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HUSBAND AND WIF . �•eorroww"). <br /> ��.,;",•'.+n.i�::.S. <br />.�:,y�.,^1'• <br /> `^��� rne trusu.k UNITED NEBRASKA BANK 700 N WE88 ROAD GRAND fSLAND NEBRNSKA 6 ('Tms!a`). <br /> ' Tha bmNbluy fe iirii7ED NEBRASKA BANK <br /> .''L.:�+�<< � � ,and whot��ddrKe It <br /> `"""`'' whbh fa orp�nl�d�nd aociatlnp und�r th�I�ws of �,I�pRASKA <br /> 700 N WEBB RD GHAND ISLAND. NE 88803 ����"���' <br /> �+• ` Borrowar owss Undsr th�prinolp�l eum ot S�ven Five Thnu�nd Six Hundr�d �nd OON00 - <br /> DolMrs (U.5.i 75.800.00 ).This dYbt IS evld�nCad by Bortowws nots <br /> .i ��;, ' dated ths eartw dAte as thls SacurRy InaWmsnt ("NOI�"), whfch provkNs tor monthly p�ymantc, wkh ths lull dWt, B not paid <br /> • ',� earllK,dua and payabk on Ja11Ua,�► 7 2028 .Thk S�curky InaMiment secune to l.ondsr:(a)th� npaym�nt <br /> :f �t.: of th�debt evid�nced by the Not�, wkh IntK�st,and tll nn�waN,�ct�nsbn�and modYlcatbns of th�Nots;(b) th�paym�nt af <br />_:.;;�.;�1;.;.�..� • :8 oihar sums. •�:lA �taest. ed!��ne!M und�r p�npnwh 6 tu Prohot th� ascsurky of this S�curity Instrum�nl; �nd (o) th� <br />_-'`•�a•�`-•• �.• psrtomu�nce of Bortowsra covenants and�prssm�nu under thia Sscurky Inatrum�nt and ths Not�. Fos thfe purpo��, Bonow�r <br /> -':"1:'� �`. krsvocaby prents md oonveys to TN6tb� In trust, wfth pow�r of stb, th� folbwln0 d�scrb�d property loc�trd h <br /> -,:,,��„ti,'� '' �/�(„ Countyt Nebratlu: <br /> ""�''�'• ' LOT FOUR (4)� IN BLOCK ELEVHN (11), IN ASHTON PLACE,AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF <br />- `"'�' GRAND ISI.AND, FfALL COUNTY,NEBiiASKA. <br />_-�"�e;� ' <br />_-�.,. ;, <br />- �'�;r:, . : <br />_�: ;�.� <br /> -_w.;.;1;.?i: <br /> '`��y ;. <br /> ei K��Y��111� <br /> n L <br />-'7.11C�. f'�� <br /> °=.'.T.;_ ,..�i'�� <br />-_— .,U�;!ba'� <br />__ '��. <br /> -,=`���.'�.� '''` GRAND ISLAND <br /> -•'"''`'' ' whbh has ths�ddross of 2417 W DIVISION ST <br /> • . . .� �svaq (GtYI. <br /> � �� NEBRA fi88�1 (•PropMty AddroeE"); <br />�-•:�'` �suu� �Zip Coa�� <br /> :.�^+?: • <br /> '�� TOGETHER WITH all the knprovernente now or hereafter ereoted on the propArty, and all easements,appurten�ncss, �n <br /> fbctures now or hereafter e pert of the property. All rep�cementd and addRbns shall be Covered by thfs S�CUrky Instrumait. All <br />- � ot the forepoinp is retorred to h thls Securky �n&trument ae the 'Property". <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Bortower fs law(uly selzed of ths estats hereby conveyed and has ths rl�ht to prant and <br /> � aonvey the Property and that the Property is unencumbersd, except for encumbrances of reaord. Borrowsr wartanta and will <br /> ' defend peneralty the tkle to the Property agnfnst all clakns and demands, subJect to any encumbrences�f record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unHarm covsrents lor natbnai use md non•unHortn covsnants wRh IMnked <br /> , ' vnrietlons by Jurisdbtlon to constRute a unKOrm securiry fnstrument coverfnq real property. <br /> Borrower end Lender covenant and epree as folbws: <br /> UNIFOFiM COVENANTS. <br /> - 1. Peyment ot Principel, Intereat and Late Gharge. Bortower shall pay when due the princlpal of,end interest <br /> on,the debt ovWe�ced by the Note and late charges due under the Note. <br /> - 2, Monthly Peyment of Taxes, In�urance, end Other Chargea. Borrower shall Include In each monthty <br /> .,,e..� �.,,,o��,o.W�►n �na nrwr.loai and interest 6s Set torth in the NOte end any late ChHrges, a sum for(a) texes flnd 6poclal <br /> ...-. �."___"-'. ���........� .���...�. ..... . _ . . <br /> l assessments levied or to be 19vfed aqaYist the Property. (b) leasehold payments or grountl rents on tne rroperty, and (oj <br /> • I premiums for Insuranco requlred under Paragraph 4. In enY year In whbh the Lender must pay e mortgape hsurance premlum to <br /> tho Socretary of Houshg and Urban Develn�ment ('Secretary"),or In a�y ysar tn whbh suah premfum would havo been required <br />- � � If Lender still held the Security Instrument, eaCh monthly pByment shall also Inoiude eithor. (I) e sum for the annual mortpape <br /> insurence premium to be pald by Lendor to the Secretary, or (II) a monthly cherpo Instead of a mortpape hsurance premlum H <br /> , thls Security Instrument Is heid by the Secretary, In e reasonflble amount to be det9rmined by the SeCretary. ExCept for the <br /> ' monthly charge by the Secretary, these items are calied 'Escrow Items" and the sums pald to Lender ure celled "Escrow <br /> � Funds" <br /> ' Pope� ol 6 <br /> F50�J1 M(1(B/P7) <br /> O1P <br />