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<br /> +!�N� . ��a?��t-+�v.;
<br /> �.
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<br /> _ _._. ,.,,,s.•�'=---���_...------�----- ----- ------:-------...___.------ _ - - -- --- --- - - - _ - ___.
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<br /> --....------ -- - - --:._- -- -•----�— �. . _,-�
<br /> � _,...._nn.�w��«f++N/y':.e%�7rn.. , . � • . _ . . . .. _ ,.- ... ' _-r+"�":•
<br /> I ' . �i'- .J�r.
<br /> .t� [i@Ml:r
<br /> :� . . R- -�i�.
<br /> r 1�. BOrfOWf�'s Riqht to Re111i�t0� If BotrowN mMt� CMtah oondllbnf, Bo�rowN �h�N h�w th� rlpht l0 hlw �T'�=r,r�,��.s,
<br /> enlorcwnont of thls S�curRy In�irumw�t dtsoontlnuod �t�ny tkn� prbr to th�wrlMr of: (�)6 d�ys (oe auoh oth�r pubd�� �pplia�bl� ��;:,;�!,
<br /> ' Inw m�y sp�aity(or nlnatatMHnt) bafor� MM of th� Propwty punu�nt to �ny powoc of tah Cont�h�d fn thlt S�ourky In�t�'u:n�nt; or � '•�"�"
<br /> (b) entry ol s Judyment enforolnp thla SacurNy Inslrumant. Thosa oondkbne�ro Ihat Borcowa: (o) p�y� Lentla eM�um1 whbh then •
<br /> wouW be dua undar thls S�curky Initrumont and th• Not� u N no accsMntlon had xcumd; (b� cun� any dNwR ol �ny othK �"'���
<br /> covontnt or aprwmmts; (o) p�ys �N ucp�nin f�CUrnd In onforolnq thu S�curky Instrummt, holudhp, but not IknN�d to, rNtombM � � • ;�,ti
<br /> �ttom�ys'Iws; �nd(d)takot suoh aatbn a4 londlr m�y rMtonaby nquY�!o astun th�t thw Il�n of thb S�curRy In�lrummt,lM►dlr� 1 .,. '*; —
<br /> rlpht� h th�PropaAy and Bortown's oblpatlon to p�y th� wm� c�cured by Ihfs 6�curity Instrum�nt eh�ll aontlnu� unohinp�d. Upon , •
<br /> rslnftatartNnt by BorcowM, Ih►s S�curity Instrum�nl and th� oblipiltbns e�aurW hlr�by sh�R nm�in lulfy �B�CtN� as N no�ccll�nibn ,,-:_,;,�+'�.�.
<br /> had ocounad. Howwer, thls ripht ro rohstet�ehaY not�ppy h th�cas�of�ccaMr�tbn unda pnraqnph 17. N ' `'. :--
<br /> 19. $��0 0} NOte; Chanqe ot' Loen Senricer. Th� Notv o� � parilal htYr�st fn tho Not� (top�thYr wRh thls SoOUrRy � :p „ ,;�.,�;;���,;;�;
<br /> Instrurtwnt)may b�fofd on�or mon tim�f wMhout ptlor not�C�to BortowK.A sa4 may nwk h s ohRnp�In th� �niky (known as lh� � ..�,_:.';�?f`�:�_,�`,�„
<br /> ' �� 'Loan Sorv�ar")th�t ColleCt6 month y Y �;�����.`'�' Y _
<br /> ly paym�nts dus undM th� Not� rnd thb S�curR Initrum�nt. Th�r� abo ma b� one or mor� ., �r.�-�
<br /> ., � � •."+1C ,til A 9`._.T
<br /> chenpes of the Loan Serv�er unrelated to a aate of thY Noto. If thero Is a Chinpi o}the Laan ServlCer,Bonower wIN b�pNe�wrkt�n � �y'-'�_�:°.�.=a:�^
<br /> :r:�f?'�T,
<br /> notbo of the chnnqo In accordanco wRh panqraph 14 abova And applbnba law. Tho notba will atata th� narrN md addrois of Ihv � ,. g• (��:;
<br /> :r:;ti��:�w-
<br /> • new Loan Sorvfcer and th�addrese to wh�h paynwr►ts ehould b�rtud�. Tho notka wlil dso contain any oth�r Inidmutbn r�quV�d by �•�.;,_--------
<br /> applkable law. --�-�--- .__ . .
