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. :� s . <br /> .._� <br /> ,ara,r._ . . _:,, <br /> _�.__. ... _. . . .. . . . _. .. _ . ._. _ — --- - <br /> ----.... - - - <br /> - --- _ .. ..,. . --- - <br /> _ __ - -- -� - -�-�=!'z._ . <br /> .. .. . . -.—�___��.:�d=..Y._� <br /> �� . � .. � . .... <br /> . . ,- ..:...;.•,;�.;.•r <br /> �� . I .. • ��/�^�.. <br /> Pepe 2 ,,.,�:1��;;__-- <br /> DEED QF TRUST :.�:._�. <br /> j ��-��-��� �co�ti�usa� 9?'— 110595 �� , . ; :_ <br /> ILo�n No 60Y91A- -Y,:,u.,tl,..^._. • <br /> : 'LN►d�r, The word 1.�nder'm�pns UNITfiQ N�dRASKA HANK�11�sucassoro�nd�aslpn�. �� <br /> J OOO,OQ Irpm 7rustor lo Lender, ,� <br /> , � �N. Yn�wad^noa"nH�n�t��wt����'m�'����n�,In ths prinolp�l �mount of S76, „ <br /> tqONt�wlth�N nrNw�N,��1��Noni,mc�diflc���ons,nNn�nc�npf,and wbs�liutlanf la tha Nole. The maturlry dole of Ihls Deed of Truat Is Jun� <br /> � ,,,,�. ��R — <br /> ��M p�ppN�y, TI+�wadf"rMaonal F�ropsrtyf mMn all�qulpmeid, fl�turea,and alh9r art�les of personnl property now or MreAlter +-= <br /> Iown�d py Tru�lor,�nA npw or 1►�rMM�► ��t�cMd a �f�•�d lo Ih� Re�l Froperty;toqalMr wPh ail accesslons, pnrts, and addlllons to,all <br /> { repU�c�m�nte ol, 11111) �H bUbsidlll�(l0s �0►, ��Y o� �uoh Property: �nd lope►her wilh 111i procwds (Includlnp withoul Ilmitolion all Insurana :�'.�1 <br /> I Pr�MU�riiliWfund�ul pic;miums)from nny�nb a other dlspoaltion of Ihe prop8riy. <br /> I ptopNly, TM wad'l�ropMl�/'rr�M colVrcliv�ly IM RNI Prop�rlY�nd th�PeboMl Prop�rty • �����,� <br /> � � R�M Pr�1y, ?fN wad�'���+I nrop�rty'rr�n�h�Prqp�rtY,Int��sta�nd rqhts d�scrlts�d�bova In the"Conveyancs and OraN"secNOn. �1�/y�=:. <br /> �,r ,'J +xs,-i��- <br /> R�� pp�y�nl�, TM wads'flN�l�d Docurnmts' m�an�nd Includ� wllhoul IlmitaHon �N promlasory notsa, crodu apreements, Iwn ;,Tr_5��-. <br /> �prMfMnlf,�nvlronrrMnlN�qrNrr»nN�ou�r�nllK,t�ourtlY�WNrr�nh,mortp�pN,d�ds of trust,�nd all oth�r Insirurtwnb,�pnerr�nls tnd �� ,�y,� . <br /> 1 dxurt»nb,wMlhn nuw or hNNNM�MkNnG,�x�ou1W In ConMOHOn wllh IIN IndNlt�dnNf. ,!----__ <br /> pM��, Tha word'41�nb"mNnf eN p►�^��nd lulur�nnit,nwnua,Incom�,Ia���,royalliM,proHts,�nd oth�r bm�flls dorlwd hom th� _ - <br /> Pro�ty. ': <br /> TruNH. T1w ward'1rutlM"rt�an�UNITED NL•BRASKA @ANK�nd�ny substitul�or euCCessor lruttYn. �'-"^° <br /> � TruNor. TM word"�rutla"m�a���ny Ynd�Ii p�non��nd�nlltNa�x�cutinq tnis D�ed of TrusL Inc!udlnq without Ilmitallon eli Trustors named <br /> � �bov�. - <br /> � pppPERTY,IS QIVEM TO{HCUp��111��N OF T11E MDEBTEDN BS A D g�PERIF�DRIAANCE OF ANYHANDEALL OBLIQATIONS OF - <br /> TRl1fTOR IINDER 7FiE NOTf, TIIE qlLATEO DOCUM!'NTd, RND THis DEEO OF TNUST. THIS DEED OF 7RUST, INCLUDIN� THE �':_ <br /> E I ASSIQNMEMT OF RlMT�AM[1 TF1L'iHCUFiITY iNTHRESY IN TIiB RENTlf AND PF.RBQNAL PROPERTV��8 M-80 G1�YEN TO SECURE ANY ' <br /> � , ANp ALL pOLIpAT10Nd QF THUSTOii UMDER TN�T CIIRYAIN CONSTRUCTION LdAM AOREEMEMT dETWEEN TRUSTOR AND LENDER OF "�..i_� <br /> EVEN DAT! HEREWITH. AMY EVENT 0� DEFAI�.T UMDlR TNE CONiTRUCTiON LOAM AOREEMENT, OR ANY OF 7FIE R0.ATED <br /> OOCUMENTd REFERA�D TO TFIEREIN,dHALL AL�O dE�M EVENT OF D!