. Upon request by Lender,Trustor shall exocule such documenls In eTtlustortshall relmburse LendbrdoeQe <br /> whalever o�her action Is requesled by Lender to pe�fect and continuo Lender's Ilen on Ihe Refll Property. I <br /> ;wces, as descrlbed be�oW. ►�aelher wilh¢II expensAS InCUrred In reCOrding, perfectinp or contlnuing Ihls Deed of Trust, Including wilhout <br /> limiletlon all taxos,fees,documentary slamps,flnd olher chtlrges for reCOrding c�i�ey�ste�ing thls D6�d of Trus1. ry <br /> � <br /> - _ - - _ <br />