.�� . . ._
<br /> ��-- ' r _ a rv,. 'S �n3.t��NM..':tW" "PIh_t'. ___-,�_.: ..,..-_
<br /> - -- . - -- _.._._.i . ..•c;_,::a.� 1.� _t!-r-�;.:'r!+?lQ���r.
<br /> _,�c-ar ... .,r�r'�Ml�`g"�����t?q��.-"!5�--'F'^rr+'----:-.-,..- . . . - __.
<br />-. , • p �
<br /> �,� • =
<br /> .r���� .� . • Bonow�r'�o�orow�000un! undK lh�hd�rd RMI E�ut�B�ttNrtNr►! ProeWura Aat of tO7�n un�nd�d kom tlm� to tMrM, 12 U.B.C. �—
<br /> ,�, •2601�! tsq. ('F�BPA"l,unM�s�noth�r Irw that�pPMq to!h�Fund� �N��Mfar urwunt. If so,L�nd�r n►�y, �t�ny tlm�,oolMot�nd `y
<br /> ;��. hob Fund� h u► unount not to axcNd th�Nster amoum. Unrf�r rt+�y�stkn�t�th� Rmount of�und� dus on th�batk af aurtant dat�y �
<br /> 6 and r�ason�bb�stlrat�s of axp�ndRur�s oi futuu EfCruw It�mf or o2h�rwM�� h accotd�nce wkh�pp1lC�bb I�w.
<br /> �.� Th• Fund� shall t» RNd h �n hstNutbn who�� Wpo�A� u� htur�d by a fod�ral �penoy, fnetrumentalRy, or sntity (Inoludhp � '
<br /> , ; { L�nd�r, u L�nd�r k suoh an h�tkutbn) �r h any F�dMal HorrM Lo�n B�nk. l.�nd�r thaN�pply lh� Funds to p�Y �� E��oM' ��«^�• � �
<br /> � L�nd�r may not aharpa Borrow�r (or holdh� �nd appytn0 th�Fundt,annuaMy anayzinp th��scrow �coount, or wrMylnp th� E�orow Q
<br /> .t �"
<br /> It�m1, unMss Ur►dar pny� Bortower fntK�tt on th� Funds�nd�ppNcabM kw pKmke L�nd�r to m�k� tuah a ah�rp�. Howw�r,UnWr �
<br /> � �•�' may roqufn BoROw�r to pay a on♦tlm� ch�rq�lor rn fndlp�r►d�nt rwl�ttRto tuc nportlnp tavbe us�d by Latd�n c�onn�atbn wil(� � t
<br /> � . s thb ban,unws� app�babM Isw provWas othWwts�. UnMtt an�arwm�nt Is mtd� or�pplb�bM kw r�qulr�� htM�st to b� ptld, L�nd�r� _
<br /> ��:.r;+�'! sh�W not b�roquir�d to pty BOrrow�r any Int�ost or�aminps on th�Funds. Bortowor and l.widor►rwy aproo In wrRhy, howaver,thet � �_
<br /> . y„.:,
<br /> ' ��y� . int�r�st �hail b� ptld qn tha Funds, Und�r �hau pN�to Bortow�r, wkhout oh�rp�, 4n annutl acaountinp of th� Fundt, show y
<br /> ,,,w,��y�. o►YdKo ind dabRs to th�Fundt and tha purpos�for whbh �YOh dabk to th�Fund� wl� mtd�• Th�Funds an plsdp�d a addklonal
<br /> �c• securRy tor aN eumt aocured by thb S�curily Inttrumm4.
