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.� . • . •, <br /> �. <br /> ____----- ------�--.— - -- : _ <br /> --- – . `r <br /> ------ <br /> --�-- <br /> - . ,'1 ?.�����T.'�w�M.l.w�•1tt�'1!?r9il<.. .. . . *�r...M�•t�+N1M[ '—._ -. .. �:" . �. �.. . •��•�,. .� �.>�+d.��Rl�� �'_ � - -:...� � <br /> � �. <br /> ! �' <br /> . �. �il�e°== <br /> _ .. �_ �"-.-__�.n;-.� <br /> ��'7'-i1��2 �-:'�:::' <br /> � cxccutrd for thc purposc of crcating, securing ur guzirantying thc ti��curcd Dcht. A good faiith hclir(hy l,cndcr th�it � <br /> I.cndcr at any timc is insccurc with respcct to iiny person or cntity ohligatcd un thc Sccurcd DcM or th��t thc prnspcct • •� <br /> ., ' af nny puym���t or thc valuc uf thc l'roperry is impaircd shall altio constitutc an cvent of dcf��ult. . <br /> + . 15. RF:MF:1)Ik:S ON DE;FAUI.T. In somc instnnecs,f��ler:�l and statc I.�w will reyuire Lende:r tc�prc►vide (�ranteir with . . <br /> � nuticc o! thc right to curc or othcr noticcs imd mFry csi;�hlish timc snc�dulcti for Cor��dosurc actions.5uhjcc�u�thcsc <br /> E limits�tions,if any, I_endcr m,ry acccicr.itc thc s«u��a n�i�� �ind fi�reclosr this Sccurity Instrumcnt in a m�inncr "f, <br /> �ttcwidcd hy Is�w if C'ira►ntor is in def.itdL <br /> �!� At thc option o(I.ender,all or any part of lhe ugreed fees and char�;e+,accrurd interest i►nd principul sh�ll F�ccomc •:•"�" <br /> ,�,,;; � immcdiatcly cluc :►nd payablc, uftcr giving nuticc iC rcyuircd by law, upun lhc occurrencc uf a dcl'ault csr anytimc .�t <br /> � , .,�,,,�� thcreuftcr.ln additian, I.cndcr shall hc �ntiticd to�11 th� r�mc.di�s provid�d by law, thc tcrms uf thc Sccurcd Dcbt, �_��.. <br /> this Security Instrument and any rclatcd documents,including without limitation,thc powcr tu scll the Properry. <br /> t If thcre is a default,Trustec shall,in addition othe:r permitted remcdy,at thc rcquest of thc [.rnder,advcrtisc ��� <br /> '. � a►nd scll thc Property as a wholc or in scparatc parcck�t puhlic auctinn to thc highcst hiddcr for cush and convcy �`�`-- <br /> : nbsolute tiUe frcc and cicar of all right, titic und interest of Grantor:it such time and plACC as Trustee dcsign�tes. ���. <br /> ti Trustcc shall�ivc noticc of salc including thc timc,tcrms und placc of salc nnd a dcscription of thc property to bc sold <br /> �'� as required by the applicablc law in rffect at thc time of thc proposcd sale. � <br /> r Upon sale af the propeny and to the extcnt not prohibited hy law,Truster,shall make and dclivcr a decd tc�the Praperty � <br /> � sold which convcys absolutc titic to thc purchascr,and aftcr first paying all fces,churgcs and costs,shall pxy to L�:ndcr all � � <br /> � • ,�.� muneys advanced for repairs,taKes,insurance,liens,asscssments and prior encumbrances and interest th�rcon,and the <br /> , . �-� principal and intcrest on the Secured Dcbt, paying thc surplus,if any, ta Grantor. Lcndcr m�y purchasc thc:Pr�perty. _ <br /> F' 1'he recitals in any decd of conveyt�nce shall be prima facie evidencc of the fact�s�t forth therein. _ <br /> � All remedies are distinct,cumulativc and not exclusive,and the I.cndcr is entiUed to all remedies provided at law or <br /> cyuity,whether or not expressly set forth.The