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T • � � - +.. 7r:T�t <br /> � T ifii�w..aL�iu+�'"'��y _J��....1p , •:itf:�1�V,V�+ ( ,�r _ . .. . 7� ,. � <br /> _ . .��� i. .. _ <br /> . <br /> . .:�.r• <br /> �:. <br /> _ � . , <br /> �. •. <br /> i �. ._' __'__ '—'—_ . . ___ ..... <br /> ""._. ._'_"_"''__'..�.-. .. .e.�. --_ —_-— <br /> .�__ � - ' - - . <br /> ,,.,.r�tri - - — - ----�_____------ <br />- "✓�_.���, _ _ <br /> w sss�.�� — <br /> -- �� <br /> ____.__� , • 22. R�conv�y�nc�. Upon peyment ol �N aumn aecured by thls 8eoudty Inatrumnnt, Lender ehall roqueat Trustee to <br /> :_.���� reconvey Ihe Property �nd nhnll eurrender thle SeaurNy Inatrumant md �A notes evldenclnp debl sacurad by thla Securlry <br /> _ Instrument lo Truslee. Truntee shall reconvey lhe Ptoperty wllhout warrnnly end wllhout cherga to the person or persons legally — <br /> =°.=��^^�,� ent(tled to It.Such porson or pereone ahall pey any recordetlon caata. (� _"_. <br /> _...�4...-s._c..- <br /> .�ID 23. Subetitute Trusteu. Lender,at Ila opllon, may(rom pme to tlme remove Trustee nnd appolnt a sur.coseor trualao y �- <br />`�;...��,��� lo eny Truetee appolnled herounder by en Instrument recordo� In Ihe county In whlch tlda Secudty Instrument Is recordod, � _ <br /> -° =;41.�� Wlthou! conveynnce o1 the Property, the euccessor truatee ehaB eucceed to ell the tlQe, power end dutles conterred upo�� <br /> =v>±����% Trustee hereln and by eppllcable law. � <br /> Y 2A. R�qu��t for Notle�s. Borrower requesle that coples o1 the noticea o1 detr,ult end aale be sent to Bnrrower'�� <br /> _11� ���,� address whlch Is lhe Property Addreas. � <br /> -- � 26. Rldars to th�� S�aurlty In�trum�llt. II ono or more rlders ere executed by Borrower and racorded lopelher <br />•-_,��a wlth lhls Secudty Instrummt, Ihe covenente and agroementy at eech auch dder ahaN be Incorporated Into and ahell amend end W <br /> - .--�---,r, -�-- supplemenl lho covenenls and agreements of lhls 9ecurlty Instrument as II tha rlder(s)w9re e perl ol thla Secudty Instrumont. <br />__.k.Y�x <br /> ~".'.�1�i1;' <br />.-__- .:r:'rt <br /> ___-u;� <br /> -��� <br /> � �- � �Check eppllcable box(ea)� <br />- >srt,.i:3i�t� <br /> --�;:�._snorr� <br />,=_:_�;�, ❑Adwstable Rate Rlder ❑Condominlum Rlder ❑ 1�4 Famlly Rlder <br />-_'�-=s�,� ❑ aredueted Peyment Rlder ❑Planned Unit Development Rfder ❑ BI•Weeky Peyment Rlder <br /> — �--��� ❑ Balloon Rtder ❑Rete Improvement Rlder ❑Secand Home Rlder <br />----=_— ❑ Olhcr(a) Spocl(y <br /> ''� <br /> Y�:n'� pY SIONINO BELOW, Bortower eccepte end apreea to the terma and covensnte contelned In thla Securlty Instrument end In <br />. '.5'..•1(� <br /> ;a��+��. eny dder(s)executed by Bonower and recorded wlth It. <br /> ,`7;"c r� <br /> .-��e;i� K- <br />��::,�.":'� [Seal] - �/filJ``� fSeel] <br /> _ _,Q,A� Ro�rownr 9ortowor gprbara L. Ernst <br /> �°�;ra��� <br />-_ �=_':;Fp��� <br />__'��-� (Seel] , tSee�i] <br /> - -' °" ' Borrower Borrowe� <br />---_,�C1H4� <br /> -����� <br /> -��"�''� STATE OF Nebraske <br />—.,y,�-...,m� � ss: <br /> _ couNrr oF Heii <br /> __ <br /> On Ihls 8!h day ot DeCemb¢� , _1997 , befare me,the underslgned,�Notqry PubNo duly <br /> .-u��-�i:r.�wY.T.w�� � t o ►{1A A �, Frnnt A AIt!__Iw <br /> :,:.,.�,_A�r�� connniasloned a�d quaft8�d 1os aa.d ccunty, pnrsonally cem_�P._ ! - - . ^ oerson _ _.. <br /> _�xi;�. <br /> _.,�;,��„�� � <br /> '�-�� to me known to be tho Idenllcal person(s) whose name(s) ere subacrlbod to the toregoing Instrument end acknowledped the <br /> _; j3 ,p:; <br /> -��'�` execution Ihereol lo be voluntnry act and deed. <br /> .r��u�?� <br /> P"_�-�� <br /> » <br /> _::_ar..�r.c�r� <br /> � �r`''�'" �� <br /> ';-„�, Witness my hend end notarlal seal nt Ciralld Island tn sald county, the date aloreseld. <br /> My Commisslon explres: ' <br /> � No ry uc <br /> ' GENERAI NOtARY•Slale o�NeG�as►a <br /> i � II• 1ERE5A PIC��LkR <br /> `Rn MY Cpmm Fip.Janc 1,1998 <br /> - { <br /> _ � <br /> , � <br /> � <br /> � i 1316.I.M0(1l97) Pugo 5 OI 5 <br /> � <br /> II <br /> � 97235 <br />