<br /> � If tha Funds hafd by Lonckr axc�sd th� amount�pamkbd to ba hold by npplbabM i�w, Londar thall�coount to Borrow�r for th� `
<br /> s exc��s Funds h accad�nc� wRh th� roqulnr►'wntt ol applicabM �w. If th�unount ot th� Funds hNd by Undor�t any tYrN N not
<br />_ �• suM�lw�t to pty th�Escrow Items whsn dw, UndK meY so notlry Borroww In wrkhp,ond,h suoh oasa Borrow�r shaM pay to L�ncNr
<br /> _ � the imount necesrary to make up the dolblanoy. BorrowK sh�q mak� up th�dNbMnoy h no mon th�n tw�hh monthy p�ymK►ri�at y
<br /> Lende�'s sofe discretlon. --
<br />' a Upon paymant h fuA of aW sum�sacurad by thb Socurky Instrumant, L�ndrK thaA promptly rofund to Bonoww �ny Funds hald by � �
<br /> �?1
<br /> Lender. It, undar parepraph 2t, Lander shall acquka or sell tho Prop�rty, Londor,prbr to the acqulskbn or sab of tha Propwty,ahaN � �
<br />� eppy any Funds hotd by Landor at tha tUn� of oCqulskton or aak as n cridk�qainet th�sums socurad by thk S�outity Inatrumant. �n
<br /> $. AppUcetton of Payments. Unless appllcabb Ww provldos othorwisi, aN payments racoHad by Lander under par�prapht��
<br /> 1 end 2 shaY ba applied: fkst,to any pnpaymait cha►ye� duo under th� Nota; saoond, to nmounts payabla und�paroqroph 2;third(Tj �
<br /> H
<br /> � to Intanst dus;fourth,to princtpal dua; �nd last,to my 4te ch�rp�s dus undw th�Nob. 8
<br /> 4. Charqea; LIC110. BoROwer ehall pay a1 tax�s, �sasssmant�, ch�rqes, finas �nd Imposkbns attributabw to th� Prop�rty�i.�
<br /> whkh may attain priorfty ovar thls Socurdy Inatrum�nt, �nd kasahold payments or pround rents, B any. BortowK shall pay thase
<br /> oblqatbns in the manner provided h purtpreph 2, or N not pald in that manner, Bortowx aha8 pay th«n on tfm�direaty to ths panon
<br /> owed ptymw�t• Bortowar shtN prompty lumbh to Undor aA notb�s� ot amounts to b�ptkl untkr thb p�npraph. if Borrow�r mtk�s
<br /> �� thase prymonts dfrsaty, BoROwar sh�N prompty tumbh to L�nder nc�ipts wki�nolnq th� p�ymaits.
<br /> y Bortower shaA prompty disohtrpo Rny lien whbh h�s prbrky owr this Seourky Inttrummt unMsa BortowK:(a)�pnas In wrkiny to
<br /> tt»paynwr►t ot tha oblipatbn�ocur�d by th� Ikn In� rn�nnw oca�pG►bw to Land�; (b) aontast� fn pood hRh th� Yen by,or dota�ds
<br />- � ap�hst antarcarnent of th�Ilen In,kpal proc�adhfls whbh In the Londore opinbn opant�to pravont th��nforc�t ot th�Ikn;or(o)
<br />- secures hom the holder of the Ilen an �prewnent utisleatory to Lender aubordinatinp th� lien to thia 3acurky In�Wmsnt. If Lw►dw
<br /> ,._:_ -- -
<br /> detormhos that �ny pert of tha Prop�ty It subJeat tv a IWn whbh rtwy attan prioriry ovu ihir Sa;uritlr In62�um..""it� l..�� �%Q" °
<br /> � � Barow�r a notba Ida�tMylnp tha Ikn. BonowK sh�t satbfy tM tian or Wca onv or mon of th�actions s�t foRh Rbow wNhh 10 d�yt
<br />- al tho qNhp of not�a.
<br /> ' ` 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. BdrOwlr shtN kKp th� Ynprovornmts now �xbtYtQ 0► h�rMftK �Cbd On t11�
<br /> i. . Proparty hsund tpainst bss by fin, hwrds hcludod wkhM th� t�rtn 'wdandad covwapP and any othK hwrds,IncludYp fbods or
<br />- }��{&�p, (pr whlCh Undar r�qulr�� InsuttnC�. Thk IntutanC� •hnN 1» mtlnGtin�d In tM �mounta �nd for th� pKbd� lMt Undar
<br /> �� ��}�� ' roquk�s. Th� Insuanc�cartbr provldinp th� Insunne�ehaN l»ohos�n by Bortow�r subNCt to L�ndws�pproval whfoh thaY not 1�
<br /> :F••. ,
<br />-- unr�asonaby wRhhald. If BortowK fafl�to rruht4in cown0� descrb�d abow, L�nd�r may,at Und��optlo.�,obtah cownp� o
<br /> � ��• prot�ct L�ndK's rfpht� in th�PropKty h�ccordanc�wkh panprYph 7.
<br /> All hsunnc�poUaMs �nd nn�wals thall b�acc�pt�bfa to Londar and shall inalud�a standud mortyapi aMuN. L�nd�t sh�l havr
<br /> �.x•r: th�riyht to hold lha pollaM�and ranwwals. II Landor roqulroa, BoROwx ehtll promptly plw to LandK�N napt� ot p�id pnmiuro�
<br />�'� �"'�'A '� and ran�wal noticoa. In th�YVMI Of b36, BonowK shall piw prompt notb� to th�hturanc�c�rcNr and Und�r.L�ndrt may m�ic�
<br /> _,.,,..,,. ..,,,
<br /> _,_�,� proof of bss H not made prompty by Oorrower.