<br /> 20. Hazerdoua Substences. sorrowK shill not caus� ar pKmk th�prosenC�, u:�, dbpossl, �ta�p�,or nwaH ot my ;�:��'�
<br /> • Hazerdous Subatancos on or h tha Propasty. Bortoww�hAN not do, nor albw anyona�I�� to do, onythhp affeatinp th�PropKty ihat =_
<br /> Is In vloiatbn of any Envkonmental Law. Tha prxadiny two �antanc�s �haN not tppy to th� pres�nc�, ua, a storap�on th�� ;',:-
<br /> Property of small qu8ndtles of Hazardous Substunces thet are qenerelly recopnized to be appropriate to normal realdontt4l usi{tnd to�� �<��`v..
<br /> mahtenance oi Ihe Property. � �-'--
<br /> � Bortow�r shall prompty phra Lendx writton not�o of any Investipatbn, akim,damand,IawsuN or other tatbn by any povanmental�� �w •��=_--
<br /> or repuN►tory aywioy or private party fnvoNhp the Property and any Ha�trdous Substanco or Envkonrtwntat l.aw of whbh BoROwer has�' '�;'.:
<br /> I �I actual knowkdqe. If Bortowx leams, or Is notMiad by any qovammontal or rpuiatory nuthority, tnat any ramoval or othx renqdlatbn� ;_;,1�„�;
<br /> of any Harardous Subetancs aHeathq the Property Is necessary, Borrower ahdl promptly take �II necessary rMnedkt aclbnf In� :�,Nh1,�
<br /> � accordance with EnvPonmental Lnw. �..
<br /> �l Envlronmento L.Aw andpthaafolbwh�subsa cesg S ONno Ckerofen6`Oth6r fl�mmYblYSOr�tO Y; atrotkum r oduo s,dto�p substances by � .,r�.���„�,
<br /> p 90 Pe P Postbld�s�nd W � ,x..
<br /> herb�ldes,volatlle soMents,m�teripls containhy asbeatos or tomwldehyda, and r4dfaaathro mttarials. As usod h thls parapreph 20, �•;..
<br /> a,x,::. :
<br /> 'Environmental Law" mean8 tederal Inws and lawa of the Jurisdbtbn where the Property Fs bcated that rol�t� to heakh. afaty or �=«-._.
<br /> ��. envkonmental protoctbn. f��+-�.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. sorroww ond Lender tuRher Covanant and aproe �ts toAOws: � �
<br /> �.E:�s_= �
<br /> 21. Acceleratton; Remedles. Lender ahall q(vo notiae W Borrower prtor to aaoeleratton tollowtnp ___
<br /> � � Borrower's breach of eny covanant o� a�reemant tn this Security InaVument (but not prinr to
<br /> � ecceteratlon under pareqreph 17 unlea applicabte law provides otherwise). The notice shall speclfy:
<br /> - � (a) tite oeTauii; ioj ihe aciion requi��su av cuio u`�& �ois�ii; (�j s �,ats, �io: iE:: u'��� 3i'i de�i: i:8ti: tiio
<br /> , date the notice is glven 3o Borrower. by which the defautt mu�t be cured; and (d) that failurs to cure _
<br /> the defeult on or betore the date specified In the notice mey rewlt In ecceleration ot the wma
<br /> ., �ecured by thls Security instrument end sale of the Property. The noUce ahall turther Iniorm
<br /> , Borrower of the rl�ht to reln�tsts �fter accsleretion and the �Ipht to brinq a eourt eetion to ossert ths
<br /> non-exlstencs of a detault or eny other defenes ot Borrowar to acceleratton and als. I(the dehult la _
<br /> not aured on or betore the date �pecified In the notice� Lsnder et Its optlon m�y requlre immedr�te
<br /> psymsnt In full of ell wms seour�d by thls Securlty In�trument wlthout furfher dem�nd and m�y - ;�_
<br /> �s; Invoke the power of ssle and any other remedies permitted by eppitcabie Isw. Lende� sh�ll bs -
<br /> entitled to coilect �II 0xpenaea Incurred In pursulnq th� remediea provided In thls par�yraph 21� �____
<br /> Includinp, but not Ilmlted to, rea�aneble attorneys' fees and costs of t(tle evidence.
