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<br /> ' �� Borrower mey cure such e detault and relnstnte, as provided In peragraph 1 Q, by causing lhe actlon or proceeding to be �y�Y_F.
<br /> • dismissed wllh a ruling thal,In Lendor'a pood lallh dotertninallon. precludna lotielturo ol the Borrower's Interasl In lhe PropeAy or
<br /> � olher meterfnl Impalrment o1 tha�en crcated by thls Secave matcrrinlle Inlse or Inoccu ato In�lormu�lon`orBsla ements toI Lr deQ(or ��y ..
<br /> ' delaull If Bortowor, during Ihe lonn applicapon procosa,g Y
<br /> .i�,
<br /> lalled lo provldo Lendor wllh nny materlal InlormeUon) In cannecllon wilh the loan evldenced by Ihe Nolo. Including, hut not ;�`�_'t,
<br /> Ilmited to, reprosaitetlona concorning f3orrowr.r'� occupancy ol the Properly ns n princlpal rosldenr.o. II lhis Socudly � _
<br /> Instrument IS on e leasahold, Borrower shnll comply wllh UII 1I10 rfOV�81011A ol i'e meSOOr In wrili 9 er ncqulrqs tae l�llo lo ihe 1� _
<br /> Property. Ihe leasohold and the Ine lille shull nol morga uniass Londer egraea lo g y:•:''
<br /> 7. Protectlon of Lender's Rights In the Propet'ty. II Borrower Inlls to perl�rm Iho covenents and n�rcemanis ;'.:f�
<br /> �� conlalned In Ihls Securlty InstrumUnt. or thera Is n legol proceading lhel mny sl�nlllcantly attect Lender's rl{�hls In Iho Property � w.1
<br /> (SUCII fl3 8 proceedhig In 6enkrupicy, probelo, for condemnallon or forlollur� or to enlorca Inws or regulallonc), lhen Lender may � _�_.
<br /> do xnd pay lor whatover Is necessary lo protect the vatue ol tho Propmty nnd Lendur's righis In lhe Properly. Lendctr's actlons Q �_..
<br /> � may Includri paying eny sums secured by a lien whlch hns prtorlty nver thls Securlly Inslrument. eppenring In court. paying � �—q�
<br /> ,�aR*""'�`� reasonablo attorneyc' iees end ontering on the P►operty ta mako repalrs. Aithough Lender may tako aollon under thls peragraph —'
<br /> ••..�-�^N'�`� 7, Lender does nol have lo do so. :;�
<br /> � Any emounts disburaed by Lendnr under peragraph 7 shnll bocomn addlllonei debl ol Bon•ower secured by thls Securlty —
<br /> S Instrument. Unless Bo�rower end Lender agree lo other terma ol pt+yment, lhese emounts shull bear Interest �►� a`mentate of �
<br /> � dishursemonl at the Note rato end shell be payable, wllh Interost,upon notice Irom Le�der to Borrower requesling p y
<br /> 8. Mortqage Insuranee. II Lender roquired mortgage Inaurance as a conditlon o1 making the loan sacured by ihis
<br /> Ser,urity Inslrument.Borrower ahetl pay the premlums requlred to maintaln lhe mortgnge Inaurence in eitect.II. for eny resason,the , _
<br /> ' morlgagn Insurancn coverege requlred by Lender lapsos or ceasos to be In elloct, Bortower shell pay the premiums requlrad to
<br /> obtnln coverage su6stanllally equlvalent to the mortgage Insurance prevlously In eflect, at a cost subslentlally aqulvalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower ol the mortqage Insurance prevlously In eNect, from en allernete mortgage Insurer approved by I.ender. 11
<br /> substanlially equlvalant mortgage Insurance coverage Is nol aveileble, Borrower ahall pey to Lender each month a sum equel to —
<br /> � one•lwelfth of the yearly mortgage Insurance premlum 6eing pald by Barrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> . � be in eNect. Lender wlll accept, use and retein these payments as a loss reserve In Iteu o1 mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> payments may no longer he required,at the optlon ol Lender, il mortgage Insurence coverage (In the amount and for the perlod �
<br /> � that Lender requlres) provlded by an Insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes available and I� obtalned. Borrower ahall pay
<br /> � the premlums requlred to malnialn mortgapo Insurance In eBect,or to provide a loss reserve. untfl the requlrement for mortgage
<br /> insurence ends In accordance with any wdtten epreement between Bortower end Lender or appllaabla law.
<br /> �' Borr wer notPi eCet�e Ime of or p lort o en Inspe tlonespecifyingr easoneble cause t P the�i Ape th�Propeity. Lend�r ahall give
<br /> 10. Condemnatlon.The prooeeds ot eny awerd or clalm 1or damages, direct or consequential,In connection with any
<br /> � � condemnetton or other leking ot any part ot lhe Property,or for conveyance In Ileu ol candemnatlon, ere hereby essigned and
<br /> sheu be pald to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a total Iaking of lhe Property, the proceeds shall be applied to lhe sums secured by thls Secu ty
<br /> �` Inslrument,whether or not then due,with any excess pald to Bortower. In Ihe nvent of a partial taking of the Property In whlch
<br /> �� the(air merket velue of the Property Immedletely before ihe taking Is equal lo or greater lhen lho amount of the sums secured
<br /> i by ihis Security Instrument Immediately be(ore the teking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwlse agree in wriling, ihe sums
<br /> - �--- sewred by qils 3ecurfty Ir.�:sumAnt she��hw reduced by the arnounl ol the proceeds multlpllQd by the lollowing Uection: (e) the
<br /> �s beforemhe takinghAny balanceu hell be psid't bBorrowere.Inrthe vieneol eypartlal laking oi„the PropeHyiln whl h&the eU matkel
<br /> .y,' value ol the Property Immedlately belore Ihe taking la less then Ihe amounl oi the sums secured Immediately before Ihe teking.