<br /> ; ---:�;� Unpss Lander and Borrowar othcrwt:: :�Q�`h^. !��=�a=�r.!"`-'��=^"w proCwds �hall b� �pplisd to nstontbn or rpair of th�Prop�rty
<br /> ' domaqed, M tho rostoratbn or rep4lr b ocanomfc�ly fwsfbw ond la►d�s e�curky la not lasa�nad. If th�nsrontlon or repaM k not
<br />�� '` economfca�ry taa�ibk or Landar� acurity would M Msssn�d, tha hsuranc�procNd� shdl M applfod to th�wms s�cund by thlt
<br /> SocurNy Inatrument, whathK or �ot thon du�, wkh any �xc�ss �ald to BortowM. If Borroww ah�ndons th�Propwty, or doa not
<br />�.,. enswer wRhh 30 days a not�� hom Undar that th� Insunnco oartix ha4 of(K�d to �ottb a c4lm, th�n L�dK rr�y coNOat th�
<br /> ..:�.--
<br /> - insurance proceeda. Londar m4y uso thv procwds to rop4ir or roston tho Proparty or to pny sums sxund by thls S�aur
<br /> Inatrumont,whathw'or not th�n dw. Th�30�doy pK1od wIN bopin whan th�notic�Is yMan.
<br /> � Unkas Londa and Borcowor othawko ayree h wrRhq,4ny appucntbn of proc�ds to prNclpal ehaW not wctaid or postpona th�
<br /> �
<br /> � . duo data of tha monthly paymanta rafarod to h poraqrapha 1 and 2 or ahanpa tha amount ot tho paymants. If und�r paropraph 21
<br /> i r tho Property�acqured by Lander, Borcow��ripht to�ny Insurancs polblea and prxaeds rosukhy from darrNp�to th�PropKty prior
<br /> to the acqulsitlon shall pasa to Lender to the uctent af the sums securod by this SvcurNy Inatrument InxrNdlat�y prbr to th�
<br /> x � acqulsftbn.
<br /> � ! 6. Occupancy, Preaervation� Melntenence and Protectlon ot the Property; Borrower'� Loan
<br /> ' AppllCatt011; Leaaeholds. Bonower shnll occupy, establish,ond use the Proporty as BoROwer6 prinCipil resWanCi wRhin sbcty
<br /> dflys efter the executbn of thls Securky Instrument and shaN conthue to occupy tha Property ss Bortowers prholpal resWenCe for at
<br /> �east one year after the date ol occupancy, unless Lander otherw�se apreea h wrfthp, whk:h consont shoN not b� unrotsonaby
<br /> � wnhheld, or unlasa extenuathy ckcumstances exlst whfch are beyond Bortower's conVOl. BoROwer shall not destroy, dam�pa or Impair
<br /> � Ihe Proporty,albw the Property to deterbrate,or rommR weste on the Property. Borrow�r sh�ll bo h defauR M nny torfekuro actbn or
<br /> proceedlnq,whether aNll or crknhal, is begun that h Lendere qood fakh Judpment could resuR fn (orteRure of the Property or othorwls�
<br /> • meter�ally fmpak the Ilen areated by thls SeCUrity Instrument or Lenders security Interest. Bortower rtwy cure suoh a datauk and
<br /> �on�eu�a na nrovided h naraarenh 18,bvi ceus{np the actbn or proceedlnp to be dlsmissed with e rulhp that, in Lenders pood f8kh ;
<br /> detertnfnntlon, precludes foAeiture of the Borrowefs Interest In the Property or other materlal knpalrment of lhe I�en cr6ntea by tnis
<br /> ' Security Insirument or Lenders seCUrity hterest. Bortower shell also be h de�auft If Borrower, durinq the ban applicatbn process,
<br /> � Qeve materially lalse or Inaccurate infomiation or statoments to Lendor (or failed to provlde Lender wRh Bny materlal htormatbn) fn �
<br /> � connectlon wfth the Ioan evidsnced by the Note,Includhp, but not IlmRed to, represontatbns conceminp Bortowers occupanoy of the �,
<br /> � Property as a pnc��pal residenco. If this Security Instrument Is on a leasehold, Bortower shall comply with 411 the provlabna of the !
<br /> j lease. If Borrower acqutres fee title to the Property, Ihe Ieasehold and tho tee tkle sheli not merqe unless the Lender aqrees to the
<br /> � mergor In wrRing. Fo�m aose eioo
<br /> Ft07.n.LMO(6187) Ptpt 2 0l 6
<br /> II G20
<br /> .. ._..__ ._._ _ ___. ..
<br /> ��_ _. _._. . _ . ._. .
<br />