acceptancu by Le:nder of any sum in paymcnt c�r partial payment on the <br /> Sccured Deht aftcr the bals�ncc is duc or is accclerated e�r aiftcr forcclosure proccedings are filed shall nc>t constitutc a <br /> � • waivcr of l.cndcr's right to rcquirc cnmplctc curc of any existing dcfault.By not exercising any rcmedy on Grantor's <br /> d�fault,Lcnder does not waive Lendcr's right to latcr considcr thc ecern a dcfuult if it wntinues or happcns again. <br /> lfi. l:XPENSES; ADirANCES ON COVF.NANTS;ATTORNEYS' F�ES; COLLECTION COSTS. Exccpt whcn <br /> prohibitcd by law,Grantor agrces to pay all of Lcndcr's expenscs if Gruntor brcachcs any covcnant in this Security <br /> r' Instrument.Grantor will also pay on dcmand any a�nount incurred hy Lcndcr for insuring,inspecting, prescrving or <br /> � othenvise protcctin�the Property and Lc:ndcr's sccurity interest.Thcsc cxpcnsrs will bcar intcrest from thc date of <br /> thc payment until paid in full at thc highcst intercst ratc in effcct as provided in thc terms of thc Sccured Debt. <br /> ____: _, _rc.. Grantor a�rees to pay all costs and cxpcnses incurred by L.�:ndcr in collcctine,cnforcine or protcctine Lc:ndcr's rights <br /> and remcdies under this Security Instrument.This amount may include,but is not limited to,attorneys•' fccs, court <br /> costs, and othcr lcgal cxpcnscs.This Sccurity Instrumcnt shall romain in cffrct until rcicascd.Grantor agrecs to pay <br /> for any recordation costs of such relense. <br /> 17. �NVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDUUS SUBSTANCES.As used in this srction,(l)f?nvironmcntal Law <br /> � mcans,withuut limitation,the Comprchcnsivc Environmental Responsc.Compcnsation�nd Liability Act(CERCLA, <br /> 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.),and all other federal, state und local laws, regul�tions, ordinances, court orders,attorney <br /> gencral opinions or intcrprctivc Icttcrs conccrning thc puhlic hcalth,satcty, wclfarc,cnvironmcnt or a har.ardous <br /> substancc;and (Z) H�r.ardous Substxncc mcans any toxic, radioactivc ur har.ardous matcrial,wastc, pollutant or <br /> contaminant which has charactcristics which mndcr thc substancc dtingcrous or potentially dangcrous to thc public <br /> . hcalth,safcty, wclfarr or cnvironment.'I'hc tcrm includcs,without limitaiion, ar�y suhstanccs dcGncd as"hazardous <br /> ' matcrial;'"toxic substanccs,""hazardous wastc"or"haxardous substancc"undcr any Environmcnt�rl Law. <br /> Grantor rcpresents,w.irrants and abrccs that: <br /> � A. Exccpt as previously discloscd and acknowlcdgcd in writing to Lcndcr,no Hazardous Substancc is or will bc <br /> - ioca�cd, storcJ ur rcic����a ou ��r in thc Nrc�perty.'i his restr�cnon docs not apply to small yuantitics of <br /> Har.ardous 5uhstanccs that are gcncrally to hr appropriatc for thc normal use and maintenAnce of — <br /> thc Property. <br /> � � B. Exccpt as previously Ji�closcd and acknowlcdgcd in writing to Lcndcr.Grantor and cvcry tcnant havc hcen,arc, <br /> . und shtill rcmuin in full compliancc with any applicablc Environmcntal[.aw. �_. <br /> � ('. Gr.mtor shall immcdi.itcly notify Lcncicr if a rcicasc ar thrcatcncd relcasc of a Har.