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"�`r:''�1 , , <br /> . <br /> _ --'��. --: , _>_,�:•h -�-_- <br /> _.�._ �.._--- ----�— --- . <br /> - - -� ---� _...--- -.. ._ —— -- - - -_--- —. -. .. _: <br /> _.._ .,-,-_._ .. �.. .. . , . . _ <br /> . y—.�y�.a�.. ,- -�,.—T:;?i. . . „... ...^:?Me�iLr!ti+�M,+M•w«:.,n•+ef��wu.».,.,.. . N. �'i�� <br /> '! _ . _ _ . . .� .� -�. <br />_ ' n �^ <br /> �' <br />_ • , ..•.„ ..1 �: <br /> �`' <br /> . ��� : �r� �ia�2 �.= <br /> , . <br /> , � I3. All futurc adva�ccs from l.cndcr tu C irantor or cnhcr futurc ol�ligatiuns uf(irantur tu l.�:n�cr un�lcr i►ny pr��nustiury <br /> notc, contracl,guar�nty,or othcr evidcncc ii(dchc cxccutcd hy (iruntor in [avor uf lAn�cr cxcrulcd af�cr this <br /> � Securiry lnstrum�nt whcthcr c�r nc�t this Sccurity Instrumcnt is spccifically rcfcrcnccd. If murc thmi unc per�un <br /> signs this Sccuriry Instrumcnt,cach Grantor�►grccs that this Sccurity Insu�umcnt will sccurc.dl futurc advunccs und <br /> � luturo ohligations th�rt arc givcn cu or incurrc�l by any onc or morc Grantar, or any onc ur morc Cirantor nnd �. <br /> '� othcrs.AQ[uturc advances and othcr futuro obligt+tions are sccurcd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt cvcn though all or � <br /> • � rart may nnt yct bc advanccd.All futurc ndv�nccs and othcr futurc ubligations nre sccurcd as if madc un thc datc � <br /> , r�.,:• '� of this Sccurity[nstrumcnt.Nothing in this Sccurity Instrumcnt shall conytitutc.+cuiumitmcnl tu makc additional �_ <br /> .�,�,,,,;,r� ar futurc lonns or advancc:s in any amount.Any such cammitmcnt must bc ugrccd to in a scparatc writing. — <br /> . .y��„:� C. AU obli�ations Grantor owcs to I,c:ndcr,which may latc� ari�c,to thc cxtcnt not pmhibitcd hy law,including,but <br /> � {" not limited to,liabilities tor o�•erdrafts relating to uny depasit account agreement bet�vecn Grantor and I�:nder. <br /> '� �• D. All additional sums advaneed nnd expenses incurred by G:nder for insuring.preserving or othcrwise protecting <br /> thc Property and its value xnd any other sums advanccd und czpcnscs incurred by Lendcr under the tcrms ol' <br /> , this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> This Security Instrument will nat sccurc any other dcbt it Lender Fails ta givc any rcquired notiw of the right of rescission. <br /> �' S. PAYMEN'I'S. Grantor agrccs that all payments under thc Secured Debt will bc paid when duc and in accordancc <br /> with the tcrms of the Secured Dcbt and this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> ' 6. WARRAN'fY OF TITLE.Grantor warrants that Grantor is or will be lawfully sci•r.ed of the c:statc conve;ycd by this <br /> _ �. Security Instrumcnt ancl has thc right to irrevocably grant, convcy, and sell thc Property to Trustee,in trust. with <br /> power of sale.Grantor also warrants ihat the Property is unencumbcrcd,except for cncumbranccs of rccord. <br /> 7. PR10R SECUR['fY INTERESTS.With regard to any other mortgage,deed of trust,securiry agreemcnt ur other licn <br /> document that created a prior securiry interest or encumbranee on the Property,Grantor agrees: <br /> A. To makc all paymcnts whcn duc and to perform or comply with all covenants. <br />,. B. To promptly delivcr to Lender any notices that Grantor receives from tl�e holder. <br /> C. Not to allow any modification ar cxtension of,nor to reyuest any futurc advAnccs undcr any note or agrecmcnt <br /> secured by the lien document without Lender's prior written consent. <br /> ; �• „ S. