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i�.�� , <br /> ��..,..�,. •.-,���. .n. - <br /> ..- ...r....... � . : - �.�--�----- ------ .- — -_.__—�-- -----�------------- -- ._--- ---- ---- -- — y��-- � � - <br /> ���. .. r n - . �.. �'Y�i�lDPi�9MYNFR•.' . '"" . .. . """' �..��7'�R��"_... ^' <br /> . . '�.y,, �� Tl�TF'�,. <br /> ���--r�:�_:i_;. <br /> • ►; , • 17. TrAnsfer ot the Prope�ty or a Beneflolal Interest In Borrower. It en or eny part ol ihe Praperty or �+-=`"`�u��� <br /> • eny Interest In It Is sold or trenolerred (or If a beneliclel intereat In Borrower Is sold or transferred and Borrower Is nol a neturel �-�=-;-.,.�_-T <br /> r.`"_�_..,_..v <br /> person) without Lender's pdor wdtton consent, Lender may,at Its optlon, require Immedlate payment In lull of all sums secured by ,�%�;n <br /> ` ihis Sncurlty Inslrument. However, thls optlon shnll nol be oxorclsed by Londer il exerclse Is prohiblted by ledernl law as ol tho i:.,•,r=- <br /> dnlo ol thls 9ecurlty Instrument. "'`� <br /> II Londer �xerclses thl� optlon, L�ndnr ahall Aive Bonower nutice ol accelerallon. Tho nolice shell provlde e period of not • 7,,.*u�,Y: <br /> less lhan 30 dayn Irom lha dalo Iho no�lce Is dellvered or malled wlthln whlcli Borrower musl pay all sums securad by lhls (Q � : <br /> Socutily Inctn�menl. 11 Borrower leils to pny these sums pilor to lh� oxpiratlon o( thls perlod, Lender mey Invoke any remedlea ' �� <br /> pmmflted by Ihis Sacurity Inatrwnent wilhout lurther nolice or demand on Borrower. ��` ����J <br /> �1 18. Bo�l'OWef�d Rlght t0 Reinstate. II Borrower meels certaln cor.dltlons, Borrower shall have Ihe right to have ���,,,,,,►►► � �` �' <br /> enlorcr.menl ol lhls Socurlly Insin�ment discontinuad al any time prlor to Ihe earller ol: (a) 5 days (or such other periact as �; ���� <br /> pp Y�P N 1 P Y P Y P 1' � �M���•«.. <br /> " A Ilenblo law ma ocl lor relnstetement bofore �nle ot Ihe Pro ert ursuent lo en ower o( sele conlained In lhis Securil �._���;. <br /> �,,,,,■w# Instrumenl; or (b) eniry ol e judgment enlorcing this 3ecuriry Insirumonl.Those condlUons are lhal Borrower. (a) pays Lender all � �__ <br /> _ . ,.�q.1 sums which lhan would be due under thls 3ecurity Inatrument end the Note es If no accelerallon had occurred; (b) cures any <br /> de(aull ol any o�her r,ovenanl or egreements; (c) pays all expensos Incurred In enfarcing thls Security Insirument, Including, bu! �e� <br /> � not Ilmited lo, reasonable altomeys' iees; end (d)takes such actlon as Lender may reasonably requlre to essure that lhe Ilen of W ��a�, <br /> tiils Secudty Instrument. Lender's rights In lhe Properly and Borrower's obligatlon to pey the sums secured by thls Seeurlty �--- <br /> ti <br /> Insin�ment shall contlnue unchenged. Upon relnstatement by Borrower, lhls 3ecurily Instrument and the obligatlons secured �:••= <br /> hereby ahell remaln fully e(tective as II no acceleraUon had occurred. However,thls rigM to relnstate shall not apply In the case -�� <br /> ; � ol ecceleration under paragreph 17. .s,�, <br /> 19. Sele of Note; Change oi Loan Servicer. The Note or a a partlal Interest in the Note (together with this �i;;�= <br /> 5ecurlty Instrument) may be sold one or more tlmes wilhout prlor notice lo Borrovoer. A sale may result In a change In the entity �u, <br /> �➢_ <br /> (known as the 'Loan Servlcer")ihat collecis monthly paymonts due under the Note end thls Secudty Instrument. There also may �..;,Q <br /> , �� be one or more chenges of ihe Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale ot the Note. Ii there Is a change o1 the Loen Servlcer, � <br /> �� 1� Borrower wlll be given wriiten notico of the change In accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. Tho notice wlll --_ <br /> �' atate the nemo and eddress ot the new Loan 3ervicer and the address to whlch payments should be made. The noUce wlll also `—'_ <br /> ��. contaln any other Informatlon required by eppllcable law. <br /> S 20. Hazardous Substaneas. Ba�TOwer shall not cause or pertnit the presence, use, disposel, storage, or release oi <br /> any Hazardous Subatances on or In the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow enyone else to do, anything effecting the <br /> �� Property Ihat ts In vlolatlon of any Envlronmentei Law. The preceding two sentences shall nol apply to the presence, use, or <br /> ' storage on lhe Property ol small quantlUes ol Hazerdous Substances thet ere generally recognized to be appropdate to normal _ <br /> �, resldentinl uses and to melntenunco of the Property. _ <br /> Borrower shell promptly give Lender written nollce of any investlgetion, clalm, demand, Iawsult