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..�! . .. . .. . �_ <br /> ,� ,s;, � ��: � �.w�,�i�. <br /> .t;'t;, .. . . , _ .. • . . k±'"��$, <br /> . .. �+i4tIlM�1�'q'�"`... . + ..'"' ' . . ' .�, "r� . ' : • . ,.un.,.� ,�,:'�'�F{�.'1'y'.- <br /> � v�W��'��-' <br /> . 7` ".i'._x. _ <br /> � /V* r�+A .'.`;�•�._''��-!s; <br /> � ��Q'Dd`! � �,_,;�_c_ <br /> priiicip�l�mount ol lhe indebted�est secured by thls De�d of Truet,not Includtnp sums advanced ta proteo't the security of lhla Deed af ==�- <br /> Trust,Axceed the orl Inel ►incl al emount stated hereln or$ 1� �00.0'7 ' r�� <br /> � 1A.Ml�sdl�n�oui Provl�lors�. ' ' ,whlchever is greater. , <br /> � (�)Etoreow�r Not RNaud.Extenalon ot the tlme for payment or modiflcation of omortlzation of the suma secured by thfa '.'���• <br /> D�ed o(Trwt prentai by Undq t�any euccessor In Interest of Borrower shall not operete to releese,In any manner,lhe Ileblli- a�-� <br /> ly of ths arl�inel Borrower and Borrower's auccessors In Interest. I.onder shall not be requlred to commence proceedinga ' '�Y` <br /> epalnrt wch succe4sor or retuae to extend tlme for peyment ar otherwlse modlfy amortlzation of the sums aecured by thla � ' •"-_- <br /> " Da�d of Tru�t by reason of eny damanda mede by the originel 8orrower and Bprrowers succesaors tn Interost. li"-� <br /> (b)L�nd�r'�Pow�rs.Wlthout eHecting the Ilabillty�f any other porson Ileble for the payment of any o611gation hereln men- � -v-__ <br /> Nonecl,nnd w(thout Atfectinp the Ilen or cherge of thls Doed of Trust upon any po�lon of tha I'roporty not then or tharototom �" — <br /> rebs�ed��sscudty for tM full emount oi all unpaid obllgatlons,Lender may,fram time to Gme end withaut noBcs @ reieaae ����•�z' <br /> ��,,,,,.� . eny ps►eon so Ilabls, (II) exlend the maturity or alter eny ot the terms of any auch obiigations,(ili)gren:othor Indutgences,(iv) � •Y,'' u_ <br /> „ , ,,,� roleASe pr reconvey, or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time at I.endePs option eny parcel,portlon or ell of the " ' ' � ;�=;; <br /> Property,(v)teke nr releeae any other or additbnal aecurity for any oblipation hereln mendoned,or(vq make compositiona or ..�.�}��^=- _ <br /> other errengements with dehtoro in relatfon thereto. '.•_ ��' <br /> (a)Forb��nnc�by L�nd��Not a Walv�r.Any forbearance by Lender in exerclsinp eny rlght or remedy hereunder,or oth- � <br /> ervvlse efforded by applicabb law,shall not be e waiver of or preclude the exerclae of eny such�ight or ramedy.,The procure- '• ��, <br /> ment of Insurence or the payment oi taxes or other Ilena or charges by Lender ahall not be d�walvi�or•Le1ldeYs rl t to acceter- ,�',` <br /> ate the maturlty oi lhe Indebtedness aecured by thts Deed of Trust .�•`+.^;.,� "� t+':'— <br /> • (d)Succ�sson�nd l4alpn�Bound;Jolnt and 3sveral LIabU(ty;Captions.Thq edvena►1te�'Antl e�ie�rilpA herein con- n-..' ; <br /> telnad shall bind,and the r�hLe hereunder chall Inure to, the respective suc:ceasors and essfgns�oPt�hd9 7rualor.All '•:� �=-- <br /> covanante and egroemente ot Truator ahell be Jotnt and several.The captlona and hesdings ot the peraprephs of thla Deed of `� '- <br /> Truat are for convenlence ordy and ere not to be used to interpret or deflne the provlatons hereot. ' <br /> (e)Rsqwst�or Notice�,The partlea hereby request thet a copy of any notico of default hereunder and a copy of any notice +. <br /> � of sale hereunder be malleQ to each party to this Deed oi Trust at the eddreas set Iarth ebovA in the menner preaaibed by ; <br /> epplk�able law.Except for eny olher notice requlred under eppllcabie law to be g(ven In another menner,eny notke provided far <br /> in thli Deed ot Trust eha116e given by malilnp euch notice by certifled mail addresaed to the other partiea,et the address set � <br /> I forth above.Any noNce provlded tor in thia Deed oi Truat shali be effective upon mafling in the manner designated herein. If <br /> i Truator te mare than one person,notice sent to the address set forth abave�hall bo notice to all such persone. • <br /> �� (fl Insp�atlon.Lende�mey make or cause to be mede r�esonable entries upon end inapectlona of the Property,provided . <br /> that Lander shall plve