� . . �.A.s•qltl'
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<br /> l _ � �
<br /> . =:._:�.
<br /> , � _- �'. ���---
<br /> conlUots wRh�pplb�bN law, suah conflbC ahtll not RH�ct olh�r provlabnt of thls S�curNy Inatrumont ar th�Noto wh�h can b� __
<br /> • pN�n eH�ct wNhout tha Conflbthp provl�bn. To thla snd ths provi�bns of thla Securlty Inslrumont and the Note ere d�ol�nd to � . -'- _
<br /> b�e�venbf�. `
<br /> i
<br /> 16. eorrower'� COpy. Borrow�+ah�ll b�pN�n on�aonlormNd Copy of ihe Nota Ynd ol ih�s Security�nstrument. ; �
<br /> 18. Hu��dous Substanaes� BorrOwM •hall not c�us�or pxmR tho praeonC�, uso, dispos��, atoraye, or nN+�a ot.�, :
<br /> " nny Mwrdoua Subbtanc�s on or h th� Prop�rtY• Borrow�r ehall not do, nor albw wnyono sla�to do, anythinp �M�athp th� � �p,
<br /> Fropsrty Ih�t I� In vbytbn ol �ny Envkonm�nt�l L�w. Th� pr�c�dhp two 6MlMC�6 eh�ll not �ppN to th� prat�nc�, uf�, or� •�
<br /> + atonde on ths Propsrty ol emall quantRbe ol Huardous Substa�c�s th�t u� fl�n�ralry reoopnix�d to b� �pp►oprl�t� to normal� l7 •
<br /> rsaltlentyl un�e and to mRfntononca o�thc Property. ' '
<br /> ,..,, � Borrower shall promptly plv9 L�nd�r wrRt�n natb� of �ny Invsstq�tbn, okfm, d�nd, I�wwR or oth�r Rotbn by my(�j ; ,. �s1�_:
<br /> � .�r i qovernmental or rpulatory �p�noy or prNat�p�hY h�oH�O th� PropsrtY tnd any Haur�ous Subetrnc�or Envkonm�ntal Law ol� :%^�'''•+"'"�'•
<br /> J .T,Xf::...
<br /> whlCh Bortovi�r hae aatual knowNdp�. it Bortow�r INms, or Is notifMd by ony povsmmantal or rpukfory authorRy, that �nY� ,: ".;'. �;r� :���_
<br /> • removel or othxr romedlatbn o} �ny Huudous Subst�ncas affeotlnp th�Prop�rty Is neceseary� Borcowe eh�ll prompty tak��II n v--_-
<br /> • necessary�emedial actbns In accordanc�wkh Envkonm�ntal l.aw. . ~�I.��.•.:���
<br /> As uaed In thls paraqraph 18, "Harardous Substancse"are thos� eubstanees defined as toxb or harardous wbtt�nc�s by ��;...�._�.__ ,_
<br /> � Envkonmentel Law and the folbwfnp aubatancsa: ptsollns, kxossrn� other fkmmabM Ar toxlo petroNum producte, toxb .�y,��.:;t_
<br /> :��";�'
<br /> j pestfcides and horbbldes, vol�tila eohr�nts, matarlals containhy �sb�stos or form�ldahyde,and ndbaotiv� m�t�ri�lt. As used In .t,',-__
<br /> rb
<br /> � the parapraph 16, "Envkonmantsl Law" rtwans (edw�l kwt and I�w� of th�Jurisdbtbn whKe th�Prop�rty k loc�t�d that n�ta ,.:�,,,
<br /> � to heatth,salety or Anvkonmenta�protectlan. �•�rY�-
<br /> ,.�,
<br /> : � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowsr and Lend�r furth�r coven�nt�nd apns ae(olbwa: /�;'�._=
<br /> .,.�{-
<br /> � 17.Assignmont of Renb. Bortowx uncortdBbnally astlpns and trensfere to l.snder ail ths r�nts and rsv�nu�s of th� _ _
<br /> Property.Bortower authorizes Lender or Lendsr6 apente to colbCt t fbf io$Lender's �otfce to Borrowerkot Bo o�s breaoht of
<br /> Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lenders apents. However,p ,,,_
<br /> �. any covenant or qyreement h the Securky Instrument, 8ortower snall coliect and receNe ell rents and revenues ot the Property '�i____
<br /> as trustee for the benefit of Lender and 8orrower. Thls asslpnment of rants constitutes an absolute aeslpnment and not �n
<br /> aeafpnment for addkbnol security onty. ��"""
<br /> �. It Lendor plves not�e of breaah to Bortower: (a) ail rants recelved by Bortower shall be held by Bartower ns truatee tor --•- �
<br /> benefit of Lender onty, ro be applied to the sums secured by the SecurUy Instrument; (b)Lender ahall be entkkd to Col{�ct and �;4�_�_
<br /> ,.b� recetve all of the rents of the Property: and (c) eaah tenant of the Property shall pay all rente due and unpaid to Lendsr or �_;;�,�
<br /> � Lendar's ayent on Lender's written demand to the tenent.
