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'�' .. ,. ,. � . ��_...y; <br /> .. <br /> . _, - <br /> '..._�. ' -- - — —. — -- -- - <br /> - --------�----- . --- ---._.. .._._ _ _.. . . .. _ . _._ � _ � ---- - -. - _.—. ,� , -- �,..�- <br /> ;�-: <br /> ,,;...a..�t,.�rt�lleiti: ,•�: <br /> _ _. . . . ... . ' - '�,.��:�r� ,)'�z.�-_. . . ,y.-.:�an-,n�F <br /> . . q,� , . _ . . . .. . . . . .. __ _ <br /> .. � ....n .. . . , .. . " ..-'.�'"_.,¢A�?Rp. <br /> . _ F , Y i�� �U {II���Y ' ,. ..1�Ji1..�'�_t..��' <br /> ' �a•:..v��Y'.__ <br /> . I.ender moy,at tny time, oolbCt and hold amou�t�for�oCrow Ibme tn nn �pprpab amount not�o sxc� � m�x m . _ — <br /> � amount that may bs rsguksd tor Bortowsr's �torow account und�r th�FMaI Estat�S�ttl�rtNnt ProC�dun�Aot of 1374, 12 U.S.C. .'._� <br /> " §280t gj �.q, end krplementlnp repuktbns, 24 CFR Pert 3500, �e they m�y b� �m�nd�d trom tlm� ta tlm�('RESFA")��xc�pt I _ � <br /> thet the cuehbn or nssrve psrmftt�d by RESPA for umntblpat�d dlsburosme�ta or disbure�monte baforo tha Borrower'a ..-- <br /> ptyments ero av�il�bM In the�COOUnt may �ot b�b�wd on�mount� dw(or th�mortqafl�ineurnnco premlum. I y r:._ <br /> if the amounts held by LsnAa for Escrow Items sxcNd th��mounts psrmRtad to b�heb by RESPA, Lendor ah�ll�ccount • _ _ <br /> to BOrrowor for the exCes6 funds ae nqu�r�d by RFSPA.If th� amounts ot funds held by LandYr at any tlma nre not sutlblent to �i�.ro� <br /> piy th� Eacrow iteme when due, L�nd�r may notNy the Bartowsr�nd requk� BorrowK to m�k�up th� ehortap� as pKmRt�d by _ <br /> �;_,_ <br /> FESPA. - - <br /> Ths EeCrow Funds are pledysd �s addRbnal e9curAy for aN 6um�escursd by thla S�curNy Instrument. It Borrowor tenders '. .•��. ._. <br /> ...+v�'r'c .;�`r•<;"� <br /> ,� to Lender Ihe 1uA psyment ol�II suoh suma, Bortower'e scoount eh�N be cndk�d wRh ths btknos rsm�hfn0 for all Netalkn�nt �._� <br /> Rwns (a), (b), ond (o) md any mortQap� Insuranu prNnium In�talkrnnt tha! lsnd�r haf not become obllpated to p�y to tha .,��„ <br /> S�cretary,�nd Und�r shtll prompty rolund any exc�ss Nndt to Bonowar.Immadl�t�y prbr to a tor�cbaurs oab of tha Proparty •'�:"Sr` <br /> or its aoquhklon by LMdsr, Bonowsr's�000unt ah�ll b�cndksd wRh any baknce r�nalninp lor all hst�lim�nts for RNn�(�)�(b)� ,.`.•�'i <br /> tnd (a)• <br /> 3. Applicatlon of Peyments.All ptymints undar Panqnphs 1 and 2 shall be�pplMd by Londer as(olbwe: ���`� <br /> .:'f��e_ <br /> ' , Firit,lo th� martpape Insuranc�prsmium to bs p�ld by Lend�r to tho S�cratary or to th� monthty ch�rp� by th�S�anhry - <br /> Instead ot the monthy mortqape Ineur�nce pranium; <br /> � Secnnd� to eny taxes, spoclal asses8menls, besehold paymaits or flround rents, and 1ke, tlood and other haurd ,_ <br /> Insurance premlums,as requlred; i � <br /> Thl►d,to Interest due under the Nute; _ <br /> � Fourth� to amorti�tlon oi the pnc�fpal of tM Note; and <br /> -1. F(fth,to Iate charpes due under the Note. ° <br /> ' 4. Fire, Flood and Other Hszard Insurence. Borcower shall hsuro all Ynprovemants on the PropeRy,whether �� <br /> � now wi exlstence or subsequently erected. aqakisl any huards, aaswKbs, and oonthpNtcks, Inoludinp fks, for whbh Lender �:?