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<br /> t2-1�-t99� DEED OF TRUST pape 4 ."�;,�-:�.-_
<br /> � � Laen No 609388 (Conttnued) 97-�110585 -
<br /> Truslor. -"
<br /> 51ubNqwnt Tlucts. If any tuc to wh�h thls sactlon appllos h�n�cted subsequont to ths date of thls Deed oi Trust,lhis eveM ehall hava ths �;i��
<br /> pr ded bNowaun�Nss Trustor�eH I��(a p�ys lh�toc bHpn I b�Kydel�qua n or�(b)cantisb th�tax n pro d d abo eV nnth�T�ixf a'a d - --
<br /> Llons sectlon and doposils with Lendar Cash or a sufficknt caporato suraly bond or other secu�tty eatislactory to Lender. ,
<br /> 5ECURITY A�REEMENT;FINANCINd STATEMENTB. Tta followlnfl provlslons relating lo this Deed of Trust as Q security apreemant ars a part ol ._.
<br /> Ihls Deed of 7rust. - �
<br /> 1 , _
<br /> S�CUrlty ApfNm�nt. Thls Inslrumsnt shlll CanstltuU a Wcurtry aflrNment to th�axtent nny of Ihe Property consfitutos tixturw or ath�r
<br /> . p�raonal propwty,and Lender ehail havo all of the riphls of a aecured parly undsr th�Unitorm CommercW Code as amended hom HrrN to , �
<br /> , ..n` tlm6. --
<br /> � '"� S�curity Int�r�st. Upon request by Landa,Trustor slul sxoauto Manc�ny sGttemenb and kk�whatover dher acGon Is requc�5led by Lond�r =
<br /> to perfecl end continue Lenders security Interest In tM R�nls and Aersorutl ProRsrty. In�ddidon to recadny tMs Doed of Trust in th�real ,_
<br /> propKty recads,Lender may,at any tlme tnd wtthout lurther authoriz8tlon hom Trustor,t1k axeCUted CounUrparts,coples or raproducHons of
<br /> this Deed of Trust as a Mancinp statemant. Truslor elrll r�lmburse Lender for all expenses incurr�d In perlecUnp or condnulnp thls sacurity _
<br /> Inter�st. Upon defautt,Trustor shati assemble the Perconai Property In a manner and at a placo reasonabty convenlent to Trustor flnd Lender __=�-�_--
<br /> and make it avallable to Lender withln three(3)days afle�reCelpt of wriRen demend from Lender.
<br /> Addreases. The malunp addressus of Trustor(debta)and Lender(secured party),hom which Inlamation concerninfl the secudty Interest , _
<br /> • granted by this Deed of Trust may be obtalned(eeCh esrequired by ihe Unitorm Commerclal Code), ere as etated on the firsi pepe of thls Deed -
<br /> of Trust.
<br /> FURTFIER ASSURANCES;ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The }obwinp provisions relating to further assurances and attorney-in-fact are a part of thls
<br /> '" Deed o}Trust.
<br /> Fu�tMr Aswranses. At any timo,and from time to Ilma, upon requesf of Lender,Trustor wlll make,execNe and deilver,or wiil cause to be � �
<br /> made, executed a delivered,to l.ender or to Lendef� deslpnee, and when requested by Lender,caus�to be filed, recorded, refiled, or
<br /> rerecorded,ae the caso may be,at such times and in suCh ofNces and places as Lender mty deem epproprlate,any and all such moAflapes,
<br /> deeds of trust,security deeds,securily apreements,flnencinp statement9,continuation stafsmants,InsVumenb of(urther assurance,cert(ficates,
<br /> and other dxumenls as may,In the soie opinion of Lender,be necessary or deslrable in ord6r to eNectulle, camptetq,perteot,conlinue, or
<br /> .;, preswv� (a)the obllpatlons of Trustor und�r th�Note,thi3 O�d o}Trust,end the RNatad Docwrr�nb,and(b)tM Iiens and a�curlly Intxssis �
<br /> . cretl�d by this Daed of Trust as Nrst and prlor Ilens on IM Property,wheth�r now owned or henalt�r�cGuirb by Trustor. Unleas prohibit�d by