<br /> � Borrower has not executed any prlor asaipnment of the re�ts and has not nnd wlll not psrlorm any act thnt woutd prsvsnt __
<br /> � Lender Irom exercisin� its rgnts wi�ie�ihis^ara�,raph 17•
<br /> Lender shell not be requked to enter upon,take Control of or mahteh the Praperty betcre ar after plvinp not�s of breaCh to =
<br /> - Bortower. However, l.ender or a Judbinlly appolnted recelver may do so at any tkne there fs a breaoh. My eppllcatbn of ronts - — �_
<br /> shall not cure or waNe eny defauR or hvalldate eny other ripht or remedy of Lender. Thls assqnment of rents of the Property — -
<br /> o� shall tertnlnate when the debt secured by the S9CUrky Instrument Is pald In fulL _
<br /> �`; 18. Forecloau�e Procedure. If Lender requlrca Immedlate peyment In tu�� under Perepraph e� ---
<br /> 'M• Lender msy Invoke the power of sale and any other romedles permttted by app��ceble law. I �
<br /> �. �,.
<br /> Lender ahell be entitled to collect ell expensea Incurred In puraulny the remedles provlded In
<br /> �. thls Pera�reph 18, Including, but not Ilmited to, �eeaoneble ettorneya' f�ee and costs of tltle �_
<br /> �,' evtdence.
<br /> If the power of aale Is invoked, Truatee shall ►ecord a notiae ot defeult In each county In
<br /> � �� whtch eny pert of the Property Is located and ahetl mafl coplea of auch notice In the manner
<br /> preacribed by eppNcable law to Barrower and W the other peraons preacrlbed by eppltcable lew. _ _
<br /> � Atter the tlme requfred by eppllceble law, Truatee shall glve publlc notice of sale to the persons
<br /> � end In the menner pr�acrlbed by eppllcable law. Trustee� without demand on 6ureower� ahs:l aell --
<br /> the Property et publlc euctlon to the hlgheat btdder et the tlme end ptaoe and undar the terma —
<br /> ��� desl�nated In the notice of sate In one or more percels afld In any order Truatce determtnes. _
<br /> Truatee mey postpone aale of ell or eny percel of the Properry by publlc announceme�t at the _
<br /> . tlme end plece of eny prevloualy acheduled aele. Lender or Its dealqnee may purchase the ___
<br /> . Property et eny sale. ���'"-=
<br /> Upon receipt of peyment of the prlce btd, Truatee shall dellver to the purahaser Truatee'a _;
<br /> deed conveying the Property. The recttele In the Trustee's deed ahell be prlme fecle evldence of R� .
<br /> the Vuth of the statementa mede thereln. Truetee ahett epplq the proceeds ot the sale In the ,�'�t�,._ti�,. ;���
<br /> � � �� tollowing order. (e) to ell costs end expenses of exercisin� ir�e ��war ot ..,.le, and the �ale, _
<br /> Includtng the peyment of the Truatee's feea actuelly Incurred, not to exceed 3 � `�,��"��.,, r�'i ��
<br /> I of the principel amount of the notE at the 41me of the decleratton of defeult, end raasoneble '��;:;,-�,�:;.
<br /> ettorneys' feea es permitted by law; (b) to all euma aecured by thia Securtty Inatrument; and (c) , ���"�"`'.;.•
<br /> I� any excea�a to the person or pereona legelly entttled to It. ,
<br /> If the Lender's Interest In thls Securlty Inetrument is held by the Secretery and the Secretery
<br /> ; requires Immedlate payment in fult under Paregreph 9, the Secretary may invoke the nonjudlclal
<br /> I power of sele provided In the Single Femlly Mortgege Foreclosurc Act ot 1994 ("Act") (12 U.S.C.
<br /> I 3751 � se�.) by request(ng e toreclosure commlasloner deslgnated under the Aat to comme�sce
<br /> I forectosure and to sell the Property es provided In the Act. Nothing tn the preceding aentence
<br /> � ahall deprive the Secretery ot eny rlghts otherwlse aveflable to a Lender under thla Paregreph 18
<br /> ; or appllcable law. -_-_-_^�^---
<br /> � 19. Reconveyence. Upon payment ol all sumb secured by thls Security Instrument Le�der shall request Trustee to
<br /> reconvey lhe Property and shall surrender thls Securlty Instrument and aIl noted evide�cing debt secured by thls Security
<br /> � Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvoy the Property wlthout warranty and wlthout charge to the person or persons k+gally
<br /> entltled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordatlon costs.
<br /> I
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