- <br /> requkes insurance. Thls hsurance shatl be maint�hed h the amounts and tor the perioda that Lender requMes. Bortowsr shall a <br /> �'.' <br /> � also Insure ali Improvements on the PropeRy,whelher now in sxbtencs or subaequentry sr�cted, apahst bae by floods to the ,--"� <br /> extent requlred by the 3earetary. All Insurance sMll be carrbd wRh oompaniea approved by Lendsr. Th� Insurance polbles and :V��� <br /> �...�,. <br /> any renewds shail be held by l.onder and shtll include bss payable clauses In favor of, and h a(orm �ccopteb{e to, Lender. .:.7� <br /> in the event of loss, Bortower shall pNe Lender immediate not�Ce by meil. Lender may make praof of loss R not made :r� <br /> � promptly by Borrower. Each Insurance comptny co�cemed Is hereby authorized a.nd dYectW to make payment to� 6uch bss _ �� <br /> — diraciiy iu Cvnder, nsisad of !o Sorsor:er ar!^ !n i s+nnnr Johty. All or any paR of the Insurnnce proceeda mny be appibd by <br /> ; � Lender, at ks optlon, efther (a) to the reductbn ol the indebtedness undor the Note and thls Securky Instrumsnt, first to eny �ry� --- <br /> �� delinquent amounts applled In the order h Paraflr�ph 3,:�nd then to prepayment of prinalpal,or(b)to tho restoratbn or repeh of E^� _ <br /> ? � the damaped Property. My eppl�Catbn of the proceeda to the principal shell not exbnd or postpono the due date o} the �-. <br /> monthly ptyments whlCh ere re(erred to h Parpraph 2, or ahanpe the amount of 6uch payments. AnY excess Inaurance �_ _ `_ <br /> +� proceeds over en amount requked to pay aIl outs�ndinp Indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument sheN be ptid ����_. <br /> to the entity lepnlly ontkled thereto. - <br /> In the event af torecbsure of this SecurNy ��strument or other tranaisr of tkb to the Property that axtM►Oubhes ths = <br /> „� Indebtedness, all ripht,tRle and intarest of Borrower in end to Insurance polbles h force shall pas8 to ths purohaser. �� � <br /> . . 6. Occupency, Preservatlon, Melntenence end Protectlon of the Property; Borrowe�'a Loen • <br /> i Application; Leaseholcis. Bortower shall acupy,establlsh, and use the Property�s Borrowx's pr�nctpal residence wRhln <br /> sbcty days aiter the executbn of thls SecurRy InsWment (or wkhln sbcty days of a iatx sab or trans}er ot ths Property?and shall <br />' yy�y, conttnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's princpal resldence for at least one year alter the date ot occupanCy, unbsa <br /> R: Lendvr determines that requfrement will C84se unduB hird8hip for BOrrower, or unless exlenuQtinp ckcumstanCes exist whfch are —.� <br /> � beyond Borrower's control. Bonower shall notify Lender of any excenuatiny olrCUmstances. 9oRawc: .,::s!! r.�: .emmk wp+�te pr �-. -_ _ <br />_ � dostroy, demaye or substnntlally chanpe the Property or albw the PropeRy to deterbrate� reasonabA�wear and tear ex�epted. --- — <br /> Lender may inspect the Property H the Proparty� vacant or ab�ndoned or the ban is h defauk. Lender may t4ke reasonabM <br /> • ;� action to protect and preserve cuch vacent or aMndoned Property. Borcower shalt aiso be In defauh M Borrower,curinfl the ben _ <br /> � � applfcatbn process, eave materialry faise or Inaccurate h}ortnatlqn or statements to Lender (or falled to provide Lender wkh any �.