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<br /> 'Proceeds')In ccmnectlon with condemnatlon or other teking of tho Property orpert thereof,or fot conveyance In ueu of condemnation. •
<br /> • Lender ehall be entitled et Ita option to wmmence,eppear In and proaecute InAe own name eny actlon or proceedings,end shall also
<br /> be entitled to make any compromise or settlement In connectlon wlth euch teklnp or damape.In the event any porlbn of the Property Is
<br /> so teken or dameged, Lender sheil heve the option In Its sole and ebsolute dlacretlon, to epply nit such procaeds, after deducting _
<br /> lhereirom all costs 6nd expenses Incurred by It In connectlon with such Proceeds.upon any Indebtedness secured hereby nnd In such _
<br /> order as Lender may determine,or to epply ell euch Proceeds,after euch deductlana, to tho restaretlon ot lhe Property upon such con- -_
<br /> dltiana as Lender may determine.Any appticatlon of Proceeds to Indebledna�e ehell not extend or poalpone the due dete oi any pey . a. �_
<br /> manla undar the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unapDUed(unde shall be peld to Truetor.
<br /> 8. P��formana by L�ndar.Upon fh�occ�urrence of an Fvent oi Default hereunder,or If any ect Is taken or lepal proceeding . •.
<br /> commenced which matorlally atfects Lender's Interoet In the Property,Lender may In Ite own diecrotlon,but wlthout obligation to do so, , _
<br /> end without notice to or demand upon Trustor and wlthout releaaing Truator Irom eny obllpatlon,do eny act which Trustur has agreed :�w_
<br /> " � but falled to do and may also do any other act It deems neceesary to protect tha security hereoL Trustor ahall, immediately upon ; E
<br /> ° demend therefor by Lender,pay to Lender ell costs end expenaes Incurred and surns expended by Lender In connection wilh the exer- . ��
<br /> clse by Lender af the forego(ng rights,together wlth fnterest theroon at lhe detault rele provided In the Note, whlch shall be edded to +� ,�`,:-�
<br /> , �.=-- .
<br /> the Indebtedness secured hereby.Lender sheli not incur eny Ilebllity beceuse d enylhing It mey do or omit to do hereunder. ,,�,��.T.•�;
<br /> � 9. Hassrdou�MatsNets. Truator ehall keep the Property in compltance wlth eil appAcabla laws, ordtnances and regulatlons <;!�.i:�.•_
<br /> { relattng to Industrial hygfene or envlrunmental protectlon(collectivoiy refarred to hereln as'Environmentel Lawe').Truator shall keep ��,�,;._�:•.�_
<br /> lhe Property free from all substences deemed to be hazardous or toxlc undereny Environmentel Lews(collectivoly referred to herein . �---
<br /> as'Hazardoua MeteBats').Trustor hareby werrants and represents ta Lender that there ero na Hezardoue Materlals on or under the �'��`� -
<br /> Property.Truator hereby egrees to indemnlfy ond hold harmleas Lendor,Its directore,o�icere,employeee and epente,and any succeo-
<br /> sars ta Lenders interest,trom and egalnst any and ell ctalms,demegee,losaes and Ilebllitlee erlelnp In connectbn wlth the preaence,
<br /> f 1 0.Aat pnm�nt oi R�nts.Trustor hereby eastgns to Lender, end grents Lender a sacurfty inlereat In,all prosont,luture and .: �
<br /> � after arising rents,loaues and proflts of the Property:provlded that Trustor s he n, u n t l t t h e o c c u r r e n c e o t e n E v e n t o t D e f e u i t,h e r e u n d e r, ;�'•
<br /> � have the tlght to collect and retaln such rents,issues and proflts as they become due and peyabla.Upon the occurcence oi an Event oi :;;�,.�.,::`.
<br /> � ; Qeieult,Lender mAy,either in person or by agent,with or wlthout bringing any ectlon or proceedinp, or by a receiver eppointed by e �_�
<br /> court end without regard to the edequacy ot its security,enter upon and take posseasion of the Property,or any pert thereot,In fts own ^
<br /> neme or in the name of the Trustee,and do any ects which It deems necesaary or des ira b le to preserve the value,mArketability or �,`_.