<br /> unless Borruwer end Lender olhervvise egree In wdllnfl or unlesa applicable lew othervvlse provldas, the proceeda shall bn
<br /> epplled to the sums secured by thls Security Instrument whether or not the sums ere then due.
<br /> If the Property Is ebandoned by Bortower, or It,after notice by Lender to 6orrower that the condemnor oHera to meke an
<br /> awerd or settle e clalm for demagos, Bortower lalls to respond to Lender withln 30 days ofter lhe dete the notice Is glven,
<br /> � Lender Is authorized to collect and apply ihe proceeds, at Its optlon, efther to restoration or repalr ol lhe Property or Io the
<br /> sums secured by this Securily Instrument,whelher or nol lhen due.
<br /> �� Unless Lender and Borrower othervvise agree In wrfting, any epplicallon ot proceeds lo princlpal shall not extend or
<br /> , postpone th�due date of the monlhly payments referted lo In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change lhe amount ot such paymenls. _
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Reloased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extens�on ot the tfine tor payment or
<br /> �� modNicallon ol emorlizetlon of the sums secured by Ihis Securily Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In Interest ol
<br /> -- ,-..�` L'�,;cv+cr chs!! r.o! ^rA�p�P �^rPlaase the Ilabilltv nl lhe odginal Borrower or Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shall nof
<br /> bo requlred lo commenco proceedings agalnst any successor In Interest or retuse to exlend llme lor puyrr.cz: or otherwise
<br /> Bor�rowe s�siuccessors'In InleresteC Any orbearence by Lender Int exercising anyadghtporAr m dy shellt not bona'walve Wot or
<br />= preclude the exercise ol any dght or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Jolnt and Several Liability; Co-signe�s. The covenants end
<br /> � � agreements oI thls Security Instrument shnll bind and benofit thu succassors and essf3na ol Lender end l3ortower, subJoct to lhd
<br /> provislons ot parag�aph 17. Borrawer's covenants end agreements shall be jolnt and severel. Any Borrower who co•signs this
<br /> Security Instrument bul does nol execule the Note: (a) Is co•slgning thls Securily Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey
<br /> ; � � thnt Borrower's Interest in Ihe Property under lhe lerms of thls Security Inslrument; (b) is not personally obllgatod lo pay the
<br /> sums secured by thls SncurltY �nsltument: nnd (c) egreea that Lender end eny olher Borrower mey agree to exlend,modlly.
<br /> . �� � larbenr or mako eny aecominuJalions wfih regard to the terma n( ihis Securily Instrumont or lha Nole wlthoul thal Bonower's T
<br /> consont.
<br /> ' 13. LOan Charges. H the lonn secured by thls Security Instrumenl is subJect to a law whlch seta maxlmum loan
<br /> ' ' charges. end thal law Is tinally Interpreled so that lhe Inlerest or olher loan cherges collecled or to be callecled In connecllon _
<br /> wilh Ihe loan exceed the permitled Ilmils, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessery to reduce =_
<br /> � the charpo to lhe permitted Ilmit; end (b) any sums already collecled liom Bortawer whlch t�xceeded permilied 14nits will be
<br /> � retunded to Boirower. Lender may choase to make thls refund by raducing ihe princlpal owed under the Note or by meking a
<br /> dirc�cl payment lo Bouower. It a iefund reduces prfncipnl, lhe reduction will be trealed as e pzirilal prepayment wlihout any
<br /> prepayment charge under Ihe Nole.
<br /> i 14. Nottce9.Any notioe to Borrower provided tor In thls Security instrument sheli be given by delivering it or hy mailing it
<br /> � by Ilrst class mail unless appllcable lew requlres use of enolher melhod. The nollce ahall be dlrected to the Property Address
<br /> ILender's�l ddre sd staled he.relnr or�ony olt erbadd e'ss�Lenderndeslgr at s by'notice tonBorrowelr.b Any noticeyp�ovided for I�n Ithis _
<br /> , Security Insirumenl shnli be deemed to hpve been given to Bortower or Lender when glven es provlded In ihis paregraph. _
<br /> ,� n....e.,.t.,.. 1 nwe SavwrabllitV. Thls Securlly Instrument shall be governed by Iederal law and the Inw ot the
<br /> � A1..1..
<br /> l �J• vvtv��....y -.�--' -- . �iv ��v�� _
<br /> � �uNsdictlon In whlch Ihe Property is lacated. In Ihe event thet any provislon or ciause ot this 5ecuriiy in:;iru�nc���o� ��
<br /> jconllicts with npplicable law, such conllict shtill nol aflecl olher provislons of lhis Secutity Inslrumenl or the Nole whlch cpn bo _
<br /> � given elfect wilhoul Ihe conlliclinfl provision. To this end lho provisions of thls Securily Insliumenl and ifie Nole ara declured to
<br /> be severnble.
<br /> � 1 G. Borrower'& COpy. FSorrower shall bn given ono conlormed copy ot Iho Nole ond ol �hls Securily Instmmonl.
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> � -
<br /> i
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<br />. f l"II61.M(i Itl��)
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