<br /> • law or ayr6ed to the contrary by Lender In writinq,Truslor shall relmburse Lender for ali costs�nti expenses incurred In conneotion with the
<br /> metlers referred to in thls paragraph. ��
<br /> �, Attomsy-In-F�ct. If Trustor felis to do any of ihe thlnps referced to in the precediny paragraph, Lender may do so tor and In the name of
<br /> Truslor end at Trustor's expense. For such purposes,Truslor hereby Irrevocably appolnts Lender as Trustors attorney�r�feCt tor the purposa
<br /> ' ot meklnp,exeCUtiny, delivering, Illinp,recordlny,a�d doinp all olher things as may be neCeLSery or deSUable,In Lender's sole opinlon,to
<br /> � accomplish the metters referred to In the precedlnp parepraph. '�- ---
<br /> FUI.L PERFORMANCE. If Trustor pays ali the Indebledness when due,terminates the Ilne o}credil, snd othe�wlse peAorms ell the obllyations „ ��.�_�
<br /> = i7iiN"v58d U�8i1 TiJ:8f iSt7d:.Y Sh�L�CCf!0�Titl,°.�,LE!!�°!5�1?0 pYMll�p Af1fI fIRIIVAf t0 TfU5�99 H fBf�U64I fIX�UII reconveyancA and shell execut0 and --
<br /> dellver to Trustor suitable ststements of terminatlon of anyMancinq statement on file evldenclrp Lencier'6 security Interast In the Ronts and the _____ _
<br /> Personel Property. Any recunveyance fee requlred by law shell be peid by Trusta,if permltted by appYCabb law, ____ ___—
<br /> DEFAU.T. EQCh of the(ollowinq,at the option of Lender, sha�constitute an evant of defeult("Event of Default")under thls Deed of Trust: ���7��cr.
<br /> Del�ult on Ind�bUdness. Fallure of Trusta to make em piyment when due on the Indebtecfness. ��-
<br /> _ 'k'
<br /> Del�ult on OtMr P�ymenb. Failure of Trustor within Ihe time required by this Deed ot Trust to make any DaYment!or taxes or Insur�nce,or „�'�
<br /> any oiher payrtwnt necessary to prevent fillrp of a to eNect Wscharpe of any Ilen. __ �-
<br /> De}�ult in F�vor of Thltd Parites. Should Borrower a any Trustor default under any loan,extenslon oi credl,aacurity ayreement,purChase a � • f �•
<br /> saies ayreertwnt, or any other agreemenf,In favor of eny other creditw w person that may materlally aMect eny of Borro�vei's prpperiy or �
<br /> Bortower's or any Trustor's abllity to repay the Loans a pertorm iheir respective obllflations under thls Deed of Trust or any uf the Re4ded _
<br /> Documents.
<br /> CompllanCS D�fwlt. Failure of Trustcr to comply wilh any other term,obllyation,covenant or condillon contalned In thls Deed ot Trust,the
<br /> Nole or In sny of the Reiated Documents.
<br /> Fdee Statementa. Any warranty,representatlon or stalement mede or turnlshed to Lender by a on behalt of Trustor under Ihis Deed ot Trust, _
<br />- the Note or the Related DoCUments Is false or misleadlnp In eny materlal respeCt,either now or af Ihs tlme mldo or lumished.
<br /> Oetective Coll�terNizatbn. This Deed of Trust or any of the Related Documents ceases to be In tul torco nnd ettec:t(Includinp faliure of any
<br /> collatersl documents to create e vaud end periected socurity Interest or Ilen)at any time:��d tor eny reason. -- _M __
<br /> ' Oe�lh or In�olv�ncy. The death of Trustor or ihe d�.sdullon or termination of Trustor'e exlslence as e polnp business,lhe Insoiver�Cy of �"�_�
<br /> - � Trustor,the appWntment of a recelver for any part of Trustor's property,any asslpnment for the benefil of creditors,any type oF credltor workout, --_ _ _
<br /> or Ihe commencement of any prxeeding under any bankruptcy or Insolvency taws by Or apalnst Trusta.