<br /> rentnbllity of the Property,or any part thereof or interest thereln,or to Increase the Income thereirom or protect thn secudty Nereof and, ,-:�_.
<br /> �' with or without teking possesaion of the Property,eue for or otherwlae collect lhe rents,Iseues end protits thereof,Including lhose pest ���-
<br /> due end unpald,by notifying tenants to make payments to Lender.Londer may apply renta,Issues end proflts,tasa coets and expens- •:;,�•, � ��
<br /> �, ea of operaUon end callection Including attorney's fees,to any indebtednesa secured horeby,all In such order ea Lender may deter- • vs�::, :�•—_
<br /> mine. The entering upon and teking possesslon of the Property, the collectbn oi auch renta,Issues and profl►s,and the eppllcaUon � ;=.
<br /> thereot as etore3afd shall not curo or walve any defautt or notice oi detault hereunder or Invelldate any act done In response to euch .�� 4�`• °r
<br /> :'�'�
<br /> - defauit or pursuent to euct� notice of defauii nnd, ��ut�riihsiandln$ihe r.an:hsssncs�n ¢^aawanl�n of the property or the collectlon, N;: :G�,�
<br /> recetpt and appiicatbn of rents,issuea or proflts,Trustee and Lender ehelt be enqUed to exerclse evory ripht provlded for in eny ot lhe ,,,_
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot eny Event of Default, inctudln�wilhout Iimltetlon the right to exerclse the power oi sale. � '��
<br /> �'��
<br /> Further,Lender's rights and remedloe under thls paregraph shell be cumuleiNe wilh,and in no way a Ilm{tetion on,Lendere rlphte end K=-
<br /> � remedies under any assignment of leases end rents recorded egalnst lhe Property. Lender,Truetee end the recelver ehali be Ilable to ��'
<br /> ecraunt only far thoae ren�q actuaily recelved. ���
<br /> ' � 17.Ev�nb ot O�taul�The foilowing ahali consdtute an Evant ot Dofault under�hls Dood of Trust: �..':
<br /> f� (a)Fatiure to pey eny Insteilment of pHnclpel or Interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach of or default under any provlslon contalned In the Nole, thls Deed of Trust,any of the Laan Instrumente,or eny
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrence upon the Property; -
<br /> (c)A writ ot execution or ettechment or eny slmiler process shall be entered agalnst Trustor which ehall become a Ilen on �_
<br /> , � the Property or any portlon thereof or interest thereln; _
<br /> (d)There shell be iiled by or against Trustor or Borrower en action under eny present or future federal,stets or olher atehde,
<br /> � lew or regutetion relatinp to bankruptcy,insolvo�icy or other rellef for debton;or there ehall be oppointsd�ny trwtse,roGiver cx
<br /> ` Iiquidetor ot Trustor or Borrower or oi ell or eny part of the Property.a lhe rente,fssuos or proflta thereof,or Trustor or Borrower -
<br /> :r' snali rnaicn a��y gene�al ass��7�mant tor the beneflt oi creditors; °-'-""- -_- -
<br /> ;�, (e)The sale,transfer, lease,asslgnment, convaysnce or turther encumbrence of all or eny peR ol or any fntereet In the ie..,�_.___.
