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T�{�� S�`e..r�.. . .:. •. i.4.iM:�- . . _ • _ ' __ " ._ _ ._ _. .— <br /> uiw v4 � <br /> . , {n ��. 4{ i �rrqT -w.. _ .. . _ . . � �ys�i:4+ic+tnTac�.:u'�-....._...�.........�.��_ ... <br /> • • �r�_ A <br />- ��l�ej'i�•� '.,I��r <br /> ,� � T i�456: _ <br /> _ �. <br />.. . . • .� puymcnts may no longcn c�rcquired. ut the��pticm uf IAndcr.if nn�rtgu�;c insuranrc ruvcragc (in thc amount und for thc period <br /> � thnt I.cnder rcyuirctil pruvid�d hy an insurer upprcrved hy Lcndcr uguin hecomcs uviiiluhlc und is ahtained. Borrawcc shall pay <br />-�:.•,,�„� � the premiums r�x{uired tn maintni�i mortgube insurance in effect,or to prc�vide a loss reserve,un��l thc requirement for mortguge <br />'�"'` � insurance ends in uccordance�vith uny wriuen agreement bctween Borniwer und L.ender or upplicahle luw. <br /> "u� 9. Any�►��ctlon. I,�ndcr or itti ugent muy makc rcasonuhlc cntrics upon und inspertions of thc Property. Lcndcr shall givc <br /> Horr�wer notice at the time�if ur prior to un inspection speiifying reusonahle cause for che inspectiuei. <br /> - �'��'�""� 10. Condemnatlon. The proceeds af nny uward or rluim for dumages, direct or consequentiul, in conneccion with any <br /> - condemnatinn ar uther tuking ot'uny pa�i of the Property, or for conveyunce in lieu ot'candemnatian, ure hereby ussigned und <br />-�.. shull lx paid to I.cndcr. <br /> �� !n thc cvent��f u total taking of the Propi;rty, thc proceeds sh�dl be applicd to thc sums securcci by thi.r•Securiq�lnstrumcnt. <br /> whether c�r n�t dien due, with any excess paid to Borrowcr. In the event of a partiul ti�king of the Property in which the fair <br /> markct vuluc of the Propcny immcciiutely beforc the taking is equal to ar greater thun the amount of ttie tiums securcd by this <br /> ;5•t:_�;r�i', Security Instrument immediatcly before the taking,unless Borrower und l.ender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by <br /> -•-; this Securiry Instrument shall be reduceci by the amaunt of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total <br /> ��� amount of thc sums secured immediutely before thc taking. divided by (b) thc fuir mnrkct valuc of thc Propeny immediatcly <br />,i.'�r�.+;���.��.� before the taking. Any balancc shaU be puid to Borrower. In thc event of a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fair <br /> w...,..,�, <br />•;;,�rry�;,�,,.,.�t market value of the k'roperty immediately beforc the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immerliately before t c <br />°K. y._:•:�.�: taking,unle,�Burrowc:►'and I.cndcr othern�ise agree in writing nr unless applicable law otherwise provides, th�praceeds shall <br />•-...�.,�.:,,,_ <br />_r•�;�.., <br /> ,,t be upplied ro the sums secured by this Security Tnstrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> - If the Property is ubandoned by Borrower,or if,aftcr notice by Lendcr to Borrower that thc candemnor offers to m e an <br /> awurd or settle n claim for dsmages, Aorrower fails ta respond to l.ender within 30 days after the datc the notice is given, <br /> - � "`!, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option, either to restorution or repair of the Property or ta the sums <br /> ,. .,� secured by this Security Instrument, w6ethcr or not thcn due. <br /> ' Unless Lcnder and Borrowcr otherwise agrec in writing, any application of prc�ccccis to principal shall not extend or <br />;-:���:> " <br />_-:' ti• postpone thc due dntc of thc monthly payments rcferred to in puragruphs 1 and 2 or changc the umount of such payments. <br /> '' �' � U. Borruwer Not Releused;Forbearance By Lender Not a Wuiver. Extension of the timc for payment ar modification <br /> ''�'f,.'�.:::"..r.; . <br />''-:�a of amortizution of the sums sccured by this Security Instrument granted by Lcnder ta uny successor in intcrest of Borrower shall <br />'_����+�r_`',;'_ , not operate tc�rclease the liability of thc original Borrower or Borrower's successors in intcrest.Lender shall not be required to <br /> r:��,�;:-��, •;;-� - w,uwcr�a:e procc:.