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If the Property is ua�uired by Lendcr,Grantor's right to any insuri�ncc policics and procccds <br /> . resulting from d�magc to thc Property before the �cquisition tihall pass to l.cndcr w thc extent af the Sccured Debt <br /> N.� immcdiatcly beforc thc acquisition. '-v=-� <br /> ' 20. F.SCRdW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE.Unlcss othcnvisc providcd in a scparutc agrcemcnt.Grantor will not �s iT_ <br />. •�+ bc rcquired to pay to LcnJcr funds Cor taxcs and insurancc in cscrrnv. �__ . _- <br /> � 21. FINANCIAL REPOR7'S AND ADDITIONAL DOGUMEIVTS.Grnntor will providc to l.�;ndcr upon requcst. any <br /> �� �nancial statemcnt or information L.ender may decm reasonably neccssAry. Grantor agrecs to sign,dclivcr,and 6Ic <br /> Any additional documcnts or ccrtifications that Lender may consider ncccssury to perfcct, continue, and preservc <br /> Grantor's obligations under this Security Instrument and I,cnder's lien status on the Praperty. <br /> 22. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY;CO-SIGNGRS;SUCCE:SSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All dutics <br /> , � under this Security Instrument are joint and individual.If Grantor signs this Security lnstrument but does not sign an -f_.—. <br /> � evidence of debt, Grantor does so only to mortgage Gruntor's intcrest i�i the Property to securc paymcnt of thc <br /> � Secured Debt and Grantor does not agrce to bc personally liable on the Secured Debt. If this Security Instrurnent _ <br /> secures a guaranty between Lendcr and Grantor,Grantor agrces to waive any rights that may prevent I.ender from <br />� bringing any action or claim against Grantor or any party indebted under the obligation.These rights may include.but <br /> arc not limited to,any anti-deficiency or ane-actiun laws.Grantor agrees that Lender and any party to this Security <br /> Instrument may extend,modify or make any change in the terms of this Security Instrument or any evidence of debt <br /> �vithout Grantor's cansent. Such a change will not release Grantor from the terms of this Security Instrumcnt. Thc <br /> dutics and benefits of this Sccurity Instrument shall bind and bcnefit the successors and assifins of Grantur and I-endcr. <br /> 23. APPLICABLE LAW;SEVERABILITY;INTERPRCfATION.This Security Instrument is governed by the laws of <br /> thc jurisdiction in which L.ender is located, except to the extent otherwist required by the laws of the jurisdiction <br /> where the Praperty is located.This Security Instrument is complete and fully integrated.This Security lnstrument may <br /> not be amcnded or modified by oral agreemcnt. Any section in this Security Instrument, attuchments,or any _ <br /> ; agreement related to the Secured I)ebt that conflic►s with applicable law will not be effective,unless that law expressly _., <br /> or impliedly permits the variations by written agreement.If Any section of this Security Instrument cannot be enforced <br /> according to its terms,that section will be severed and will not affect thc enforceability of the rt;mainder of this <br /> Security Instrumcnt.Whcnever uscd,the singular shall include the plural and thc plural thc singular.The captions and <br /> headings of the sections of this Security Instrument are for convemence only and arc not to be used to interpret or <br /> define thc terms of this Sccurity Instrument.Time is of thc essencc in this Security Instrument. <br /> -._.,_-, �. ;u��i�.,��vm m��1CTEF, L�n��r, at l.endcr'sortion. mav from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a <br /> successor trustee without any other formality than the designation in writing. The successor trustee,witnouc <br /> conveyancc of thc Property,shall succecci to all the titic,power and duties conferred upon Trustee by this Securiry <br />- Instrument and applicable law. <br /> 25. NOTICF.Unless otherwise required by law,any naticc shaU bc given by dclivering it or by mailing it by fiist class <br /> mail to the appropriatc party's address on page 1 of this Security Instrument,or to any other address dcs�gnatcd in <br /> writing.Notice to one grantor will be deemed to be notice to all grantors. <br />- ' Z6. WAIVERS.Except to the cxtent prohibited by law,Grantor waives all appraisement and homestead exemption rights <br />- relating to the Property. <br /> 27. OTHER TERM3.If checkcd,the following�re applicable to this Security Instrument: <br /> � Q{ Line ot Credit.The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision. Although the Secured Debt <br />- ,. may be reduced to a zero balance,this Security Instrument will remain in effect until released. <br />" � , ❑ Construetion Lo�n.This Security Instrument secures an obligation incurred for the coustruction of an <br /> improvcmcnt on ihc Property. <br /> ❑ Fixture Filing. Grantor grAnts to Lendcr� security intcrest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in thc <br /> futurc and thut are or will become fixtures related to the Property.This Security lnstrum�nt suffices as a <br /> , financing statement and any carbon,photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record forpurpose� _ <br /> �� • of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. <br /> ' ❑ Riders.The covenants and agreements of cach of the riders checked belaw are incorporatcd into And <br />- �•• • supplemcnt and amend thc tcrsns of this Sccuriry Instrument.[Chcck all applicable boxes] <br /> � � ❑Condominium Ridcr ❑Planncd Unit Devclopment Rider ❑Other.......................................................... <br /> r ❑ Additional'ferms. <br /> , � -- <br /> r = <br /> ; �,_: <br /> ' SIGNATURCS:By signing bclow,Grantor agrces to the terms and covenants contained in this Sccurity Instrument and in �;, <br /> any attachments.Grantor also acknowicdges reccipt of a copy of this Security Instrument on the date stated on page 1. <br /> �'� / � I �/ l 0/��" ,5.1-.'.:C:S�P.,/.`!-?,. ..... �'�I 0/`1' <br /> /l� �. C'.�:' �5..^!,.11.,t`.(Y..�Q.+:'f.1... .� ....�. <br /> .5l..f ............................................. .. .......... ............. .Datc <br /> �s����,�urc�.. I�.�l.l�: I:I�11:hS Ibatc) (Signaturc) ('.\k�111:X CI'.+1GRS <br /> � ---- - <br /> ACKNOWLEDGMENT: ,�� �q�Z r\ti h,1 I I.\I.I. <br /> STATE OF.....:................. ....� ................... ......... s. <br /> ............................^...... 'Ol�N �OF <br /> .U�' day of ��T17'T"1"�il't1°f'." <br /> 'Chis,�.N��4�K .1���,, . 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