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„� � •'!�. . ,, �. „ ' <br /> ...,rrre�. , .. _ <br /> . :•.r �.r=- <br /> , ._ <br /> _°�e ------��--- ' ---------`- . �.. :'.'_ <br /> .•��7a5E�_..,,,«:. <br /> ...�..._..�.�..._�.�.....e _.,-- - �- -- - -- ----- - — - --- -- - <br /> . ._ ._ . ,.. ,. .. _ ., .. - - ” <br /> _ _ . . ....� <br /> . <br /> , .....,..r..�tR� `�,j��R'��� <br /> �``� . ��._... <br /> .. .� r fr�4t,�7;'l._� �. . ' ' ' ' . ' �. "r <br /> ,.. ,. y .. .. . ... . , .- <br /> � _�._ <br /> f� _�,R•' • .-. ti:Mi�'��f.. � .. . - � „ ' .. `r�/:Lr•.._ <br /> _ �i)' . �+. . ... . , . ,._-��-- <br /> c - -- <br /> �` „ . =-- <br /> - � t. ' . . .. 1'Y•'• _ -'��1�."Y•VI�f4N_.v 1.. . . . . .. ... i •. . . _. .._�.._.�'� . <br /> . '��'!I.'%-.1.��.. _. .:. �.... . •� ... . . _ .. . � . . .�. . .. .� . . .-. -". <br /> ���R.� i�.ass� ___ <br /> 17. TransPer i�f the Property or u iicne�clal Inter�wt in l3arrower.If'ull c�r uny part of the Property or uny interest in it :;,�== <br /> i�solJ ur transfcrred(or if u hcneticiul interest in Hurrower is solJ or tr:�n�ferred und Bormwcr is not�nutural person) without =� <br /> Lcndcr's prior writtcn consent, I.cndcr may, at its nptiun, reyuirc immediatc puymcnt in full of ull sunu securcd by this <br /> _ ,..-r•� Security In�trumci�t. Hawcvcr, thts option shall not bc cxcrciscd by L.en�er it cx�rcis�iti pruhibitcd by fcdcral law as af thc d�tc �,�.'' _ <br /> �' ''�.f�� uf this Sccuriry Instrument. �, <br /> If Lcnder cxerciscs this option, Lcnder shall givc Borrower noticc of acccicrauon. The notice shall provide a period of not -- <br /> Iess thun 30 duys irom the date the notice is delivered or mailed wichin�ahich Bnrrowe� must pay all sums secured by this �'., <br /> "� Sccurity Instrumcnt. If Borrower fails to pay these tiums prior ro the cxpiration of this period. Lcndcr may invoke any remcdies � <br /> permined by this Security Instrument without furthcr notice or dcmund on Borrowcr. � <br /> IS. Barrower's Rl�ht to Reinstate. If Borrawcr mcets certain conditians, Borrower shull have the right to havc _ <br /> enforcement of this Sccurity Instrument discorninued at any time prior to the eurlier of: (a) 5 days t�r such other period as = -- <br /> � applicablc law may spccify for reinstatement) before sulc of the Proper[y pursuant to any powcr af sulc contained in this � <br /> Sec:uriry Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securiry[ntitrument. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a)pays _. <br /> '� Lcnder all sums which then would be due under this Security Gistrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) e. <br /> cures uny default of any other cove�3ants or ugrcements; (c) pnys all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, r`,—_ <br /> . including,but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) takes such action as L.e�nder may reasonubly reyuire to assure �� <br /> that thc lien of this Sccurity Instrument, Lender's rights in thc Property and Borrower's obligation to pay thc sums securcd by _ <br /> this Security Instrument shall continue unchnngecl. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security lnstrument and the __ <br />- obligations secured hereby shall remuin fully effective us if no acceleration had occurred. However,this right to reinstale shaU _-_ <br />-: not s+pply in the case of ucceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> " 19. Sale of Nate; Chan�e of I.oan Servicer. The Notc or a panial interest in thc Note (together with this Security <br /> Instrument)may be sold onc or more times without prior notice to Borrowcr. A sale may result in a ch�ngc in the cntiry (known <br />- as the"L.oan Servicer")th�t collects mcmthly payments due under the Note und this Security Instrument.There also may be ane <br /> " or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sule of the Note.lf there is a change of'the Lc�aii Servicer.Borrower wiU be __ <br /> gi��en written notice of the change in accordancc with paragruph 14 above uiid upplicable law.The notice�vill state the name and <br /> �- address of the new Luun Servicer and the address to which paynrents should be made. The notice will also contain any other <br /> infarniatian required by upplicuble luw. <br /> 20. Haza[dous Substunces. Borrowcr shall not causc or permit thc prr.scncc, usc, disposal, stora�c, or rcicasc of any <br /> Huzurdous Substunces on ar in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor ullow anyone else to do, anything xffectin� the <br />- Prapeny that is in violation of any Ehvironmental Law. The preceJing nvo ,entences shall not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> __ ,____ �����go �n �hr Propeny ot',mall auantitics of Hazurdous Substunces that arc gcnerully recogni•r.ed to bc uppropriate to normal <br />= residential uscs und to m�intcnancc uf the Propeny. <br /> � Borrowcr shall prompdy givc L.cndcr writtcn nuticc of any invcstigation, rlaim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any <br /> . govcrnmentul or regulntory agency or priv�tc party im�olving thc Properry und any Har.ardc�us Substancc or Environmental Luw <br />- • of which 9cin�owcr has actual knowledga If Bormwcr learns, or is notificd by uny govcrnmcntal or rcgulatory authority, that <br /> - •� any removal or other remediation of any Har.urdous Substance uf'fecting the Praperty is necessary, Borr��wer shall promptly tuke <br /> ,r � all ncccssary rcmediul acticros in accorduncc with Environmcntal Law. <br />- As used in this puragraph 20. "Ha�ardous Substunces" are those wbstances defined as toxic or huz:trdous substances by <br /> �'' .'� " • Environmental Law and thc fallowing substunces: gusoline, kcrosene, other flamtnable or toxic pctroleunt products, toxic <br /> , pesticides and herbirides, VOIAlI�C tiOIVCI1t5,materiuls contxining usbestus ur(omialdehyde, and rudioactive materials.As used in <br /> • this paragraph 20, "Environntental Luw" meims fcdcral laws and laws of the jurisdirtion whcre the Propcny is locatcd that <br /> ' rcls�tc to hcal[h,sufcry or cnvironmcntal protection. <br /> '� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lcndcr fw•thcr covcnunt:ind�tgrcc us tbllows: <br />;,:.,.,•_._. . .;�„•� , 21.Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shull�i��e nottce ro Borrn�ver prtor to accelerntion followi��g Borrower's breuch <br /> �*� of any covenant or ugreement in this tiecurlty Instrument (but not prior to aceeleration wider paru�rnph 17 unless <br /> 9 �" uppllcable law provldes otherwlse).The nottce shull speclFy: (u)tl�e defaalt; (b) the ucUon rcyuD•ed W�:ure the defuult; _ <br />~ � �'- (c) a date, not less thun 30 days from the di+te the noNce is�;iven to Borrower, by which the default must be curcd; und <br /> s;� � — <br /> - (d) thut failure to cure the defuult on or before d�e date sperified in the notice may result tn accelerut[on of the sums - <br /> secured by this SErurity Instrument and sule of the Proper[y. i hr noticr�hu{{ i'w ti�.:► i��form 13orrower at thc ri�ht to �__ <br /> reinstate tif'ter acceleradon and the riFht to brin� a court action to ussert the non-exlstence of a default or uny other �� <br /> defense uf Borrower to accelerntion and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specifted In the nottce, "� <br /> � I,ender, at its ��ptio�e, mu�� reyuire immedintc pi�yment in full of'all +ums s��cured by this Securlty Instrument wtthout __- <br /> •,.. . Further demund and may invoke thc posvcr oF snle und any other remcdics permitted by npplicablc luw. Lender shall be <br /> • � entttled to wllctit all expensc�incurred In pursuin�;thc remcdies pr�►v{ded In thls pura�ruph 21,[ncluding, but not limited _ <br /> . to, rcasunablc uttorneys' fecs and costs of titic evidence. <br /> - I3'thepo�ver of sule is im�oked. 1'rustee shull record a nottce of default in cuch countv in which any part of the <br /> Propert}• is locuted und shull mail copies of sucli noNce in the manner prescribed b�• applicable lu«•to Borro�ver und to �_ <br /> the nther persons prescribed by up{�Ilcuble la��•. After the time reyuired by appl[cublc lua•,'I'rustce shall give public noNce �� <br /> of sule lo the nersnns und In the numncr pr�.�cribed by applirublc law. 'Y'rustcc, a•ithout demund on Borrower. shail sell � _. <br /> the Properh•i�t public aucdon to the hi�hetit nidder at the time imd pluce und under the terms desi}�nuted in the notice of �' <br /> sule in one or more purccls and in iu�,r•order Trust�Y determines. '1'rustc� map postpone sule of nll or un�• purcel uf the ,� ._ <br /> 1'ropert}• I�p publir announccmcnt ut the timc and place nf uur� previously schedaled sale. Lendcr or its desifincc muy ' <br /> purchasc thc�'roperty ut um•sale. � <br /> Fo�m 3028 9i80 <br /> P.i��r!i�I G <br /> t <br /> ..'_. . _'_ � -.-. <br /> �. <br /> � . . . . . . .. . <br /> . .r„. <br /> � <br /> . ... _..._....._._.. <br /> �1... .... .. . ... .._... <br />