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. N�!JN/! ' 'f,L:_ <br /> �i•�. t.�•=1 <br /> _..���.. . ., , . . ... ___�_�_���_���.��_"��.._�..._""_�"'_"_`__ _ _ _ _. ..._. <br /> � - � -.. . . . . . ��� i .. - . .. <br /> _"� "_ '__ _...__. - <br /> �yy.. . '___ ___ -____ _ "__'__ _". ... ,. . _"' <br /> . ._._.. .���ID�� � • .. � _' ��.�2- <br /> �'8�3 . `' �y�--- <br /> �. • DEED OF TRUST � �1�+�BS "�'•`°-�- <br /> 12-11-7997 (Contlnued) � y_-�_ <br /> Loan Np 609388 " � � _ <br /> ::` �-�..,,�_ <br /> � ._, p when due til clalms far work dono on a(or - ,, ,,�,�.�y, <br /> nnd sewer), flnes and Imposillons kvled tyelnet or on account o1 Ihe Prop�ty,end 6hell h�of all Iiens haNn�pdority over or equal to fhe ..,�_y..7- <br /> servlcss rendw�d or ma�arld�urnlstwd to Ihe Property. Trustor ahall malntaln the Property _�'=-�.. <br /> Interest of Lender under thls Deed of Trusl.except for lhe ilen of axes end assessments not due nnd except ss otherwlse provided In thls Deed <br /> � ol Trust. <br /> . Pilpht To Conteat. Trustor m8y w����h p�operty�s nol Jeopardized.ef�I�len lartses or is fl td t e�t esuQlt�of nonpey'men1t,Trusta shelll wathin •, ���,.•_i <br /> t o p a y,s o I o r W a s L s n d�r's I n t e r e s _ -- <br /> � Nftsm(16)days afl�r lh�Ibtl���d oslt�with Lender cash hor a„sulHclenf cor�po a e su ety rband or�COthertseCUrity satlsteCtory to L�nr d�o r�n�a n _--_ <br /> Ilen.a It roQuasted by Le P ';,.."''� <br /> amount eufNCNnt to discharfle lhe Ilen plus any cosis nnd attorneys'�ees or other charges thal could aCCnie as e result o1 a foreclosure or sale � <br /> under ttN Ikn. In any contsst,Trostor eh91t delend Itself and Lender and shall satisfy any adverse judpmenl bAtore en(orcemeN nfla�nst the �! �'^- - <br /> Trusta ahaN nama Lender as an addlllonal ob110ae under any surety bond fumished In lhe conlest proceedinqs. ;;�,�,�,:;��_ <br /> ,., Props►tY. ' ` �;`',;'�" <br /> ` � E���o}p�y�nt. Trustor shill upon d�mand lurnlsh to Lendet selisfactory evldence of payment of the texes or assessrtbnb and shall { '• <br /> �� r rlate povernmental offlclai to d�lver to Lender at any tlme�written slalerrNrst of the taxes end assess^�e��s�9Alnst the ::��,��,�.� <br /> ,. authorize the aPP�P ��'x '4�° <br /> Propsrt9• ` ����,T; - <br /> �V .�Ii.v�.rnr-_ <br /> '?;-' �.,-°-- <br /> Notfcs of Constructlon. Trustor ehail nofi Q�Lyen��niea stl�e�°ma�er�f�men 6e Ilen,nor other INn o d�ba��assartad cngac�o uN o(1tw wak� - <br /> mat�ials ar�supplied to the Prop�rty, .�_�T_ --'°'�? <br /> asrNces,or mat�rlals. Trusta wRl upon requast of Lender tumish to Lender advance assurances satisfaotory to Lender that Trusta can and will •:. �•� <br /> i p a y t F w c o st of such im provements. �_"_ <br /> • � pROPERTY DAMAQE INSURANCE. Tha followinp provlslons relatinq to Insurinp the Prope r l y r a r e s p a�o f t h i s O e e d o f T r u ot. <br /> Y eplaceme t basls nt o r t h e c ull Insu ebiehveiue overlp all empBOVemen'ts on t he Rea l P o p e r ty i n a n e o u n t sufAcienl toravold ppucation af any �—. <br /> 1 � cnlnsurance Clause,and wtth e standard morlgagee clausa In favor of Lender. Trustor shall also procure and mainlaln camprehens�ve peneral <br /> � Ilebllity insurance In such coverage amounts es Lender may request with trustee and Lender being named as addlllonal Insureds In such ilabllity <br /> � insurance paicles. Additionally,Trustor shall malntatn such olher insurance, Including but not Ilmited to h+uard,buslness Interruptlon,and -- <br /> �• Le°der and Issued by a company o rcampenlesurensonably sccept ble to Lenderr T►st�,�u�n reqruest of Le der,swil�l deliver to Le�nderblrom <br /> time to Ilme the poilcles or cercificates of Insurance In torm satisfectory to l.ender,includlnp stipuiatlons 4hat covereyes wAI not be canCel{ed o► <br /> � diminished without at least ten(10)days'prior wririen noilce to Lender. Each insurance po�Cy a�so shall include an endwsemenl provldiny that <br /> . ' p�pprerry at a y Hme bucome Iiocated n anpareaddesipna ed byyt e Digrcectomo�he ederaa EtmerpencyrMa apement Ayency as�spacia�Ilood <br /> p�y pmits set unde.a hoe Nationei�Fiood�l surence Peoyrflm,'oras oturherwlse requeed by Lender,a dao mainiain siu�cn�nsu�anPce 1�+�s ierm o �_^ <br /> �.