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�•� ,. . � -..:- <br /> . <br /> .___ � —_._----------...-------------------_.......��_.�_._..._--- --• ..-�-r,�r---• - - � ._. <br /> ..�.W..Y�W�t�Y�Z <br /> .. — ' ' '_' _ � � - ___ <br /> _ ' ._ .'.. .. . Axt: ��� P <br /> ����'►`+YiVs�y"�,�A�+' "b'T!',ir'v�.vs.:1� ---- - - -- n.... _ . � , -' ..�TY—tr••p,��.. �- <br /> ., .. ..,ynM'w7 .. ,. `.� � .. <br /> �•� _ <br /> [,r� <br /> :-Y- <br /> ' �� .. <br /> • Any amounto diaburwd hy Lend�r unds�thls Pe►apnph ehell b�oortN en �ddkbnal d�bt of Bonow�r and 1» e�cund by `��,�__ <br /> „ �... <br /> thls S�ourRy In�hummt. Thes�emounts 1h�lM bar Int�r�st kam th�d�t� of dlsburtNnsnt at th� Not�rat�, �nd �t tha optbn ol , i;y: ` <br /> Under, &h�N be ImzMdl�t�ly du��nd paylbM. , <br /> Bonow�r shtll promptM dhaharpe �ny �bn whbh hu prbrky owr lhu S�curfty Inotrumwit unkss Borrowsr: (s) �pr�es fn _ <br /> ; wrRlnq to Ih� p�yment of th� oblipatbn ��curNi by Ih� IMn In�mann�r �cc�p4�b4 to L�ndsr;(b) oont�sts In pood fakh ths INn �" �• , <br /> s by, or dNmds �Q�M16t MIOfCM1iM1S o} Ih� Ibn In, Ip�l procMdMpt whbh In th� L�nd�rt ophlon operat� to prwYnt th�� _ _ <br /> �nforam�nt ol th� IMn; or (o) s�cuns hom th� hold�r ol th� IMn �n �qrNment eadsfactory to Lender eubordh�thp the If�n ro ' � ��_�;,- <br /> -;..:_- <br /> � t thls S�curRy InstrurrMnt. If L�ndK Wt�rtnYNS th�t �ny paR ol th�Prop�wty k wbJ�ot to� N�n whbh may attaln prbrky owr th� r�f_ <br /> SecurRy Instrumsnt, Lsndsr may pN� Bortower a notfc� IdmtNylnfl the Ilen. 9ortower shall satlaly thn Ilen or take one or mon -.j-: <br /> th� aotbni c�t forth�bow wkhh 10 day�of lh�pNlnp af notb�. � �a,_A� <br /> �_+�"�!` � 6. FOQi. Und�r may oolMot fses �nd oh�rpea tuthorined by th�Secntary• Sj'�J �ti'::,^__ <br /> ,..«.�.-..n�l� -- <br /> s. Y. around�for AeceieraUon of Debt. E _�`_ <br /> �;- <br /> , � (/) De111U1t. Lend�r rrky. �xcpt as Ilmked by rspuktMns bsued 6y th� Secretary h ths cas� o}psyment defaultsw �n <br /> , t nqute YnrrNdkte p�ymant In tull of aM euma tecund by thle S�curky Inetrum�nt M: ,;; <br /> �;. <br /> • (i) Borrower defauRs by falllnq to pay h lull eny monthy p�yment rsquksd by thy 8 e cur i ty Ine trumen t pr b r t o o r o n a._•� <br /> , tho dw date af the n�xt monthly p�yma�t, or �" <br /> . (it)Borrowsr dehuRs by fallYq,tor a perbd of thlrty dty�,to pwtorm any oth�r obNpatbn�aontain�d h thb S�aurky ..._. <br /> � Inatrument. ___ <br /> (b) Sale Wlthout Credit Approval.Lsnder shail, M psrmRted by tpplKabla law (Inoludfnp ssotlon 341(d) of the � —_ <br /> OamSt�ermaln OapoaRory InstKutbne Aot of 1982, 12 U.S,C. 7707J3(dl) and wkh th� prbr approval of th�Ssarot�ry, __, <br /> ��.■ <br /> requMS knmedS�ts payment in }ull of ail ths sums ssour�d by thls SecurRy InstrumMt N: �.-�s <br /> (I) All or part of the Proputy, or a bmefickl htwost In a trust ownhp nN or pert of the Property, Is so{d or i'' " _ <br /> ° , �_ othwwls�t�ansferred(nthar Ihan by davko ar d�scatt),tnd �" <br /> (il)The Property Is not ocoupbd by the purchaaer or printes as his or her prinopal resldenCe,or ths purchtser or <br /> � prantse does so o�cupy the Propaty, but his or hw crodR hu not bwn �pproved h accordan�s wkh the <br /> raqukemaits of tha Sccretary. <br /> ' (c) No Waiver. If akcumstances occur thrt would permk L�nder to requMe knm��i�te payment h full, but Lender <br /> �, does not requke such payrrwits,Lender does nol walw Rs rfphts wRh rospsat to subsequent evonts. <br /> , (d) Requlations of HUD Secretery. m many croumsunc�a rpuktbns hauod by �h• Sacrstary wix i�,k <br /> Lendera rlphts, k� the case of p�ym�nt d�fauRS, to requks knmedlate payment In full and forealose if not �ald. Thls <br /> � SscurRy Inatrumsnt doss not authortze acceMratbn or forsobsure M not pemitted by repulntbns of the Seoretary. <br />- � (e) Mortyage Not Insured. Borcower aO�NS that H thla S�curky Instrumsnt and ths Nots en not cist�rtninsd to <br /> - be elpibio for insurancu u�i�ni i=e Nai�nsf Naus:^p P.C!Wtt�� � �} daya �90� (rom tha date hx�o}, Lsndlr <br /> may, at ks optbn requko knmsdl�te p4yment In lull of all sums ascured by thts Sscurky Instrument. A wrktsn statsrtMnt <br /> '� of any wthorlred sp�nt of ths Secretary daled subssqux►t to i�O} daV� (90) kom the date h�rso(, deoHninp <br /> " to fnsuro this Securky Instrumenl and the Note, shall