� _ <br />- material Informatlon) in conneotbn wkh the loan evidenced by the Note, holudkiy, but not Ilmked to, representntbns concsmh� _-_ ---___ <br /> • Borrowers occupancy of the Property as a pnc�ipal resldence. it thls Securky Instrument Is on e leasehold, Bonower shall _�� _�� <br /> � comply wnh the provlslons ot the lease. If Borrawer acqulres feo tftle to the PropeRy, the leasehold and tee tltie ahtll not be , .i�a�cn�==:. <br /> r. <br /> me�ped unless Lender aprees to the merper In wdhg. ,.�'�'.�..�r. <br /> �z: �� <br /> , �,; ... <br /> 6. Condemnetion. The proceeds of anr award or clnkn for damages, dkect or consequentlal, in conneotAn wkh any n �,;•:. <br /> condemnelbn or olhar takhg ot any part of the Property, or for Conveyance In piaCe of Condemnatlon,ere horeby assipned end .-_��..,s'."° �'�:, ,,,. <br /> ' �....,_ <br /> shall be pald to Lender to the extent of the lu� amount of the Indebtedness that remain6 unpald under the Note and this �,;:�����,. <br /> Securky Instrument. Lender shall apply such procaeds to the reductlon of the Indebtedness under the Note and thls SeCUrky • .' <br /> Instrument, first to any delinquont amounts epp6ed 1n the ordor provldod In Patapraph 3, and then to prepayment of princlpal. . <br /> Any appl�ation ot tlte proceeds to the princ�pal shall not extend or postpone the due date ot the monthty peyments,whiCh are <br />. referced to in Paragraph 2, or change the amounl of suCn payments.Any exCess proceeds over an amount requked to pay all <br /> - outstandinp intlebtedness under the Noto and thB SeCUrity Instrument shall be pflld to the entRy Iegaity entRlBd thereto. <br /> �. Charges to Borrower and Protectlon of Lender's Rights in the Property. sorrower shall pay eii <br /> governrrental or municipal chttrges, tines end inposRions that are not fncluded In Paragreph 2. Borrower shall pay the�e <br /> ._.__G. ..w.....�en.�aJe inearocl n <br /> . : � y y m •' ' .. . . w'vuiu uu:o..,o. <br /> '_ '.__."— <br /> obl etions on time dirPCd lo the entd whfCh IS oweu tne pay enc. ir r�nure w pnr , �^�-•--•--•--••- --• � - - ------ -- <br /> the Property, upon Lenders request Borrowa shell promptty tumish to Lender recelpts evidencing these payments. <br /> i If Barrower falls to make these paymonts or the payments requked by Parflgrflph 2,or falls to pertortn any other Covenants <br /> ' I and agreements contulned �n thls Security Instrument,or there �s e legal proceeding that moy sfgnitiCantly aHect Lenders r{ghts In � <br /> � � the Property (such as a proceeding �n bankruptcy, for Condemnution ar to enforco laws or regulatlons),then Lender may do and � <br /> ! pay whatever is neCesGnry to proteCt the valuo of the Property and Lender's rights In tho Property, Inc�uding paymont of texes, � <br /> ' i hazard insurance end other Rems menUoned in Paragreph 2. � <br /> I <br /> roo� ifl:OO) F'ape 2 e�s � <br /> � � <br /> - I <br /> ��a <br /> _ <br /> �_ _ <br />