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�p�:;��_,,�,,� ... . " ' >':Jt .,; . , _� . . <br /> ,o .r ::�`•Y <br /> �'.E.i � � :�! �.iff;. �:��I,;:S.r `. �1;: <br /> .itF6'\ . .. . r s�- - . <br /> �_. .. .._.. ....._._ . ,.._ .. .. . . ..... . —'----'-------- .. ' <br /> , . , . .,, ��. . �. _ <br /> '--' -. r-'.. .._.__._. _. __. . . . . •.�_ "j - �- — <br /> ' .. __...,r!��N+�'". _ . ',:,'`:"�_Ty�_ <br /> J J � �,� �..� .. �__--��-,:s= <br /> !'' ' � �1 t/� - ' ^; :.T:u="---� <br /> . •.� n r� `' � i � : ! '`' �p c, cn rn .5`.�`u=_= --- <br /> •. �� �, �,� I,' � ; . � � � � 1_ ,.i,._•_ <br /> ��-' �� � � 1 .� � "� m � '--�" . `° , '�•, <br /> C� ` ' ' 7 c� � ° ' ca. <br /> � , '� (' � p k � �a• -M.� p x F+ ��" '' .. : `"'y,°- <br /> 2� l <br /> .. � � h 'i .O = r^ �. ��7 - <br /> � q � � � �-�'-. � o � _ <br /> � � n � r a ' . .. - <br /> �.j .(G � � F-� � Q� � ,1y:'•'°y�i�` .,. <br /> 4 � � n !-+ y N � �u,,::. <br /> _.�+�` , ,�1.+ � � ' W N ..R 2 - <br /> ` �r�� i..'�- <br /> w.-. <br /> O 4�.�: <br /> _... � � � ' ��:-� <br /> Q- ,i� �k--H. <br /> DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES �4.� <br /> � =_..^�:,a,�- -_ <br /> : ;:.�; � <br /> 11th da of December ,1g 97 ,byand among�� �'�3�-- - <br /> � e THIS DEED OF TRUST,is mede as ot the Y �j`�, �"� <br /> � t�eTruBtw, Steven E. Yenny and 3haron K. Yenn livaband and wife � � _ <br /> �� � • :—. <br /> j whose matun9 addreas is ?73 5 N• 0'Flanna�an� Crrand I sland� N E �hereln'Truato�',whether one ormore), �-� <br /> '--- <br /> � �� <br /> Bank of Doniphan '�_"""' <br /> ��. <br /> � the Truetoe _ <br /> herein�ruatee'),and � <br /> whose mailing addreas la HaX 27O+ DQni phan, NE ( �° <br /> � g the Beneticiary, �az�k o f Doni phan _ <br /> B o x 2 7'J r poni phan, NE 6$�32 (hereln"�ender'�. — <br /> whose mailing address is � <br /> � Yenny and <br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Inciudin�Len-"dJerr's extenslon of creditldend0ed herein to SteVE�ri E. <br /> � _ .� v�....,... h>>eh�r1P� gn(� y�yle - <br /> (herein'Borrowar, whettier one or more)and the Vust heretn created,the receipt <br /> IN TRUST WITH <br /> � of which Is hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby irrevocebly grants, transtero, conveys and enalpns to Tnrateo, � <br /> POWEFt OF SAL�,for tha beneflt end secudty of Lender,under end sea6Ject lq tiie terms and conditbns heretnaRer t forth,tho real <br /> � pr�pertydescdbedasioiiowa: iilo iOi��Ytez'1� Qrie H±tn�red �1�0) feet of the Nort�ierly <br /> � '1 One Hundred Twenty (12�) feet of Lot Eight (F3), Block Tlaree (3� , v1cicey <br /> � : Subdivision� Hall County, Nebraska <br /> '� Together with ell bufldinga,improvements,Qxtures,etreeta,etleys, p868AQOW8}�B. eaaements,rlghte,privilegea and appurtenencea <br /> tocated thereon or in enywise pertelning thereto,end the rents,lanues end profite,reverslona end remainders thareof. and euch per- __ <br /> Sona�property Ihat la attached to the improvements so es to conatitute a 1lxture,inctudinp,but not Iimited to,heating and coolinp equip- <br /> ��, ment;end to9ether w(th the homeatead or maritel Interosts,ii any,whlch Interoats era hereby releaaed end waived;all at which,Indud- i__ <br /> � ing reptacements end edditbns thereto,Is hereby dectered to be e pe�t oi the reai estate secured by tha Ilen oi thia Deed of Trust end _ <br /> � ell of the foregoing beinp referrod to herein as the'Property'. �� 2�� <br /> Thta Deed of Trust shall acure ca the peyment ot the principal sum and Interest eviden DeCem ex' �ote It egroe- <br /> . ^� ment dated December �1. 