<�rdous Substancc occurs on, - <br />- � � undcr or ahout thc Properry or thcrc is a violation of any Environmcnt�l Law conccrning thc Property.In such � = <br /> an cvent,Grantor shall takc all ncccssary rcmcdial action in;�ccordancc with any Environmcntal Law. F' <br /> f=--- <br /> . D. Grantor shall immcdiatcly notify Lcndcr in writing.�s soon as Gr�intor has rcason to hclicvc thcrc is any =' <br /> pcnding or thrcatcned imcstigation, daim.c�r prucrcding rclating to thc rcicasc or thrcatcncd relcasc r�f any �'F.`- <br /> Haiardc�us Suhstanrc or thc violation of��ny Environmcntal - <br /> 18. CONDEMNATION. Grantor will givr I.cndrr prumpl noticc of any pcndin�:c�r threatcned action, hy priv�itc or -- <br /> ' public cntitics to purchasc c�r takc ��ny ur��II nf thr Property through condcmnation, rminrnt domain, or any othcr , Y�`�--� <br /> .�_._ <br /> mcans. Grantor authorires Lendrr to intcrvcnc in(irantor's namc in any c�C thc .�n���� a���r�n�d .�ctions ur rlaims. • �'"��= <br /> Grantor�issigns to Lcndcr thc proccrds of any;►warci or rlaim fc�r damagrs runncctccl«�ith a condrmnation ur cnhcr . <br /> taking oF all or ainy part uf thc Pruprrly.Such prciccc�ls xhall hr cc�nsidcrrd payments.u��will hr applicd us provicicd in <br /> this Sc�urity Instrumcnt.'I'his assiKnmcnt of pr�ucccJs is subjcct la Ihc tcrrns of.�ny pri�ir morlF.igc, dcrd of trust, <br /> � srcuriry a�:rccm�nt or uthrr licn ducumcnt. <br /> ; 19. INSURANCE. Grantor sh<�II kccp Prc�perty insurecl ag�iinst loss hy lirc, flc�od, thrft and uthrr hazards anci riskx <br /> � rcasonably assc�ciatcd�vith thr Propertp Jur tu ils typc and lucation."I his insuranc�shall hc mainlaincd in thc:unounts <br /> and for thu prriods thut l.cndcr rryuims.'I'hc insurancc carricr rrovi�lin�;Ihc insurancc sliall bc rhuscn by(ir�ntor <br /> � suhjrct to Lcncicr's ap�raval, whirh shall nut hr unrca>xmahly �vilhhcld. If(ir.�ntor f.iils !�� mainl<iin thr cuvcr,��;r <br /> .. <br /> . . _ rinc.•rih�..l nh.iv.. 1..nrl..r mnv •e1 1..n.l..r'...r�tL.n .�ht.�7��.....,.........�.....•..�....� 1 ...,.1...:-..L.w...:...�..n-"-'- <br /> ... ......__.i:... _ :. <br /> _ . __.._...._........_._._..__. ..........___...._. ....�.................._.......�.,.,..�, ..�.....,.�....� .. .F...,u�u�.. � � � � y <u��nw �, .�--- r- . <br /> � , . . . . . ..i� i t�' - ., <br /> tu thr tcrms ul'this Srrurity Instrumrm. <br /> All insurancc�x�licics�md rrnrw:ds sh.ill hr,�rcr��(:ihlc tu l.cndcr and�h��ll inrluJc a.tcin�ianl"murtga�!r cl.�usr"and. <br /> I whrrc ap��licahk,"I���, �iaycr rlauur.°(�rantur�h:dl immccliatcly nutif�•[.rn�lcr uf r.irn:rllatiun ur tcrminatiun c�f ihr <br /> insur:�nrr. [.cnclrr�hall h;i��r lhr right�u hul�l ilic pulir�rti and rrnr«•;�Is. If I�.n�icr rrquircs.(�r:�nlur,hall imrnccliatrly, <br /> �;ivr tc, LciiJrr ;ill rrrri��ls ul paiJ E�rcmitunz:inJ rcnc�+•al noticcs. [I�,c,n lu��. Cirantur sh,ill�ivr imm«1i.itr nutirr tc� <br /> j Ihr insuranrr r:irrirr:in�l Lrndrr.Lrndrr nui��m;ikr nruof��f Ic�„if n��t nr,idr immriliatch•I,v(�rantur. <br /> i <br /> i � , _ <br /> •t . . f <br /> (P�g�+3 014) I <br /> � O1`M7I�dn4�•�SSY51f��5 Inr Si(io�,A AW If 0OO�91.1J411 Fw,+iNh DTNE H841 _ ___ '__— I <br /> I <br /> � <br /> Z_ - <br />