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._� ..- <br /> '�'����r�T <br /> ' ' ". _' "__ _...�..J����:d_ -'y�"-'�v�.,��i..nW�r.aa.<:c .. ��`�rr1rC!W{►y.t:Yn7.G._ . , . .._ .. . , � � �_'. <br /> —.:: .-._.._. .._ � y V�- <br /> • '7. Protectlon of Lsnder's Riqhta in the Property. u eoROw.r r.w co panorm �n• cown.nt� u►d �a«�«►cs �,.,;M:. ;^ <br /> ` •cont�h�d h thb S�curRy Inntrummt,ot thK�N a Iqal prxNdhp th�t mlly slpnMb�ntly afNCt L�nd�r'�riphtt h tFw PrOpMty(tuoh u � _ <br /> � p�ocssdhp In b�nkruptoy, prob�t�,lor oond�nxt�tbn ot(oMkur�or t��nfarc� kw�or rpuktbns), thm Und�r rrwY da and p�y for ;��,��:_.y� <br /> whatwK r nac�sa�ry to prot�ot th�v�tlW ol th� Prop�rtY and L�ndw� ripM� In th� Propsrty L�r►d�s �otbns may hclud� p�yhp . :r�: <br /> any wma e�cund by � Il�n whbh h�e prbrRy ov�r thls S�curky Inetrum�nt,appearh0 In aouA, payln0 nason�ble �ttomay'� (ws�nd � <br /> � �ntalnp on th�Prop�rty to rtuk�rsp�ks. Akhouph L�nd�r may t�k��otbn undN thh plrapnph 7,L�ndM dw�no! h�w to do to. t <br /> My �mounte dl�bura�d by L�nd�r und�r lhk parapnph 7 �haN b�oorrN addNbnai d�bt o1 BortowK a«curod by thN Sacurky ` <br /> Instrumsnt. UnMs� BonowK �nd UntNr ��rM to olhe brms of p�ymw►t, thu� unount� thall bMr ht�ra�t kom th� dat� ot � �_._ <br /> " disburt�t�t the Not�rat�md sh�N b�pay�bM,wBh Inbrost,upon notic�hom Undar to BoROww raquaathp payment• � S+_, <br /> 0. MO�t�aQf 111W��RCe. II L�ndK nqulr�d moRp�p� Inwr�nc�t� a oondkbn of maklnp th� lom ��ound by thfs S�curityr .;'.,,.,_ <br /> ' Instrvment, Borrower ehnll pay Iho pr�mbms nquP�d to malntaln th� moRyap� �wnnco h �fl�ct• �6 tor �ny raason, th� mortyap� lrw •-, <br /> � <br /> �'ti. hsunnc�oov�np� r�quk�d by Und�r Mipt�s or oNS�s to b� in �fbat� 8ortowK thtll pay th� pnmlums raGukod to obtIIln coverep� _i`�,_,. <br /> wbtl�ntkNy oquNaWnt to lh� mortpap� Iniunnc� prwEou�ry h �N�ot,at a cast sub�tantlaly�yuNaknt to th�cost to Bonow�r of the � ;<<;�� _ <br /> .,�.�w�+""'► � `_ '_ <br /> mortptp� Inturanc� pr�vbu�ly h oH�ot, hom m ak�rn�b moRpap� h�unr�pprowd by L�nder• If substantYlly �quNaMnt mortWps I�.___ <br /> ...�t.,.��'1� ,� <br /> , hsuronca covYrpp� Is not awiMbl�, Bortowor ohnN pay to L�ndar aah month e wm aqual to onetwaMth of th� ywry morty�p� �;rY,__ <br /> hsunnc�pnmlum b�hp p�tid by Borroww whln th� hwr�nc�CovKaq�kpt�d or Cns�d to bo in�fbct• LMdK WIM�c��Pt� ua��nd �y���, <br /> ratain thos� ptymmt� u a bse rosarv� h Iku of mort9ap� Insunncb. l.ass r�t�v� paymonts maY no bnq�r bo nquYid, at th� -,-- <br /> �.�:,...,__ <br /> optbn ot La►dor, N mortp4aa Insuranco cownpo (fn ths amount and for tha porbd chat Land�r raqukos) provid�d by an h�urar r�,— <br /> approvad by L�ndar aQaln b�eom�s avdl�bM �nd Is obtalnad. Bortowu ehall p�y the premiums raqulrad to mthtah moRp�p� (p ._�� <br /> Insurence h eNect, or to provlde e bss reserve, untll the requirnmont tor mortflayo insurance ends In accordanas wRh any wrkt�n y � +,� <br /> tprwmant batwian Borrowx and Lwider or appifcnbb I�w. m . <br /> 9. Inapection. Lender or kd apmt nuy maka natonabla �ntrka upon �nd InsDectlona of the Property. Lender shaN yNa � � :;��, <br /> H. Bortowor notba at th�tlme of or prbr t4�n Inapeatbn apaoNyhp nasonabM caus�for th� h6peotbn. Q �i. <br /> 10. C011de1t1t1At1011. The proci�ds of �ny award or ol�Nn for damapes, dirsct or aonsequontinl, h aonn�tbn wkh any � � <br /> � Y condemnetbn or other taklnq of any part of the Property,or for oonvoyanca In Ik+u of aondermatbn, aro hareby