<br /> Propedy, elther voluntarlly or Involunterfly,wlthout the expreas written consent of Lender;provldad that Trustor shall be pertnit-
<br /> �'' ted to execule a lease of the Property that dc�es not cantaln en opilon to purchase end the term of which does not exceed one �,_
<br /> .. year, �-______
<br /> v. (�Abandonment of the Property;or �-
<br /> (p)If Trustor is not en Individual,the lasuence,sale,trenster, as�lgnment,conveyance or encumbrence oi more than(If a ��� _�
<br /> wrporetion)a total ot percent of Its iasued end outstanding stock,or(if a partnerehip) �totel ot per- ;�• �--:
<br /> cent oi partnerahlp intereais,or(If a Ilmited Ilablliry campany) e total of pc�rovnt o(the Ilmited ifabllity oompa- ��� y ,� ^ :�
<br /> ny Interests or voting rlyhts during the period thls Deed of Trust romehs a Ilen on the property. ;t,, Y;�•_':��'
<br /> 12.P.orncdlos;AccN�rAtion Upon Dsfault.In the event of any Evenl of Detault Lender may,without notice except es requlred •� ��,-,,-''.�;�._
<br /> • by law,declare all Indebtedness secured horeby to bo due end peyable end the seme shall theroupon become due and peyable wit�- � •:ay�c,�='� -
<br /> out any presentment, demend,protest or notice of any klnd.Thereafter Lender rney: � .
<br /> (e)Demand that Trustee exercise the PvWER OF SALE granted horeln,and Trustee shall thereaRer cause Trustor's Intor-
<br />= est in tho Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distrlbuted,ell In the manner provlded In tho Nebreska Trust DeedR Act;
<br /> _ (b) Exercfse any and all rights provided for In any ot the Loan Instruments or by lew upan occurronce oi eny Event oi
<br />_ Default; and ,
<br />_ (c)Commencc�an actlon to foreclose this Deed of Trust es e marlge9e,eppolnt a recelver,or epecHicelly enforce eny of the
<br /> covenants hereof.
<br />� No remedy heretn conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be exclusiv9 of any other remedy herein,in the Loan .
<br />= Instruments or by law provlded or permltted,but each ehall be cumuletive,shali be in eddltion to every other remedy given hereundor,
<br />- In lhe Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at lew or In equity or by str�tute,end may be exerclsed concurcontly,Indepe�dentty
<br /> or succesively. �
<br /> 13.Truotee.The Truatee may resign at eny tlme wlthout cause,and Lender may at any tlme end without couse eppolnt a suc-
<br /> , . .._...-•- --••- .,.
<br /> . �....�..�.,., W��►,.,��r umuAri���pndnr.eorrower.Trustor or any Dur-�
<br />, , cessor or Quosumte i rustee.i rusiee snaii noi un na��o�v o��r No�.�.��,..•••�.�d ...-•--- .. ----- - . - -=- = -
<br /> � , chaser of the Property,for any toss or damage unloss due to reckless or wipful misconduct,and ahatl not be requtrod to teko any actlon
<br />" In connection with the enforcement of thls Deed of Trust unless indemnffled,In wrfting,for alI costs,compensetion or exponses whlch
<br /> ' may bo associated therewith.In additlon,Tructee may become a purchaser et any sale oi the Properly Qudiclol or undor the power of
<br /> ' saie granted herein); postpone the sale of all or eny portion of the Proporty,es Pro��ded by law;or sell the Property as e wholo,or in
<br /> ' separate parcels or lots at Trustao's discrotlon.
<br /> 14.Feos and Expenses.In the event TiUStee seils the Property byoxerclse of power of salo,Truatee shail be c►nlitied to apply f
<br /> any sale proceeds ilrst to payment of ell costs and expenses of exerclsing power of sele,Includlnp ali Truatee'a fees,end Londor's end �
<br /> Trustee's attomey's fees, actually Incurred to extent permitted by applicable law. In the event Borrower or Trustor exorclsos any right �
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event ot Default,Lendor sheil be entitled to recover irom Trustor ali costs end expenses actual�y Incurrod os '
<br /> a result of Trustors defeult,Includfng wlthout Ilmltetlon all Trustoe's and attaney's fees,to tho oxtent permltted by appllcable law. j
<br /> '` 15.Futura Advances.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may, al Its optlon, make additlonal end future advences �nd rond-
<br />- _ vances to�iorrower. Such advances and readvances,with Interest thereon,shall bo secured by thls Deed of Trust.At nu tlme sholl tlt� �
<br /> ;
<br />� i
<br /> � _ - _
<br /> _ _
<br />