<br /> ' If the power of aale is Invoked, Tr�estee ahall recard e notice of default I� each county In which
<br /> sny pa�t of the Property Is located end shall mail coples of auch notice In the manne� prescNbed by �;'R
<br /> epplicabte lew to Borrower end to the ather peraons preacribed by appitceble law. After the time
<br /> requlred by applicable law, Truatee aheU pive publlc notice of aale to the peraona and In the menner
<br /> pr�sar(bed ty appticeble l��:�. Truatee, witheut �emand �n Lerrnwer, ahi�tl eell th- Pr�nertv ,..*puBlic `_ -_- __
<br /> euction to the hl�heat btdder et the time end ptace and under the terms deslqnated tn the notice o4 �`-
<br /> aale tn one or more parcels end In any order Truatee determines. Trustee mey poatpone sale ot alt
<br /> = or any parcei of the Property by public announcement at the time end place of any prevlously -- _
<br /> sahaduled aale. Lender or tta deaipnee may purchase the Prope�ty at any aale. _=--
<br /> - Upon receipt ot payment of the priee bid, TruatQe ahall deliver to the purchaser Truatee'a deed
<br />- conveyinq the Property. The recitels in the 7�uatee'a deed shell be pr(ma fecie evldenae of the truth �`����
<br />- oi the atetements mede therein. Truatee shell apply the proceeds af the aale tn the tollowtnp order: .=-
<br />_ (a) to eIi caata end expenaea ot exerclslny the powe� of aale, and the sale, Includiny the payment of .�:s,'°"'�`;'
<br /> the Truatee'a fees eatuelly incurr�d, not to exceed 3 % of the pr(ncipel smount of the note ';, �°� �.�
<br /> � et the ttme ot the decleratlon ot default, end reasoneble ettornsy's fees es permitted by lew; (b)to ell ;.,�,�;��;�.�.d.,�„�:�ir�:
<br /> � sums secured by thls Securlty Inatrument; end (c) eny excess to the peraon or peraons leqelly ;•::" ` _ :�:`�
<br /> entitled to (t. ���_"�
<br /> � 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of a�swns sec��red by thls SecurRy Instrument,Lender shell request Tmstee to reCOnvey • �n''.�'k','•;,.•,
<br /> . a...wt �� ,
<br /> i the Property and shall surtender thls SecurRy Inswmont an�all notos evidenchp debt sacu�ed by this SoCUrity InBWmant to Trust�. ���`�"'� "
<br /> Trustee shell reconvo the Pro erty wRhout wpRanl and wfthout cnar to tho ason or arsons ��'j
<br /> I y p y pa p p lopaily ontklod to k. Suoh p�rson or _
<br /> persons shail pey eny reaordetbn costs. •Y .
<br />_ f �
<br /> � 23. SubBtltute Trustee. Lender, at its optbn, may trom tkne to tme remove rruotee and appolnt a succe�sor weteo to .
<br /> ' any Trustee appohted herounder by an Inslrument recorded fn the county In wh{ch thls SeCUrRy Inetrument Is recorded,Wkhout -
<br /> conveyance of tlie Property, succossor trustse shall succeed to all the title,power and dutles conlerred upon Trustee hereln and by , • ,
<br /> i..
<br /> , . aMlM�tiouiu� . � --._--_..----.-
<br /> � 24. Hequest for Noticea. Bonower requests that coples ol the notfces ol delauk and sale bo sent to Bonower's iddresa
<br /> ; whlCh Is the PrOperty Address. '
<br /> - 25. Rlders t0 th(8 SCCU�ity Instfument. If one or more ridars ere executed by Borrower and recorded topolher wRh I
<br /> this Security Instrument, the covenents and egreements of eaCh SuCh rider 5hell be incorporated Into and shali emend and supplemant
<br /> the covenants end egreements of this Security Inslrument as If the ridor(s) wore s part ot thls Security Instrument.
<br /> . Form 902a C/00 -
<br /> F�0?9.LM�(6/87) PlB�4 0l 6 •
<br /> ' I
<br /> I
<br /> Y 57P
<br /> I..
<br />