a�tlpnod and shaN be t� c�7� ` <br /> , p81d to Lendet. L G = <br /> � In tha wront of a total tachp of th� PropaAy, tho prxaads shaN b� �pplkd to th� cums tacurad by thk SacurRy Instrum�nt, W <br /> whether or not then dus, with�ny excese pib to Bortowsr. In ths w�nt of� partitl takhp of the PropNty fn whbh tho hY markst <br /> � valuo of the Propwty Mnmadlately betore the takinp Is squal to or preater than th� eunount of the sums secured by this Socurky � <br /> Instrument Mmediatay before the takiny, unbts Bortoww and Und�r oth�rwise �p�� � Wrkhy, th� sums t�CUrad by thi� Soaurkyr <br /> Instrument shaA bo reduced by tho amount of the prxaada muklplied by the tolbwlnp fra�ort�bdkbly bat fAtthY f1khQ.�My baluics <br /> securod knmedintely before th�takinq, dNkled by(b) th� faY markat valu�ot th�Proporty <br /> � shall bo p�ld to Bortowor. In the wont of �partlnl takhp of th� Proparty In wh�h the fnir mark�t valua ot th� Propwty �dktoiy <br /> befor� tho takhp Is less than the amount of the sums sxured kixnedlaWy beforo the takinp, unless Barrowor and LendM oth�rwfca �` <br /> y'�'� aQree {n wrRinp or unfess appYCabk Inw otherwise provides, tho proceeda shaN bo �Apliod to the eums securad by thl� SoCUrky <br /> � InsWment whether or not the sums an then due. <br /> � `�' If the Property fs abandoned by Borrower,or B,aftar not�e by Landar to Eonowx that tha condwnnor otters to m�k�m�wud or <br /> -_ _ . . �`'� settk a alakn for damapes, BortOwer falia to rospond to LenUar wrthn a(i dayc a$er ii��� �ii�ihs noi�� Q�-�. !!'��!^� �!authorlasd <br />_ ;�.t to colfect and appy tha proceads, at ks optbn, ekher to restoratbn or rep�k of th�Propwty or to the sums aocurad by thla S�curky <br /> �� InatNmont,whethx or not thai dua. <br /> • ' Unbss Land��nd Borroww othsrwfso �are�h wrkhp, any appucatbrt of procMd� to pnc�ipal �haN not ucbnd or po�tpon�tl» <br /> � duo data of tha monthy paymmts nlarrad to h parapnpht 1 and 2 or ohtny�thf unount of tuah paymmt�. � <br /> 11. Borrowar Not Fielea�ed:Forbewance By Lender Not s H'alver. ExNnsbn ot �h� ern� �or paym«�� or <br /> modYicatbn of amortiratbn of th� suma soourod by thk Socurky In�trumant pnntod by Landor to any suoc�ssor In IntKast ol Bortow�r <br /> • ahaW not opK�t� to nMa�� th� Iiabllky oi th�orqk►al Bortow�r or Bonoww� suea�sors In htonst. L�nd�►ahaM not b�rpukW to <br /> comm�nc� procaodhps apalnst any tuccossor h htarost or nNt� to�xt�nd tlrrN tor paym�nt or oth�rwb�modYy amotttmtbn ol th� <br /> �. cumt aocund by thk Socurky Instrummt by rwson of any d�+nand m�d� by th� orlqin�l Borrow�r or Borrow�r'� sucoNtort In <br /> hta��st. My forbaannc�by Und�r Y� ucarcbhp�ny ripht or ro�n�dy�haN not !»t waHM ot or pnclud�th�u�ok�of�ny�Ipht or <br /> ��anYdY. <br />= 12. Succesaon end Assi�n�Bound; Jo(nt and S6verAl l.labllity; Co-al�nera. Th� cownanu �nd <br /> " aprewnents of this SecurRy Inswmmt ehnN bad �nd bansfit th� wcc�seors �nd tsslpn6 O} LMdY� artd BOROw�f, tubJ�ot to th� <br /> �- provisbns of paragranh i7. eorrowws covantnts and apr�ements ahall b�Joht �nd tavetal. Any 8orrowar who Co-�ipns thfa S�curky � <br /> Instrument but doos not exocute tho Note: (a) is Co•sipnhp thb SxvrRy InsUUrrwnt ony to mortyap�, p►v�b :+tid �an�Y 1h:t <br /> Bortowers fnterest In the Property undar tho lerms of thla Security Indwmont; {b)b not personaiy obUpatad to pay th�sums pcur�d <br />' by this Securky Instruman4: �nd (o) aproas that Lendor and ony oth�r Bor►ower mtY aflrw to axbnd, modlfy, forbMr