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-rw � <br /> .,h�,. <br /> _:!:!&. ... .---. -°--- <br /> - �--- -- . <br /> _ .. _ . . . . ._ ._. ..,....-- -------'^ .�_..._.,.._: <br /> _...... <br /> -- --�-�5 a�jid:; .. _. _. <br /> ......:.,.�.:.,w..... • , . <br /> , _. . <br /> � , _.s.. <br /> I • 18. Borrower's Riyht to Reinstete. If Borrower meet5 Certaln COndftbn5, BotrOwes Shall have the rlpht to hivC , <br /> I enforcemenl ot this Security Instrumenl dlsconlhued at any tkne prlor lo the oarller of: (a) 5 days (or euoh other period as epplbabb I <br /> law may epeCf(y for rehstatement) before sefe of tho Property pursuBnt to any power of sale contahed In thls 3ecurity Instrument; or <br /> { (b) entry of a Judpment entorcinp thls Securfty liistrumont. Those cundRlons ere that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all sums whfch then <br /> would be due under this Securky Inatrumenl and the Note as M no acceleratlon haJ occurced: (b) cures eny defautt of �ny othsr <br /> ( covonent or agreemants; (c) pays all expenses fncurrmd In onforcinq this SecurRy Instrument, Inciudlnp, but not IfmRed to, reisonable , — <br /> attomeya' fees; and (d)takes auah actlon as Lender may re�eon�bly requke to sasure that the Ilen of thls SecurRy Instrument,Lenders <br /> � rphts „ th�Propsrty and Borrowsrs oblpatbn to pay the sums secured by thla SeaurRy Instrument shell continue unchcnged. Upon _ <br /> •' i refnstatement by Borrower, thls SecurRy Instrument and the obllp�tlona eecured hereby shall rem8ln tulty eNectHe as if no acceler�tlon �':,°.j � ��'° <br /> ' hnd occurred. However, thls rl�ht to relnatate shali not appy In the case ot acce�eratlon under peregraph 1T. "+11 ' �yF_• <br /> I19. Sele of Nota; ChAl1Q0 O}LOat1 SE�VICC�. Yha Note or a partkl Interest In the Note (toyether with this Security 9 r <br /> 1 Instrument)may be soid one or more tfrnsa wRhout prbr not�e to Bortower.A sab mey reauk In e ohenpe in the entky(known as ths ��.��"• <br /> "Loan Servfcer") thet collects monthiy payments due under the Note and thls Securfty Instrument. There elso mey be one or more � <br /> chanpes of the Loan Servber unralated to� atfe of tha Note. If there Is a ohanpe of the Loan Seivicer, Bonower witl be given wrkten � ,; :; .. <br /> notice ot the ahanpe in accordance wNh parapraph 14 above and appiicable law. The not�e wlll state the namo and address of the �J <br /> new LoAn Servicor and the address to whbh payments should be made. The notbe wlll also aantah any other Inionnatbn requked by +. ��=- <br /> .;'�.�''�._ <br /> BAPlbable lew. ---' <br /> 20. Hazardous Subatances. Borrower shell not cause or pormk the presence, use, dlsposal, ctorage, or release of any �f T <br /> { He�ardous Subslances on or In the Property. Bonower shell not do,nor elbw anyane else to do,anythiny aBeathp the Property that , ._ <br /> ' is in vbletbn of nny Envkonmental Lew. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the <br /> . � Property ot small quantRies of Hasardous Substances that are yeneraily reCOgnized to be approprlate to normal resldentlel uses and to <br /> � maintenflnCe of the Property. ' <br /> Bonower shall promptly give Lender wrkten not�Ce of any Investl�etlon,clakn,demand, Iewsuk or other aatlon by any qovernmental � <br /> � or reguletory Agency or prNate party Involving the Property and flny Hazardous Substanca or EnvMonmental of whiCh Borcower has �:',� <br /> I actual knowledge. If 9orrower leams, or Is notiffed by any govemmentei or repulatory authority, that any removal or other remedlatlon <br /> + ot any Herardous Substance aftecdng the Property is necessary, Borcower shall promptly take all necessary remedlal ections In � <br /> i accordance with Environmental Law. �'��ry`s <br /> AS used h this paragraph 20, "Hezardous Substences" are those substancas defined as tox� or hezardous substances by '� <br /> Envkonmental Law nnd the following substsnces: gasolhe,keroaene, other flammable or toxb petroieum products, toxb pestbklos and �_• <br /> herbbWes, voiadle soMents, materlals contalning asbestos or fortnflldehyde, and radioecthre materiflls. As used (n thls peragraph 20, .`.