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE.Grantor will pay all taxes, usscssmcnts,licns,encumbranccs, lcasc payments,ground <br />_ ; rcnts,utilitics,and othcr charges rclating to thc Aroperty when due.Lcnder may require Grantor tn provide to Lendcr <br /> � copics of all notic�s that such amounts are duc and the receipts evidencing Grantor's pnyment.Grantor will defend <br /> title to the Property against any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Instrument.Gtantor agrees to assign <br />��_ _.'�' to Lendcr,as requcsted by[.endcr,any rights,claims or defenses Grantor may havc against partics who supply labor <br /> --�-� - or matenais co main�aiu u�i�up,o��t�e i'r�periy. <br /> " � 9. aUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCF.L,�:nder may,at its option,declare the cntire balancc of thc Secured Debt to <br />= hc immcdiatcly duc and payablc upon thc crcation of,or contract far thc crcation of,any licn,cncumbrancc,transtcr <br />�"" or sale of the Property.This right is sub,ject to the restrictions imposed by tederal law (l2 C.F.R. 591),as applicable. <br />- This covenant shall run with the Property and shall remain in effect until the Securcd Dcbt is paid in full 1nd this <br /> � Sccurity Instrumcnt is rcicascd. <br /> 1 10. PROPERTY COND[TION,ALTERATIONS AND INSPECI'ION. Grantor �vill kecp thc Property in good <br /> ' � condition and make aU repuirs that are rcasonably necessary. Grantor shall not commit or allow any waste, <br />� ' • F <br /> � impairment, or dctcrioration of thc Property. Grantor will kecp thc Property free of noxious wccds and grasscs. <br /> . � � . Grantor agrces that thc naturc of thc occupanc,y and usc will not substantially changc without Lc;ndcr s prior writtcn <br /> ' consent.Grantor will not pcnnit any changc in uny liccnsc, restrictivc covcnunt or cascmcnt without L.ender's prior <br /> -- ° � • " �vrittcn conscnt.Grantor�vill notify I.cndcr of all demands, procccdings,claims,und actions against Grantor,and of <br /> --. .. . � any loss or damagc to thc Property. <br /> -- " Lcndcr or Lcndcr's agents may, .+t I��ndrr's�rtion,entcr �hc Property at any rcasonable timc for the pmpose ot <br /> inspecting the Property. Lcndcr shall givc Grantor notice at thc time of ar bc(ore an inspcction specifying a <br /> �_ reasonablr purpose for thc inspcction. Any inspcction af thc Property shaU bc cntirely for Lendcr's bcnefit and <br /> G►antot�vill in no way rcly on Lcndcr's inspection. <br /> ' '� 11. AUTHORITV TO PERrORM. If Grantor fails to perform any duty or uny of thc covcnants contained in this <br /> Securiry Instrument,l.cndcr muy,without nc�ticc,perform e�r rausc thcm to bc pertormcd. Gr�ntor appoints Lcnder <br /> • ,is�ttorncy in f'act tu sign Gran�or's namc or pay any xmount ncccssary for perforn�ancc.l.cndcr's right to perfc�rm tor <br /> • ' � " Grantor shall not cre.