or mak��ny - <br /> accommodatbns wRh repord to twmc of lhis Securky Instrument or ti�a Not�wRhaut that Bortow�r's consent. �; <br /> • 13. Loen Cf�arpes. If the ban soCUred by this Soourky InstrumYnt fs SubJoct to a Icw whbh sYts maxMnum loln Charpae, __ <br /> and thet law Is fhally hterprolod so th�t th� Intwast or othor ban oharpas cvllect�d or to b� oolioctad h conn�otbn wRh th� ben <br /> ,� exceed the permkted Iknks, then; (a) any such bm charpea shall ba reduced by ths amount nacoasary to nduc� th� ohnrp� to th� : — <br /> pertnftted Iknk;and (b)nny suma aYendy colqoted Nom Borrower whl�h exceaded permkted IImRs will b�rafundad to BoROwar. L�nder <br /> � may choose to make thls ralund by reduchy the prhaipat owed under the Note or by meklnp a dkact paymont to Bortow�r. It a •T. <br /> retund reduCea principal,ths reductlon will be treated es a pertlai prepaynwnt wfthout any propaymant ohoryo undar tha Not�. �'�`-- <br /> � 14. Notices. Any notbe to Bortower provlded (or h thls Security Instrunwnt shall bo yken by dalNxinp k or by mallhp k by ��-.,-. <br />— � fkst class mall unless applicnble law requires use of another method. The notfco shall be dkscted to tha Proporty Addnaa or any _-_ <br /> other address Borrower deslpnetes by notice to Lender. My notfce to Lender shtN ba qivon by fkst cla8s maN to Lend�� �ddntt <br /> stated hereln or any other address Lender desiynntea by notfce to Bortower. Any notba provlded tor h this SecurRy Inalrutnent shaY <br /> + be deemed to have been pFven to Borrower or Lender when piven as prnvided In this parayreph. <br /> 16. Governing Lew;Severabllity. This SecurRy Instrument shall be qovemed by �ederal law and the law of the <br /> � jurisd�tlon In whlCh the Property Is Ioca1ed. In the eient that any provlslon or clause of thls Security Instrument or the Note conflfCt6 <br /> ' wlth appl�Ceble Inw, such confl�t shell not tHect other provlsbns of this SecurRy Instrument or tlie Mote whlCh Can be pNen effect <br /> wRhout the conflfcthp provisbn. To thls ond the provlsbns of thls Securky Instruma�t and tho Note ara deckred to be severnbW. <br /> '• 16. Borrower's Copy. Borcower shall be QHsn one conformed copy ot the Nots and of thig Securky Instrument. <br /> _ 17. 7ransfer of tl�e Property or a Beneftclel Intereat in Borrower. If atl or eny pert of the Property ar any � <br /> : . .,___..__� ....... <br /> a�....� ..�....i <br /> i k�terest In R Is sold or translerred (or H fl bene(�lal Interest In Borcower IS sot0 or tranaierred anu ov��v:.a �� ���• - �-•-•-• .---••. ��--- <br /> � without Londer's prbr written consent, lsnder may, et ks optbn, requka Immotllato payment h full of eli sums aecured by thla Securky <br /> � Instrument. However, thls optbn shail not be exercised by Lender H exerclse is prohibited by federai law as of tho date ot tliis Security <br /> 1 In6trument. <br /> i If Lender exorclse5 this option, Lendor shall yNe Borrower not�e of acceleralbn. The not�e shail provlde a perbd of not less <br /> then 30 days from the date lhe notfce Is delNered or malled wkhtn which the Borrower muat pay all sums secured by thls Security � <br /> � Insirument. If Borcower feits lo pay these sums prlor to the explratbn of th'rs perbd,Lender may hvoke any �emedles permftted by ttils i <br /> Socurity Instrument without turiher not�e or demand on Borrower. Fo�m sose oiuo � <br /> Fta28.LM0(6/B)) Pap�9 0l a I <br /> � <br /> — � <br /> � 520 � <br /> t --- --..._l. . __. __ _... <br />