<br /> ' Foreclowre,Fortelture,etc. Commenaement of foredosure or forteltwe proceedlnqs,whether by Jud�lal proceedlnfl,saf-help,repossession _
<br /> 1 ur ony other method,by any creditor of Trustor or by eny governmenlal agency against any of the Property.Howover,thls subsection shaN not __=__
<br /> I eppy in the event of a yood falth dlspute by Trustor os to tha validlty or reasonabieness of the ctalm whkh Is the basi�of tho fureciosuro or �
<br /> � foreielture procoeding,provided that Trustor glves Lender written nolice of such clalm and furnlshes ressrves or a surety bond for the clalm
<br /> � satisfactory b Lender. •::+^-
<br /> ; Bre�ch o}Olher Apreement. Any breach by Trustor under Ihe terms of eny�ther agreemont behveen Truslor and Lender that Is not remedied ?; f; °"•, '�-
<br /> � withln any prBCe perlod provided therein,Includlnp wilhout Ilmitatlon any agreement conceming any Indebtedness or other obllQalian of Trustor �..,j.<i „ ••
<br /> � to lender,whether existing now or later. •�.•-ix..•.:,., -
<br /> - � Events AHectinp(iu�rantor. Any of the preceding erents xcurs with respect to any Gueranta of any of Ihe Indebtedness or eny Ciuerantor ..;;^.�,i:_'•
<br /> dles or becomes Incampetent,or revokes or disputes Ne validity of,or Ilabllity under,any Guarenty d Ihe Indebtedrvess. Lender,et its optfon,
<br /> may,but shatl not be requlred to, permlt the Civarador's estate to assume uncondltionelly the obligailons arising under the puaranty In a
<br /> I manner satisfectory to Lender,and,In doing so,cure Ihe Event ol Defaull. ,
<br /> Adverx Ch�nye. A matednl adverse chnnge oceurs in Trustor's Nnanclal conditlon, or Lender beNeves Ihe prospect of payment or
<br /> I peAamance of the Indebtedness is Impsfred.
<br /> � Insecurity. Lender In good falth doems Itself Insecure.
<br /> � Rlyht to Cure. It such a feiluro Is curable and il Truslor hes nol been given a notice of a breech of Ihe Seme provislon of thls Deed of Trusl
<br /> i wlihin tt�e precedinp twelve(12)months,it may be cured(end no Event of Defaulf will lieve oCCUrred) IiTrustor, ettet Lor�er sends wrliten
<br /> notlCe demantling cure of such la�lure: (a)cures thelailure wilhin fifleen(i6)days; or (b) If Ihe cure requires more ihan fiHeen(16)days, ,
<br />� . immedlatelv Initlates steps suHicfant lo cure ihe tallure end Ihereafler continues end compleles eu roasonable and neCe55ary steps suHiclent to
<br /> ' produce compllance es soon as reasonably pracacal. f "' - -'
<br /> RIGNTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAUIT. iJpon the occurtence of any Event of De�flult 8nd al any tima ihereBAer,Trustee or Lender,et Its optlon, I
<br /> ' may exe�c�se eny one or more of ihe following rights end remedles,In additlon to any other rlghts or remadles proNded by 18w: I
<br /> Acceieretlon upon Defeult;Additlonal Remedles. II eny event of defnult occurs as per the terms of the Nole secured hereby,Lender may
<br /> declare ell Indebtodnoss securpd by Ihis Deed ol Trusl lo be due flnd payable and the same shell thereupon bocome due and payable without
<br /> any presentmonl,demand,prolost or notice of nny kind. Thereafler,Lender may: i
<br />— (a) Elther In person or by agenl,wllh or wllhoU brinqing any aCtlon or procgodiny,or by a reCefver nppolnted by a couri and without
<br />� regnrd to the adequacy ol Its secur�ty,enter uponand Iake possesslon of the Property,or flny ped thaeof,In IL own name or In the name
<br /> - ot Trustee,end do any acls which It deems necessary or desirable to�:reserve ihe value, markelebllity a rentabllity of ths Proporty,or part
<br /> � of Iho Property or interest In Iho Prope�ty:Increase Ihe Incomp from tho Prope�ly or prolect Ihe eecurityaf the Property;and,with or without
<br /> - taking possesslon of the Property,sue for or othonvise callect tho renls,Issues end profits of Ihe Property,Including those pasl duo end ;
<br /> unpald,and epply tha sams,�ess coats snd axpo^scs ot eperaUon snd rnllpr�Inn, lndudirp eremQy��?es,�o any Indab!sdnesS secured
<br />-F �y Ihis DeAd ol Trusl,a�l in such order es Lendarmay determine. 7he eNerinfl upon end takfng pos58551on of the Property,tho colleCUUn '
<br /> ,
<br />