�tc an ohligation to perform, and l.cndcr's failurc to perform will not prccludc Lendcr (rom <br /> excrcising any c�f l,�ndcr's othcr rights undcr ihc lxw or this Sccurity Instrumcnt.If any constructicm on thc Property is <br /> : ^ �. discontinucd ur nc�t carricd un in a rcasonablc manncr,Lcndcr may .<►kc xll stcps ncccssary to protcct Lendcr's <br /> sccurity intcrrst in thc Yroperry,including complction of thc.onstruction. <br /> � 12. ASSIGNMENT OF LL;ASLS ANU RGNTS.Grantor irrevocahly�rants,convcys and sclls ta'1'rustcc,in trust for thc <br />— ° hcncfit of Lcndcr,as xdditiunal �ccurity aU thc right,titic and intcrest in and to��ny.�nd all existing or futurc Icascs, <br /> � ; sublrascs.and any c�thcr writtcn or vcrhal agrcemcntti for thc usc and ciccupancy uf any portion of thr Prc�perty. <br /> • ; inclu�iing amy cxtcnxiuns,r�:ncwals,modifications c�r suhstitutiuns uf such xgncmcnts(��ll rcfcrrcd to as"Lcascs')and <br /> ' rcnts, issurs .md profits(all rcfcrrcd to as "Rcnts"). C;rantor will prcimptly providc Lcndcr���ith truc ttnd corrcct <br /> copics uf all cxisting and futurc Lcascs.t;r.intor m�y collcct,rcccivc,cnjoy and usc thc Rcnts so Ic�ng tts(ira.ntor is nc�t <br /> � in drf��ult undcr thc►crn�s i�(this Sccurity Instrumcnt. <br /> (irantor acknuwlcdgrs that thi, �issi�;nmcnt iti perlcctcd upon thc rccc�rdin�u[lhis Dccd uf Tru�t and that Li:ndcr is <br /> rntiUrd tu nutily any uf Gr,intor's trnantti tu makc paymcnt c�f Rcnts �luc cir tc� hcr.amc duc to l.cndcr. Hawcvcr. <br />�lcr agrrrs that unl}��m dcfault will I.cncicr nutify C;rantor and Cir;mtar's tcnantti and makc�cmand tha�t all futurc _ <br /> Rcnts br paid dirccUy tu I.cndcr.C)n rcccivin�;nr.ticc of Jcfault, C;rantur will cndursc und dclivcr tu Lcndcr any <br /> paymcnt uf Rcnts in C;rantur'���ussrssiun and�vill rcccivc am� R�nts in trust fur LrnJcr and�vill not cumminglc tlic - <br /> � ... .-'-.. ...- ^ ' '•' -- ..�.._ a._.i_ s_... ..„.......�.. ....II....�,..I ..,�11 h.. •u�nlir�l a� nr�ivialr�I in��llti tiCCllillV Insu•umrnt.(;rantc�r <br /> _ . ...... _ , _ 1<l'11IA\v1Ui ativ i�u�u �uuuo. �v�y uu...n.o.............. ..... ._ ..r�...._ - � . . . . <br /> ��arr.�niti that nu dcfault rxistti undcr thr l.cascs or any.ipplicahlc landlurd/tcnamt la�v. (�rant�x alsu a�±recs tu nuiint�+in <br /> � and rrquirc any lrnant tu r��mply��•ith thr tcrms of thc Lcciscs and a{�plirahlc law. <br /> � 13. I,I�:AtiI�:HOLUti: ('ONUOMINIUM1IS; PI,ANNI;U UNI'1' DI�.Vf?LO{'MI':N'1'ti. Granlur .��;nrs tu cuntply�vilh lhr <br /> ( ��r�»�itiinns uf am� Ira,c il thi�tirrurily Instrumrnt is�,n a Iraschuld. If thc I'r��prrt}�in�lu�tr� ,i wiit in:i cundc�miniutn <br /> ur a �,I;innr� unit dr��rl�,��mcnt. (ir.�ntur ��•ill ��rrfunn all i�l (irant��r'� �iuti« un�lcr thc cuvcnant,. h��-laws, ar <br /> � rr�;ulcuiuns uf thr r��nduminium cu�,lanncd unit Jr�•cic���mrni. <br /> i 14. 1)M:I�AU1:1'.(�rantur���ill hc in �Iclault il am•party� uhlileUrd�m�hr tircurrd I)rhl I:�il>tu makr ��a��m�nt �ti•hrn duc. , <br /> (�rantar ��ill hc in �lrfault il a hrrach ucrurs undrr thr tr�m.ul thf� ticruiit}• Intitrtunrnl ur :im• ulhcr d�,cumrnt <br /> I <br /> . 11�"+uc7o1 al <br /> � 1 _ _ _ �, <br /> U 1995 Da�kws Sr51m��e_�nc 5�C�ooJ A1N It BOO�J91��3711 Vo�m NE-�T NE 6694 <br /> � I ' , ' <br /> �• �a�_. _ <br />