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<br /> 7, Protection of L.ender'a Ri�hts In the Property. i� sorrow« r�iK �o p.rrorm �n• aownanro •nd .pr.�rn.nts _____
<br /> oontained h thls Securky Inetrummt, or thKS Is a bp+il procwdinp that mey�lp�Mbently�H�ct Lentl�6 rlpht� h th�PropMty (woA as _ __
<br /> a proceedinp h bankruptcy,prob�t�, for aonWmnatbn or forf�Run o►to �nlorc�law� or rpuNtlonc), thsn L�ndN may do and p�y for `
<br /> whatover Is necessary to protect the v�lu� of the Propurty and Lsnder's rqht� h ths Property. Lender'e eatlone m�y Includ�payhp k •
<br /> any sums 5ecured by a Ibn whbh he�prbrRy over thls Sacurky Inatrum�nl,app�arhp In Court, poyinp reasonabfe attorney'e le�s �nd i
<br /> entertny on the Property to make repaire. ARhouph Lunder mry take actlon under thla paropraph 7,Lender does not h�ve to do ao. �
<br /> � My amounts alsburssd by Lender under this pareyraph 7 �h�ll p�come addkbnal dabt of Horrow�r s�cursd by this S�aurRy
<br /> Instrument. Unbss 8orcower and Lender ayree to other terma of payment, these emounte ehall bwr htxsat hom th� daN of
<br /> dlsbursern�nt at ths Note rats I�nd shaM bs p�y�bk,wfth hNraR upon not�� hom L�nder to Borrower r�usstfnp ptymsnt• ,.1_
<br /> 8. Mortqepe Insurance. !f I.snder required mortpape fneuranc��s �oondkion of makiny ths bm ac:und by thh� &�curky �. ..
<br /> Inetrument, Borrower ehall pay ihe prsmtums roqulrod to malntain tho moeqnpe in�urence In effeot. If, for any reason, th� mortp�0e ,�
<br /> � k�eurance ooveraqs requk�d by Lender kpass or cwses to be h�H�ct, Bonower ah�l1 pry th� premium� nquk�d to obt�h oov�np� � :��:=v
<br /> ..�'"'"• substentlaiy equlvabnt to th� moApap� ineurarsce prsvbusly b sHoot, at �coat sub�tantkly equNaient to th�aoat to Bortow�t o}th� _
<br /> �•�•�'� '""" mortflapo haurancs provbuey in efh�ot, hom �n ahemate mortpap� Insurw approwd by Lsnd�r. If subst�ntkiy squlvaMnt mortpaQe � ,�__=
<br /> Inoursnce covsraye Is not avalWbb, Bortower shall pay to Lsnd�r eacli month r sum squal to ono-tweMth o} th� y�ry martqrp� � -.;�r`.
<br /> insurance premlum behp paW by Borrower when the insurance coverops ypaed ar cetsed ta be In aBect Lsnder wiN aacept, uss and A � ,4__
<br /> retain these payments as a bss reaerve h Iieu ot mortpefle hsunnoe. Loss roserve paymente may no bnpar bo requM�d, at the � __
<br /> �> optbn of Lender, R mortpape inaurance coveraye (In the amount and fa th� psrbd th4t Lender rAqukes� providod by an hsurer � _ --
<br /> # approved by Lender e�ah bacomes awl�bb and i� obtafnsd. BonowK shatl pay the premiums requksd to malntain mortpaps •,,_A
<br /> •a. hsurance h etteat, or to provlde a bss reaerve, untll the requksrnent tar mortyape InsurRnca ends h acaordance wRh Bny wrktsn � ;,:_Y
<br /> � apreement betwean Borcower and lender or appl�able law. __
<br /> � 9. Inspectlen. Lender or ks ayent mey make reasonable entries upon and Inspectbns of the Propertyr. Lender shatl pNe ...