1�97 .havir�e matu�y dat0 ot - <br /> 7 in the odginal principal amount oi S �r>��°�� �and eny end all modiflcatbns, extenabna end renewuls � <br /> a � thereot or thereto end any end�ali future edvancea end readvancea to 6orrower (a any ot them If more then one)hereunder purouent � _ <br /> �' ' to one or more promissory notes a credlt eproemen4s(herein celled 'Note�;(b)lhe payrtient o i o thar aurns edvanced by Lender to <br /> � protect lhe security of the Note;(c)the pedom►ance of ell wvenants and egreements of Trustor eet forth harein;end(d)ell proaent end <br /> � future indebtedness end obllgations oi Borrower(or any ot them Ii more lhen on81 to Lender whether dtrect,Indlrect,ebaolute a contln- <br /> '� gent and whether erising by note,guaranty,overdraR or otherwise.The Note,this Deed oi Trust and eny and all other documents that -- <br /> � secure the Note or otherwise oxecuted In connectlon therewith,including without Ilmltation guerantees,security agreements end <br /> " � aasl�nments oi leases end rents,ahalt be reterred to herein as the'Loan InsWments'. -� <br /> Trustor covenants and egrees with Lender es foliows: ___ <br /> � 1. Peym�nt ot Ind�btedness.All Indebtedness secured hereby shell be pald when due. __�___ <br /> : 2. TIGe.Truator is lhe owner of the Property,has the rlght and authonty to convey the Property,end werrents that the Ilen creat- �, �A�`.___ <br /> � ed MerRby is e first end prlor Ilen on tho Property,except for Iiens and encurrebrances set forth by Trusto�In writing end delivered to :?�;;�,�,�°-�:T <br /> Lender before execution of thls Deed oi Trust, and the executlon and delivery o(thla Deed of Trust does not vlolete eny contract or -;,:,���,: <br /> other obligation to which Trustor is subJect. ,•��?pu' <br /> 3.Taxee, Assesamenta. To pay before delinquency all taxes, speclal assessments and all other cherges egalnst the Property ...�:^ <br /> �i now or hereafter levled. � • <br /> 4.Insunnc�.To keep the Property Insured egainst damage by 1Ire, hezards Included within the term'extended coverege",and <br /> Iauch other hazards es Lender may require, In amounts end with companiea aoec�pteble to Lender, naming Lender es an addiUonal <br /> I named Insured, wilh toss payable to the Lender. In case of tosa under such pd�fes,the Lender Ia authorized ta edJust,collect and <br /> compromise,all clalms thereunder and shall have tho option of epplying au or part ot the insurance proceeds(I)to any Indebtedness <br /> ' secured heroby and in such order as Lender may determine,(II)to the Trustor to ba uaed tor the repair or restoratio+�oi the Property or <br /> ! (lll)tor eny oiher purpose�r obJect sntisiectory to Lender wlthout eNecting thsi Ilen oi this Deed ot T►ust for the full arnount secured <br /> � hereby before such payment ever took piace.Any appiicatlona af proceeds to indebtedness ahall not extend or postpone the due date <br /> of any paVments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder. <br /> 's - '--- <br /> _��..�_.,a... �r..�e►nr chnll nav tn Lende�.11l such menner es Lender may deslgnate,SU�}ICleI11 <br /> 5.EttCfOw.upon wriiien uamea�w v� �o.�....�� . ..-._. _.._..�_� . _ -_—:_,:.-,. <br /> + sums to enable Londer to pay ea lhey become due one or more oi the following:(i)all texes,essessmonts and other charges againat <br /> the Property, (11)the premlums on tho property insurance requlred hereunder,and(ilf)the premlums on eny mortgage Insurance <br /> requlred by Lendsr. <br /> • 6. Malntenence, Ropa�ra end Compliancs w(th Laws.Trustor shell keop the Property In good conditlon and repeir;shall <br /> � promptly repair,or replace any Improvement which may be damagod or destroyed;shall not commlt or permit any waste or deteriora- <br /> � tfon of the Property;shall not remove,demollah or substantlaliy alter any ot lh�Improvements on the Property;shall not commit,euffer <br /> ch�rge et Trustor's�costand expense�all IR sr�encumb en eta�and charg s le ed Imposed ort1aoces ed agalnt t e roperty or any <br /> � part theteof. � <br /> 7. Emin�ant Domaln.Lender is hereby asslgned ali compensallon,swarde, damages end other payments or relief(hereinafter <br /> � NUC 5�311Nm�R�xy U�M)Hor 5�7�E <br /> � 014E�Nww16WdCUm�uTNfIrMS��npfAvWnWn.lA�dtNW11�a � <br /> I <br /> _��__l. '__'_.___ _____________ _____ __..__..... .. _ <br />