{ fhe loen. <br /> + faus�to do o�wiPhln fifteen(16)days oflthe casulalty.�IWhelhee o�not Lender's securigty Is impalred L�ynder may,et 11s eaecUon,�eCel e a'nd rete�n __ _ <br /> ' 1►�e proceeds of nny Insurence end apP�Ylf Lendoreects toh eppl�y the proceedstobrestwat ongand repalra,nTrust a s�al�repal Por rop�s e lhe - - <br /> _ i � restonlion end repalr ot the Property. <br />-"" - � � damayed or oasiruyud 1rrFrC��T�n'��� a�'"-^^"r satlsfactorY�o Lender. Lender shall,upon sallsfactory proof of such expendlture,p�y or — <br /> � ` relmburse Trustor from the proceeds for the reasonable cost of repeir or restorauon ii Trustur�s not�n datau!t under lhia Deed at Trust. Any <br /> � proceeds whlch have not been disbursed wilhln 180 days atter thelr recelpt and whlch Lender has not commlited to the repalr a restoratlon of <br /> ` the Properry shall be used first io pay any amount owiny to Lender under this Deed of Trust,lhen to pfly acCrued Interest,end Ihe remaindcr,If _ _ <br /> any,shail be epplled to the p�incipal balance of the Indebledness. If Lender hdds any proceeds atter payment in tuil of the Ind�btedn95s,such _ <br /> proceeds shall be pald to Trustqr as Trustors lnterests may eppear• <br /> � . Unexqred Insur�nce attSMs��o ohe�rls�le held under 1helDrovls�Onseof t ISfiDe9d of Truast or fl any}oteClosuraisal9 os uCh PropNty.y thls - <br /> Deed of Trust at any trus ee' r Trustor shaM fumist�to Lender a repat on ach -_ <br /> " I Truqor�s Report on Inwnnce. Upon request ol Lender,however not mora thtn once a ye�� �_ <br /> '� existirp polby ot Insurance showlny: (e)tha nartw of t 8 d the anner ot determine p thati wtue;�and�(ej thaaexYpiraUOn da e of t�1wl�pd�y. , <br /> ` � the then curront replecement value of such proporty. --_- <br /> 1'rusla shell,upon request of Lender,have on Independent appralser salisfactory to Lender determine the cash value replacement cast of lhe <br /> '• y PropNty �_ <br /> ' I EXPENOITURES BY LENDER. If Trustor fails to comply with eny provlslon of thls Deed of Trust,or if any acllon or proceediny Is comrtwnCad l 8 <br /> ° would m�terfally aftecl Lender's interests In ihe Propedy, Lender on Trustor's behelt mey,bul shall not be re��NOtefrom he date Ilncu ed a pa d <br /> ' � deems appropdate. Any amount that Lender expends in so doing will bear interest at the rete provlded for In t� I�b� ___ <br /> • t by l.ender lo the date of repayment by Trustor. NI such expenses,al Lendar'a option,will (a)be payable on demand, (b)be added to iho balance -- <br /> of lhe Nate and be epportloned among and be payabte wilh any Instellment payments to become due du�iny eliher (I)the term of any app <br /> Insurance policy or (I q l h e r e m a i n i n p t e r m o f t h e N ote,or (C)be heAtart as a bal{oon payment wh�h will be due and payable at!he Nota's matu�(ty. q`��_ <br /> ' � Thls Deud ot Trust also wlli secure payment of these emounts, Tt�e�iyhts provlded for In ihis peregrap n s h a i f b e I n a d d l t i o n t o en y other r t phts a eny _ __ _ <br /> � �, remedies to wh�Ch^e emed lhat�it otherwlse wau d ha et had�f IIult Any such notion by Lender shs��not be construed as cudnp the detnult so es to ��v - <br /> bar Lender hom a y Y �"� <br />' . + WARRANTY;DEFENSF'OF TITLE. The followirp provlslons rotatlnp to ownershlp of the Property are a part of this Deed of Trust. �,��„ <br /> t r <br /> entCUmbranc�es o8her thflnthose Set lorth nahe Real�Pr P�Y dg��p��otneortl a Ytl��IB Insu arnc dIICY��e eportfro�N�el Utle opinlolnlissuad n �� <br /> .,,•' s y.