<br /> � Borrower not�e at the tkne of or prior to an Inspectbn specHylnp reasonabb cause for the inspactbn. _
<br /> f 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or clakn far damages, dfreat or Consequential, h oonneotbn wRh ony
<br /> condemnatbn or other takinp oi any part ol the PropaRy,or for convayance tn Ileu of condemnatbn, are hereby assigned and ehsll be _
<br /> ; �I pald to�ender. _a
<br /> In the event of Q totai takhg of the Property, tha proceeds shall be appl{ed to the aums secured by this Seourity Instrument,
<br /> t � whother or not then due, wkh eny exCesa pald to Bonower. In the event oi e partial takhp of the Property h whiCh the fek msrket �
<br /> � •. � � value of the Properiy Immedlatey before the taktnp Is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums seoured by this 3ecurity
<br /> Instrument knmedlatety before the takhg, unless Bortower and i.e�der otherwlse agree tn wrklnp, the sums 6ecured by thls Sesurfly _
<br /> Inatrument shall be reduced by tlie Bmount ot the proceeds mukiplfed by the followinfl hactlon: (a) the total amount of the sums
<br /> �, secured immedietety before the takfng, dNided by (b) the fafr market vabe of the Property knmedistely before the taklnq. My baknce
<br /> shail be pald to Bortower. In the event of a partlal taklnp of the PropeAY G�Whbh the fak market value of the Property knmedlatey
<br /> , �. betore the takiny Is Iess than the smount of the sums secured fmmedietely betore the takinp, unless Bortower and Lender olhsrwlae
<br /> •� apree h wrRNp or unless epplbabfe law otherwlse provides, the proaeeds shall be applbd 4o the eums sacured by this SeCUrity
<br /> � Instrume�t whether or not thA sums are then due.
<br /> -�_ -T tt ir�a Ftopsr��+ o�bandone�b;9orr^we�.^r x;at�nr not�a by Lender to Bortower that the Condemnor oBer6 to make tln�ward or
<br /> � settle a atekn for damapes, Borrower falls to respond to Lender wRhin 30 days after the date tha notbe fs yNen, Lender Is tuthorfzad _
<br /> ` � to Colkot and appry the proc�eds, ut its optbn, eRher to reatorotbn or rpaM of ths Propwty or to the 6ums secured by this Securky
<br /> Instrument,whelher or not then dua.
<br /> UnMSa LendK�nd Dor�owsr oth�rwisa opr�a In wrkinq, any �pplfcatbn o}procssdt to prinolpal shall not wct�nd cr poatpon�th�
<br /> � dus du�of the monthly paym�nte nbrnd to In pu�pnphe 1 �nd 2 or ehmp�th��mount of suah paym�nb.
<br /> � 11. 9orrower Not Releesed: Forbearance By Londa�r Not• Waivsr. exc.n•�an o� ch• t� for paymont or
<br /> modNbatbn of amortlutbn of the sums naund by thla Securky Imtrumant pnnt�d by Und�r to any eucc�ssor h ht�pat of Bortower
<br /> ehau not operats to rsbase ths IIabllky ot the orqhal Bortower or Bortowsr'e euecesaora h Inierest. Lsndsr sh�ll not be requksd to
<br /> • eommenea proce�dhps �yainet my suee�osor fn intsrest ar retuse to exllnd time for peyment ar otherwlse modi(y amortiratbn of thb
<br /> sum6 seaured by thfs Security Instrument by reason ot any demend mQde by the arpinal Borrower ar Borrower's successors h
<br /> Interest. My forbearance by Lsnder h exercishp eny ripht or remedy shel not be a waNer of or preclude the exerolsa of any ripht or
<br /> .. � remedy.
<br /> �: 12. Succeseora and Assi�ns Bound; Joint end SeNerel Liebllity; Co-aigners. rn• covsn�nes and
<br /> apreuncr.!? e! this SecurRy Inshument shall bfnd and benefN the successnr8 and assipns ot Le�der and Bortower, subJeot to the ��
<br /> provlsbns ot paraqreph 17. Borrowers covenants and eyreements shall be jolnt and several. Any Bortower who c0•sipns this Security _
<br /> Instrumen! but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•slpnhp this SecurRy Instrument ony to mortyape, qrant, and convey that
<br /> Bortower's hterest h the Property under the terms ot thfs Security Instroment; (b)Is not persontly oblipated to p�y ths suma secured
<br /> , , by this Securfty InaWmenh and (c)agrees that Lender end any other Bortower may agroe to extend, modHy, forbear or maks eny _
<br /> �` �.