Truator noAce prlor to a�y such Inspectlon apecifying reasoneble cause therefor related to Lender's Inter- <br /> est In the Property. <br /> (g)R�conv�ymc�.Upon payment of ell sume secured by this Deed of Truat,Lender shall request Trustea to reconvey the . <br /> Property end ehall surrender thla Deed ot Trust end all notea evldencing Indebtednoss secured by this Deed oi Trust to <br /> .. � � Truatee.Tn�atee ehall reconvt�y the Property,without wananty and wlthout charge to the person or peroons legally enQUed <br /> thereto.Trostor shali pey all coata of recordatlon,If any. <br /> •• � (h) P�non�l Prop�rty;S�aurlly AprwrrNnt.Ae additlonal aecuriry for the payment of the Nota,Tn�stor hereby grenW _ <br /> Lender under the Nebreake Unllorm Commerclal Code a security Interest In all fixturea,equipment,end other pemonel property <br /> us�!n s�nnectlon:�!!h ttia re�!ssl�ls or!rr►prav�m:.nia lacaiad thsr�on,and rsoi othsnrrlss dacta�sd ar rlasm�ia�a paR af - <br /> the real eatate eecLred heroby.Thfs Inatrument ahell b�construed as a 8ecurlty Agreement under said Code, and the Lender — - <br /> shalt heva eil the dphte a�d remedle�ot a secured party under seid Code In eddit�on to the rights and remediee crealed under — <br /> �� end eccorded the Lender pursuant to thie Deed of Truoh,provided that Lender's rights end remedles under this pareDreph ehell <br /> be cumulallve with,end in no way a Ilmitation on,Lender'e rights and remedles under eny other security agreement elgned by <br /> Bo�rower or Tnista. - <br /> (f)Ll�ns�nd Encumbnnc�s.Trustor hdreby warrants end represents that there ta no defeult under the provtalons of any �. <br /> mortpage,deed af truet, le�s or purchase contrect deacribing all or eny part ot tha Property,or other contract,inatrument or �_��,�, <br /> epreement conetltuting a Ibn or encumbranco agelnst ell or any part ot the Property(collectively,'Liena'),ex(sUng es ot the - <br /> date of this Deed of TNat.end that eny and all existing Liens remain unmodifled except as dlsclosed to Lender in 7rueEors wdt- <br /> ten dfsclosure oi Ilene and encumbrencea provided for hereln. Truetor shell tlmely perform etl ot Trustor's obllpations, -�� <br /> covenants,representaAona end werrendes under eny end all existing and future Liens,shall promptly forvvard to Le�der cop�es � <br /> of all notices oi default senl In connectlon wlth any and eli exlating or future Llens,and ahall not wlthout Lendere prlor written <br /> conaent in any mann�ar mody tha provlsiona of or allow eny future edvances under eny exlating or future Iiena. <br /> Q)Appllcation of Paymants.Un[eas otherwiae required by law,sums peld to Lender hereunder,Including wltha�ul IimitaUon <br /> paymente oi principal and Interest, insurance proceeds,condemnetion proceeds and rente end proflts,shalf be applled by <br /> Lender to the amaunte due end owing from Trustos aad Borroti�ar!n:,u;;h ordor as Landar ir��b sole discratEon deems deatr- •°�-c- <br /> eble. <br /> (k)8�v�nbll{ty.If eny provleion of this Deed oI Truat conflicts wlth appllcable law or la declared Invelid or otherrWae unen- — <br /> torceabte,such conllict or Nvetidity ehall not eHect the olher provisiona of thls Deed oi Truat or the Note which can be gfven <br /> otfACt without the conflictinp provisbn,and to thla end the provlsions of this Deed oi Troat and the Note are dedared to be sew -" <br /> ereble. �•°_ <br /> (I)T�rms.The terma`Tmstor nnd'Borrowe�'shali Include both slneuler end plural,and when the Trustar end Bortower are <br /> the same person(s),those lerms as used In this Deed of Trust shall be fntarchangeable. �`�_�--�- --- <br /> (m)Oowrninp Law.TNe Deed of Trust shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Nebraska. �-�__ —° <br /> �� <br /> M ,����1y7%4!�i� <br /> .��.li,{� .a''!J�' <br /> . 1�.:j:n... <br /> .. _ .. .}' .. . <br /> � • <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> � Trustor ha x cuted this Deed of Trus4 es of the date wrltten above. " <br /> ; � ,/ �i � - <br /> L`� , � , /i .r� /� ,. ..1� � i"" . <br /> j teven . Ye ny Trustor Sharon K. Ye rn�stor <br />_ , � � .� �' ' � - ..--�---.._" <br />_ Truetor Trustor <br /> - i <br /> � � <br /> � <br />