`FAI�.T 11NDER T1115 DEED OF TRUST. Thl�NOTE AND 4HIS ,;�::� <br /> � ,! OEEO OF TRl1ST AAC G�YlM AMD AGCEP7E0 OM TIIE FOU.OWINO TERIASs i. <br /> .:� <br /> , I pf T�ut a�IFwyb�cpmr du��nd shdl�ICtly�'nd In�Ilma�m���PM am a I orf Trustorb obl flat onstundar��Nots,thls Deeduof Tb st,and th� <br /> ��- <br /> � � RMabd DxurtMnit. � <br /> ppslEbS10N AND MAINTEiVAMCE OF TFI!PiiOPtRTY. Truslor�prses that Truslor's possesslon and use o1 the Properry shall bs povemed by �.;;1; <br /> lti=`- <br /> 11�toHUwlrp provltlons: <br /> . ppiMSNon�nd UM. Untfl the accurrMnc�ol an Ewnt of Da1�ul1,Trusta muy (a)r�m�ln In poss�sslon end control ol tha Property, (b)us�, ��= <br /> `' •; ' op�rat�a manaya Ilw Proparly,and (c)cWNr,t any Renls from Ihs Prop�rly. --� -- <br /> _ puty to MalnUtn. Trostor sh�ll melntain Ihe P�operty in ienant�ble condillon and promptiy p�rform ell ropaln,repincements,�tnd malnbnance ��_ <br /> � � n�csssary Io pne�rw us v�iue. � ._ <br /> H�rdoui Sub�hnCH. Th��Kms'h�Lrdous w�st�;'hazudous tubttanc�;"dkPow��""rM�as�,"and 9hrwttarNd releas�,"as us�d In this __� _. <br /> � DMd of Trust,th�M haw IM uurN mMnlnO��s Nt(orth In th�CompnMnsiw Envkonm�nitl Fi�apona,Comp�nsatlon,and LltbNfly Act of �y�E, <br /> X t980,�s�rtNnd�d,42 U.S.C,Sacllon 9801,�t Nq• l"CERCLA"),lh�Suprrfund.�rtNndrtwnb and RNUthalraHOn Act of 1988,Pub• L.No. ����___, <br /> gg_dgg�•SAqI,•),th�HaLrdous MtbriaK Tnmpa1alion Acl.49 U.9.C.S�G11on 1901,N a�q.,IM Rssourc�Consarv�tion and Recowry Acl, �±�w�r.r. <br /> , � 42 U.S.C.Ssatlon 6901,et s�q.,a oltwr�PPNC�bw�IaN a F��I lawf,rui�si,or rpul�tlons adopt�d purownt!o�ny of th�forepdnp. The ° <br /> lams'hazardous wast�"�nd'hazardonf'�^a�Wi f�n,s,o Londtr Ih�� (�)�udnp I�t►�palod of Trusta'F own�rshlp o�lF»PropertY j►�e Nh�s ,�. <br /> Ihereof and nsbastos. Trustor iep es� s, <br /> � bean no use,pensntion,manutactun,dta�p��trwlm�nl,dispos+ti�rNwe�a thrNt�n�d rMas�of�ny hwrdous w�ste or subsGlnCe by any <br /> � parson on,undar,�bout or hum lhs Prop�rty; (b)Truslor ha�no knowNdp�o(,or raason to bMl�v�that thera hat bNn,exc�pt�s pr�vlously <br /> p olsclos�d to tnd�cknowl�dflad by Londer in wrllinq, (q any us�,q�nMation,menufaclun,statp�,trsalmenl,dla�sosd,rNetss,Or thrNtsrNd �a <br /> A rNN�e of eny haurdous wasta or substana on,undor,oboul or from Ih�Proporly by�ny prla owMrs a occupants ol ttN Prop�rty a (N)any .