�j,_ <br /> "Envkonmental Law" means federal laws and laws ot the JurisdfCtlon where tho Property IS locatad that relate to heaRh, Batety or Y.._ <br /> ��� envkonmental protectlon. ��y,�.P� <br /> �°- <br /> • NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender turther covenant and aflree aa followa: �,y,�,�_ ._. <br /> • 21. Aaceleratlan; Remediea. Lender ahall yive notice to Borrower prior to accelerstion tollowing �z��-�• <br /> • i � Borrower's breach oi any covcnent or eyreement In thia Security Inatrument (but not prlo� to ���_ <br /> ecceleration under pareqraph 17 unleas oppliceble Iaw providea otherwlae). The notice ahsll �peclfy: <br /> � 1 (s) the default; (b) the actlon required to curo ihe aeisuii; tcj a ds�a, r:.i !a« :ltsr� 30 �a;� 1f4!!r! �hw 4-°�� <br /> ; I date the notice Ia ylven to Borrower, by which the defeult muat be cured; end (d) thet feiture to cure ��� <br /> ; ' the default on or before the dete ap�ciiled in the notice mey reault in ecceleration of the suma ��---�_ <br /> � , aecured by this Security Inatrument arsd �ule of the PrAperty. The notice shell further Irsiorm :i <br /> % � Borrower of the rlqht to rolnatate eiter ecceleratlon snd the N�ht to brinq a court actlon to as�ert the �_. <br /> non-existence of a defeult or any other defenae of Borrower to ecceleretlon end aala. It the defeult is � :. <br /> n o t c u r e d o n o r b e t o ro t h e d e t e a p e c i f i e d I n t h e n o t i c e, Lender at tb o ptlon me y roqulre Immediate �. ��` <br /> ��;;: <br /> , , peyment in fuli of alt sums aecurad by thla Security InsVument without turther demand an d msy <br /> " invoke the power of sale and eny other remediea permitted by applicable law. Lender �hetl be �u� <br /> � entitled to collect ell expensea incurred in pursuing tha re�nedfea prov i de d In t h ls pAregre p h 2 1, � <br /> includinq, but not Ilmited to, reaaoneble attorneys' feea end coata of title evidence. -- <br /> � If the power of sate Is invoked, Trustee ahall record a notice of deteult in eeeh county In whlch � <br /> eny part of the P�operty ts located end ahell metl copies of auch natice In ihe msnner prescrlbed by --- <br /> epplicable law to Borrower and 2o the other persona preacribad by eppllcable lew. Atter the tlme ____ <br /> re�oired by appliceble law. Trustee shall qive public notice ot aele to the persons end in the manner �„�� <br /> preacribed by epplicable tew. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, ahalt aeii the �roperty at public — - <br />= nuction to the higheat bidder et the time end plACe end under the terms deaipneted in the notice of ��,::'�_: <br />- ' sale In one or more parcels and in eny order Truatee detarminea. Truatee mey postpone sale of all .�r�--�_ <br />_ t % or eny perc�i of the Property by public announcement at the time end plece ot eny previout�ly '•'"� � <br /> .;�_:- - <br /> ` scheduled sale. Lender or ita deafgnee may purchase the Property e�t eny aale. ;-: <br /> - Upon recetpt of peyment of the pNce bid. Truatee shell deliver to the purchaaer Truatee's deed ����� <br /> � conveying the Property. The recltals in the Trustee's deed �hell be prime facle evidence of the Vuth ,. ,��;"�+�l� <br /> of the etetements made therefn. Trustee ahall epply the raceeds of the aete in the following order. � '.?��:*. y''` <br />_ , -•;�.. <br /> - (t�) to nll coats end expense�s ot exercising the power of �le, and the aale� fncluding the peyment of "�';„se , <br /> the Truatee's fees ectually incurred, not to cxceed 3 °,b of the prineipel amount of the note . <br /> et the time of the declaretion oi default, end reeaoneble ettorney's feea ea permttted by law; (b) to ell . <br />-- '• suma secured by this Security Instrument; end (c) Any exceae to tho person or peraona legelty • <br /> entitied to it. � � <br /> _ 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustoe to reCOnvey <br /> the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument und all notes evidenCing debt seCUred by tFtls Securfty Instrtiment to Trustee. <br /> � Trustee sh911 reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally entitied to R. Such person or l <br /> „I persons shflll pay nny recordatlon costs. <br /> I . <br /> 23. Subatitute Trustee. Londer, at its option, mey from time to tfine remove Trustee and appolnt a suCCessor trustee to <br /> any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded fn the county in whkh this SeCUrity Instrument IS recorded. Without <br /> conveyanCe o� the Property, sucCessor trustee shail Succeed to nll the tille, power and dut�es conferred upon Trustee hereln end by <br /> 1 aPpliCabie law. : <br /> ; 24. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that copies o� tho not�ces of default anA sale be sent to Borrowers address I <br /> whiCh is the Property Address. I <br /> , 25. Riders to this �ecurity Instrument. II one or more riders ere executed by Borrawer and recorded topether with <br /> - , this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements ol each such rider shall be Incorporated i�to and shall amend and supplement � <br /> the covenants and egrooments of thfs Securily Instrument fls N lhA rider(S)were e part of this SeCUrity Inslrumont. � <br />- — Fo�m 902e 0/00 _ <br /> 1 101B.LMO(�0/97) Yags 4 0l 6 � � <br /> .. <br /> G75 <br />