or other actlon by eny <br /> govemmental or regulatory egency or privalv party Involving the Property and eny Hazardous Substance or Envlronmental Law oi <br /> � �' which Bortowor hes actual knowledge. It Borrower leams, or Is notifled by any govemmental or regulatory euthority, thet any <br /> removal or other remedlation o( any Hazardous Substence aflecting Proporty is necessery, Borrower shail promptly take all <br /> :_ necessanr remedlal actlons In accordance wilh Envlronmentel Lew. <br /> ::. .. � -- -_ <br /> As used In thls parAgraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances' are those substances deMed as toxtc or hAZardous substences by <br /> � Envlronmentel Law and Ihe (oilowing substances: gasoline, kerasene, olher Ilammable or toxlo potroleum products, taxlo <br /> ' pesticldes and herblcides,volatue solvents, meterlals contalning asbestoa or formaldehyde, end redlaactive meteriats. As used In <br /> � peragreph Z0, 'Envlronmentel Law' means lederal laws and lews of the Judsdiction where the Property Is locsted that relate to <br /> � heallh, setety or environmentel protectlon. <br /> NON-UNIFORWI COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covonanl and agree as follows: <br />- � 21. Acceleretlon; Hemedles. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleration <br /> following Bor�ower's breach of eny covenant or agreement in thla Security Instrument (but not <br /> � prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless applicable law providea otherwise). The notice _ <br />. shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the actiotr required to cure the defeult; (c) a date, not less than <br /> 30 days from the date the notice is glven ta Borrower, by which the defautt must be cured; and <br />� • (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date spec�fied in the notice may result in <br />-- - ac:.:d{n��i oi tiie sc;:�s sacu�ad uy �s:s Sasur(ty l:��.:u:nant and sale of the Prop�rly. T::� nctl�� --------- <br /> shalt further tntorm Borrower of the right to refnstate eiter acceler�tlon and the right to bring a <br /> �� cou�t action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower tu <br /> � acceleratlon and sala. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, <br /> Lender at its optlon may require Immedlate payment tn full of alt eums secured by thts Security <br /> � `� Instrument without further demand and may Invokn the power of sale and any other remedtes <br /> - � � � permttted by applicable law. Lender shali be entttled to collect all expenses tncurred in pursutng <br /> - , the rsmedies provided In thts paragraph 21, Including, but not Iimited to, reasonable attorneys' <br /> ' � fees and costs of title evidence. --- <br /> ' !f ths po��r ot �w!� !s ln:�oked, Trustee shall recorc! a notice of default In each county In �-___ <br /> ��_� <br /> which any part of the Property is located and shall mail copies of such nottce in the manner �a�:._�- <br /> preacribed by appHcable law to Borrower and to the other peraona prescribed by applicable law. �'--=��.__ <br /> After the time requlred by applicable law, Trustee shall give pubtic notice ot sale to the persons ���-;� <br /> and in the manner prescribed by applfaable law. Trustee, wlthout dennand on Borrower, shall sell `�-���-. <br /> the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms � • <br /> " designated in tho notice of sale in one o� more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. � <br /> Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcol of the Property by publ(c announcement at the <br /> � time And place ot any previously soheduled sale. Lender or its dealgnee may purahase the <br /> Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's <br /> _ deed conveying the Property. The recitals in the T�ustee's deed ahall be prima facie evtdence of <br /> - the truth of the statements made therefn. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale In the <br /> ] following orde�: (a) to atl costs and expenses of oxerclstng the power of sale. and the sale, -� - <br /> • i fncludfng the payment of the Trustee's fee� actually incurred, not to exceed three <br /> � % of the principal amount of the <br /> � note at the time of the declaration of detault, and reasonable attorney's fees as pormittod by law; <br /> i (b) to all sums secured by tl�ts Security Instrument; and (c) any oxcess to the person or persons j <br /> legally entitled to it. I <br /> i �Y <br /> f <br /> �t ttb l tdt3 14�7� Pnqr A o1 5 � . <br /> _ � , � <br /> - I i <br />. �. ` I <br /> � 972.19 ` <br /> I <br /> C ! <br />