� _ <br /> actwl or throatsned Iltlyntlon or c�aims ol eny kind by nny persan rel�llnq to auch mttlxs;tnd (c)Excepl ns pnvlously disclassd to and � <br /> ° acknowledped by Londar In wrltinq, (q nsl�her Trosta nor eny lan�nt,conV�cta,afl�nt a oth�r aulhortx�d us�r ot th�Prop�rty�haN use� ��_ <br /> '�' pen�rnto,manul�cture,stae.lreat,dispos�ol,a nN�sa any has�rdow wut�qr substanc�on,under,about a Irom Ihe Propwty and (II)any �p <br /> guCh aCtivity ehtll ba Conductsd In Compll�nt�with�9�ppllC�bN��dMtl�st�►�,�nd tocal tawe,rspulallons�nd ordlnarx�ss,Includirp wHhout <br /> Ilmitatlon lhose I�ws,rsyulatlons,ind ordln� d�c�lbad�how. Trusta tulhaizh L�ndrr�nd Its�qents to snter upon th�Propaty b ___ <br /> , maka such Inspsctlons nnd Nste,at Truslor'��xpans�,�s Und�r may dMm�ppropr4d�to dN�rmlr»compllanc�o}th�Properiy with Ihls �� <br /> � I seciion ul IIw C�a ct Truct. .".tt;!�S�sCllons a te+le mtds by L�ndfr thaN b�fOr UndM'�pwpaa only and sh�M not b�constru�d to cr�t� Y�.- <br /> t any rasponslblHly or Ilabillty on IM p��ol L�ndM lo Truslor a to�ny o1Mr pKion. TM r�pr�niaiivuy u��u�r�r:nil:r cC^ta!r.�d hetNn�r� ■`i_� <br /> besed on Trustore due dfllpanc�In Invatlpatlnfl tM ProPer1Y�or h+«rdow w�il��nd h�u►dous�ubalar�s. Trustor h�roby (a)rN�aas�nd ' <br /> � �"=---- <br />- � : i welws sny futun r,lalms�qalnst Undor fa IncMmMty a contrfbullon In IM�wN Trustor b�COmss Ilabl�for cf�anup or other cosls un tnY __-^ — <br /> I such lawe,nnd (b)�preee lo Indomnlry�nd hdd harmbs� l.�ntNr�q�lnsl�ny�nd all ci�lms,loss�s, Y�bllltbs, dam�pes, p�n��U�s�tnd ��( <br /> ._ 1 ; expons�s wh�h LandAr mey dlrectly or indlroclly sustaln a sufl�r rssultlnq from o brsach of this sectlon of the Deed of Trust or as a ��,�°.+.��r <br /> , , i conssquenca of any use,penenllon,manuhcture,elorepe,dlsposo�.r�Nase o►Ihr�al�n�d rNwso occurrinp prla to Trustor's ownsrahlp o� w � <br /> Interest In Ihe Properly,whether or no1 the seme was or should hao been known lo Truslw• The provislon3 of thls seCtion ot the Doed of Trust, �� <br /> , I Includinp ihe obllgatlon lo IndemNh�,shall survwe Ihe paYment ol Ih�Indobtediwss�nd fhe catlsfactlon end�eCOnveyanCe o}the IWn of Ihls , �=--� <br /> ' Deed a1 Trust and shall nol be eHected by Lender's acquisi��o��ol any inlerest In Ihe Proporty,whBihBr by IoreClo9ury Or otherwlse. ,��_�,�}`: ��� <br /> NuINrtCe,Wss te. Trus lor S h n l l n o l c n u s e,C o n d u c l o r p ermit nn y nuis4nCe nor cornmd,permtl,or Sutter any sirippinp ul or weste on Or to�he '��t{ (l As.• ':: <br /> Properiy or eny po�UOn of Ihe Prope�ty Wl�hout hmituiy Ihe yener�liiy o��he�oreyolnp,Trustor wul not romova,u pran t lo any o t h e r p a rf y t F M , , , , t,.�,� <br /> , rlphl to remove,any Iimber,minerals(includinp od and qosl,sod,prevel a rock produCls wllhuut Ihe priur wditen cOns�nt ol Lender. '-���.y:;• <br /> • { Removal of improvemenis. Trustor ahall no1 demWioh ur remo�b�ny improvements Irom IM RNd Properly wlihout the pdor wrlHen consem •�;�'�-; <br /> � of Lender. As e Cond�tlon lo the removal ol aoy Improvsma�i�s.Lencfsr mey roqulro Truata lo make ure�psm�nts eaUSlactory to Lende�to - .ti., � <br /> i replace such Improvements wilh Improvemsnis ol d leesl eaud vsliw. <br /> i Lender'�Ripht to Enter. Lendxr and 1ts�yenls and roprosonlYlivos rn�y�nlYr upon�he R�a�Proper�y�I 11N rwspru61�Ilmqa to atlend to <br /> j Lender's Interesls Ynd lo InSpHC��he Propwt�fw purpost�s o�Trustor'a compli�nce wfih 11�lerma�nd condfbnl of thli DMd o1 Trusl• <br /> � Compllance wllh Oovernmentel Requlrem�M�. Truslor shnll pru���pUY comply wllh all law6,ordinance�,tnd r�pulatlons,now w herealter I� <br /> � eftect, o}e�l qovernmentel authontles epp��caUlo Iq tho use or pr.cupancy ol Ihe Property, i�cludinp wllhoW Iimltelion, Ihe Amer�ans With <br /> � Dlsabllllios Act. Trustor mny contosl in pood �Yith nny suCh ip•u, adinance, or�opuiation nnd M�Ithhold Compllancs durinp any proceedlny, <br /> � Includlnp upproprlale eppon:s, so long�s Trustor hps nolihod l ondor m widmp pnor lo dom�sa end so IUng ns,In Lender's Sole oDlNOn, <br /> Lenc!er'S interosls in Ihe Propo�1Y nro nol�oopmcliZOd l.ondnr mny ieqw�e �ru^,tor to post xde4u�le sscurity or e surery bond,reasanebly <br /> ,. 5atislectory to Lender,to proloCl Londur'S�nlorosl- I <br /> ...,.u.�.�n abnnAOn n0i IUJVU UnilU0�1(10d II�Q�''Opo�1Y. Yru510�5hp11 d0 All O4hFN eC15,�n ndditlon lo those aCts <br /> uury io rrvieci. T��o�B�oti::,.^.�.._.•..-. - - -- ----- <br /> 561 forlh flbov0 In IhiS socllUn,whtC����o�»���o chn�ncl0�nnd u5o p�U�u PiUprity Na r015onnhly n000598ry Io proieci ano pieservi iiw��"vye+��• ? <br /> DUE ON$ALH-CONSENT BY LEMDER• Lontler mny,n�i�s op�m.��.dn'inro unmod�ntoty tluo nnd p3yab�e nll aums seCUrod by lhls DeOd Ot TrUSI , <br /> upon Iho snlo or transfvr,wdhoul Ihe Londor's prior wiitlo��consonl,ot nu oi n�iy{�n�t o��hn Honl Propo�ty,or eny In!erosl m Ihp Heal Property. A <br /> "seie or translor"maens Iho ConvoyanCe of Roal Propo�ty C�a��y�Whl,Id1d Or In1U�651 IhU�o�n;whYtlWr 10Qa1,beneeclat or aqufteble;whelher volunlary <br /> � or inv0�untary;whother hy oulrlqht salo,doed,in,lnllmo�.l 8(dH CUntiACl,lend ccmhecl,c�ntrpr.t for deed, leasehold Inlerosl wlth e lerm prealer Ihen <br /> throe(3)yoars, loaso--opllon contrncl,or by snle, assipnmenl, a �le;���,o�l�9eny�Tiuy�urnls�a corpwoUOn�p�rlrtMSldilp�or'I maod�IlYbllelty compiny� ' <br /> - Prope�ty,or by eny olher melhod of convayonce o�Roal Propwty <br /> Iransler nlso Includes any chango In ownor,hlp ol moio Ihnn twonty hvo paCO�,t 1?5%i ot Ihe voling slock,pnrtnorshlp Interesls or IlmlloA liebfli�y I <br /> compnny Inlorosls,aS�ho cnso mtty bo,o�7ruslor. Howovor,�hi;oplion sl+nii ��oi 1,a oK�!ir.isod by londar d such oxorc�so is proh:blfod by lodernl 4 <br /> Inw or hy Nab�nska Inw. I <br /> TAXtB ANDUcN$. ii�u fotl:.�:,r �o::5:c.^.s�:•�a���•;���-,^_::a�o•,nnd i�un�,un Ino 14npwry n�u n P;ul nl Ihr;Dood ul TruSt <br /> �N, <br /> Peymynl. 'f�uslor;holl pny when Juo lnnd���nil uvunl�. pnW lu dnhou�uun�y1.OI I i�u"�. ',pcuJl luRU`,.aLSOSSmUnI;. Ch:upo�p��GUding WUIGr � <br /> i <br /> �i . .. _. _. _._ --.__. _ <br />