�irgs aga9nst at:;succcss^r in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization <br />- ° • •x .^.: of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any dcmand mudc by the original Barrower or Borrower's <br /> ,. ,.,,-�.,;�,, <br />- succcssors in interest. Any forbear�ncc by l.ender in excrcising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of ar preclude the <br /> .,�. :�.��.. <br /> ,;,�; exercise of any right or remedy. <br />.,.�;��•' ��:`:'•. 12. Successats and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liubility; Co-sl�ners. The covenants und agreements of this <br /> :�. �: ...�� � <br /> �v,,:=y;_•':��; Security ]nstrument shull bind and benefit the successors und assigns of Lender and Borrower, subjer.t to the provisions of <br /> -��;��._�;.�;•_. paragraph 17. Horrower's covennnts and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borro�ver who co-signs this Security <br /> �':.,�;��;,.�" Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> ^-�'...:'.. Borrowcr's interest in�he Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums <br />-'-��a� R� � secured by this Security Instrumenr and(c)a�rees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify, forbear or <br /> ''``''-�:�.'• �� make any accommodations with rcgard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrowr.r's consent. <br />..�Y—s��,.l _ <br /> s�� 13.I.oan Charges. !f thc loan securcd by this Sccurity Instrument is subject to a!uw which sets rnaximum loan charges, <br /> ^'����" and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> '- ,•.1•."„"`� , <br /> _.:.,:, ,-.�, loan cxceed thc permitteci limits,thcn: (:►)any such loan charge shall bc reciuccd by the amount necessary to rcdu�e the chargc <br /> ' � to the permitteci limit: and (b) any �ums already collecteci from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br />- ,. Borrower. L.cuJc� �uuy cDuosc t,: Si11kC this refur.d b;• reducing the principal �wed undcr the Notc or bv mnkin� a direct <br /> Y;� . . payment to Borrower. [f a refund reduces principal, the recluction wiU be treated :is u partial prepayment without any <br /> ' prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notices. Any noticc to Borrower providcd for in this Sccurity Instrumcnt shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> , it by first clnss mail unless applicablc law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directeci to the Property Address <br /> - ''" � or any athcr address Borrowcr designatcs hy noticc ro Lender. Any noticc to Lcndcr shall be given by �rst class mail to <br /> "' � •� Lcndcr's address stated hcrein or uny otlur uddress Lender dcsignates by noticc to Borrower. Any noticc provided for in this <br /> � Sccurity Instrument shall bc dccmeJ ro havc been givcn to Horrower or Lendcr whcn givcn as provided in this puragraph. <br /> .; 15.Governin� I.nw; Scvernbllity. This Sccurity Instrwncnt shull 6e govcrned by fcdcral law and the law of the <br /> " ; jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. [n the event that any provision or clause of this Sewrity Instrument or the Note <br /> � � ;, conflicts with upplicable law. such contli:t shull not uffect other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect without the conflicting prc�vision.To this end the provisions of diis Security Instrument and the Note are declared <br /> to bc sevcrablc. <br /> 16.Borrowcr's Copv.Bc�rrowcr shull hc givrn onc conforntcJ�opy of thc Notc and of this Security instrumcnt. <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> Popa n ol a <br /> - _: .... -_-__.— ' . _ __—__ -_ <br /> - __.T.t_....__.� "' _ -. <br /> . , ... .... ... _.-,...: �..._..�:7�-y+'tti�Till�lhiiiGi�[���:»r�.. L-..._....-�_...' '_ _— —_~_ . <br /> _....__ ..... ... <br /> �. . —_ .. _.._ -. <br />