��'T <br /> fava of,9nd accepted by,Lender In conneCtlon with thls Deed of Trust,and (b)Trustor has the tull right,power,and authorlty to exacule end •' f'`, �„ <br /> = dellver 1hls Deed ot Trust to Lender. N"' <br /> "��.- <br /> � lawlul c a ms iot�all pe sonso th�e�he evenl eny ectlon ora Ph��tl'np IssCOmme ced�hat questtonsr T uf Sto 5 11e119Ior thee�eue9T of T ulstoe or T �-�• <br /> I Lender ShaUf be'en�tiete d�a Tper►��Pa e����he P e'�ed ngga�nd tot beurep�esenleds n tho proceedlnp by counseli o f L e n d er's ow o�o�e�and <br /> I <br /> I Truslor wlll deliver,or cause lo be delivered,lo Lender such Instruments as Lender may request from time to time lo permlt such participatlon. <br /> � ComptlanCe Wlth Leiws. Trustor warrenls lhel the Proporty and Trustor's use of the PropertY complles with ell exlstinq eppl�able laws, ' <br /> ordinances,and regulations of governmenial authorftles. <br /> CONDBMNATION. The following provislons relatlny to condemnallon proceedlnps are n par�of thls Deed of Trust. <br /> ! pu c�heste�n Uou of1condemnetlont Lendeemay at itsf election equlre that aleor any porto of the�et'proeeedsdof9he award be a pl ed�to the • <br /> �I Indcbtedness or the repair or restoratlon al the Property. The net proceeds ot ihe award shall mean the award aHer paymenl of all reasonable <br /> costs,expenses,and attorneys'tees Incurred byTrustee or Lender In connection wilh lhe condemnatlon. <br /> ' ProceedingV•na nacessarv toldefend the ctlon�and blain thetawarcill Prustor'maytbe lho�om nalriparty I�n such p�o:eodingf�buttLender sha I <br /> ___.,,....M„,.n��nea1 nl its own cholCe,end 7rustor will dellver or <br /> be entitlpd to participa�e In the proceeding antl lo oe represa�ieu���n�o N��..00�.••v-� --- - - _ <br />� ' cause to be delfvered W Londer such insirumenls es mey be requosled by il Irom ume to lime to permit such participatlon. <br /> IMPOSITION OF TAXHS,FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. Tho following provislons relaUng to governmenlal taxes, <br /> Iees and Charges a�a a pert o►lhfs Doed of Trusl: <br />� Current Texes,Feaa end Charpes. Upon request by Lender,Trustor shall execute such documents In additlon to lhls Dead ot Trust and take <br />� whatever olher aclion fs roquaslod by Lender lo perfeci and continue Lender's��en un Ihe Real Praperly. Truslor shall reimburse l.ender for all <br /> tazes, as described below, together wilh alt oxpenses Incurred In recording, po�ocling or contlnulna Ihls Deed ot Trusl,Including wfthout <br /> = limitntlon all iexes.fees,documenlary stemps,nnd other charpes tor rocording or registoring thls Deed of 7rust. <br /> = 7exe5. The following shall constifule taxes to whfCh Ihls seC��on appllos: (a)u SpoC��c tax upon thls type ot Deed o�Trust or upon flll or any � <br /> = part of Iha Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trusi; (b)e speciffc lax on Truslor which Trustor Is author�zed or roqulred lo deduct from I <br /> - F3;menls nn ihe Indebtedness secured by th�s lype ot Dead of Trus;; (c)a lex on this type of Deed of Trust Charge8ble egelnsl ihe Lender or <br />-!` the holder of the Nole;and (d)a spec�fic t�u un all or any por�ion c!the inr,i?ntAdnass or on puymenls of princlpal and Interest mado by <br />-i • � <br /> _ I <br /> _. <br /> _' �_. ... . - - � <br />