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.,� .. . : : <br /> ---• - - -- - — - - __-. <br /> ---�... _ . ._... . _. .. _. . .... ---- ..�., <br /> ...� <br /> .._.._... . ----�----�- -----�----- � � -s - <br /> -..�. . . - .. . ._. - �� � R,�-,r�u}�_: <br /> ' �,l{.�;... . ., , _ - <br /> . .ift�!!�'��N'"`�. , , � � � . ' �. � .�rt .��.:r;:ai.'�4'..4�(��`" ' •r. •T,.•�•,. '�;t�� �'.� 1ti - <br /> . �'/•� »r�rT:Y.±h.<r�a <br /> _�:.a.:-�',.:_. - — . <br /> . �._,,;ir�•-.=- - <br /> t3orrowN'� escrow�coount unWr th� I�d�ral RNI E�Ut� S�qMm�nt Proc�duns Aot of 1974�a�m�nd�d hom tir►w to tlrrN, 12 U.S.C. + ' _ „"`L--m�i.. <br /> . ..:�:::._.�,�_ <br /> 26pt �t s�q. ('AESPA"),unM��anath�r kw that�ppIN4 to th�Fund�e�»a MsaM�mount If ao,L�nd�r m�y,at �ny tirtN,ooll�ot and ,: 1,�f Y�'=- <br /> hokl Funda in �n �mount not to �xCNd th�wste�mount.�r may �etlm�t� th�amount of(unde du� on Ihs b�tfa of Curnnt dllta " '``���°� <br /> � and reesonebfe estlm�tea of�xpendkures o1 futws Eacrow itsms or otherwfse In accordarsce wkh oppifcabla�ew. � � ��, <br /> Th� Funds ahall b� hdd In an InetRutbn whoe� d�poske an hsured by e ledenl �psnoy, In�trumentolRy, or entRy (haludhp ° �� . � '"�'°°- <br /> Lendsr, M Lmder le suoh �n hetkutbn) �r h any F�d�nl Hortw Lo�n S�nk. Lsnder ehsll appty ths Funda to pay Ihe E6eraw ibma. . . _ <br /> LentNr may not oh�rps Borrow�r for holdlnp and appyfnp ths Funda, annualy an�yzlnp the sar,row ecoount,or vlrlylnp th� Eecrow - - <br /> ' ISYms, unMs� Lond�r pay� Borrow�r htonst on th� Funds and applio�bN yw p�rmR�L�nder to mtka 4uoh a oharfla. Howwsr, Lsnd�r , ,� ��ti: <br /> , may nquk�Bortowa to p�y� onttlm�aha for �n h �porthp servlcs used by Lendor h oannsotbn wRh � " <`,-i��-, <br /> rp� d�p�ndMtt nal �sGlt�tax r <br /> � this ban, unWcs appilcabla 4zw provldos othorwl�o. Unbss nn aproomcnt I, mndo or appll�nh4�Iaw requlros fntorest lo ba poid, Londor • - <br /> .�ry.,; <br /> ehau not b�r�qulnd to pay Borrow�r�ny ht�rost or wmhpa on ths Funda. Borroww and Lende rtuiy aflre�h wrRhy, howwer,th�! � ,�,1�„i�;;���,-�. <br /> ,,,,�,.� ht�nst ahall be pald on the funee. L�ndsr ehatl pMe to Borrower, wRhout aharpe, en ennu�l accounthp uf the Funde, ahowhp •..,,� �:%'�'`�Y <br /> • •--� •�J°'�' crodRs and d�bRa to the Funde and th�purpoae for whbh saah dsbR to ths Funda w�s made. Ths Funds�re pMd�ed es addkbnat � ,-�i�;-���^' <br /> sxurRy for�II 6ums secured b thls 3�curyv Inatrummt. �".4°-=_ <br /> y '�l �4' :,;ri��:__ <br /> If ths Funds held by lender excssd the amounta permitted to ba held by applbabb kw,Lendsr shall account to Barrower for ths � ����'��_ <br /> ,..,_. <br /> e x c e s a F u n d s I n e c a o r d n n c e w k h t h e ro q u k e m e n t s o f a p p l b a b b l a w. If t h e e m o un t of th e F un d s he l d b y Lender et an y tkns b not Q �_�n'��� - _. <br /> suMbNnt to pay ths Escrow It�ns wh�n dw, L�ndsr m�y�o notNy Borrow�r h wrklnp,and, kt euoh cees Borrowar thdl pay to Und�r � �_-- <br /> ' ths amount nscsssary co meks up ths defbbnay,Bortower shtll m�ke up the de}IaMnoy In no mors tharv hv�Ne monthly paymsnts,at r .�;j=_ <br /> , Lendera sole discretbn. � -'�''ti�� <br /> Upon payment In tull o}ali sums seaured by this Securky Instrument,Lender shall prompty refund to Bortower�ny Funds held by ,�;zA". <br /> Lender. If, under parapraph 21, Lender shall acquko or seil tho Property,Lender, prbr ro the acqutskbn or s�b of Ihe Property, shail �`°-__ <br /> -.�= <br /> �t. appy any Funds heid by Lender at the tlm�of acqulskbn or s�la as a aredk apahat the sums secured by this£,ecurlty Instrumw�t. =�=�-�- <br /> 3. AppllaaUon of Paymonta. Unkss applfaabb Inw providea otherwise, ail psymente receNed by Lendar under paraqraphs ,_:_- <br /> �� t and 2 shtll be applied: first, to any prepaymsnt chtrpes due under the Note; seaond, to amounts payable under parapraph 2; thkd �Iu-��- <br /> _--- <br /> k: to interest due; fourth, to principal due;and last,to any late oherpes due under the Note. _ <br /> � � 4. Chsrgea; Llens. Borrnwer shall pay ali taxes, assessments, charpes, Ihes and knposkbns ettributable to the Property •,'�~ <br />