be deemed conclueNe proof of suoh InellpibNRy. Nolwkhctu�dinp <br /> - the farepoiny, this optbn may not bs exerised by Lender when tha unaailabllky of Insurance is soMiy dus to Undws <br /> " fallure to remk 4 mortpage Insunnce premlum to the 3ecretuy. <br /> 10. Relnstatement. Borrower h�s �rpht to be relnstatsd k Lender h�s requk�d irnmedkte payment In (uH b�owa�of <br /> Bortowers fallure to pay an amount due under the Noto or this S�aurity Inatmmmt. Thls rpht applbs sv�n aksr foncbsure <br /> , proceedinps are instRuted. To reinstate the S�aur4y Inatrum�nt, Borcower shall tsndar In a lump sum all amounts rsquMsd to <br /> • brk�p Bortower's acaount current holudinp, to the extent they ue oblfpatlane of Borcower undsr thla Sscurity In6t�ummt, . <br /> � foracbsure costs end reasoneble and cuetomery attomey's tees and oxpeoses propery assooisted wRh tha fonobaure <br /> � �'t ' proceedinp. Upon relnstatement by Bortower,this Securily Instrumont and the oblfpatbna that k securoa shall rsmah in M(sCt�s <br /> ' R Lender had not requked knmedinte pey�t h fuY. Fiowevsr,Lender Is not requked to permk rolnstatement H: (q Lendsr h�s <br /> accepted refnstatement efter thA commencement of for�obsure proceedinps wkhh two yaars Mmediately procedin0 the � ` <br /> corrmencement of e current torealosure procsediny,(II) reh6tatenent will pnalutN f9nobsun on dflfN'ent p�ounds In th�tutun, <br /> � or (III) rehstatement will adver6ey affeCt Ihe prbrky of the tNm created by thls SeCUrRy insWmint. <br />� • �'� 17. Borrower Not Releaaed; Forbeerence By Lender Not a Weiver. Extensbn of ths tkns ot payment or <br /> _� . �� modMbatbn ot emortiutbn of the suens secured by thb Securfty Inatrument panted by Lender to any auCCeasor In ht�rsst o} _ <br /> Borrower shnll not oporate to release the IlabNky of the orpinai Bortower or Bartowers succeseor h htersst. Lender shaN not b� <br /> � requlred to commence proceedings agahst eny succes3or In hterest or refuse to extend tkne tor payment or othsrwise modHy <br /> amortlzatbn of the sums securad by lhis Securfty Instrwnent by reason of eny damand made by the oripinsl Borrower or _ <br />- ' r Bonower's succassors in Interest. Any lorbeerance by Le�ider In exerolshy eny rlpht or remedy Shali not be a waMer of or — <br /> � � i preClude the exercise of any riyhl or rer+k7dy. -_ <br /> S� �'°- <br /> � 12. Succeasora end Aaatgns Bound; Joint and Severel Liebility; Co-algnera. The covenants and ��f�._ <br /> _ o i� agreements of this Security Instrument shall bad and benefR the successors and assipne of Le�der and Borrower,sub�ect to the <br />- prnvlslons of Paragraph 9(b). BorrowAr's covenants and agreements shall be Joht and several. My Bonower who co•sipns this <br /> � Security Instrument but does not execute the Note:(a) Is co•sqntng thi6 Securiry Ins4rument only to mortqage, grant and convey • <br /> that �orrower's Interost In the Property under the termb of this Socurky In�trument; (b) Is nnt personally oblipated to pay the <br /> sums socured by thls Sncurity Instrument; end (c) agrees that Lender and eny other Bortower may ayree to eMend, modHy, <br /> , forbear or make any accommodations wRf� regard to the term ot this Security Instrument or the Note �vkhout that Borrowers <br /> - i consent. <br />- I 13. NOtIC@8. Any notiCe to Borrower provlded tor in thls Security Instrument shall be gHen by delivering R or by mniling k <br /> � _. 1 . . . . . ..... _.___ ___��__..�_ �_.....,...��ee ..�e ..�o�ntnor ma�hnd.The nolfce shall be direoted to the Property Address or •• <br /> � - Oy tvs[Gwaa mnu w��oaa ayFrwnv�o p..�..y....... -'- -._.._. _ .- ._- . . <br /> eny other address Borrower deslgnetes by not�e to Lender. Any not{ce to Lender sheil be gNen by fkst clnss mall t� Lenders <br />� address stated hero�n or any address Lender desfgnates by notiCO to Bortower. My not�Ce provided for M thls SQCUrity <br /> � Instrument shall be deemed to have been gNen to Bortowor or Lender when gNen as provided In thl5 parflgraph. <br /> �I 14. Governing Law; Severebiltty. Thls 5ecurity Instrumont shall be govemed by Federfll law and the law of the � <br /> � Jurfsd�tion in whfch the Property fs lacated. In the event that any provislon or ciause of thls Security Instrument or the Note I <br /> - rou�a.LMo 16/W) Pape a o�5 <br />_ � <br /> aie <br /> . i _ <br />