<br /> accommodatbns wRh repard to terms M lhfs SeCUrity Instrument or!he Note wkhout that Bortower's consent. e
<br />� 13. Loen Cherges. if the loan secured by thfs Securky InstNment Is subJect to a law wh�h sets maxknum ban charpes,
<br /> - and that law Is flnaly Interproted so that the k�terest or other loan chupas Colleoted or to be cofleCted In connection wNh ths ban �,�
<br /> � exceed the permftted Iimfte, then; (e) any such loan charges shell be reduced by the amount neCOSSary to reduce the charye to the 'l�•._
<br /> " permilted 14nIt; and(b) any sums already colleCted Irom Bortower whiCh exceeded permkted ifmRs wlll be refunded to Bortower. LYnder �;.-, _
<br />" may chnose to make this refund by reducfnp the prinalpal owed under the Note or by makiny e dkect payment to Borrower. if a ���,��v
<br /> . �:;.?
<br /> refund reduces princlpal,the reductlon wlll be treated as a partlel prepnyment wfthout any prepayment Charye under the Note. •'�j�R�,�•,,
<br />� 14. NOtI0e8. Any notice to Borcower provided for h thls Seourity Instrument sheil be tihren by delNerhy k or by mailhq R by - �-
<br /> first class mall unless applfcable Iaw requkes use of another method. The not�e shall be dkected to the Property Address or any �-+�:
<br /> other address Borrower des�gnates by notiCe to lender. Any not�o to Lender shall be piven by fkst aless mall to Lendera addresa �.
<br /> stated herein or any other address Lender desfpnates by not�e to Bortower. Any notbe providod for in this Securfty In6trument shall
<br /> be deemed to have been gNen to Borrower or Lender when fliven es provided in this parayreph.
<br /> 1b. Governing Law; Severebility. This Security Instrument shall be povemed by federal Iflw and the law of the
<br /> Iurisd�Ctlon fn �vhfCh tf�e Property fs bCeted. In the event that any provhbn or Clause ot this Security InsWment or the Note confl�ts
<br /> with appllcabie law, suCh contlict shall not flHect other provis�ons of thls Security Instrumont or the Note whfch can be pNen ettecl
<br /> without the conflfcting provisbn. To this end the provfslons of this SecurAy Instrument and the Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. 8onower shali bo gNen one conformed copy of the Note end of this Security Instrument.
<br /> . .. _ • .�_ n��..�..�.. ... � ��w�i�wiMl Inf��naf In RnrrnWAl', If nll nr anv O&rt O} th0 Pf0O0RY Ot fltly
<br /> i1%. t(tl11ii1Oi an utc r�vMc�y v. a� _ . --..
<br /> � interest in It i3 sold or transferred (or I(e beneficlal �nterest In Borcower is sold or transferred and Bonower fs not e naturai person)
<br /> without Lender's prlor written consent, Lendor may, at its optlon, require Ynmedlate payment In full of all sums seCUred by this SeCUrity
<br /> � Instrument. However, thls option shall not be exerclsed by Londer H exerCise Is prohibited by federnl law as ot the date of this Security
<br /> ' Instrument.
<br /> � II Lendor exercises this optlon, Lender shall give Borrower notiCe ol acceleretlon. The notice shall provide a period of not bes
<br /> then 30 deys (rom the date the notk:e Is delivored or meiled within whiCh the Borrower must ptiy all SumS SeCUred by this SeCUrity
<br /> Instrument. If Bonower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiretlon al this perlod, Lender may invoke any remedbs permitted by this i
<br /> Security Instrument without lurther not�e or demand on Borrower. Fo�m aose eroo '
<br /> I
<br />� Fi029.LM0(�0l07) Pape �015 I
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